Chapter 2. Downloading log files and diagnostic information using must-gather

If Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage is unable to automatically resolve a problem, use the must-gather tool to collect log files and diagnostic information so that you or Red Hat support can review the problem and determine a solution.


  • Run the must-gather command from the client connected to the Openshift Container Storage cluster:

    $ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=<directory-name> --node-name=<node-name>

    where <node-name> is any master node in Ready state.


    --node-name is optional and needs to be used specifically for situations when either one or more worker nodes are not in Ready state.

    This collects the following information in the specified directory:

  • Collects all OpenShift Container Storage cluster related Custom Resources (CRs) with their namespaces.
  • Collects pod logs of all the OpenShift Container Storage related pods.
  • Collects output of some standard Ceph commands like Status, Cluster health, and others.