Chapter 5. S3 Compatible Object Store in a Red Hat Openshift Container Storage Environment


Support for S3 compatible Object Store in Container-Native Storage is under technology preview. Technology Preview features are not fully supported under Red Hat service-level agreements (SLAs), may not be functionally complete, and are not intended for production use.

Tech Preview features provide early access to upcoming product innovations, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

As Red Hat considers making future iterations of Technology Preview features generally available, we will provide commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any reported issues that customers experience when using these features.

Object Store provides a system for data storage that enables users to access the same data, both as an object and as a file, thus simplifying management and controlling storage costs. The S3 API is the de facto standard for HTTP based access to object storage services.


S3 compatible Object store is only available with Red Hat Openshift Container Storage 3.11.4 and older releases.

5.1. Setting up S3 Compatible Object Store for Red Hat Openshift Container Storage


Ensure that cns-deploy package has been installed before setting up S3 Compatible Object Store. For more information on how to install cns-deploy package, see

Execute the following steps from the /usr/share/heketi/templates/ directory to set up S3 compatible object store for Red Hat Openshift Container Storage:

  1. (Optional): If you want to create a secret for heketi, then execute the following command:

    # oc create secret generic heketi-${NAMESPACE}-admin-secret

    For example:

    # oc create secret generic heketi-storage-project-admin-secret
    1. Execute the following command to label the secret:

      # oc label --overwrite secret heketi-${NAMESPACE}-admin-secret

      For example:

      # oc label --overwrite secret heketi-storage-project-admin-secret
  2. Create a GlusterFS StorageClass file. Use the HEKETI_URL and NAMESPACE from the current setup and set a STORAGE_CLASS name.

    # sed -e 's/${HEKETI_URL}/<HEKETI_URL>/g'  -e 's/${STORAGE_CLASS}/<STORAGE_CLASSNAME>/g' -e  's/${NAMESPACE}/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/g'   /usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-storageclass.yaml | oc create -f -

    For example:

    # sed  -e 's/${HEKETI_URL}/'  -e 's/${STORAGE_CLASS}/gluster-s3-store/g' -e 's/${NAMESPACE}/storage-project/g' /usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-storageclass.yaml | oc create -f -storageclass "gluster-s3-store" created
    • You can run the following command to obtain the HEKETI_URL:

      # oc get routes --all-namespaces | grep heketi

      A sample output of the command is as follows:

      glusterfs   heketi-storage
      heketi-storage   <all>          None

      If there are multiple lines in the output then you can choose the most relevant one.

    • You can run the following command to obtain the NAMESPACE:

      oc get project

      A sample output of the command is as follows:

      # oc project
      Using project "glusterfs" on server ""

      where, glusterfs is the NAMESPACE.

  3. Create the Persistent Volume Claims using the storage class.

    # sed -e 's/${VOLUME_CAPACITY}/<NEW SIZE in Gi>/g'  -e  's/${STORAGE_CLASS}/<STORAGE_CLASSNAME>/g'  /usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-pvcs.yaml | oc create -f -

    For example:

    # sed -e 's/${VOLUME_CAPACITY}/2Gi/g'  -e  's/${STORAGE_CLASS}/gluster-s3-store/g'  /usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-pvcs.yaml | oc create -f -
    persistentvolumeclaim "gluster-s3-claim" created
    persistentvolumeclaim "gluster-s3-meta-claim" created

    Use the STORAGE_CLASS created from the previous step. Modify the VOLUME_CAPACITY as per the environment requirements. Wait till the PVC is bound. Verify the same using the following command:

    # oc get pvc
    NAME                    STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   AGE
    gluster-s3-claim        Bound     pvc-0b7f75ef-9920-11e7-9309-00151e000016   2Gi        RWX           2m
    gluster-s3-meta-claim   Bound     pvc-0b87a698-9920-11e7-9309-00151e000016   1Gi        RWX           2m
  4. Start the glusters3 object storage service using the template. Set the S3_ACCOUNT name, S3_USER name, and S3_PASSWORD. PVC and META_PVC are obtained from the previous step.

    # oc new-app  /usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-template.yaml \
    --param=S3_ACCOUNT=testvolume  --param=S3_USER=adminuser \
    --param=S3_PASSWORD=itsmine --param=PVC=gluster-s3-claim \
    --> Deploying template "storage-project/gluster-s3" for "/usr/share/heketi/templates/gluster-s3-template.yaml" to project storage-project
         Gluster s3 service template
         * With parameters:
            * S3 Account Name=testvolume
            * S3 User=adminuser
            * S3 User Password=itsmine
            * Primary GlusterFS-backed PVC=gluster-s3-claim
            * Metadata GlusterFS-backed PVC=gluster-s3-meta-claim
    --> Creating resources ...
        service "gluster-s3-service" created
        route "gluster-s3-route" created
        deploymentconfig "gluster-s3-dc" created
    --> Success
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.
  5. Execute the following command to verify if the S3 pod is up:

    # oc get pods -o wide
    NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP             NODE
    gluster-s3-azkys                 1/1       Running   0          4m    node3

5.2. Object Operations

This section lists some of the object operation that can be performed:

  • Get the URL of the route which provides S3 OS

    # s3_storage_url=$(oc get routes   | grep "gluster.*s3"  | awk '{print $2}')

    Ensure to download the s3curl tool from This tool will be used for verifying the object operations.

    • requires Digest::HMAC_SHA1 and Digest::MD5. Install the perl-Digest-HMAC package to get this. You can install the perl-Digest-HMAC package by running this command:

       # yum install perl-Digest-HMAC
    • Update the perl script with glusters3object url which was retrieved:

      For example:

      my @endpoints = ( '');
  • To perform PUT operation of the bucket: --debug --id "testvolume:adminuser" --key "itsmine"  --put /dev/null  -- -k -v  http://$s3_storage_url/bucket1
  • To perform PUT operation of the object inside the bucket: --debug --id "testvolume:adminuser" --key "itsmine" --put  my_object.jpg  -- -k -v -s http://$s3_storage_url/bucket1/my_object.jpg
  • To verify listing of objects in the bucket: --debug --id "testvolume:adminuser" --key "itsmine"  -- -k -v -s http://$s3_storage_url/bucket1/