Chapter 3. Verify Prerequisites

This chapter provides the prerequisites that have to be verified before for the two different use cases available in Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage before deployment.


Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host is deprecated as of Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage 3.11.5. Red Hat no longer recommends the use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host and does not support its use in new deployments. Existing deployments that upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage 3.11.5 remain supported.

3.1. Converged mode

3.1.1. Supported Versions

For supported versions of OpenShift Container Platform with Red Hat Gluster Storage Server and Container-Native Storage, please see

3.1.2. Environment Requirements

The requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Red Hat Gluster Storage are described in this section. A Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform environment consists of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform installed on either Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Installing Red Hat Openshift Container Storage with OpenShift Container Platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

This section describes the procedures to install Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 based OpenShift Container Platform 3.11. Setting up the Openshift Master as the Client

You can use the OpenShift Master as a client to execute the oc commands across the cluster when installing OpenShift. Generally, this is setup as a non-scheduled node in the cluster. This is the default configuration when using the OpenShift installer. You can also choose to install their client on their local machine to access the cluster remotely. For more information, see

Install heketi-client package

Execute the following commands to install heketi-client package.

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-client-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
# yum install heketi-client OpenShift Container Platform Options

  • Container logs by default are not configured to be rotated or limited to a max size by docker. A log file can grow so large that it fills up the disk space if the container runs for long enough and generate enough logs.
  • To set log limits for containers on a host --log-opt can be configured with max-size and max-file so that a containers logs are rolled over when they reach a max limit and only a certain number of files are saved before being discarded.

    # cat /etc/sysconfig/docker
    OPTIONS='--insecure-registry= --selinux-enabled --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=5'

If the above options are not executed , once the logs get large the pod can be evicted.

3.1.3. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Openshift Container Storage Requirements

The following list provides the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Openshift Container Storage requirements:

  • All OpenShift nodes on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems must have glusterfs-client RPMs (glusterfs, glusterfs-client-xlators, glusterfs-libs, glusterfs-fuse) installed. You can verify if the RPMs are installed by running the following command:

    # yum list glusterfs glusterfs-client-xlators glusterfs-libs glusterfs-fuse

The client RPMs must have the same version as the gluster-rhgs-server. The gluster-rhgs-server version is based on the selected OCS version.

For more information on installing native client packages, see

3.1.4. Deployment and Scaling Guidelines

To prevent potential deployment or scaling issues, review the following guidelines before deploying converged mode with OpenShift Container Platform.

Ensure that the Trusted Storage Pool is appropriately sized and you have room for dynamic scaling on demand. This action ensures that you do not scale beyond the following maximum limits:

Sizing guidelines on converged mode

  • Persistent volumes backed by the file interface: For typical operations, size for 500-800 persistent volumes backed by files per four-node converged mode cluster. The maximum limit of supported persistent volumes backed by the file interface is 2000 persistent volumes per four-node cluster in a converged mode deployment. Considering that micro-services can dynamically scale as per demand, it is recommended that the initial sizing keep sufficient headroom for the scaling. If additional scaling is needed, add a new four-node converged mode cluster to support additional persistent volumes

    The default limit for file-based persistent volumes per trusted storage pool is set to 1000 and the maximum supported limit is 2000. For more information on steps needed to be performed to go beyond 1000+ default limit and max till 2000, see How to have more PV’s beyond default limit in OCS?

  • Persistent volumes backed by block-based storage: Size for a maximum of 300 persistent volumes per four-node converged mode cluster.
  • Persistent volumes backed by file and block: Size for 300-500 persistent volumes (backed by files) and 100-200 persistent volumes (backed by block). 1000 gluster volumes including file PVs and block-hosting volumes.
  • Minimum Red Hat Openshift Container Storage cluster size (4): It is recommended to have a minimum of 4 nodes in the Red Hat Openshift Container Storage cluster to adequately meet high-availability requirements. Although 3 nodes are required to create a persistent volume claim, the failure of one node in a 3 node cluster prevents the persistent volume claim from being created. The fourth node provides high-availability and allows the persistent volume claim to be created even if a node fails.
  • Minimum requirements: Each physical or virtual node that hosts a converged mode peer requires the following:

    • a minimum of 8 GB RAM and 30 MB per persistent volume
    • the same disk type
    • the heketidb utilises 2 GB distributed replica volume
    • a minimum of 2 physical core pair

2 physical core pair translates to 4 vCPU for non hyper-threaded systems and 8 vCPU for hyper-threaded systems.

Deployment guidelines on converged mode

  • In converged mode, you can install the Red Hat Openshift Container Storage nodes, Heketi, and all provisioner pods on OpenShift Container Platform Infrastructure nodes or OpenShift Container Platform Application nodes.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform supports up to 14 snapshots per volume by default (snap-max-hard-limit =14 in Heketi Template).
  • The required kernel version is kernel-3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 or higher. Verify the installed and running kernel versions by running the following command:

    # rpm -q kernel
    # uname -r

3.2. Independent mode

3.2.1. Supported Versions

For supported versions of OpenShift Container Platform with Red Hat Gluster Storage Server and Container-Native Storage, please see

3.2.2. Environment Requirements

The requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Red Hat Gluster Storage are described in this section. A Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform environment consists of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform installed on either Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host or Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Installing Red Hat Openshift Container Storage with OpenShift Container Platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

This section describes the procedures to install Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 based OpenShift Container Platform 3.11. Setting up the Openshift Master as the Client

You can use the OpenShift Master as a client to execute the oc commands across the cluster when installing OpenShift. Generally, this is setup as a non-scheduled node in the cluster. This is the default configuration when using the OpenShift installer. You can also choose to install their client on their local machine to access the cluster remotely. For more information, see

Install heketi-client package

Execute the following commands to install heketi-client package.

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-client-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
# yum install heketi-client OpenShift Container Platform Options

  • Container logs by default are not configured to be rotated or limited to a max size by docker. A log file can grow so large that it fills up the disk space if the container runs for long enough and generate enough logs.
  • To set log limits for containers on a host --log-opt can be configured with max-size and max-file so that a containers logs are rolled over when they reach a max limit and only a certain number of files are saved before being discarded.

    # cat /etc/sysconfig/docker
    OPTIONS='--insecure-registry= --selinux-enabled --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=5'

If the above options are not executed , once the logs get large the pod can be evicted.

3.2.3. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Openshift Container Storage Requirements

The following list provides the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform requirements:

  • All OpenShift nodes on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems must have glusterfs-client RPMs (glusterfs, glusterfs-client-xlators, glusterfs-libs, glusterfs-fuse) installed. You can verify if the RPMs are installed by running the following command:

    # yum list glusterfs glusterfs-client-xlators glusterfs-libs glusterfs-fuse

Ensure that the latest version of glusterfs-client RPMs are installed. The client RPMs must have the same version as the gluster-rhgs-server version. The gluster-rhgs-server version is based on the selected OCS version.

For more information on installing native client packages, see

3.2.4. Red Hat Gluster Storage Requirements

The following list provides the details regarding the Red Hat Gluster Storage requirements:

  • Installation of Heketi packages must have valid subscriptions to Red Hat Gluster Storage Server repositories.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage installations must adhere to the requirements outlined in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Installation Guide.
  • The versions of Red Hat Enterprise OpenShift and Red Hat Gluster Storage integrated must be compatible, according to the information in Section 3.1.1, “Supported Versions” section.
  • A fully qualified domain name must be set for Red Hat Gluster Storage server node. Ensure that the correct DNS records exist and that the fully qualified domain name is resolvable via both forward and reverse DNS lookup.
  • To access GlusterFS volumes, the mount.glusterfs command must be available on all schedulable nodes. For RPM-based systems, the glusterfs-fuse package must be installed:

    # yum install glusterfs-fuse

    This package comes installed on every RHEL system. However, it is recommended to update to the latest available version from Red Hat Gluster Storage. To do this, the following RPM repository must be enabled:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-client-for-rhel-7-server-rpms

    If glusterfs-fuse is already installed on the nodes, ensure that the latest version is installed:

    # yum update glusterfs-fuse

Restrictions for using Snapshot

  • After a snapshot is created, it must be accessed through the user-serviceable snapshots feature only. This can be used to copy the old versions of files into the required location.

    Reverting the volume to a snapshot state is not supported and should never be done as it might damage the consistency of the data.

  • On a volume with snapshots, volume changing operations, such as volume expansion, must not be performed.

3.2.5. Deployment and Scaling Guidelines

To prevent potential deployment or scaling issues, review the following guidelines before deploying independent mode with OpenShift Container Platform.

Ensure that the Trusted Storage Pool is appropriately sized and you have room for dynamic scaling on demand. This action ensures that you do not scale beyond the following maximum limits:

Sizing guidelines on Independent mode

  • Persistent volumes backed by the file interface: For typical operations, size for 500-800 persistent volumes backed by files per four-node independent mode cluster. The maximum limit of supported persistent volumes backed by the file interface is 2000 persistent volumes per four-node cluster in an independent mode deployment. Considering that micro-services can dynamically scale as per demand, it is recommended that the initial sizing keep sufficient headroom for the scaling. If additional scaling is needed, add a new four-node independent mode cluster to support additional persistent volumes.

The default limit for file-based persistent volumes per trusted storage pool is set to 1000 and the maximum supported limit is 2000. For more information on steps needed to be performed to go beyond 1000+ default limit and max till 2000, see How to have more PV’s beyond default limit in OCS?

  • Persistent volumes backed by block-based storage: Size for a maximum of 300 persistent volumes per four-node independent mode cluster.
  • Persistent volumes backed by file and block: Size for 300-500 persistent volumes (backed by files) and 100-200 persistent volumes (backed by block). 1000 gluster volumes including file PVs and block-hosting volumes.
  • Volume types: 3-way distributed-replicated volumes and arbitrated volumes are the only supported volume types.
  • Minimum Red Hat Openshift Container Storage cluster size (4): It is recommended to have a minimum of 4 nodes in the Red Hat Openshift Container Storage cluster to adequately meet high-availability requirements. Although 3 nodes are required to create a persistent volume claim, the failure of one node in a 3 node cluster prevents the persistent volume claim from being created. The fourth node provides high-availability and allows the persistent volume claim to be created even if a node fails.
  • Minimum requirements: Each physical or virtual node that hosts a Red Hat Gluster Storage independent mode peer requires the following:

    • a minimum of 8 GB RAM and 30 MB per persistent volume.
    • the same disk type.
    • the heketidb utilises 2 GB distributed replica volume.
    • a minimum of 2 physical core pair

2 physical core pair translates to 4vCPU for non hyper-threaded systems and 8 vCPU for hyper-threaded systems.

Deployment guidelines on independent mode

  • In independent mode, you can install Heketi and all provisioners pods on OpenShift Container Platform Infrastructure nodes or on OpenShift Container Platform Application nodes
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Native with OpenShift Container Platform supports up to 14 snapshots per volume by default (snap-max-hard-limit =14 in Heketi Template).
  • The required kernel version is kernel-3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64 version or higher. Verify the installed and running kernel versions by running the following command:

    # rpm -q kernel
    # uname -r