OpenShift Application Services CLI command reference

  • Red Hat OpenShift Application Services 1
  • Updated 18 April 2023
  • Published 29 March 2022

Topics included in this guide

OpenShift Application Services CLI command reference

Red Hat OpenShift Application Services 1
  • Updated 18 April 2023
  • Published 29 March 2022

You use the rhoas CLI to manage your application services from the command line.

General commands


Output the current token


View the authentication token of the current user that can be used to make general API requests against APIs.

This command outputs the token for the user currently logged in.

rhoas authtoken [flags]


# Returns header with token used for authorization
$ echo Authorization: BEARER ${rhoas authtoken}

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Install command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)


Install rhoas command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish, powershell).

To find what shell you are currently running:

$ echo $0

For instructions on installing command completions for your shell:

$ rhoas completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell] -h

When you have installed the command completion script, restart your shell for the changes to take effect.


## Generate command completion script for Bash shell
rhoas completion bash

## Generate command completion script for fish shell
rhoas completion fish

## Generate command completion script for Zsh shell
rhoas completion zsh

## Generate command completion script for Powershell shell
rhoas completion powershell

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

completion bash

Generate command completion script for Bash shell


Install rhoas command completion for the Bash shell.

Installing on Linux:

  1. Create the script file:

    $ rhoas completion bash > rhoas_completions
  2. Place the script in a special Bash completions directory:

    $ sudo mv rhoas_completions /etc/bash_completion.d/rhoas
  3. Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

Installing on macOS:

  1. Create the script file:

    $ rhoas completion bash > rhoas_completions
  2. Place the script in a special Bash completions directory:

    $ sudo mv rhoas_completions /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/rhoas
  3. Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

rhoas completion bash


rhoas completion bash

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas completion - Install command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)

completion fish

Generate command completion script for Fish shell


Install rhoas command completion for the Fish shell.

  1. Install fish completions:

    $ rhoas command completion -s fish > ~/.config/fish/completion/
  2. Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

rhoas completion fish


rhoas completion fish

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas completion - Install command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)

completion powershell

Generate command completion script for Powershell shell


Install rhoas command completion for the Powershell shell.

  1. Create the script file:

    PS> rhoas completion powershell | Out-File -FilePath rhoas.ps1
  2. Source this file from your PowerShell profile.

  3. Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

rhoas completion powershell


rhoas completion powershell

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas completion - Install command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)

completion zsh

Generate command completion script for Zsh shell


Install rhoas command completion for the Zsh shell.

  1. Install the completion script:

    $ rhoas completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_rhoas"
  2. Unless already installed, enable shell completions for Zsh:

    $ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
  3. Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.

rhoas completion zsh


rhoas completion zsh

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas completion - Install command completion for your shell (bash, zsh, fish or powershell)


Group, share and manage your rhoas services


Group your service instances into reusable contexts. Context can be used when running other rhoas commands or to generate service configuration.

A service context is a group of application service instances and their service identifiers. By using service contexts, you can group together application service instances that you want to use together.

After creating a service context, you can share it with other developers so that they can use the same group of application service instances.

You can also use the service context to automatically generate configuration files that you need to use those application service instances in other development platforms and tools. For example, the service context can generate the following types of configurations:

  • Standard environment variables for use in local development and tooling

  • Java properties files that can be used in Quarkus, Apache Kafka, and so on

  • Service binding configuration and service connections for the RHOAS Operator

  • Configuration for Helm Charts and Kubernetes

The service context is defined in a JSON file (contexts.json), and stored locally on your computer. To find the location of this file, use the "rhoas context status" command.

Note: To specify a custom location for the contexts.json file, set the $RHOAS_CONTEXT environment variable to the location you want to use. If you set $RHOAS_CONTEXT to "./rhoas.json", service contexts will be loaded from the current directory.


# Set the current context
$ rhoas context use --name qa

# List contexts
$ rhoas context list

# Create a context to represent a group of development services
$ rhoas context create --name dev-env

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context create

Create a service context


Create a service context and assign associated service identifiers.

A service context is a group of application service instances and their configuration details. By creating a service context, you can group together application service instances that you want to use together.

After creating the service context, add application service instances to it by using the "rhoas context set-[service]" commands.

rhoas context create [flags]


# Create context
$ rhoas context create --name dev


--name string
Name of the context

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context delete

Permanently delete a service context.


Delete a service context.

rhoas context delete [flags]


# Delete the currently-selected service context
$ rhoas context delete

# Delete a service context by name
$ rhoas context delete --name dev


--name string
Name of the context

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context list

List service contexts


List all service contexts. This command lists each service context, and indicates the context that is currently being used.

To view the details of a service context, use the "rhoas context status" command.

rhoas context list [flags]


# List contexts
$ rhoas context list


-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context set-connector

Set the current Connectors instance


Set a Connectors instance as the current instance. The rhoas CLI uses the current Connectors instance when you run any "rhoas connector cluster" commands.

You can set a Connectors instance as the current instance by providing its name or ID.

rhoas context set-connector [flags]


# Set the current Connectors instance by providing the name of a Connectors instance
$ rhoas context set-connector --name=my-connector

# Set the current Connectors instance by providing the ID of a Connectors instance
$ rhoas context set-connector --id=1iSSK8RQ3JKI8Q0OTFHF5FRg


--id string
The unique ID of the Connectors instance that you want to set as the current instance
--name string
The name of the Connectors instance that you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context set-kafka

Set the current Kafka instance


Select a Kafka instance to be the current instance. When you set the Kafka instance to be used, it is set as the current instance for all “rhoas kafka topic” and “rhoas kafka consumer-group” commands.

You can select a Kafka instance by name or ID.

rhoas context set-kafka [flags]


# Select a Kafka instance by name to be set in the current context
$ rhoas context set-kafka --name=my-kafka

# Select a Kafka instance by ID to be set in the current context
$ rhoas context set-kafka --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Kafka instance you want to set as the current instance
--name string
Name of the Kafka instance you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context set-namespace

Set the current namespace in context


Set a namespace as the current working namespace in context. The rhoas CLI uses the current namespace you run any rhoas connector cluster commands.

You can set a namespace in the current context providing its name or ID.

rhoas context set-namespace [flags]


# Set the current namespace providing the name of a Connectors namespace
$ rhoas context set-namespace --name=my-namespace

# Set the current namespace providing the ID of a Connectors namespace
$ rhoas context set-namespace --id=1iSSK8RQ3JKI8Q0OTFHF5FRg


--id string
The unique ID of the namespace you want to set as the current namespace
--name string
The name of the namespace you want to set as the current namespace

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context set-service-registry

Use a Service Registry instance


Select a Service Registry instance to use with all instance-specific commands. You can specify a Service Registry instance by --name or --id.

When you set the Service Registry instance to be used, it is set as the current instance for all rhoas service-registry artifact commands.

rhoas context set-service-registry [flags]


# Select a Service Registry instance by name to be set in the current context
rhoas context set-service-registry --name my-service-registry

# Select a Service Registry instance by ID to be set in the current context
rhoas context set-service-registry --id 1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Service Registry instance you want to set as the current instance
--name string
Name the Service Registry instance you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context status

View the status of application services in a service context


View the status of your application services. This command shows the status of each of the application services instances in the service context.

To view the status of a specific application service, use "rhoas context status [service]".

Note: You can change the current instance for an application service with the "rhoas [service] use” command.

rhoas context status [args] [flags]


# View the status of all application services in the current service context
$ rhoas context status

# View the status of all application services in a specific service context
$ rhoas context status --name my-context

# View the status of the Kafka instance set in the current service context
$ rhoas context status kafka

# View the status of your services in JSON format
$ rhoas context status -o json


--name string
Name of the context
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context unset

Unset services in context


Unset services in context

When you unset a service in context, it will no longer point to any instance of that service.

rhoas context unset [flags]


# Unset services for current context
$ rhoas context unset --services kafka,service-registry

# Unset service-registry for a specific context
$ rhoas context unset --name dev --services service-registry


--name string
Name of the context
--services strings
The name of the services to unset

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

context use

Set the current context


Select a service context to be used as the current context.

When you set the context to be used, it is set as the current context for all service-based rhoas commands.

rhoas context use [flags]


# Set the current context
$ rhoas context use --name dev


--name string
Name of the context

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Generate configurations for the service context


Generate configuration files for the service context to connect with to be used with various tools and platforms

You must specify an output format into which the credentials will be stored:

  • env (default): Store configurations in an env file as environment variables

  • json: Store configurations in a JSON file

  • properties: Store configurations in a properties file, which is typically used in Java-related technologies

  • configmap: Store configurations in a Kubernetes ConfigMap file

rhoas generate-config [flags]


## Generate configurations for the current service context in json format
$ rhoas generate-config --type json

## Generate configurations for the current service context in env format and save it in specified path
$ rhoas generate-config --type env --output-file ./configs/.env

## Generate configurations for a specified context as Kubernetes ConfigMap
$ rhoas generate-config --name qaprod --type configmap


--name string
Name of the context
--output-file string
Sets a custom file location to save the configurations
Forcibly overwrite a configuration file if it already exists
--type string
Type of configuration file to be generated

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Log in to RHOAS


Log in securely to RHOAS through a web browser.

This command opens your web browser, where you can enter your credentials.

When using RHOAS in an environment without a web browser, you can log in using an offline-token by using the "--token" flag, which can be obtained at

Note: Token-based login is not supported by the "rhoas kafka topic" and “rhoas kafka consumer-group" commands.

rhoas login [flags]


# Securely log in to RHOAS by using a web browser
$ rhoas login

# Print the authentication URL instead of automatically opening a web browser
$ rhoas login --print-sso-url

# Log in using an offline token
$ rhoas login --token f5cgc...


--api-gateway string
URL of the API gateway (default "")
--auth-url string
The URL of the SSO Authentication server (default "")
--client-id string
OpenID client identifier (default "rhoas-cli-prod")
Allow insecure communication with the server by disabling TLS certificate and host name verification
Print the console login URL, which you can use to log in to RHOAS from a different web browser (this is useful if you need to log in with different credentials than the credentials you used in your default web browser)
--scope stringArray
Override the default OpenID scope (to specify multiple scopes, use a separate --scope for each scope) (default [openid])
-t, --token string
Log in using an offline token, which can be obtained at

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Log out from RHOAS


Log out from RHOAS. To manage your application services again, log in using ”rhoas login”.

rhoas logout [flags]


rhoas logout

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Allows users to perform API requests against the API server


Command allows users to perform API requests against the API server.

rhoas request [flags]


# Perform a GET request to the specified path
rhoas request --path /api/kafkas_mgmt/v1/kafkas

# Perform a POST request to the specified path
# cat request.json | rhoas request --path "/api/kafkas_mgmt/v1/kafkas?async=true" --method post


--method string
HTTP method to use. (get, post) (default "GET")
--path string
Path to send request. For example /api/kafkas_mgmt/v1/kafkas?async=true

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


View the status of application services in a service context


View the status of your application services. This command shows the status of each of your application services instances that belong to a service context.

To view the status of a specific application service, use "rhoas status [service]".

Note: You can change the current instance for an application service with the "rhoas [service] use” command.

rhoas status [args] [flags]


# View the status of all application services in the current service context
$ rhoas status

# View the status of all application services in a specific service context
$ rhoas status kafka

# View the status of your services in JSON format
$ rhoas status -o json


--name string
Name of the context
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also


Output the current username


View the username of the current user.

This command outputs the username for the user currently logged in.

rhoas whoami [flags]


# Output the current username
$ rhoas whoami

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

Cluster commands


View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster


Connect and bind your services to Kubernetes or OpenShift applications. You can also check if the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster has the required Operators to perform this operation.


# Check the status of the connection to your cluster
$ rhoas cluster status

# Connect to cluster without including currently selected services
$ rhoas cluster connect --ignore-context

# Connect to cluster using the specified token
$ rhoas cluster connect --token=value

# Connect to cluster and save script to create service binding
$ rhoas cluster connect --yes >

# Connect managed service with your application
$ rhoas cluster bind

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas - RHOAS CLI

  • cluster bind - Connect your RHOAS services to Kubernetes or OpenShift applications

  • cluster clean - Remove all resources created by cluster extensions

  • cluster connect - Connect your services to Kubernetes or OpenShift

  • cluster status - View the status of the current Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

cluster bind

Connect your RHOAS services to Kubernetes or OpenShift applications


Connect an application service to your application running on OpenShift or Kubernetes. This command uses the Service Binding Operator to inject an application running on the cluster with the parameters required to connect to the application service.

When you perform service binding, the Service Binding Operator automatically injects connection parameters as files into the pod for the application (you can see these files in the “/bindings” directory in your application). This means that the application automatically detects and uses the injected connection parameters.

In general, this automatic injection and detection of connection parameters eliminates the need to manually configure an application to connect to an application service. This is a particular advantage if you have many applications in your project that you want to connect to the application service.

If your application uses a “DeploymentConfig”, you must use the “--deployment-config" flag so that your application can be detected.

rhoas cluster bind [flags]


# Bind using interactive mode
$ rhoas cluster bind

# Bind to specific namespace and application
$ rhoas cluster bind --namespace=ns --app-name=myapp


--app-name string
Name of the Kubernetes deployment to bind
Bind service as environment variables
--binding-name string
Name of the Service Binding object to create when using the Service Binding Operator
Use DeploymentConfig to detect your application (you must manually redeploy your application for the binding to take effect)
Ignore currently-selected services and ask to select each service separately
--kubeconfig string
Location of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string
Use a custom Kubernetes namespace (if not set, the current namespace will be used)
--service-name string
Name of the application service to connect to
--service-type string
Type of custom resource connection
-y, --yes
Forcibly perform operation without confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas cluster - View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

cluster clean

Remove all resources created by cluster extensions


Remove all resources created by cluster extensions. This command removes all secrets and application service connections in your Kubernetes or OpenShift namespace.

rhoas cluster clean [flags]


## Remove all resources
$ rhoas cluster clean

## Remove all resources in custom namespace
$ rhoas cluster clean --namespace=myspace


--kubeconfig string
Location of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string
Use a custom Kubernetes namespace (if not set, the current namespace will be used)
-y, --yes
Forcibly perform operation without confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas cluster - View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

cluster connect

Connect your services to Kubernetes or OpenShift


Connect your application services to an Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.

Note: Before you can connect your application service to OpenShift, you need to install the RHOAS Operator in your OpenShift cluster. For installation instructions, see

When you connect an application service to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, this command uses the kubeconfig file (or the KUBECONFIG environment variable) to connect to the cluster and identify the context.

After identifying the context, the RHOAS Operator creates a service account and mounts it as a secret in your cluster. If your cluster has a service account already, the service account is refreshed.

Finally, the RHOAS Operator creates a Kafka Request Object, which the Service Binding Operator ( uses to create a "ServiceBinding" object.

After running this command, you need to grant access for the service account that was created by the RHOAS Operator to access your application service. For the Kafka application service, enter the following command:

$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --consumer --service-account your-sa --topic all --group all

For the Service Registry application service, enter this command:

$ rhoas service-registry role add --role=manager --service-account your-sa
rhoas cluster connect [flags]


# Connect a Kafka instance to your cluster
$ rhoas cluster connect --service-type kafka --service-name kafka

# Connect a Service Registry instance to your cluster
$ rhoas cluster connect --service-type service-registry --service-name registry


Ignore currently-selected services and ask to select each service separately
--kubeconfig string
Location of the kubeconfig file
-n, --namespace string
Use a custom Kubernetes namespace (if not set, the current namespace will be used)
--service-name string
Name of the application service to connect to
--service-type string
Type of custom resource connection
--token string
Provide an offline token to be used by the Operator (to get a token, visit
-y, --yes
Forcibly perform operation without confirmation

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas cluster - View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

cluster status

View the status of the current Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster


View information about the current Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. You can use this information to connect your application service to the cluster.

Before using this command, you must be logged in to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. The command uses your kubeconfig file to identify the cluster context.

rhoas cluster status [flags]


# print status of the current cluster
$ rhoas cluster status


--kubeconfig string
Location of the kubeconfig file

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas cluster - View and perform operations on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

Connectors commands


Connectors commands


With Red Hat OpenShift Connectors, you can create and configure connections between Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka and third-party systems. You can configure Connectors that retrieve data (data source Connectors) and Connectors that specify where to send data (data sink Connectors).

To get started: 1. Decide which type of connector you want to create. Use the "rhoas connector type list" command to see a list of connector types 2. Build a configuration file based on one of the connector types. Use the "rhoas connector build" command to build a configuration file. 3. Optionally, edit the configuration file. Use a text editor of your choice to edit the configuration file. 4. Create a Connectors instance by specifying the configuration file. Use the "rhoas connector create" command to create a Connectors instance. 5. Start the Connectors instance by using the "rhoas connector start" command. 6. Stop the Connectors instance by using the "rhoas connector stop" command.


# List all connector types
rhoas connector type list

# Build a Connectors configuration file named "my_aws_lambda_connector.json" that is based on the "aws_lambda_sink_0.1" connector type
rhoas connector build --name=my_aws_lambda_connector --type=--type=aws_lambda_sink_0.1

# Create a Connectors instance by specifying a configuration file
rhoas connector create --file=myconnector.json

# Update an existing Connectors instance by specifying a configuration file
rhoas connector update --id=my-connector --file=myconnector.json

# List of Connectors instances
rhoas connector list

# Start the Connectors instance with ID my-connector
rhoas connector start --id=my-connector

# Stop the current Connectors instance
rhoas connector stop

# Delete a Connectors instance with ID my-connector
rhoas connector delete --id=my-connector

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector build

Build a configuration file based on a connector type


Build a configuration file by specifying a connector type.

For a list of available connector types, use the "connector type list" command.

The "connector build" command prompts you to provide values for the connector configuration properties.

After you build a configuration file, you can optionally edit it in a text editor.

You can then create a Connectors instance by using the "connector create" command and providing the name of the configuration file that you built.

rhoas connector build [flags]


# Build a Connectors configuration file based on the "aws_lambda_sink_0.1" connector type. The default configuration file name is "connector.json"
rhoas connector build --type=aws_lambda_sink_0.1

# Build a Connectors configuration file named "my_aws_lambda_connector.json" that is based on the "aws_lambda_sink_0.1" connector type. Use "my-aws-lamda-sink.json" for the configuration file name.
rhoas connector build --name=my_aws_lambda_connector --type=aws_lambda_sink_0.1 --output-file=my-aws-lamda-sink.json


--name string
The name of the connector type that was used to build a configuration file
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--output-file string
The file name of the connector configuration file
Overwrite the file if it aready exists
--type string
The type of the connector in the catalog - this value is the same as the ID value for the connector in the catalog

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster

Create, delete, and list Connectors clusters


A Connectors cluster is an OpenShift Dedicated instance for deploying your Connectors instances. Use the "connector cluster" command to create, delete, and view a list of Connectors clusters.


# Create a Connectors cluster that is named "my-connectors-cluster"
rhoas connector cluster create --name=my-connectors-cluster

# Delete a Connectors cluster that has ID c980124otd37bufiemj0
rhoas connector cluster delete --id=c980124otd37bufiemj0

# List Connectors clusters
rhoas connector cluster list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster addon-parameters

Get Connectors add-on parameters


Get a list of the OpenShift Connectors service add-on parameters

rhoas connector cluster addon-parameters [flags]


# Get a list of the OpenShift Connectors service add-on parameters
rhoas connector cluster addon-parameters


--id string
The ID for the Connectors instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster create

Create a Connectors cluster


Create a Connectors cluster and specify its name. You must have administrator access to run this command.

rhoas connector cluster create [flags]


# Create a Connectors cluster that is named "my-connectors-cluster"
rhoas connector cluster create --name=my-connectors-cluster


--name string
Name of the Connectors cluster to create
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster delete

Delete a Connectors cluster


Delete a Connectors cluster by specifying its cluster ID. To see a list of all Connectors clusters and their ID values, use the "connector cluster list" command.

rhoas connector cluster delete [flags]


# Delete a Connectors cluster that has ID c980124otd37bufiemj0
rhoas connector cluster delete --id=c980124otd37bufiemj0


--id string
The ID of the Connectors cluster to delete
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster list

List the Connectors clusters


List all Connectors clusters in the OpenShift Dedicated environment. The returned list includes the ID value for each Connectors cluster.

rhoas connector cluster list [flags]


# List Connectors clusters
rhoas connector cluster list


--limit int
Page limit (default 10)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int
Page number (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector cluster update

Update a Connectors cluster


Update a Connectors cluster

rhoas connector cluster update [flags]


# Update name of a connector cluster
rhoas connector cluster update --id cdh0s0bjdpqd9bgomcbg --name my-connector

# Update annotations of a connector cluster
rhoas connector cluster update --id cdh0s0bjdpqd9bgomcbg --annotations h1=head


--annotations key=value
comma-separated list of string annotations in key=value format
--id string
ID of the Connectors cluster to update
--name string
Name of the Connectors cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector create

Create a Connectors instance


Create a Connectors instance.

A Connectors instance is an instance of a one of the supported Connectors types. Use the "connector" command to create, delete, and view a list of Connectors instances.

Before you create a Connectors instance: - Create a Kafka instance. Use the "rhoas kafka create" command. - Create a service account (you need the service account ID and secret). Use the "rhoas service-account create" command. - Create a Kafka topic. Use the "rhoas kafka topic create" command. - Create a Connectors namespace. Use the "rhoas connector namespace create" command. - Create a configuration file for the type of connector that you want to create. Use the "rhoas connector build" command.

rhoas connector create [flags]


# Create a Connectors instance by specifying a configuration file
rhoas connector create --file=myconnector.json


If set, the Connectors instance is created with the specified service account
-f, --file string
The location of the configuration file that defines the Connectors instance
--kafka string
ID of the Kafka instance (the default is the Kafka instance for the current context)
--name string
Override the name of the Connectors instance (the default name is the name specified in the connector configuration file)
--namespace string
ID of the namespace for the Connectors instance (the default is the namespace for the current context)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector delete

Delete a Connectors instance


Delete a Connectors instance by specifying its ID. Use the "connector list" command to see a list of all Connectors instances, their names, and their ID values.

rhoas connector delete [flags]


# Delete a Connectors instance with ID "myconnector"
rhoas connector delete --id=myconnector


--id string
The ID for the Connectors instance
--name string
The name for the Connectors instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector describe

Get the details for the Connectors instance


Get the details for the Connectors instance by specifying its ID. Use the "connector list" command to see a list of all Connectors instances, their names, and their ID values.

rhoas connector describe [flags]


#Get the Connectors instance details
rhoas connector describe --id=c980124otd37bufiemj0


--id string
The ID for the Connectors instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector list

List of Connectors instances


List of Connectors instances. The returned list includes the ID and name for each Connectors instance.

rhoas connector list [flags]


# List of Connectors instance
rhoas connector list


--limit int
Page limit (default 10)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int
Page number (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector namespace

Connectors namespace commands


Commands to manage namespaces for Connectors. A Connectors namespace is the logical hosting location for deploying your Connectors instances on a Connectors cluster.

For your own OpenShift Dedicated environment, a Connectors namespace does not automatically expire. You use the information about your Connectors namespace to configure the OpenShift Connectors add-on so that you can use Connectors.

For the Service Preview evaluation site, a Connectors namespace expires 48 hours after you create it.


# Create a Connectors namespace
rhoas connector namespace create --name "eval-namespace"

# List the namespaces for the Connectors cluster
$ rhoas connector namespace list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector namespace create

Create a Connectors namespace


Create a Connectors namespace

rhoas connector namespace create [flags]


# Create a Connectors namespace and name it "my-namespace"
rhoas connector namespace create --name my-namespace


--name string
The name of the Connectors namespace
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector namespace list

Get a list of Connectors namespaces


Get a list of Connectors namespaces for the Connectors cluster. The "connector namespace list" command returns details about the namespaces including their ID values.

rhoas connector namespace list [flags]


# Get a list of Connectors namespaces
rhoas connector namespace list


--limit int
Page limit (default 100)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int
Page number (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector namespace use

Set the current namespace in context


Set a namespace as the current working namespace in context. The rhoas CLI uses the current namespace you run any rhoas connector cluster commands.

You can set a namespace in the current context providing its name or ID.

rhoas connector namespace use [flags]


# Set the current namespace by providing the name
$ rhoas connector namespace use --name=my-namespace

# Set the current namespace by providing the ID of a Connectors namespace
$ rhoas connector namespace use --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
The unique ID of the namespace you want to set as the current namespace
--name string
The name of the namespace you want to set as the current namespace

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector start

Start a Connectors instance


Start the current Connectors instance or start a Connectors instance by specifying its ID

rhoas connector start [flags]


# Start the current Connectors instance
rhoas connector start

# Start a Connectors instance by specifying its ID
rhoas connector start --id=IJD76DUH675234


--id string
The ID for the Connectors instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector stop

Stop a Connectors instance


Stop the current Connectors instance or stop a Connectors instance by providing its ID.

rhoas connector stop [flags]


# Stop the current Connectors instance
rhoas connector stop

# Stop a Connectors instance by specifying its ID
rhoas connector stop --id=IJD76DUH675234


--id string
The ID for the Connectors instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector type

View a list of supported connector types


List and get details of connector types that are available in the connector catalog.

To see a list of all available connector types, use the "type list" command. You can optionally use the "--search" flag to filter the requested results by Connector types that start with or contain text that you specify.

To see a description of a specific connector type, use the "type details" command.


# List all connector types
rhoas connector type list

# List all connector types that start with "Amazon"
rhoas connector type list --search=Amazon%

# Get all of the details for the connector type by specifying the type ID
rhoas connector type describe --type=aws_kinesis_sink_0.1

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector type describe

Get the details of a connector type


Get the full list of details for a connector type by using its type ID

rhoas connector type describe [flags]


# Describe connector type with ID of "slack_source_0.1"
rhoas connector type describe --type=slack_source_0.1

# Describe the connector type with ID of "slack_source_0.1" and use YAML for the output format
rhoas connector type describe --type=slack_source_0.1 -o yaml


-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--type string
The ID of the connector type that you want to get details about

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector type list

List connector types


List the types of connectors that are available in the Connectors catalog.'

Use filter options, such as --limit, --page, and --search

rhoas connector type list [flags]


# List all connector types
rhoas connector type list

# List connector types with a limit of 10 connector types and 2 pages
rhoas connector type list --limit=10 --page=2

# List all connector types that start with "Amazon"
rhoas connector type list --search=Amazon%

# List all connector types that contain the word "Amazon"
rhoas connector type list --search=%Amazon%


--limit int
Page of the list based on the limit value (default 10)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int
Page of the list based on the limit value (default 1)
--search string
Search query for name of connector type

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector update

Update a Connectors instance


Update a Connectors instance.

You can change the details of an existing Connectors instance by editing its configuration file in a text editor.

Note: To specify an editor, use the EDITOR environment variable before you run the "rhoas connector update" command. For example: export EDITOR=nvim export EDITOR=vim export EDITOR="code -w"

After you edit the configuration file, use the "connector update" command to update an existing Connectors instance by specifying the configuration file.

rhoas connector update [flags]


# Update name of the current Connectors instance
rhoas connector update --name=my-connector

# Update Kafka Instance of a Connectors instance by ID
rhoas connector update --kafka-id ce6pg07k09f3rs6us7sg --id ce6tgb1mk0orirpo5i70


--id string
ID of the Connectors instance to be updated (the default is the instance in current context)
--kafka-id string
ID of of the Kafka instance that you want the Connectors instance to use
--name string
Override the name of the Connectors instance (the default name is the name specified in the connector configuration file)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

connector use

Set the current Connectors instance


Set a Connectors instance as the current instance. The rhoas CLI uses the current Connectors instance when you run any "rhoas connector cluster" commands.

You can set a Connectors instance as the current instance by providing its name or ID.

rhoas connector use [flags]


# Set the current Connectors instance by providing the name of a Connectors instance
$ rhoas connector use --name=my-connector

# Set the current Connectors instance by providing the ID of a Connectors instance
$ rhoas connector use --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
The unique ID of the Connectors instance that you want to set as the current instance
--name string
The name of the Connectors instance that you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

Kafka commands


Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances


Manage and interact with Kafka instances.

A Kafka instance includes an Apache Kafka cluster, bootstrap server, and the configurations needed to connect to producer and consumer services.

You can create, view, select, and delete Kafka instances.

For each Kafka instance, you can manage ACLs, consumer groups, and topics.


# Create a Kafka instance
rhoas kafka create --name my-kafka-instance

# View configuration details of a Kafka instance
rhoas kafka describe

# List all Kafka instances
rhoas kafka list

# Create a Kafka topic
rhoas kafka topic create --name mytopic

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl

Manage Kafka ACLs for users and service accounts


Manage Kafka Access Control Lists (ACLs). An ACL maps permitted operations on specified resources for a specified principal (username or service account) or for all accounts in an organization.

You can use these commands to manage how other user accounts and service accounts are permitted to access Kafka resources. You can manage access for only the Kafka instances that you create or for instances that the owner has enabled you to access and alter.


# Grant access to principal for consuming messages from all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --consumer --user foo_user --topic all --group all

# Grant access to principal for producing messages to all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --user foo_user --topic all

# List ACL rules for a Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka acl list

# Give admin rights to user "abc"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-admin --user abc

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl create

Create a Kafka ACL


Create Kafka Access Control List (ACL) rules. A Kafka ACL defines how other user accounts and service accounts can interact with a Kafka instance and its resources.

rhoas kafka acl create [flags]


# Create an ACL for user "dev_user" on all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl create --operation all --permission allow --topic "*" --user dev_user

# Create an ACL for a service account
$ rhoas kafka acl create --operation all --permission allow --topic "rhoas" --prefix --service-account "srvc-acct-11924479-43fe-42b4-9676-cf0c9aca81"

# Create an ACL for all users for the consumer group resource
$ rhoas kafka acl create --operation all --permission allow --group "group-1" --all-accounts


Set the ACL principal to match all principals (users and service accounts)
Set the resource type to cluster
--group string
Set the consumer group resource. When the --prefix option is also passed, this is used as the consumer group prefix
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--operation string
Set the ACL operation. Choose from: "all", "alter", "alter-configs", "create", "delete", "describe", "describe-configs", "read", "write"
--permission string
Set the ACL permission. Choose from: "allow", "deny"
Determine if the resource should be exact match or prefix
--service-account string
Service account client ID used as principal for this operation
--topic string
Set the topic resource. When the --prefix option is also passed, this is used as the topic prefix
--transactional-id string
Set the transactional ID resource
--user string
User ID to be used as principal
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl delete

Delete Kafka ACLs matching the provided filters


Delete Access Control List (ACL) rules from a Kafka instance.

rhoas kafka acl delete [flags]


# Delete an ACL for user "dev_user" on all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl delete --operation write --permission allow --topic all --user dev_user

# Delete an ACL for a service account
$ rhoas kafka acl delete --operation all --permission any --topic "rhoas" --prefix --service-account "srvc-acct-11924479-43fe-42b4-9676-cf0c9aca81"

# Delete all ACLs for a service account
$ rhoas kafka acl delete --service-account "srvc-acct-11924479-43fe-42b4-9676-cf0c9aca81 --pattern-type=all"

# Delete an ACL for all users on the consumer group resource
$ rhoas kafka acl delete --operation all --permission any --group "group-1" --all-accounts


Set the ACL principal to match all principals (users and service accounts)
Set the resource type to cluster
--group string
Set the consumer group resource. When the --prefix option is also passed, this is used as the consumer group prefix
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--operation string
Set the ACL operation. Choose from: "all", "alter", "alter-configs", "create", "delete", "describe", "describe-configs", "read", "write"
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--pattern-type string
Allows to specify arguments matching strategy [any literal prefix] (default "literal")
--permission string
Set the ACL permission. Choose from: "allow", "any", "deny" (default "any")
Determine if the resource should be exact match or prefix
--service-account string
Service account client ID used as principal for this operation
--topic string
Set the topic resource. When the --prefix option is also passed, this is used as the topic prefix
--transactional-id string
Set the transactional ID resource
--user string
User ID to be used as principal
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl grant-access

Add ACL rules to grant users access to produce and consume from topics


Create Access Control List (ACL) rules that grant the specified user access to produce and consume from topics.

rhoas kafka acl grant-access [flags]


# Grant access to principal for consuming messages from all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --consumer --user user_name --topic all --group all

# Grant access to principal for consuming messages from all topics in a specified instance
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --consumer --user user_name --topic all --group all --instance-id c5hv7iru4an1g84pogp0

# Grant access to principal for producing messages to all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --user user_name --topic all

# Grant access to principal for consuming messages from topics starting with "abc"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --consumer --user user_name --topic-prefix "abc" --group my-group

# Grant access to principal for producing messages to topics starting with "abc"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --user user_name --topic-prefix "abc"

# Grant access to all users for consuming messages from topic "my-topic"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --consumer --all-accounts --topic my-topic --group my-group

# Grant access to all users for producing messages to topic "my-topic"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --all-accounts --topic my-topic

# Grant access to principal for produce and consume messages from all topics
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-access --producer --consumer --user user_name --topic all --group all


Set the ACL principal to match all principals (users and service accounts)
Add ACL rules that grant the specified principal access to consume messages from topics
--group string
Consumer group ID to define ACL rules for
--group-prefix string
Prefix name for groups to be selected
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
Add ACL rules that grant the specified principal access to produce messages to topics
--service-account string
Service account client ID used as principal for this operation
--topic string
Topic name to define ACL rules for
--topic-prefix string
Prefix name for topics to be selected
--user string
User ID to be used as principal
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl grant-admin

Grant an account permissions to create and delete ACLs in the Kafka instance


Grant administrative rights to a user that enable the user to create and delete Access Control Lists (ACLs) in a Kafka instance.

rhoas kafka acl grant-admin [flags]


# Give admin rights to user "abc"
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-admin --user abc

# Give admin rights to a service account
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-admin --service-account srvc-acct-0837725a-4e69-44e1-af3b-29da30aa85ce

# Give admin rights to all accounts for a specific kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka acl grant-admin --all-accounts --instance-id c5hv7iru4an1g84pogp0


Set the ACL principal to match all principals (users and service accounts)
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--service-account string
Service account client ID used as principal for this operation
--user string
User ID to be used as principal
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka acl list

List all Kafka ACL rules


View the level of access that other user accounts and service accounts have to a Kafka instance. This is displayed as a list of Access Control Lists (ACLs).

An ACL maps permitted operations on specified resources for a selected account or for all accounts in an organization. Each ACL shows a single named account (or all accounts), a permission (such as "Allow"), an operation (such as "Write"), and a Kafka resource type and identifier. The resource type is a Kafka resource (such as "Topic"), and the resource identifier identifies the occurrences of the resource (for example, "Is *" denotes any occurrences of the resource).

By default, new Kafka instances contain the following ACLs:

PRINCIPAL (4) PERMISSION OPERATION DESCRIPTION ---------------- ------------ ------------------ ---------------- All accounts allow describe group is "" All accounts allow describe cluster is "" All accounts allow describe-configs topic is "" All accounts allow describe topic is ""

These ACLs allow all accounts in the organization to view the Kafka instance permissions and to view topics and consumer groups in the instance, but not to produce or consume messages.

The ACLs are displayed in a table by default. Alternatively, you can display them as JSON or YAML.

rhoas kafka acl list [flags]


# Display Kafka ACL rules for the Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka acl list

# Display Kafka ACL rules for a specific user
$ rhoas kafka acl list --user foo_user

# Display Kafka ACL rules for a specific service account
$ rhoas kafka acl list --service-account srvc-acct-f20a7561-7426-4f5a-b5e7-0ef2db31e15b

# Display Kafka ACL rules for a specific topic
$ rhoas kafka acl list --topic foo_topic_name

# Display Kafka ACL rules for a specific consumer group
$ rhoas kafka acl list --group foo_group_id

# Display Kafka ACL rules for a specific consumer group and user
$ rhoas kafka acl list --group foo_group_id --user foo_user


Set the ACL principal to match all principals (users and service accounts)
Set filter to cluster resource
--group string
Text search to filter ACL rules for consumer groups by ID
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int32
Current page number for the list (default 1)
--service-account string
Service account client ID used as principal for this operation
--size int32
Maximum number of items to be returned per page (default 10)
--topic string
Text search to filter ACL rules for topics by name
--user string
User ID to be used as principal

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka billing

List Kafka Billing Types


List Kafka Billing Types

rhoas kafka billing [flags]


# List billing types
$ rhoas kafka billing


-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka consumer-group

Describe, list, and delete consumer groups for the current Kafka instance


View and delete consumer groups for the current Kafka instance.

These commands operate on the current Kafka instance. To select the Kafka instance, use the “rhoas kafka use” command.


# Delete a consumer group
rhoas kafka consumer-group delete --id consumer_group_1

# List all consumer groups
rhoas kafka consumer-group list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka consumer-group delete

Delete a consumer group


Delete a consumer group from the current Kafka instance.

To select a different Kafka instance, use the “rhoas kafka use” command.

rhoas kafka consumer-group delete [flags]


# delete a consumer group
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group delete --id consumer_group_1


--id string
The unique ID of the consumer group to delete
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka consumer-group describe

Describe a consumer group


View detailed information for a consumer group and its members.

rhoas kafka consumer-group describe [flags]


# describe a consumer group
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group describe --id consumer_group_1 -o json


--id string
The unique ID of the consumer group to view
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka consumer-group list

List all consumer groups


List the consumer groups in the current Kafka instance. You can view a list of all consumer groups in the Kafka instance, view a specific consumer group, or view the consumer groups for a particular topic.

rhoas kafka consumer-group list [flags]


# List all consumer groups
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group list

# List all consumer groups in JSON format
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group list -o json


--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int32
View the specified page number in the list of consumer groups (default 1)
--search string
Text search to filter consumer groups by ID
--size int32
Maximum number of consumer groups to be returned per page (default 10)
--topic string
Fetch the consumer groups for a specific Kafka topic

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka consumer-group reset-offset

Reset partition offsets for a consumer group


Reset partition offsets for a particular topic. A reset changes the offset position from which consumers read from the message log of a topic partition. To reset an offset position, the consumer group must have NO MEMBERS connected to a topic.

You can choose from the following options for the reset: - Earliest (earliest offset at the start of the message log) - Latest (latest offset at the end of the message log) - Absolute (specific offset in the message log) - Timestamp (specific timestamp in the message log)

You can also reset the offset position for all topics or a single, specified topic.

Warning: By resetting the offset position, you risk clients skipping or duplicating messages.

rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset [flags]


# Reset partition offsets for a consumer group to latest
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --topic my-topic --offset latest

# Reset partition offsets for a consumer group to earliest
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --topic my-topic --offset earliest

# Reset partition offsets for a consumer group to an absolute value
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --topic my-topic --offset absolute --value 0

# Reset partition offsets for a consumer group to a timestamp
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --topic my-topic --offset timestamp --value "2016-06-23T09:07:21-07:00"

# Reset specific partition offsets for a consumer group
$ rhoas kafka consumer-group reset-offset --id consumer_group_1 --topic my-topic --offset latest --partitions 0,1


--id string
The unique ID of the consumer group to reset-offset
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--offset string
Offset type (choose from: "earliest", "latest", "absolute", "timestamp")
--partitions int32Slice
Reset consumer group offsets on specified partitions (comma-separated integers) (default [])
--topic string
Reset consumer group offsets on a specified topic
--value string
Custom offset value (required when offset is "absolute" or "timestamp")
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka create

Create a Kafka instance


Create a Kafka instance on a particular cloud provider and region.

After creating the instance you can view it by running "rhoas kafka describe".

rhoas kafka create [flags]


# Start an interactive prompt to fill out the configuration values for the instance
$ rhoas kafka create

# Create a Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka create --name my-kafka-instance

# Create a Kafka instance and output the result in YAML format
$ rhoas kafka create -o yaml


--billing-model string
Billing model to be used
--cluster-id string
ID of the Customer-Cloud data plane cluster to create the Kafka instance on.
Validate all user provided arguments without creating the Kafka instance
--marketplace string
Name of cloud marketplace where Kafka instance was purchased
--marketplace-account-id string
Account ID for cloud marketplace
--name string
Unique name of the Kafka instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--provider string
Cloud Provider ID
--region string
Cloud Provider Region ID
--size string
Size of the Kafka instance
Set the new Kafka instance to the current instance (default true)
-w, --wait
Wait until the Kafka instance is created

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka delete

Delete a Kafka instance


Permanently delete a Kafka instance, including all topics.

When this command is run, you will be asked to confirm the name of the instance you want to delete. Otherwise you can use "--yes" to skip confirmation and forcibly delete the instance.

rhoas kafka delete [flags]


# Delete the current Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka delete

# Delete a Kafka instance with a specific ID
$ rhoas kafka delete --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg

# Delete a Kafka instance with a specific name
$ rhoas kafka delete --name=my-kafka


--id string
Unique ID of the Kafka instance you want to delete
--name string
Name of the Kafka instance you want to delete
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka describe

View configuration details of a Kafka instance


View configuration details for a Kafka instance.

Use the "--id" flag to specify which instance you would like to view.

If the "--id" flag is not used then the selected Kafka instance will be used, if available.

You can view the output either as JSON or YAML.

To view a list of all Kafka instances, use the “rhoas kafka list” command.

rhoas kafka describe [flags]


# View the current Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka describe

# View a specific instance by ID
$ rhoas kafka describe --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg

# View a specific instance by name
$ rhoas kafka describe --name=my-kafka

# Customize the output format
$ rhoas kafka describe -o yaml


If specified, only the bootstrap server host of the Kafka instance will be displayed
--id string
Unique ID of the Kafka instance you want to view
--name string
Name of the Kafka instance you want to view
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka list

List all Kafka instances


List all Kafka instances.

By default, this command lists the Kafka instances in a table, showing the ID, name, owner, status, cloud provider, and region. You can also view the instances in JSON or YAML format.

To view additional details for a particular Kafka instance, use the “rhoas kafka describe” command.

rhoas kafka list [flags]


# List all Kafka instances using the default output format
$ rhoas kafka list

# List all Kafka instances in JSON format
$ rhoas kafka list -o json


--limit int
The maximum number of Kafka instances to be returned (default 10)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int
Display the Kafka instances from the specified page number (default 1)
--search string
Text search to filter the Kafka instances by name, owner, cloud_provider, region and status

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka providers

List Kafka Cloud Providers


List all enabled Cloud Providers and Regions for Kafka deployment

rhoas kafka providers [flags]


# List all providers using the default output format
$ rhoas kafka providers

# List all providersin JSON format
$ rhoas kafka providers  -o json


-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka topic

Create, describe, update, list, and delete topics


Create, describe, update, list and delete topics for the current Kafka instance.

Commands are executed on the currently selected Kafka instance.


# Create a topic
rhoas kafka topic create --name mytopic

# List all topics
rhoas kafka topic list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic consume

Consume messages from a topic


Consume messages from a given topic. By default, all messages on the topic are consumed and printed in the format that you specify. You can spcecify filters such as a starting offset or a starting time for message production.

If you add the --wait flag, the CLI waits for messages to be produced starting from when you run the command and ignores any limit or offset specified.

rhoas kafka topic consume [flags]


# Consume from a topic
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1

# Consume from a topic and output to YAML format
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --format=yaml

# Consume from a topic by continually polling the topic for new messages
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --wait

# Consume from a topic starting from a time specified in default ISO time format
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --from-date=2022-06-17T07:05:34.0000Z

# Consume from a topic starting from a time specified in Unix epoch time format
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --wait --from-timestamp=1656346796

# Consume from a topic starting from an offset value
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --offset=15

# Consume from a topic starting from an offset value and with a specified message limit
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --offset=15 --limit=30

# Consume from topic and output to JSON format and using jq to read values
$ rhoas kafka topic consume --name=topic-1 --format=json | jq -rc .value


--format string
Format for printing produced messages (possible values are "json" and "yaml") (default "key-value")
--from-date string
Consume only messages with a date later than the specified value (requied format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssZ)
--from-timestamp string
Consume only messages with a timestamp later than the specified value (required format is Unix epoch timestamp value)
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--limit int32
Maximum number of messages to consume from topic (default 20)
--name string
Topic name
--offset string
Consume messages from an offset equal to or greater than the specified value
--partition int32
Consume messages from specified partition (value must be a positive integer) (default -1)
Wait for messages to consume from topic

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic create

Create a topic


Create a topic in the current Kafka instance. You can specify the cleanup policy, number of partitions, retention size, and retention time.

The replicas are preconfigured. The number of partition replicas for the topic is set to 3 and the minimum number of follower replicas that must be in sync with a partition leader is set to 2.

rhoas kafka topic create [flags]


# Create a topic
$ rhoas kafka topic create --name topic-1


--cleanup-policy string
Determines whether log messages are deleted, compacted, or both (default "delete")
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--name string
Topic name
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--partitions int32
The number of partitions in the topic (default 1)
--retention-bytes int
The maximum total size of a partition log segments before old log segments are deleted to free up space. Value of -1 is set by default indicating no retention size limits (default -1)
--retention-ms int
The period of time in milliseconds the broker will retain a partition log before deleting it (default 604800000)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic delete

Delete a topic


Delete a topic in the current Kafka instance.

rhoas kafka topic delete [flags]


# Delete a topic
$ rhoas kafka topic delete --name topic-1


--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--name string
Topic name
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic describe

Describe a topic


View configuration details for a Kafka topic.

rhoas kafka topic describe [flags]


# Describe a topic
$ rhoas kafka topic describe --name topic-1


--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--name string
Topic name
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic list

List all topics


List all topics in the current Kafka instance.

rhoas kafka topic list [flags]


# List all topics
$ rhoas kafka topic list

# List all topics in JSON format
$ rhoas kafka topic list -o json


--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--page int32
Current page number for list of topics (default 1)
--search string
Text search to filter the Kafka topics by name
--size int32
Maximum number of items to be returned per page (default 10)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic produce

Produce a new message to a topic


Produce a message to a topic in a Kafka instance. Specify a file path for the CLI to read as the message value or use stdin to provide your message. You can specify the partition, key, and value.

rhoas kafka topic produce [flags]


# Produce a single message to a topic from a file and provide a custom message key
$ rhoas kafka topic produce --name=users --file="./message.json" --key="{'location': 'us-east-1'}"

# Produce to a topic from standard input
$ rhoas kafka topic produce --name=users

# Produce to a topic from other command output
$ cat yourfile.json | rhoas kafka topic produce --name=users

# Produce to a topic and fetch its offset value
$ rhoas kafka topic produce --name=topic-1 --file="./message.json" | jq .offset

# Produce to a topic from a JSON file and filter using jq
$ cat input.json | jq .data.value | rhoas kafka topic produce --name=topic-1

# Produce to a topic and specified partition
$ rhoas kafka topic produce --name=topic-1 --file="./message.json" --partition=1


--file string
Path to file containing message value
--format string
Format for printing produced messages (possible values are "json" and "yaml") (default "json")
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--key string
Message key. Empty if not set
--name string
Topic name
--partition int32
Partition number for the message. Must be a positive integer value that is valid for the specified topic

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka topic update

Update configuration details for a Kafka topic


Update a topic in the current Kafka instance. You can update the cleanup policy, number of partitions, retention size, and retention time.

rhoas kafka topic update [flags]


# Update the message retention period for a topic
$ rhoas kafka topic update --name topic-1 --retention-ms -1


--cleanup-policy string
Determines whether log messages are deleted, compacted, or both
--instance-id string
Kafka instance ID. Uses the current instance if not set
--name string
Topic name
--partitions string
The number of partitions in the topic
--retention-bytes string
The maximum total size of a partition log segments before old log segments are deleted to free up space. Value of -1 is set by default indicating no retention size limits
--retention-ms string
The period of time in milliseconds the broker will retain a partition log before deleting it

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

kafka update

Update configuration details for a Kafka instance.


Update configuration details for a Kafka instance. By modifying these settings, you can configure your Kafka instances to suit your particular environment.

rhoas kafka update [flags]


# Update the Kafka instance owner
$ rhoas kafka update --name=my-kafka --owner=other-user

# Update the owner of the current Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka update --owner=other-user

# Update the reauthentication configuration of the current Kafka instance
$ rhoas kafka update --reauthentication=true

# Update the current Kafka instance in interactive mode
$ rhoas kafka update


--id string
Unique ID of the Kafka instance you want to update
--name string
Name of the Kafka instance you want to update
--owner string
ID of the user you want to set as the owner of this Kafka instance
--reauthentication Tribool
Enable or disable connection reauthentication for the Kafka instance
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation of this action

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

kafka use

Set the current Kafka instance


Select a Kafka instance to be the current instance. When you set the Kafka instance to be used, it is set as the current instance for all “rhoas kafka topic” and “rhoas kafka consumer-group” commands.

You can select a Kafka instance by name or ID.

rhoas kafka use [flags]


# Select a Kafka instance by name to be set in the current context
$ rhoas kafka use --name=my-kafka

# Select a Kafka instance by ID to be set in the current context
$ rhoas kafka use --id=1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Kafka instance you want to set as the current instance
--name string
Name of the Kafka instance you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

  • rhoas kafka - Create, view, use, and manage your Kafka instances

Service account commands


Create, list, describe, delete, and update service accounts


Manage service accounts. Service accounts enable you to connect your applications to a Kafka instance.

You can create, list, describe, delete, and update service accounts. You can also reset the credentials for a service account.


# Create a service account
rhoas service-account create

# List all service accounts
rhoas service-account list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-account create

Create a service account


Create a service account with credentials that are saved to a file.

Applications and tools use these service account credentials to authenticate and interact with your application services.

You must specify an output format into which the credentials will be stored.

  • env (default): Store credentials in an env file as environment variables

  • json: Store credentials in a JSON file

  • properties: Store credentials in a properties file, which is typically used in Java-related technologies

  • java-kafka-properties: Store credentials in a properties file suitable for the Java Kafka client

  • secret: Store credentials in a Kubernetes secret file

rhoas service-account create [flags]


# Create a service account through an interactive prompt
$ rhoas service-account create

# Create a service account and save the credentials in a JSON file
$ rhoas service-account create --file-format json

# Create a service account and forcibly overwrite the credentials file if it exists already
$ rhoas service-account create --overwrite

# Create a service account and save credentials to a custom file location
$ rhoas service-account create --output-file=./service-acct-credentials.json

# Create a service account and save the credentials in a file suitable for the Java Kafka client
$ rhoas service-account create --file-format java-kafka-properties --short-description java-properties


--file-format string
Format in which to save the service account credentials (choose from: "env", "json", "properties", "secret")
--output-file string
Sets a custom file location to save the credentials
Forcibly overwrite a credentials file if it already exists
--short-description string
Short description of the service account

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-account delete

Delete a service account


Permanently delete a service account.

When you delete a service account, any applications and tools that use the service account credentials to connect to Kafka instances will no longer be able to connect to them.

rhoas service-account delete [flags]


# Delete a service account
$ rhoas service-account delete --id 173c1ad9-932d-4007-ae0f-4da74f4d2ccd


--id string
The unique ID of the service account to delete
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation to forcibly delete this service account

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-account describe

View configuration details for a service account


View configuration details for a service account.

Use the “--id” flag to specify which service account you would like to view.

You can view the output as either JSON or YAML.

rhoas service-account describe [flags]


# View a specific service account
$ rhoas service-account describe --id=8a06e685-f827-44bc-b0a7-250bc8abe52e --output yml


--id string
The unique ID of the service account to view
-o, --output string
Format in which to display the service account (choose from: "json", "yml", "yaml") (default "json")

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-account list

List all service accounts


List all service accounts.

This command provides a high-level view of all service accounts.

The service accounts are displayed by default in a table, but can also be displayed in JSON or YAML format.

rhoas service-account list [flags]


# List all service accounts using the default output format
$ rhoas service-account list

# List all service accounts using JSON as the output format
$ rhoas service-account list -o json


-o, --output string
Format in which to display the service accounts (choose from: "json", "yml", "yaml")
--page int32
Current page number for the list (default 1)
--size int32
Maximum number of items to be returned per page (default 100)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-account reset-credentials

Reset service account credentials


Reset the credentials for a service account.

This command generates a new password for a service account. After the credentials have been reset, any applications or tools that use the credentials must be updated to use the new password.

You must specify an output format into which the credentials will be stored.

  • env (default): Store credentials in an env file as environment variables

  • json: Store credentials in a JSON file

  • properties: Store credentials in a properties file, which is typically used in Java-related technologies

  • java-kafka-properties: Store credentials in a properties file suitable for the Java Kafka client

  • secret: Store credentials in a Kubernetes secret file

rhoas service-account reset-credentials [flags]


# Start an interactive prompt to reset credentials
$ rhoas service-account reset-credentials

# Reset credentials for the service account specified and save the credentials to a JSON file
$ rhoas service-account reset-credentials --id 173c1ad9-932d-4007-ae0f-4da74f4d2ccd -o json

# Reset credentials for the service account specified and save the credentials to a file suitable for the Java Kafka client
$ rhoas service-account reset-credentials --id 173c1ad9-932d-4007-ae0f-4da74f4d2ccd -o java-kafka-properties


--file-format string
Format in which to save the service account credentials (choose from: "env", "json", "properties", "secret")
--id string
The unique ID of the service account for which you want to reset the credentials
--output-file string
Sets a custom file location to save the credentials
Forcibly overwrite a credentials file if it already exists
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation to forcibly reset service account credentials

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

Service Registry commands


Service Registry commands


Manage and interact with your Service Registry instances directly from the command line.

Create new Service Registry instances and interact with them by adding schema and API artifacts and downloading them to your computer.

Commands are divided into the following categories:

  • Instance management commands: create, list, and so on

  • Commands executed on selected instance: artifacts

  • "use" command that selects the current instance


## Create Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry create --name myregistry

## List Service Registry instances
rhoas service-registry list

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact

Manage Service Registry artifacts


Manage Service Registry schema and API artifacts in the currently selected Service Registry instance.

Commands are executed on the currently selected Service Registry instance, which can be overridden using the --instance-id flag.

Service Registry enables developers to manage and share the structure of their data. For example, client applications can dynamically push or pull the latest schema or API updates to or from the registry without needing to redeploy. Service Registry also enables developers to create rules that govern how registry content can evolve over time. For example, this includes rules for content validation and version compatibility.

Artifact commands enable client applications to manage the schema and API artifacts in the registry instance. This set of commands provide create, read, update, and delete operations for artifacts, rules, versions, and metadata.


## Create artifact in my-group from schema.json file
rhoas service-registry artifact create --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group artifact.json

## Get artifact content
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group --output-file=artifact.json

## Get artifact content by hash
rhoas service-registry artifact download --hash=cab4...al9 --output-file=artifact.json

## Delete artifact
rhoas service-registry artifact delete --artifact-id=my-artifact

## Get artifact metadata
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group

## Update artifact
rhoas service-registry artifact update --artifact-id=my-artifact artifact-new.json

## List artifacts
rhoas service-registry artifact list --group=my-group --limit=10 page=1

## View artifact versions
rhoas service-registry artifact versions --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group

Artifacts file can be instance of any schema like OpenAPI, Avro etc.
For example:

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact create

Create new artifact from file or standard input


Create a new artifact by posting the artifact content to the registry instance.

Artifacts are typically in JSON format for most of the supported types, but might be in another format for a few types (for example, PROTOBUF).

Service Registry attempts to identify what type of artifact is being added from the following supported list:

  • Avro (AVRO)

  • Protobuf (PROTOBUF)

  • JSON Schema (JSON)

  • Kafka Connect (KCONNECT)



  • GraphQL (GRAPHQL)

  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

  • XML Schema (XSD)

An artifact is created using the content provided in the request body. This content is created with a unique artifact ID that can be provided by user. If not provided in the request, the registry server generates a unique ID for the artifact. It is typically recommended that callers provide the ID, because this is a meaningful identifier, and for most use cases should be supplied by the caller. If an artifact with the provided artifact ID already exists, the command will fail with an error.

When the --group parameter is missing, the command uses the "default" group. when the --instance-id is missing, the command creates a new artifact for the currently active Service Registry instance (displayed in rhoas service-registry describe)

rhoas service-registry artifact create [flags]


# Create an artifact in the default group
rhoas service-registry artifact create my-artifact.json

# Create an artifact with the specified type
rhoas service-registry artifact create --type=JSON my-artifact.json


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
--description string
Custom description of the artifact
--file string
File location of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--name string
Custom name of the artifact
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml) (default "json")
-t, --type string
--version string
Custom version of the artifact (for example 1.0.0)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact delete

Deletes an artifact or all artifacts in a given group


Deletes a single artifact or all artifacts in a given group:

  • When called without arguments, deletes all artifacts in the group.

  • When --artifact-id is specified, deletes only a single artifact and its version.

  • When --group is omitted, the command uses the "default" group.

rhoas service-registry artifact delete [flags]


## Delete all artifacts in the group "default"
rhoas service-registry artifact delete

## Delete artifact in the group "default" with name "my-artifact"
rhoas service-registry artifact delete --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-y, --yes
Delete artifact without prompt

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact download

Download artifacts from Service Registry using global identifiers


Get one or more artifacts by group, content, hash, or globalId.

To download artifacts by artifactId, use the "service-registry artifact get" command.

Use the following flags to specify the artifacts to download:

  • --contentId (ID if the content is from metadata)

  • --globalId (globalId of the content from metadata)

  • --hash (SHA-256 hash of the content)

  • --group (artifact group)

rhoas service-registry artifact download [flags]


## Get latest artifact by content ID
rhoas service-registry artifact download --content-id=183282932983

## Get latest artifact by content ID to specific file
rhoas service-registry artifact download --content-id=183282932983 --output-file=schema.json

## Get latest artifact by global ID
rhoas service-registry artifact download --global-id=383282932983

## Get latest artifact by hash
rhoas service-registry artifact download --hash=c71d239df91726fc519c6eb72d318ec65820627232b2f796219e87dcf35d0ab4


--content-id int
ContentId of the artifact (default -1)
--global-id int
Global ID of the artifact (default -1)
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--hash string
SHA-256 hash of the artifact
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--output-file string
Location of the output file

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact export

Export data from Service Registry instance


Export all artifacts and metadata from a Service Registry instance to a specified file

rhoas service-registry artifact export [flags]


## Export all artifacts and metadata to export file for another Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry artifact export


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--output-file string
File location of the artifact

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact get

Get artifact by ID, group, and version


Get an artifact from the registry based on the artifact ID, group, and version.

To fetch artifacts using global identifiers, use the "service-registry artifact download" command.

When --version is specified, the command fetches the specified artifact version. When --version is not specified, the command fetches the latest artifact version.

rhoas service-registry artifact get [flags]


## Get latest artifact with name "my-artifact" and print it out to standard out
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id=my-artifact

## Get latest artifact with name "my-artifact" from group "my-group" and save it to artifact.json file
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group --output-file=artifact.json

## Get latest artifact and pipe it to another command
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id=my-artifact | grep -i 'user'

## Get artifact with custom version and print it out to standard out
rhoas service-registry artifact get --artifact-id=myartifact --version=4


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--output-file string
Location of the output file
--version string
Version of the artifact

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact import

Import data into a Service Registry instance


Import all artifacts and metadata from an export file to another Service Registry instance

rhoas service-registry artifact import [flags]


## Import all artifacts and metadata from export file to another Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry artifact import


--file string
File location of the artifact
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact list

List artifacts


List all artifacts for the group in the specified output format (by default, "table")

rhoas service-registry artifact list [flags]


## List all artifacts for the "default" artifact group
rhoas service-registry artifact list

## List all artifacts in all groups
rhoas service-registry artifact list --all-groups

## List all artifacts with "my-group" group
rhoas service-registry artifact list --group=my-group

## List all artifacts with limit and group
rhoas service-registry artifact list --page=2 --limit=10

## List all artifacts for the "default" artifact group with name containing "sample"
rhoas service-registry artifact list --name sample

## List all artifacts for the "default" artifact group having labels "my-label" and "sample"
rhoas service-registry artifact list --label "my-label" --labels "sample"

## List all artifacts for the "default" artifact group with description containing "sample"
rhoas service-registry artifact list --description sample


-a, --all-groups
List artifacts in all groups
--description string
Text search to filter artifacts by description
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--label stringArray
Text search to filter artifacts by labels
--limit int32
Page limit (default 100)
--name string
Text search to filter artifacts by name
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml)
--page int32
Page number (default 1)
--property stringArray
Text search to filter artifacts by properties (separate each name/value pair using a colon)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact metadata-get

Get artifact metadata


Get the metadata for an artifact in a Service Registry instance.

The returned metadata includes both generated (read-only) and editable metadata (such as name and description).

rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-get [flags]


## Get latest artifact metadata for default group
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-get --artifact-id=my-artifact

## Get latest artifact metadata for my-group group
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-get --artifact-id=my-artifact --group mygroup


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact metadata-set

Update artifact metadata


Update the metadata for an artifact in a Service Registry instance.

Editable metadata includes fields such as name and description.

rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-set [flags]


## Update the metadata for an artifact
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-set --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group --name=my-name --description=my-description

## Update the metadata for an artifact using your default editor ($EDITOR)
rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-set --artifact-id=my-artifact

##  Update the metadata for an artifact using Visual Studio Code
EDITOR="code -w" rhoas service-registry artifact metadata-set --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
--description string
Custom description of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--name string
Custom name of the artifact
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact state-set

Set artifact state


Set the artifact state by setting one of the following values:

  • ENABLED (Enable artifact)

  • DISABLED (Disable artifact usage)

  • DEPRECATED (Deprecate artifact)

rhoas service-registry artifact state-set [flags]


## Set artifact state to DISABLED
rhoas service-registry artifact state-set --artifact-id=my-artifact --state=DISABLED


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--state string
new artifact state

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact update

Update artifact


Update an artifact from a file or directly from standard input.

Artifacts are typically in JSON format for most supported types, but might be in another format for some types (for example, PROTOBUF). The type of the content should be compatible with the current artifact type.

When successful, this command creates a new version of the artifact, making it the most recent (and therefore official) version of the artifact.

An artifact is updated using the content provided in the request body. This content is updated under a unique artifactId provided by the user.

Updated artifact content should conform to the validity and compatibility rules set for the registry instance.

rhoas service-registry artifact update [flags]


## update artifact from group and artifact-id
rhoas service-registry artifact update --artifact-id=my-artifact --group my-group my-artifact.json

## update artifact from group and artifact-id
rhoas service-registry artifact update --artifact-id=my-artifact --group my-group my-artifact.json


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
--description string
Custom description of the artifact
-f, --file string
File location of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--name string
Custom name of the artifact
--version string
Custom version of the artifact (for example 1.0.0)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry artifact versions

Get latest artifact versions by artifact-id and group


Get the latest artifact versions by specifying the group and artifact-id

rhoas service-registry artifact versions [flags]


## Get latest artifact versions for default group
rhoas service-registry artifact versions --artifact-id=my-artifact

## Get latest artifact versions for my-group group
rhoas service-registry artifact versions --artifact-id=my-artifact --group mygroup


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry create

Create a Service Registry instance


Create a Service Registry instance to store and manage your schema and API artifacts

rhoas service-registry create [flags]


## Create Service Registry instance
rhoas service-registry create --name myregistry

## Create Service Registry instance with description
rhoas service-registry create --name myregistry --description "description of instance"


--description string
User-provided description of the new Service Registry instance
--name string
Unique name of the Service Registry instance
-o, --output string
Format in which to display the Service Registry instance (choose from: "json", "yml", "yaml") (default "json")
Set the new Service Registry instance to the current instance (default true)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry delete

Delete a Service Registry instance


Delete a Service Registry instance along with all of its schema and API artifacts.

rhoas service-registry delete [flags]


# Delete a Service Registry instance by name
rhoas service-registry delete --name my-service-registry

# Delete a Service Registry instance by ID
rhoas service-registry delete --id 1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Service Registry instance you want to delete (if not provided, the current Service Registry instance will be deleted)
--name string
Name of the Service Registry instance to delete
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation to forcibly delete this Service Registry instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry describe

Describe a Service Registry instance


Describe a Service Registry instance. Fetch all required fields including the registry URL.

rhoas service-registry describe [flags]


# Describe a Service Registry instance by name
rhoas service-registry describe --name my-service-regisrty

# Describe a Service Registry instance by ID
rhoas service-registry describe --id 1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Service Registry instance (if not provided, the current Service Registry instance will be used)
--name string
Name of the Service Registry instance to view
-o, --output string
Format in which to display the Service Registry instance (choose from: "json", "yml", "yaml") (default "json")

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry list

List Service Registry instances


List all Service Registry instances for your account and paginate over the results.

rhoas service-registry list [flags]


rhoas service-registry list


--limit int32
The maximum number of Service Registry instances to be returned (default 100)
-o, --output string
Format in which to display the Service Registry instance (choose from: "json", "yml", "yaml")
--page int32
Display the Service Registry instances from the specified page number (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry role

Service Registry role management


Manage Service Registry roles using a set of commands that give users one of following permissions:

  • viewer (provides read access)

  • manager (provides read and write access)

  • admin (provides admin access as well as read and write access)

Roles can be applied to users (for example, "martin_redhat") and Service Account Client IDs (for example, "srvc-acct-03ddedba-5b49-4aa0-9b68-02e8b8c31add"). These commands are accessible only to users with the organization admin role or owners of the Service Registry instance.


## Create or update user role
rhoas service-registry role add --role=admin --username=joedough

## List user and service account roles
rhoas service-registry role list

## Revoke role for user
rhoas service-registry role revoke --username=janedough

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry role add

Add or update principal role


Add or update one of the following roles for a user or service account:

  • viewer (provides read access)

  • manager (provides read and write access)

  • admin (provides admin access as well as read and write access)

rhoas service-registry role add [flags]


## Create or update user role
rhoas service-registry role add --role=admin --username=joedough


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--role string
Role to apply: admin, manager, or viewer
--service-account string
ServiceAccount name
--username string
Username of the user within organization

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry role list

List roles


List all roles on selected instance

rhoas service-registry role list [flags]


## List user and service account roles
rhoas service-registry role list


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-o, --output string
Output format (json, yaml, yml)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry role revoke

Revoke role for principal


Revoke the role of a user or service account.

It is not possible to revoke the role of the owner of the instance. The instance owner always retains admin rights.
rhoas service-registry role revoke [flags]


## Revoke role for user
rhoas service-registry role revoke --username=janedough


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--service-account string
ServiceAccount name
--username string
Username of the user within organization

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule

Manage artifact rules in a Service Registry instance


Configure the validity and compatibility rules that govern artifact content.

When you add or update an artifact, Service Registry applies rules to check the validity and compatibility of the artifact content. Artifact rules apply to the specified artifact only. Global rules apply to all artifacts in a particular Service Registry instance. Configured artifact rules override any configured global rules. Before a new artifact version can be uploaded to the registry, all configured global rules or artifact rules must pass.

For more information about supported Service Registry content and rules, see


## Enable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=compatibility --config=full

## Enable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=compatibility --config=full-transitive --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00

## Display the configuration details of the global validity rule for the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule describe --rule-type=validity

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule describe

Display the configuration details of a rule


Display the configuration details of a compatibility or validity rule for the specified Service Registry instance or artifact.

rhoas service-registry rule describe [flags]


## Display the configuration details of the global validity rule for the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule describe --rule-type=validity

## Display the configuration details of the compatibility rule for a specific artifact
$ rhoas service-registry rule describe --rule-type=compatibility --artifact-id=my-artifact --group=my-group


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"
--rule-type string
Rule type determines how the content of an artifact can evolve over time

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule disable

Disable validity and compatibility rules


Disable validity and compatibility rules for the specified Service Registry instance or artifact.

rhoas service-registry rule disable [flags]


## Disable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule disable --rule-type=compatibility

## Disable all enabled rules for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule disable

## Disable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule disable --rule-type=compatibility --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00

## Disable the validity rule for a specific artifact
$ rhoas service-registry rule disable --rule-type=validity --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--rule-type string
Rule type determines how the content of an artifact can evolve over time
-y, --yes
Skip confirmation to forcibly disable rules

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule enable

Enable validity and compatibility rules


Enable validity and compatibility rules for the specified Service Registry instance or artifact.

rhoas service-registry rule enable [flags]


## Enable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=compatibility --config=full

## Enable the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=compatibility --config=full-transitive --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00

## Enable the validity rule for a specific artifact
$ rhoas service-registry rule enable --rule-type=validity --config=syntax-only --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
--config string
Configuration value for a rule
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--rule-type string
Rule type determines how the content of an artifact can evolve over time

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule list

List the validity and compatibility rules


List the validity and compatibility rules for the specified Service Registry instance or artifact.

rhoas service-registry rule list [flags]


## List the global rules for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule list

## List the global rules for all artifacts in a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule list --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00

## List the artifact rules for a specific artifact
$ rhoas service-registry rule list --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry rule update

Update the configuration of rules


Update the configuration of validity and compatibility rules for the specified Service Registry instance or artifact.

rhoas service-registry rule update [flags]


## Update the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule update --rule-type=compatibility --config=full

## Update the global compatibility rule for all artifacts in a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry rule update --rule-type=compatibility --config=full --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00

## Update the validity rule for a specific artifact
$ rhoas service-registry rule update --rule-type=validity --config=full --artifact-id=my-artifact


--artifact-id string
ID of the artifact
--config string
Configuration value for a rule
-g, --group string
Artifact group (default "default")
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
--rule-type string
Rule type determines how the content of an artifact can evolve over time

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry setting

Configure settings for a Service Registry instance


Service Registry instance owners, instance administrators, and organization administrators can configure settings for a Service Registry instance.

The available settings include the following options:

  • registry.auth.authenticated-read-access.enabled - Specifies whether Service Registry grants at least read-only access to requests from any authenticated user in the same organization, regardless of their user role. Defaults to false.

  • registry.auth.basic-auth-client-credentials.enabled - Specifies whether Service Registry users can authenticate using HTTP basic authentication, in addition to OAuth. Defaults to true.

  • registry.auth.owner-only-authorization - Specifies whether only the user who creates an artifact can modify that artifact. Defaults to false.

  • registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled - Specifies whether the Confluent Schema Registry compatibility API uses globalId instead of contentId as an artifact identifier. Defaults to false.


## List all settings for the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry setting list

## Set the value of setting
$ rhoas service-registry setting set --name registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled --value true

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry setting get

Get value of the setting for a Service Registry instance


Get the formatted value of the setting and other information for a Service Registry instance

rhoas service-registry setting get [flags]


## Get the setting for a Service Registry instance by name
$ rhoas service-registry setting get --name registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled

## Get the setting for a Service Registry instance in YAML format by name
$ rhoas service-registry setting get --name registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled --output yaml


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-n, --name string
Name of the setting for a Service Registry instance
-o, --output string
Specify the output format. Choose from: "json", "yaml", "yml"

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry setting list

List settings for a Service Registry instance


List all settings for a Service Registry instance with their values and types

rhoas service-registry setting list [flags]


## List all settings for the current Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry setting list

## List all settings for a specific Service Registry instance
$ rhoas service-registry setting list --instance-id=8ecff228-1ffe-4cf5-b38b-55223885ee00


--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry setting set

Set value of the setting for a Service Registry instance


Set the value of the Service Registry setting to a specific value or reset to default

rhoas service-registry setting set [flags]


## Set value of setting by name
$ rhoas service-registry setting set --name registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled --value true

## Reset value of setting by name
$ rhoas service-registry setting set --name registry.ccompat.legacy-id-mode.enabled --default


Restore value of the Service Registry setting to default
--instance-id string
ID of the Service Registry instance to be used (by default, uses the currently selected instance)
-n, --name string
Name of the Service Registry setting
--value string
New value of the Service Registry setting

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also

service-registry use

Use a Service Registry instance


Select a Service Registry instance to use with all instance-specific commands. You can specify a Service Registry instance by --name or --id.

When you set the Service Registry instance to be used, it is set as the current instance for all rhoas service-registry artifact commands.

rhoas service-registry use [flags]


# Use a Service Registry instance by name
rhoas service-registry use --name my-service-registry

# Use a Service Registry instance by ID
rhoas service-registry use --id 1iSY6RQ3JKI8Q0OTmjQFd3ocFRg


--id string
Unique ID of the Service Registry instance you want to set as the current instance
--name string
Name the Service Registry instance you want to set as the current instance

Options inherited from parent commands

-h, --help
Show help for a command
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose mode

See also