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Release Notes

Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5

Major features, changes, enhancements, corrections, API information and known issues in Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5

Edition 2

Daniel Macpherson

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Lana Brindley

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Athene Chan

Red Hat Engineering Content Services


Welcome to the RHN Satellite Release Notes.

Chapter 1. Major Features

The following are the major features released as part of Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5.
IPv6 enablement
RHN Satellite, RHN Proxy and RHN Client/Tools all work within an IPv6 environment.


Restrictions: Satellite still needs IPv4 for external communications to RHN Hosted/Classic in order for satellite-sync to download content. The following are not supported in IPv6:
  • PXE Provisioning
  • Monitoring
  • Solaris Clients
Older Red Hat Enterprise Linux anaconda installers do not provision/install over IPv6. Please review the Red Hat Enterprise Linux release notes for instances where the anaconda installation over IPv6 worked.
OpenSCAP support
RHN Satellite now provides security audit state (Security Content Automation Protocol or SCAP) reports of Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems running inside the Satellite environment. Includes client support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8 and above as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 and above.

Chapter 2. Major Changes

i386 Architecture Support
Red Hat Network Satellite and Proxy 5.5 will continue to provide support for x86 (64-bit) machines and s390x architectures. Satellite and Proxy will no longer support the i386 (32-bit) architecture.
Red Hat Network Satellite and Proxy 5.4 will provide support for i386 (32-bit) machines up to March 31, 2017 as set out by the RHN Satellite and Proxy Server Life Cycle.

Chapter 3. Enhancements

Improvements and enhancements added for Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5.
Allows customers to create and maintain custom-cloned Red Hat Enterprise Linux channels based on the date that content (Errata) was made available from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux channel. With RHN Satellite 5.5, spacewalk-clone-by-date was enhanced to allow a user to clone security errata only.
Provisioning over bonded network interfaces
RHN Satellite will now support the ability to define bonded network interfaces for new Satellite installations, as well as reprovisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux Systems.
For new installations, setting up bonded networking in a kickstart profile can be done via WebUI, regardless of whether this has been set up on the system prior to the Satellite installation.
API Additions
The following are API additions of note in this release:
  • This API addition allows the system to access the System Currency report via the API.
  • The API function archives scheduled items without going through the web interface.
  • An API function enhancement that allows the user to preserve the ks.cfg file through the API.
Database maintenance tool
  • Allows administrators to change the embedded database password.
Configuration File Changes
  • Configuration files within /etc/rhn/default have been moved to /usr/share/rhn/config-defaults. To edit any configuration settings, use /etc/rhn/rhn.conf. Changes made to /etc/rhn/rhn.conf will override the values in the defaults set in /usr/share/rhn/config-defaults.

Chapter 4. Major Corrections

Major bug fixes and workarounds released for Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5.
  • In a Satellite update installation, the script did not keep the proxy settings in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf. This was resolved in the Satellite upgrade installation by including instructions to create an answer file containing the correct proxy settings and using the answer file in the Satellite upgrade.
  • Authentication tokens were not being handled correctly in a multi-tiered RHN Proxy Server configuration. The code which regenerates the authentication token depended on the X-RHN-Proxy-Auth-Error header in the html reply for every method. This has been fixed and auth information is now being correctly passed between RHN Proxy Servers in a multi-tiered configuration.
  • Only errata containing the latest upgradeable package were being offered for system update which, in a situation where the package has an older security erratum and a newer non-critical erratum, only the non-critical one was offered to a system to upgrade. This fix now offers all errata to a system for upgrade. All security errata will be visible to a system.
  • Previously, the java heapdump directory for taskomatic and rhn-search defaulted to /usr/sbin which caused the directory to fill up quickly. The java heapdump directory now defaults to /var/crash.
  • Duplicate entries in the Satellite database, specifically the rhnCPU table caused internal server errors. A fix to ensure all rows are unique before the unique index is created has been implemented. No duplicate entries should appear in the Satellite database.
  • When running numerous monitoring probes with large tables, RHN probes result in a deadlock error message (ORA-00060).
  • When deleting a child channel, related rows in the database were not automatically being deleted along with the child channel. Deleting the child channel would result in an unhandled exception error. Rules were added into the oracle database at the time of table creation which would correctly delete the related rows that matched the channel to be deleted. Database data with associated channels should now be cleaned up correctly.
  • The sorting directions in the Satellite web interface's drop-down lists were displaying incorrectly causing confusion in the "Managing Channels" interface. The fix updated the perl channel-select-dropdowns to use the same hierarchical sorting as java pages. The sorting directions should now reflect uniformly.
  • When a client system is registered to a Satellite Server via an RHN Proxy server, koan attempts to download the kickstart file directly from the Satellite server because of Cobbler redirection. This results in a URLError. Cobbler will now replace the hostname of the server with the hostname of the first proxy in the chain if koan is requesting anything from the cobbler API.
  • When a request in one thread breaks in a multi-threaded task, satellite-sync locks up on the download. The thread throwing the traceback will now release the lock so other threads will continue the download.

Chapter 5. Known Issues

Known issues and workarounds found in RHN Satellite Server 5.5:
  • Monitoring with SELinux in enforcing mode continues to be offered as a technical preview for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 installations of RHN Satellite and RHN Proxy.

Chapter 6. API Information

New APIs

  • channel

    • listVendorChannels
      Lists all the vendor software channels that the user's organization is entitled to.

    • removeErrata
      Removes a given list of errata from the given channel.
    • mergeErrata
      Merges all errata from one channel into another based upon a given start/end date.
    • removeRepo
      Removes a repository.
    • updateRepoURL
      Updates repository source URL.
    • updateRepoLabel
      Updates repository label.
    • updateRepo
      Updates a ContentSource repository.
    • getRepoDetails
      Returns details of the given repository.
  • configchannel

    • getEncodedFileRevision
      Get revision of the specified configuration file.
    • lookupFileInfo
      Given a list of paths and a channel, it returns details about the latest revisions of the paths.
  • system.scap

    • listXccdfScans
      Returns a list of finished OpenSCAP scans for a given system.
    • getXccdfScanDetails
      Gets details of a selected OpenSCAP XCCDF scan.
    • getXccdfScanRuleResults
      Returns a full list of RuleResults for given OpenSCAP XCCDF scan.
    • scheduleXccdfScan
      Schedule OpenSCAP scan.
  • system

    • provisionVirtualGuest
      Provisions a guest on the specified host. This API method schedules the guest for creation and will begin the provisioning process when the host checks in. Or, if OSAD is enabled, it will begin immediately. This method defaults to mac_address=random, memory=512MB, vcpu=1, and storage=3GB.
    • getSystemCurrencyMultipliers
      Obtains the System Currency score multipliers.
    • getSystemCurrencyScores
      Obtains the System Currency score multipliers.
    • getUuid
      Obtains the UUID from the given system ID.
  • kickstart.profile

    • getCfgPreservation
      Obtains the ks.cfg preservation option for a kickstart profile.
    • setCfgPreservation
      Sets the ks.cfg preservation option for a kickstart profile.
  • satellite

    • isMonitoringEnabled
      This API method will return "True" if monitoring is enabled on the satellite.
    • isMonitoringEnabledBySystemId
      This API method will return "True" if monitoring is enabled on the satellite.
  • schedule

    • archiveActions
      Archives all actions in the given list.

    • uuid
      Lists the systems which match this UUID.

Modified APIs (interface changes only)

    Preferred gpg parameters are: gpg_key_url, gpg_key_id, gpg_key_fp. (The old gpg_url, gpg_id, and gpg_fingerprint are kept for compatibility reasons.)
  • configchannel.createOrUpdatePath, system.config.createOrUpdatePath
    Now accepts the 'binary' attribute to support binary uploads.
  • errata.getDetails
    Now returns an 'errataFrom' attribute.
  • errata.setDetails, errata.create
    Now takes the 'errataFrom' attribute. It also takes the 'url' attribute within the bug structure.
  • packages.listChangelog
    Now returns changelog string instead of an array of maps representing the changelog.
  • system.listSubscribedChildChannels, system.getSubscribedBaseChannel, kickstart.listKickstartableChannels,,,,
    Now returns a list of contentSources structure instead of yumrepo_source_url and yumrepo_label
  • configchannel.getFileRevisions, configchannel.getFileRevision, configchannel.getEncodedFileRevision, configchannel.createOrUpdatePath, configchannel.lookupFileInfo, system.config.lookupFileInfo, system.config.createOrUpdatePath
    Now returns the 'contents_enc64' attribute.
  •, system.getRelevantErrata, system.getRelevantErrataByType
    Now returns the 'issue_date' and 'update_date' attributes.
  • system.getNetworkDevices
    Now returns a list of IPv6 address structures.
  • system.comparePackages, system.comparePackageProfile
    Now returns the 'package_arch' attribute.
  • system.getScriptResults, system.getScriptActionDetails
    Now returns the 'output_enc64' attribute.
  • system.listPackages
    Now returns the 'id' attribute.
  • system.getNetwork
    Now returns the 'ip6' attribute

APIs Recently Deprecated

  • channel.listRedHatChannels
    Replaced by channel.listVendorChannels

APIs Recently Removed

APIs are very rarely removed. If new functionality is required, new API calls will be introduced.
  • None

API Bugs

This is a list of Bugzillas that have affected APIs that are fixed in Red Hat Network Satellite 5.5.
  • The activationkey.addChildChannels API call checks for parent channel presence in the activation key before it added a child channel. If it failed to detect it, an exception resulted. In the latest version, activationkey.addChildChannels will now allow a child channel to be created with an activation key that has no base channel set.
  • Satellite should be ignoring the parameters macro-start-delimiter and macro-end-delimiter to create a directory. Instead, this causes a traceback fault. This fix in configchannel.createOrUpdatePath ignores the macro delimiters if it is working with a directory.
  • Previously, turning on auto_errata_update via the system.setDetails API did not schedule events correctly. This fix will allow the scheduling of errata update when auto_errata_update is enabled via the system.setDetails API.
  • When calling system.config.createOrUpdatePath with the same content for multiple system, it causes an exception and leaves inconsistent config files that cannot be deleted using the Satellite graphical interface. This fix prevents system.config.createOrUpdatePath from causing a deadlock and will not cause exceptions.
  • The API system.getDmi() method did not return any data when the "System" field in the RHNSERVERDMI table is null. The null dmi.getBios() API call which caused the issue has been fixed and system.getDmi() now returns values when RHNSERVERDMI has blank rows.
  • The API system.getDmi() method did not return data when the "BIOS_VERSION" field in the RHNSERVERDMI table is null. The null dmi.getBios() API call which caused the issue has been fixed and system.getDmi() now returns values when RHNSERVERDMI has blank rows.
  • System Currency only generated a web interface report. An API call has been added to System Currency to allow System Currency to generate an API report.
  • Previously, the ks.cfg file could only be preserved via a check box in the web interface. A new XMLRPC API method was added to allow changes in the kickstart preserve ks.cfg option to work via the API.
  • system.getScriptResults returned malformed XML. This fix prevents the system.getScriptResults API from sending XML invalid characters.
  • The API documentation for deployAllSystems() did not show the date parameter when it called the deployAllSystems() method. The API documentation for deployAllSystems() has been fixed to include the date parameter.
  • Configuration channels could not be queried as the content of channel_label when querying system.config.listFiles is not the label but the channel name instead. This is fixed in this release. system.config.listFiles now returns the channel label and not the channel name.
  • The API documentation for errata.listPackages was incomplete and did not give a full accounting of the actual return of the API. The documentation has been updated to add file and checkstum_type.
  • activationkey.listActivationKeys() returned all activation keys when called, instead of those that should only be visible for the user. This has been fixed to only show custom activation keys.
  • listMyChannels does not return the correct provider_name for customer-created channels, and also lists Red Hat channels if they have custom child channels. In this version, only channels owned by the user's organization are returned by the API, and the provider_name now matches the organization name.
  • The channel.listSharedChannels API previously listed channels not just from the current organization but from other organizations as well. This has been fixed. The Shared Channels page and API now only returns channels from the current org.
  • Previously, the channel.listRedHatChannels API output included custom channels. This has been fixed and only Red Hat channels are now included in the channel.listRedHatChannels API output.
  • Verbose logging of caller_ip details in the rhn_web_api.log file is now enabled.
  • Issues with binary file handling prevented API binary file uploads. How configchannel.createOrUpdatePath handles binary files have been corrected and now accepts 'binary' attributes. In addition, configchannel.lookupFileInfo now returns base64 encoded content for binary files. API binary file uploads are now possible.

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 1-19Thu Aug 20 2015Dan Macpherson
Mass publication of all Satellite 5.5 books
Revision 1-182015-08-18Dan Macpherson
Removing note about bonded interfaces with Anaconda
Revision 1-17.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 1-17Wed May 22 2013Athene Chan
BZ#965875 PDF version was reporting incorrect version due to book information format. Changes have been made to correct this.
Revision 1-16Fri Feb 15 2013Athene Chan
BZ#910713 Minor edits to dates
Revision 1-15Thu Feb 14 2013Athene Chan
BZ#910713 Added chapter "Major Changes"
Revision 1-14Mon Oct 24 2012Athene Chan
BZ#862270 Minor typographical errors
Revision 1-13Mon Oct 22 2012Athene Chan
BZ#862270 Added "Configuration File Changes" in the Enhancement chapter.
Revision 1-12Fri Sep 21 2012Athene Chan
Copyright year changed.
Revision 1-11Fri Sep 21 2012Dan Macpherson
Final packaging for 5.5
Revision 1-10Wed Sept 19 2012Dan Macpherson
Final packaging for 5.5
Revision 1-9Wed Sep 19 2012Athene Chan
QA edits incorporated.
Revision 1-8Mon Sep 10 2012Athene Chan
All API attributes standardized to one format.
Revision 1-7Mon Sep 10 2012Athene Chan
Minor grammatical changes.
Revision 1-6Mon Sep 10 2012Athene Chan
BZ#852959 Edited new APIs as per technical review.
Revision 1-5Thu Sep 6 2012Athene Chan
BZ#852959 Added modified APIs as well as recently deprecated APIs.
Revision 1-4Tue Sep 4 2012Athene Chan
BZ#852959 Addition of BZ#801463 to Bug Fixes.
Revision 1-3Mon Sep 3 2012Athene Chan
BZ#852959 Technical Review edits.
Revision 1-2Fri Aug 31 2012Athene Chan
BZ#852959 Added Chapter 3 Major Corrections.
Revision 1-1Fri Aug 24 2012Athene Chan
Added Release features
Revision 1-0Fri Aug 24 2012Athene Chan
Prepared for publication

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