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D.10. RHN Satellite

The probes in this section may be applied to the RHN Satellite itself to monitor its health and performance. Since these probes run locally, no specific application or transport protocols are required.

D.10.1. RHN Satellite::Disk Space

The RHN Satellite::Disk Space probe monitors the free disk space on a Satellite and collects the following metrics:
  • File System Used — The percent of the current file system now in use.
  • Space Used — The file size used by the current file system.
  • Space Available — The file size available to the current file system.

Table D.63. RHN Satellite::Disk Space settings

Field Value
Device Pathname* /dev/hda1
Critical Maximum File System Used
Warning Maximum File System Used
Critical Maximum Space Used
Warning Maximum Space Used
Critical Maximum Space Available
Warning Maximum Space Available

D.10.2. RHN Satellite::Execution Time

The RHN Satellite::Execution Time probe monitors the execution time for probes run from a Satellite and collects the following metric:
  • Probe Execution Time Average — The seconds required to fully execute a probe.

Table D.64. RHN Satellite::Execution Time settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Probe Execution Time Average
Warning Maximum Probe Execution Time Average

D.10.3. RHN Satellite::Interface Traffic

The RHN Satellite::Interface Traffic probe monitors the interface traffic on a Satellite and collects the following metrics:
  • Input Rate — The amount of traffic in bytes per second the device receives.
  • Output Rate — The amount of traffic in bytes per second the device sends.

Table D.65. RHN Satellite::Interface Traffic settings

Field Value
Interface* eth0
Timeout (seconds)* 30
Critical Maximum Input Rate
Critical Maximum Output Rate

D.10.4. RHN Satellite::Latency

The RHN Satellite::Latency probe monitors the latency of probes on a Satellite and collects the following metric:
  • Probe Latency Average — The lag in seconds between the time a probe becomes ready to run and the time it is actually run. Under normal conditions, this is generally less than a second. When a Satellite is overloaded (because it has too many probes with respect to their average execution time), the number goes up.

Table D.66. RHN Satellite::Latency settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Probe Latency Average
Warning Maximum Probe Latency Average

D.10.5. RHN Satellite::Load

The RHN Satellite::Load probe monitors the CPU load on a Satellite and collects the following metric:
  • Load — The load average on the CPU for a 1-, 5-, and 15-minute period.

Table D.67. RHN Satellite::Load settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum 1-minute Average
Warning Maximum 1-minute Average
Critical Maximum 5-minute Average
Warning Maximum 5-minute Average
Critical Maximum 15-minute Average
Warning Maximum 15-minute Average

D.10.6. RHN Satellite::Probe Count

The RHN Satellite::Probe Count probe monitors the number of probes on a Satellite and collects the following metric:
  • Probes — The number of individual probes running on a Satellite.

Table D.68. RHN Satellite::Probe Count settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Probe Count
Warning Maximum Probe Count

D.10.7. RHN Satellite::Process Counts

The RHN Satellite::Process Counts probe monitors the number of processes on a Satellite and collects the following metrics:
  • Blocked — The number of processes that have been switched to the waiting queue and waiting state.
  • Child — The number of processes spawned by another process already running on the machine.
  • Defunct — The number of processes that have terminated (either because they have been killed by a signal or have called exit()) and whose parent processes have not yet received notification of their termination by executing some form of the wait() system call.
  • Stopped — The number of processes that have stopped before their executions could be completed.
  • Sleeping — A process that is in the Interruptible sleep state and that can later be reintroduced into memory, resuming execution where it left off.

Table D.69. RHN Satellite::Process Counts settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Blocked Processes
Warning Maximum Blocked Processes
Critical Maximum Child Processes
Warning Maximum Child Processes
Critical Maximum Defunct Processes
Warning Maximum Defunct Processes
Critical Maximum Stopped Processes
Warning Maximum Stopped Processes
Critical Maximum Sleeping Processes
Warning Maximum Sleeping Processes

D.10.8. RHN Satellite::Processes

The RHN Satellite::Processes probe monitors the number of processes on a Satellite and collects the following metric:
  • Processes — The number of processes running simultaneously on the machine.

Table D.70. RHN Satellite::Processes settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Processes
Warning Maximum Processes

D.10.9. RHN Satellite::Process Health

The RHN Satellite::Process Health probe monitors customer-specified processes and collects the following metrics:
  • CPU Usage — The CPU usage percent for a given process.
  • Child Process Groups — The number of child processes spawned from the specified parent process. A child process inherits most of its attributes, such as open files, from its parent.
  • Threads — The number of running threads for a given process. A thread is the basic unit of CPU utilization, and consists of a program counter, a register set, and a stack space. A thread is also called a lightweight process.
  • Physical Memory Used — The amount of physical memory in kilobytes being used by the specified process.
  • Virtual Memory Used — The amount of virtual memory in kilobytes being used by the specified process, or the size of the process in real memory plus swap.
Specify the process by its command name or process ID. (PID). Entering a PID overrides the entry of a command name. If no command name or PID is entered, the error Command not found is displayed and the probe is set to a CRITICAL state.

Table D.71. RHN Satellite::Process Health settings

Field Value
Command Name
Process ID (PID) file
Timeout* 15
Critical Maximum CPU Usage
Warning Maximum CPU Usage
Critical Maximum Child Process Groups
Warning Maximum Child Process Groups
Critical Maximum Threads
Warning Maximum Threads
Critical Maximum Physical Memory Used
Warning Maximum Physical Memory Used
Critical Maximum Virtual Memory Used
Warning Maximum Virtual Memory Used

D.10.10. RHN Satellite::Process Running

The RHN Satellite::Process Running probe verifies that the specified process is running. Specify the process by its command name or process ID. (PID). Entering a PID overrides the entry of a command name. A Critical status results if the probe cannot verify the command or PID.

Table D.72. RHN Satellite::Process Running settings

Field Value
Command Name
Process ID (PID) file
Critical Number Running Maximum
Critical Number Running Minimum

D.10.11. RHN Satellite::Swap

The RHN Satellite::Swap probe monitors the percent of free swap space available on a Satellite. A CRITICAL status results if the value falls below the Critical threshold. A WARNING status results if the value falls below the Warning threshold.

Table D.73. RHN Satellite::Swap settings

Field Value
Critical Minimum Swap Percent Free
Warning Minimum Swap Percent Free

D.10.12. RHN Satellite::Users

The RHN Satellite::Users probe monitors the number of users currently logged into a Satellite. A CRITICAL status results if the value exceeds the Critical threshold. A WARNING status results if the value exceeds the Warning threshold.

Table D.74. RHN Satellite::Users settings

Field Value
Critical Maximum Users
Warning Maximum Users