Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Web Server

Chapter 20. Toolset Guide

20.1. About the Toolset Guide

Roundtrip engineering with Hibernate is possible using a set of Eclipse plugins, commandline tools, and Ant tasks.
Hibernate Tools currently include plugins for the Eclipse IDE as well as Ant tasks for reverse engineering of existing databases:
  • Mapping Editor: an editor for Hibernate XML mapping files that supports auto-completion and syntax highlighting. It also supports semantic auto-completion for class names and property/field names, making it more versatile than a normal XML editor.
  • Console: the console is a new view in Eclipse. In addition to a tree overview of your console configurations, you are also provided with an interactive view of your persistent classes and their relationships. The console allows you to execute HQL queries against your database and browse the result directly in Eclipse.
  • Development Wizards: several wizards are provided with the Hibernate Eclipse tools. You can use a wizard to quickly generate Hibernate configuration (cfg.xml) files, or to reverse engineer an existing database schema into POJO source files and Hibernate mapping files. The reverse engineering wizard supports customizable templates.
However, the Hibernate main package comes bundled with an integrated tool : SchemaExport aka hbm2ddl.It can even be used from "inside" Hibernate.