Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

18.5. Adding Resources to a Group: addMember.js

Set up the script. This identifies three required arguments for the script:
  • groupName for the group to add the resources to
  • resourceName for the name of the resource to add; this is one of the search criteria
  • resourceTypeName for the type of resource to add; this is one of the search criteria
This also includes a search to find the group specified in the argument.
function usage() {
        println("Usage: addMember groupName resourceName resourceTypeName");
        throw "Illegal arguments";

if( args.length < 3 ) usage();
var groupName = args[0];
var resourceName = args[1];
var resourceTypeName = args[2];

groupcriteria = new ResourceGroupCriteria();

var groups = ResourceGroupManager.findResourceGroupsByCriteria(groupcriteria);
if( groups != null ) {
  if( groups.size() > 1 ) {
        println("Found more than one group.");
  else if( groups.size() == 1 ) {
     group = groups.get(0);
Search for the resources to add to the group. The script is designed to add only a single resource to the group, so the given search criteria, resourceName and resourceTypeName, must be specific enough to match only a single resource.
criteria = new ResourceCriteria();

var resources = ResourceManager.findResourcesByCriteria(criteria);
if( resources != null ) {
  if( resources.size() > 1 ) {
        println("Found more than one JBossAS Server instance. Try to specialize.");
     for( i =0; i < resources.size(); ++i) {
          var resource = resources.get(i);
          println("  found " + );
  else if( resources.size() == 1 ) {
     resource = resources.get(0);
     println("Found one JBossAS Server instance. Trying to add it.");
     println("  " + );
        ResourceGroupManager.addResourcesToGroup(, []);
     println("  Added to " + + "!");
  else {
        println("Did not find any JBossAS Server instance matching your pattern. Try again.");
When this script is run, it prints the name of the found JBoss instance and that it was added to the group.
[jsmith@server cli]$ ./ addMember myGroup "JBossAS App 1" "JBossAS Server"
Remote server version is: 3.0.1.GA (b2cb23b:859b914)
Login successful
Found one JBossAS Server instance. Trying to add it.
  AS JBossAS App 1
  Added to myGroup!