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2.3. Postgres - Server


Table 2.26. Overview

Description:PostgreSQL Server
Singleton: no

Child Resource Types

Autodiscovery Process Scans

Table 2.27. Metrics


Connection Properties

Table 2.28. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
listen hostthe hostname or IP address that the database is listening on yes host
listen portthe TCP port that the database is listening on yes port
database namethe name of the database to connect to yes db
JDBC driver classthe fully-qualified classname of the JDBC driver class no driverClass
role namethe database role to connect as yes principal
role passwordthe password for the database role being used to connect yes credentials
PGDATA directorythe absolute path to the directory containing the cluster configuration files postgresql.conf, pg_hba.conf, and pg_ident.conf yes pgdataDir
configuration filethe absolute path to the main cluster configuration file; default value is '{pgDataDir}/postgresql.conf', where [pgDataDir] is the value of the pgDataDir connection property no configFile


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 2.29. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
User TimemeasurementThe aggregate amount of CPU user time spent by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateCpu.user
User Time per MinutemeasurementThe aggregate amount of CPU user time spent by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateCpu.user
Kernel TimemeasurementThe aggregate amount of CPU kernel time spent by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateCpu.sys
Kernel Time per MinutemeasurementThe aggregate amount of CPU kernel time spent by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateCpu.sys
CPU PercentagemeasurementThe percentage of CPU currently being used by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateCpu.percent
Physical MemorymeasurementThe aggregate amount of resident memory used by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateMemory.resident
Virtual MemorymeasurementThe aggregate amount of virtual memory used by all postgres processesProcess.aggregateMemory.size
Open File DescriptorsmeasurementThe aggregate number of file descriptors open by all postgres
Active BackendsmeasurementNumber of currently active backends (user connections)Database.backends
Start timetraitStart time of the PostgreSQL database serverDatabase.startTime
Add Missing FromtraitAutomatically adds missing table references to FROM clausesRuntime.add_missing_from
Allow System Table ModstraitAllows modifications of the structure of system tablesRuntime.allow_system_table_mods
Archive CommandtraitWAL archiving commandRuntime.archive_command
Archive TimeouttraitForces a switch to the next xlog file if a new file has not been started within the specified amount of timeRuntime.archive_timeout
Array NullstraitEnable input of NULL elements in arrays.Runtime.array_nulls
Authentication TimeouttraitThe maximum allowed time to complete client authenticationRuntime.authentication_timeout
AutovacuumtraitStarts the autovacuum subprocess.Runtime.autovacuum
Autovacuum Analyze Scale FactortraitNumber of tuple inserts, updates or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.Runtime.autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor
Autovacuum Analyze ThresholdtraitMinimum number of tuple inserts, updates or deletes prior to analyze.Runtime.autovacuum_analyze_threshold
Autovacuum Freeze Max AgetraitAge (in transactions) at which to autovacuum a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound.Runtime.autovacuum_freeze_max_age
Autovacuum NaptimetraitAmount of time to sleep between autovacuum runsRuntime.autovacuum_naptime
Autovacuum Vacuum Cost DelaytraitVacuum cost delay for autovacuumRuntime.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
Autovacuum Vacuum Cost LimittraitVacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.Runtime.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit
Autovacuum Vacuum Scale FactortraitNumber of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.Runtime.autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor
Autovacuum Vacuum ThresholdtraitMinimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.Runtime.autovacuum_vacuum_threshold
Backslash QuotetraitWhether quotes are allowed in string literalsRuntime.backslash_quote
Bgwriter All MaxpagestraitBackground writer maximum number of all pages to flush per roundRuntime.bgwriter_all_maxpages
Bgwriter All PercenttraitBackground writer percentage of all buffers to flush per roundRuntime.bgwriter_all_percent
Bgwriter DelaytraitBackground writer sleep time between rounds; default unit is millisecondsRuntime.bgwriter_delay
Bgwriter Lru MaxpagestraitBackground writer maximum number of LRU pages to flush per roundRuntime.bgwriter_lru_maxpages
Bgwriter Lru PercenttraitBackground writer percentage of LRU buffers to flush per roundRuntime.bgwriter_lru_percent
Block SizetraitShows size of a disk block; determined by the value of BLCKSZ when building the server; default unit is bytesRuntime.block_size
Bonjour NametraitThe Bonjour broadcast service nameRuntime.bonjour_name
Check Function BodiestraitCheck function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION.Runtime.check_function_bodies
Checkpoint SegmentstraitThe maximum distance (in log segments) between automatic WAL checkpoints.Runtime.checkpoint_segments
Checkpoint TimeouttraitThe maximum amount of time between automatic WAL checkpoints; default unit is secondsRuntime.checkpoint_timeout
Checkpoint WarningtraitLogs if filling of checkpoint segments happens more frequently than this amount of time; default unit is secondsRuntime.checkpoint_warning
Client EncodingtraitThe client's character set encoding.Runtime.client_encoding
Client Min MessagestraitThe message levels that are sent to the client.Runtime.client_min_messages
Commit DelaytraitThe delay in between transaction commit and flushing WAL to disk; default unit is microsecondsRuntime.commit_delay
Commit SiblingstraitThe minimum concurrent open transactions before performing commit_delay.Runtime.commit_siblings
Config FiletraitThe server's main configuration file.Runtime.config_file
Constraint ExclusiontraitEnables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries.Runtime.constraint_exclusion
Cpu Index Tuple CosttraitThe planner's estimate of the cost of processing each index entry during an index scan; measured on the same scale as the seq_page_cost configuration parameterRuntime.cpu_index_tuple_cost
Cpu Operator CosttraitThe planner's estimate of the cost of processing each operator or function call; measured on the same scale as the seq_page_cost configuration parameterRuntime.cpu_operator_cost
Cpu Tuple CosttraitThe planner's estimate of the cost of processing each tuple (row); measured on the same scale as the seq_page_cost configuration parameterRuntime.cpu_tuple_cost
Custom Variable ClassestraitThe list of known custom variable classesRuntime.custom_variable_classes
Data DirectorytraitThe server's data directory.Runtime.data_directory
DateStyletraitThe display format for date and time values.Runtime.DateStyle
Db User NamespacetraitEnables per-database user names.Runtime.db_user_namespace
Deadlock TimeouttraitThe amount of time to wait on lock before checking for a deadlock; default unit is millisecondsRuntime.deadlock_timeout
Debug AssertionstraitTurns on various assertion checks.Runtime.debug_assertions
Debug Pretty PrinttraitIndents parse and plan tree displays.Runtime.debug_pretty_print
Debug Print ParsetraitPrints the parse tree to the server log.Runtime.debug_print_parse
Debug Print PlantraitPrints the execution plan to server log.Runtime.debug_print_plan
Debug Print RewrittentraitPrints the parse tree after rewriting to server log.Runtime.debug_print_rewritten
Default Statistics TargettraitThe default statistics target; range 1-1000.Runtime.default_statistics_target
Default TablespacetraitThe default tablespace to create tables and indexes in.Runtime.default_tablespace
Default Transaction IsolationtraitThe transaction isolation level of each new transaction.Runtime.default_transaction_isolation
Default Transaction Read OnlytraitThe default read-only status of new transactions.Runtime.default_transaction_read_only
Default With OidstraitCreate new tables with OIDs by default.Runtime.default_with_oids
Dynamic Library PathtraitThe path for dynamically loadable modules.Runtime.dynamic_library_path
Effective Cache SizetraitThe planner's assumption about size of the disk cache; the unit is disk pages, which are normally 8KB eachRuntime.effective_cache_size
Enable BitmapscantraitEnables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans.Runtime.enable_bitmapscan
Enable HashaggtraitEnables the planner's use of hashed aggregation plans.Runtime.enable_hashagg
Enable HashjointraitEnables the planner's use of hash join plans.Runtime.enable_hashjoin
Enable IndexscantraitEnables the planner's use of index-scan plans.Runtime.enable_indexscan
Enable MergejointraitEnables the planner's use of merge join plans.Runtime.enable_mergejoin
Enable NestlooptraitEnables the planner's use of nested-loop join plans.Runtime.enable_nestloop
Enable SeqscantraitEnables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans.Runtime.enable_seqscan
Enable SorttraitEnables the planner's use of explicit sort steps.Runtime.enable_sort
Enable TidscantraitEnables the planner's use of TID scan plans.Runtime.enable_tidscan
Escape String WarningtraitWarn about backslash escapes in ordinary string literals.Runtime.escape_string_warning
Explain Pretty PrinttraitUses the indented output format for EXPLAIN VERBOSE.Runtime.explain_pretty_print
External Pid FiletraitWrites the postmaster PID to the specified file.Runtime.external_pid_file
Extra Float DigitstraitThe number of extra digits displayed for floating-point values.Runtime.extra_float_digits
From Collapse LimittraitThe FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsedRuntime.from_collapse_limit
FsynctraitForces synchronization of updates to disk.Runtime.fsync
Full Page WritestraitWrites full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint.Runtime.full_page_writes
GeqotraitEnables genetic query optimizationRuntime.geqo
Geqo EfforttraitGEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO parameters; range 1-10Runtime.geqo_effort
Geqo GenerationstraitGEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm; default selected based on effort.Runtime.geqo_generations
Geqo Pool SizetraitGEQO: number of individuals in the population; default selected based on effort.Runtime.geqo_pool_size
Geqo Selection BiastraitGEQO: selective pressure within the population.Runtime.geqo_selection_bias
Geqo ThresholdtraitThe threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is used.Runtime.geqo_threshold
Gin Fuzzy Search LimittraitThe maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN.Runtime.gin_fuzzy_search_limit
Hba FiletraitThe server's hba [configuration file]Runtime.hba_file
Ident FiletraitThe server's ident [configuration file]Runtime.ident_file
Ignore System IndexestraitDisables reading from system indexes.Runtime.ignore_system_indexes
Integer DatetimestraitDatetimes are integer based.Runtime.integer_datetimes
Join Collapse LimittraitThe FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattenedRuntime.join_collapse_limit
Krb Caseins UserstraitWhether Kerberos user names should be treated as case-insensitive.Runtime.krb_caseins_users
Krb Server HostnametraitThe hostname of the Kerberos server.Runtime.krb_server_hostname
Krb Server KeyfiletraitThe location of the Kerberos server key file.Runtime.krb_server_keyfile
Krb SrvnametraitThe name of the Kerberos service.Runtime.krb_srvname
Lc CollatetraitShows the collation order locale.Runtime.lc_collate
Lc CtypetraitShows the character classification and case conversion locale.Runtime.lc_ctype
Lc MessagestraitThe language in which messages are displayed.Runtime.lc_messages
Lc MonetarytraitThe locale for formatting monetary amounts.Runtime.lc_monetary
Lc NumerictraitThe locale for formatting numbers.Runtime.lc_numeric
Lc TimetraitThe locale for formatting date and time values.Runtime.lc_time
Listen AddressestraitThe host name or IP address(es) to listen to.Runtime.listen_addresses
Local Preload LibrariestraitLists shared libraries to preload into each backend.Runtime.local_preload_libraries
Log ConnectionstraitLogs each successful connection.Runtime.log_connections
Log DestinationtraitThe destination for server log output.Runtime.log_destination
Log DirectorytraitThe destination directory for log files.Runtime.log_directory
Log DisconnectionstraitLogs end of a session, including duration.Runtime.log_disconnections
Log DurationtraitLogs the duration of each completed SQL statement.Runtime.log_duration
Log Error VerbositytraitThe verbosity of logged messages.Runtime.log_error_verbosity
Log Executor StatstraitWrites executor performance statistics to the server log.Runtime.log_executor_stats
Log FilenametraitThe file name pattern for log files.Runtime.log_filename
Log HostnametraitLogs the host name in the connection logs.Runtime.log_hostname
Log Line PrefixtraitControls information prefixed to each log lineRuntime.log_line_prefix
Log Min Duration StatementtraitThe minimum execution time (in milliseconds) above which statements will be logged.Runtime.log_min_duration_statement
Log Min Error StatementtraitCauses all statements generating error at or above this level to be logged.Runtime.log_min_error_statement
Log Min MessagestraitThe message levels that are logged.Runtime.log_min_messages
Log Parser StatstraitWrites parser performance statistics to the server log.Runtime.log_parser_stats
Log Planner StatstraitWrites planner performance statistics to the server log.Runtime.log_planner_stats
Log Rotation AgetraitAutomatic log file rotation will occur after this amount of time; default unit is minutesRuntime.log_rotation_age
Log Rotation SizetraitAutomatic log file rotation will occur when the file reaches this size; default unit is kilobytesRuntime.log_rotation_size
Log StatementtraitThe type of statements logged.Runtime.log_statement
Log Statement StatstraitWrites cumulative performance statistics to the server log.Runtime.log_statement_stats
Log Truncate On RotationtraitTruncate existing log files of same name during log rotation.Runtime.log_truncate_on_rotation
Maintenance Work MemtraitThe maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations.Runtime.maintenance_work_mem
Max ConnectionstraitThe maximum number of concurrent connections.Runtime.max_connections
Max Files Per ProcesstraitThe maximum number of simultaneously open files for each server process.Runtime.max_files_per_process
Max Fsm PagestraitThe maximum number of disk pages for which free space is tracked.Runtime.max_fsm_pages
Max Fsm RelationstraitThe maximum number of tables and indexes for which free space is tracked.Runtime.max_fsm_relations
Max Function ArgstraitShows the maximum number of function arguments.Runtime.max_function_args
Max Identifier LengthtraitShows the maximum identifier lengthRuntime.max_identifier_length
Max Index KeystraitShows the maximum number of index keys.Runtime.max_index_keys
Max Locks Per TransactiontraitThe maximum number of locks per transaction.Runtime.max_locks_per_transaction
Max Prepared TransactionstraitThe maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions.Runtime.max_prepared_transactions
Max Stack DepthtraitThe maximum size of the server's execution stack; default unit is kilobytesRuntime.max_stack_depth
Password EncryptiontraitEncrypt passwords.Runtime.password_encryption
PorttraitThe TCP port the server listens onRuntime.port
Post Auth DelaytraitWaits the specified amount of time on connection startup after authentication; default unit is secondsRuntime.post_auth_delay
Pre Auth DelaytraitWaits the specified amount of time on connection startup before authentication; default unit is secondsRuntime.pre_auth_delay
Random Page CosttraitThe planner's estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page; measured on the same scale as the seq_page_cost configuration parameterRuntime.random_page_cost
Redirect StderrtraitStart a subprocess to capture stderr output into log filesRuntime.redirect_stderr
Regex FlavortraitThe regular expression flavor.Runtime.regex_flavor
Search PathtraitThe schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified.Runtime.search_path
Seq Page CosttraitThe planner's estimate of the cost of a sequentially fetched disk page; measured on an arbitrary scale.Runtime.seq_page_cost
Server EncodingtraitThe server (database) character set encoding.Runtime.server_encoding
Server VersiontraitShows the PostgreSQL version.Runtime.server_version
Server Version NumtraitShows the PostgreSQL version as an integer (e.g. 80204 translates to 8.2.4).Runtime.server_version_num
Shared BufferstraitThe amount of memory for the shared memory buffers used by the serverRuntime.shared_buffers
Shared Preload LibrariestraitLists shared libraries to preload into server.Runtime.shared_preload_libraries
Silent ModetraitRuns the server silently.Runtime.silent_mode
Sql InheritancetraitCauses subtables to be included by default in various commands.Runtime.sql_inheritance
SsltraitEnables SSL connections.Runtime.ssl
Standard Conforming Stringstrait'...' strings treat backslashes literally.Runtime.standard_conforming_strings
Statement TimeouttraitThe maximum allowed duration of any statement; default unit is millisecondsRuntime.statement_timeout
Stats Block LeveltraitCollects block-level statistics on database activity.Runtime.stats_block_level
Stats Command StringtraitCollects information about executing commands.Runtime.stats_command_string
Stats Reset On Server StarttraitZeroes collected statistics on server restart.Runtime.stats_reset_on_server_start
Stats Row LeveltraitCollects row-level statistics on database activity.Runtime.stats_row_level
Stats Start CollectortraitStarts the server statistics-collection subprocess.Runtime.stats_start_collector
Superuser Reserved ConnectionstraitThe number of connection slots reserved for superusersRuntime.superuser_reserved_connections
Tcp Keepalives CounttraitMaximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits; '0' selects the system defaultRuntime.tcp_keepalives_count
Tcp Keepalives IdletraitAmount of time between issuing TCP keepalives; '0' selects the system default; default unit is secondsRuntime.tcp_keepalives_idle
Tcp Keepalives IntervaltraitAmount of time between TCP keepalive retransmits; '0' selects the system default; default unit is secondsRuntime.tcp_keepalives_interval
Temp BufferstraitThe maximum number of temporary buffers used by each session.Runtime.temp_buffers
TimeZonetraitThe time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps.Runtime.TimeZone
Timezone AbbreviationstraitSelects a file of time zone abbreviationsRuntime.timezone_abbreviations
Trace NotifytraitGenerates debugging output for LISTEN and NOTIFY.Runtime.trace_notify
Trace SorttraitEmit information about resource usage in sorting.Runtime.trace_sort
Transaction IsolationtraitThe current transaction's isolation level.Runtime.transaction_isolation
Transaction Read OnlytraitThe current transaction's read-only status.Runtime.transaction_read_only
Transform Null EqualstraitTreats expr=NULL as expr IS NULLRuntime.transform_null_equals
Unix Socket DirectorytraitThe directory where the Unix-domain socket will be createdRuntime.unix_socket_directory
Unix Socket GrouptraitThe owning group of the Unix-domain socketRuntime.unix_socket_group
Unix Socket PermissionstraitThe access permissions of the Unix-domain socketRuntime.unix_socket_permissions
Update Process TitletraitUpdates the process title to show the active SQL command.Runtime.update_process_title
Vacuum Cost DelaytraitVacuum cost delay; default unit is milliseconds; range 0-1000Runtime.vacuum_cost_delay
Vacuum Cost LimittraitVacuum cost (in credits) amount available before napping.Runtime.vacuum_cost_limit
Vacuum Cost Page DirtytraitVacuum cost (in credits) for a page dirtied by vacuum; range 0-10000Runtime.vacuum_cost_page_dirty
Vacuum Cost Page HittraitVacuum cost (in credits) for a page found in the buffer cache; range 0-10000Runtime.vacuum_cost_page_hit
Vacuum Cost Page MisstraitVacuum cost (in credits) for a page not found in the buffer cache; range 0-10000Runtime.vacuum_cost_page_miss
Vacuum Freeze Min AgetraitMinimum age (in transactions) at which VACUUM should freeze a table row.Runtime.vacuum_freeze_min_age
Wal BufferstraitThe number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WALRuntime.wal_buffers
Wal Sync MethodtraitSelects the method used for forcing WAL updates out to disk.Runtime.wal_sync_method
Work MemtraitThe maximum memory to be used for query workspaces; default unit is kilobytesRuntime.work_mem
Zero Damaged PagestraitContinues processing past damaged page headers.Runtime.zero_damaged_pages


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 2.30. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
PortSets the TCP port the server listens on; default value is '5432'. no port
Max_connectionsSets the maximum number of concurrent connections; default value is '100'. no max_connections
Shared_buffersSets the number of the shared memory buffers used by the server; default value is typically '1000'. no shared_buffers
Max_fsm_pagesMaximum FSM Pages, must be a minimum of max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each) no max_fsm_pages
Log_destinationAvailable options depend on operating system; default value is 'stderr' no log_destination
Redirect_stderrEnable capturing of stderr into log files; enabled by default no redirect_stderr
Stats_start_collectorneeded for block or row stats; enabled by default no stats_start_collector
Stats_block_levelEnables the collection of block-level statistics on database activity; if this option is enabled, the data that is produced can be accessed via the pg_stat and pg_statio family of system views; disabled by default no stats_block_level
Stats_row_levelEnables the collection of row-level statistics on database activity; if this option is enabled, the data that is produced can be accessed via the pg_stat and pg_statio family of system views; disabled by default no stats_row_level
AutovacuumEnable autovacuum subprocess? (requires stats_start_collector and stats_row_level to also be on); enabled by default no autovacuum


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 2.31. Metrics

List Process StatisticsList statistics about the currently executing postgres backends. state column result is only available with Postgres 9.2+

Package Types


2.3.1. Postgres - Database Service


Table 2.32. Overview

Singleton: no

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 2.33. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Database Name  yes databaseName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 2.34. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
BackendsmeasurementNumber of active server processes for databasenumbackends
Transactions CommittedmeasurementTransactions committed in databasexact_commit
Transactions Committed per MinutemeasurementTransactions committed in databasexact_commit
Transactions Rolled BackmeasurementTransactions rolled back in databasexact_rollback
Transactions Rolled Back per MinutemeasurementTransactions rolled back in databasexact_rollback
Blocks ReadmeasurementNumber of disk block fetch requests for databaseblks_read
Blocks Read per MinutemeasurementNumber of disk block fetch requests for databaseblks_read
Blocks HitmeasurementNumber of disk block fetch requests found in cache for database blks_hit
Blocks Hit per MinutemeasurementNumber of disk block fetch requests found in cache for database blks_hit
SizemeasurementDisk space used by the databasesize


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 2.35. Metrics

Reset StatisticsResets the statistics in this database
Invoke SqlExecute arbitrary SQL
Remove orphan large objectsRemoves orphaned large objects from pg_largeobject

Package Types

none Postgres - Table Service


Table 2.36. Overview

Description:Database table
Singleton: no
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties

Table 2.37. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Schema Name  yes schemaName
Table Name  yes tableName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Table 2.38. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
Sequential ScansmeasurementNumber of sequential scans done against this table (when an index scan was not possible)seq_scan
Sequential Scans per MinutemeasurementNumber of sequential scans done against this table (when an index scan was not possible)seq_scan
Sequential Rows ReadmeasurementNumber of rows read by sequential scansseq_tup_read
Sequential Rows Read per MinutemeasurementNumber of rows read by sequential scansseq_tup_read
Index ScansmeasurementNumber of index scans done against this tableidx_scan
Index Scans per MinutemeasurementNumber of index scans done against this tableidx_scan
Index Scan Rows ReadmeasurementNumber of index entries returned by index scansidx_tup_fetch
Index Scan Rows Read per MinutemeasurementNumber of index entries returned by index scansidx_tup_fetch
Heap Blocks ReadmeasurementThe number of heap blocks read that were not a buffer cache hitheap_blks_read
Heap Blocks Read per MinutemeasurementThe number of heap blocks read that were not a buffer cache hitheap_blks_read
Heap Blocks HitmeasurementThe number of heap block requests that were found in the buffer cacheheap_blks_hit
Heap Blocks Hit per MinutemeasurementThe number of heap block requests that were found in the buffer cacheheap_blks_hit
Index Blocks ReadmeasurementThe number of index blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hitidx_blks_read
Index Blocks Read per MinutemeasurementThe number of index blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hitidx_blks_read
Index Blocks HitmeasurementThe number of index block requests that were found in the buffer cacheidx_blks_hit
Index Blocks Hit per MinutemeasurementThe number of index block requests that were found in the buffer cacheidx_blks_hit
Toast Blocks ReadsmeasurementThe number of toast blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hittoast_blks_read
Toast Blocks Reads per MinutemeasurementThe number of toast blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hittoast_blks_read
Toast Blocks HitmeasurementThe number of toast block requests that were found in the buffer cachetoast_blks_hit
Toast Blocks Hit per MinutemeasurementThe number of toast block requests that were found in the buffer cachetoast_blks_hit
Toast Index Blocks ReadmeasurementThe number of toast index blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hittidx_blks_read
Toast Index Blocks Read per MinutemeasurementThe number of toast index blocks fetched that were not a buffer cache hittidx_blks_read
Toast Index Blocks HitmeasurementThe number of toast index block requests that were found in the buffer cachetidx_blks_hit
Toast Index Blocks Hit per MinutemeasurementThe number of toast index block requests that were found in the buffer cachetidx_blks_hit
Row InsertsmeasurementThe number of rows ever inserted into this tablen_tup_ins
Row Inserts per MinutemeasurementThe number of rows ever inserted into this tablen_tup_ins
Row UpdatesmeasurementThe number of rows ever updated on this tablen_tup_upd
Row Updates per MinutemeasurementThe number of rows ever updated on this tablen_tup_upd
Row DeletesmeasurementThe number of rows ever deleted from this tablen_tup_del
Row Deletes per MinutemeasurementThe number of rows ever deleted from this tablen_tup_del
Table SizemeasurementThe size in bytes of the data in the tabletable_size
Total SizemeasurementThe size in bytes of the data and all associated indexes and toast tablestotal_size
RowsmeasurementThe count of rows in the table. Warning: This may be an expensive operationrows
Approximate rowsmeasurementThe approximate count of rows in the table. This is basically the number of rows of the last ANALYZE of the table. This metric is not expensive.rows_approx


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties

Table 2.39. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Schema Name  yes schemaName
Table Name  yes tableName
Columns  yes columns


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Table 2.40. Metrics

VacuumVacuum the table
Package Types
none Postgres - Query Service


Table 2.41. Overview

Singleton: no
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties

Table 2.42. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
TableThe table to discover and to be queried on for metric data yes table
NameInitial name of the resource when manually added. This is also part of the resource key - make this unique if you want two Query resources based on the same table. no name
DescriptionInitial description of resource when manually added no description
Metric QueryThe query that will gather metric data. This must return two columns, a string column whose value is 'metricColumn' and then a numeric column whose value is the metric to be collected. no metricQuery


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Table 2.43. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
Metric ValuemeasurementThe metric value for this Query. If Metric Query is not specified, this is not collected.metricColumn


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types

2.3.2. Postgres - User Service


Table 2.44. Overview

Description:A User in the Postgres System
Singleton: no

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 2.45. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
Total User ConnectionsmeasurementThe total number of user connections in the system, whether actively querying or idletotal
Active User ConnectionsmeasurementThe number of user connections in the system actively queryingactive


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 2.46. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Inherit RightsInherit rights from parent roles. yes inheritRights
Super UserIs a super user. yes superuser
Can Create Database TypesImplied for a super user. yes canCreateDatabaseObjects
Can Create RolesImplied for a super user. yes canCreateRoles
Can Update System Catalogs DirectlyEven a superuser cannot update system catalogs unless this property is true. False is implied for a non super user. yes canModifyCatalogDirectly
User connection limit  yes connectionLimit
User  yes user
Can Login  yes canLogin
Password  yes password


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types
