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5.8. Uninventorying and Deleting Resources

A resource can be removed from the JBoss ON inventory in one of two ways: it can be uninventoried (all resources) or it can be deleted (content-backed resources or configuration-related resources).

5.8.1. A Comparison of Uninventorying and Deleting Resources

Uninventorying a resource permanently and irrevocably removes all data about that resource from the JBoss ON inventory. It removes all historical monitoring data, configuration and operation histories, alerts, drift definitions, and any other stored data. However, the resource itself remains intact — it still exists on the machine and can be rediscovered (as a new resource) at a later time.
Any resource can be uninventoried.
Deleting a resource, on the other hand, completely removes the resource from the machine itself. So, deleting an EAR resource deletes the EAR from its parent EAP instance. However, the inventory information about that resource — its historic metric data, configuration history, and version history (for content resources) — remains intact, so that if a new version of that child is ever deployed, it is retains all of its original history.
Only resources not discovered through the discovery queue (such as deployed EAR files or created datasources) can be deleted.

5.8.2. Use Caution When Removing Resources

Uninventory Irrevocably Deletes the Resource History and Data

Uninventorying a resource removes all of the data that JBoss ON has for that resource: its metric data and historical monitoring data, alerts, drift and configuration history, operation history, and other data. Once the resource is uninventoried, its data can never be recovered.

Uninventorying or Deleting a Resource Removes All of Its Children

If a parent resource is removed from JBoss ON, then all of its children are also removed. Removing an EAP server, for example, removes all of its deployed web applications from the JBoss ON inventory. Removing a platform removes all servers, services, and resources on that platform.

Uninventoried Resources Can Still Be Discovered

Even though a resource is uninventoried and all of its data in JBoss ON is permanently removed, the underlying resource still exists. This means that the resource can still be discovered. To prevent the resource from being discovered and re-added to the inventory, ignore the resource, as in Section 5.2.4, “Ignoring Discovered Resources”.

Anything Depending on a Deleted Resource Could Fail

Some resource types can be deleted, meaning the resource itself is removed from the machine, not just from the JBoss ON inventory. Anything that relies on that resource can experience failures because the resource is deleted. For example, if a datasource for an EAP server is deleted, that datasource is removed from the EAP server itself. Any application which attempts to connect to that datasource will then stop working, since it does not exist anymore.

5.8.3. Uninventorying through the Inventory Tab

  1. Click the Inventory tab in the top menu.
  2. Select the resource category in the Resources table on the left, and, if necessary, filter for the resource.
  3. Select the resource to uninventory from the list, and click the Uninventory button.
  4. When prompted, confirm that the resource should be uninventoried.
  5. To prevent the resource from being re-imported into the inventory, ignore it when it is discovered in the next discovery scan. This is covered in Section 5.2.4, “Ignoring Discovered Resources”.

5.8.4. Uninventorying through the Parent Inventory

  1. Click the Inventory tab in the top menu.
  2. Search for the parent resource of the resource.
    Chapter 2, Dynamic Searches for Resources and Groups has information on searching for resources using dynamic searches.
  3. Click the Inventory tab for the parent resource.
  4. Click on the line of the child resource to uninventory. To select multiple entries, use the Ctrl key.
  5. Click the Uninventory button.
  6. When prompted, confirm that the resource should be uninventoried.
  7. To prevent the resource from being re-imported into the inventory, ignore it when it is discovered in the next discovery scan. This is covered in Section 5.2.4, “Ignoring Discovered Resources”.

5.8.5. Uninventorying through a Group Inventory

If a resource is a member of a group, then the resource can be uninventoried through the group management pages, as part of managing the group resources.
  1. In the Inventory tab in the top menu, select the compatible or mixed groups item in the Groups menu on the left.
  2. Click the name of the group.
  3. Open the Inventory tab for the group, and open the Members submenu.
  4. Click on the line of the group member to uninventory. To select multiple entries, use the Ctrl key.
  5. Click the Uninventory button.
  6. When prompted, confirm that the resource should be uninventoried.
  7. To prevent the resource from being re-imported into the inventory, ignore it when it is discovered in the next discovery scan. This is covered in Section 5.2.4, “Ignoring Discovered Resources”.

5.8.6. Deleting a Resource

Deleting a resource does several things:
  • Deletes the resource from the underlying machine.
  • Removes the resource from the inventory.
  • Removes any child resources from JBoss ON.
  • Preserves the inventory information in JBoss ON for the resource, including alerts, drift definitions, metric data, and configuration and operation histories.
Only a resource not imported through the discovery queue can be deleted. This generally means that content-backed resources (EARs, WARs, and JARs) and other child resources like datasources can be deleted.


Because the real, underlying resource is deleted (not just the inventory entry), anything relying on that resource can experience failures.
  1. Click the Inventory tab in the top menu.
  2. Search for the parent resource of the resource to delete.
    Chapter 2, Dynamic Searches for Resources and Groups has information on searching for resources using dynamic searches.
  3. Click the Inventory tab of the parent resource.
  4. Select the resource to delete from the list of children.
  5. Click the Delete button in the bottom of the Inventory tab.