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3.2.9. JBossAS5 - Web Application (WAR) Service


Table 3.143. Overview

Description:a standalone web application (WAR)
Singleton: no

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties

Table 3.144. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Deployment Namethe name of this WAR yes deploymentName
Context Paththis WAR's context path (e.g. /admin-console) no contextPath
Extension  yes extension
Description Template  yes descriptionTemplate
Deployment Type NameThe name of the item from the enum corresponding to this deployment's type. yes deploymentTypeName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.145. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
Pathtraitthe absolute path of this WAR file or directorycustom.path
Exploded?traitwhether this WAR is deployed exploded (i.e. as a directory)custom.exploded
Context Roottraitthis context root of this WAR (e.g. jmx-console) - used as a unique path prefix for URLs corresponding to this WARcontextRoot
Virtual Hoststraitthe virtual host(s) to which this WAR is deployedvirtualHosts


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 3.146. Metrics

Startstarts this WAR
Stopstops this WAR
Restartstops and then restarts this WAR

Package Types

Table 3.147. Package Types

WAR FileDeployable JBossAS5 - Web Application Context Service


Table 3.148. Overview

Description:a web application context
Singleton: no
Child Resource Types
Connection Properties

Table 3.149. 

NameDescriptionRequiredInternal Name
Component Type  yes componentType
Component Subtype  yes componentSubtype
Component Name  yes componentName
Response Time Log Filethe full path to the log file containing response-time stats for this webapp no responseTimeLogFile
Response Time Url Excludesa space-delimited list of regular expressions specifying URLs that should be excluded from response-time stats collection no responseTimeUrlExcludes
Response Time Url Transformsa space-delimited list of Perl-style substitution expressions that should be applied to all URLs for which response-time stats are collected (e.g. |^/dept/finance/.*|/dept/finance/*|) no responseTimeUrlTransforms
Virtual Hostthis WAR's virtual host (e.g. localhost) yes virtualHost


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Table 3.150. Metrics

NameTypeDescriptionInternal Name
ClusteredtraitTrue if this web application context is clusteredclustered
Virtual Hosttraitthe virtual host with which this context is associatedvirtualHost
Response Timecalltimethe minimum, maximum, and average response times for requests serviced by this webappresponseTime
Currently Active Sessionsmeasurementthe number of sessions that are currently active for this WARactiveSessions
Maximum Active Sessionsmeasurementthe maximum number of sessions that have been active for this WARmaxActive
Created Sessionsmeasurementthe number of sessions created for this WARsessionCounter
Created Sessions per Minutemeasurementthe number of sessions created for this WARsessionCounter
Expired Sessionsmeasurementthe number of expired sessions for this WARexpiredSessions
Expired Sessions per Minutemeasurementthe number of expired sessions for this WARexpiredSessions
Rejected Sessionsmeasurementthe number of sessions rejected for this WARrejectedSessions
Rejected Sessions per Minutemeasurementthe number of sessions rejected for this WARrejectedSessions
Average Session Alive Timemeasurementthe average alive time of sessions for this WARsessionAverageAliveTime
Max Session Alive Timemeasurementthe maximum alive time of sessions for this WARsessionMaxAliveTime
Minimum Response Timemeasurementthe minimum response time for requests serviced by this WARServlet.minimumResponseTime
Average Response Timemeasurementthe average response time for requests serviced by this WARServlet.averageResponseTime
Maximum Response Timemeasurementthe maximum response time for requests serviced by this WARServlet.maximumResponseTime
Total Response Timemeasurementthe total response time for requests serviced by this WARServlet.totalResponseTime
Total Response Time per Minutemeasurementthe total response time for requests serviced by this WARServlet.totalResponseTime
Number of Requests Servicedmeasurementthe number of requests serviced by this WARServlet.requestCount
Number of Requests Serviced per Minutemeasurementthe number of requests serviced by this WARServlet.requestCount
Number of Error Responsesmeasurementthe number of error responses sent by this WARServlet.errorCount
Number of Error Responses per Minutemeasurementthe number of error responses sent by this WARServlet.errorCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.
Configuration Properties
Package Types