Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

9.2.6. Deploying Nodes Manually

By default, when a new storage node is installed, it is automatically deployed to the cluster. However, if automatic deployment is disabled, then new nodes must be deployed manually after they are created.


Deploying a node lists that node's host in the cluster configuration and any allowed host can gain access to the data in the storage cluster.
Restrict access to the rhq-storage-auth.conf file so that the allowed hosts list cannot be altered to allow an attacker to gain access to the cluster and the stored data.
  1. Install a node using the rhqctl install command.
  2. Click the Administration tab in the top navigation bar.
  3. In the Topology area on the left, select the Storage Nodes item.
  4. In the Nodes tab, select the row of the node to deploy.
  5. Click the Deploy button.
A node can also be deployed by running a Deploy operation on the storage node resource.


Storage nodes can be deployed using the JBoss ON CLI and scripts, as well. This can be useful when provisioning new systems in the infrastructure.
For example:
// deploy a storage node 
nodes = StorageNodeManager.findStorageNodesByCriteria(StorageNodeCriteria()); 
node = nodes.get(0); StorageNodeManager.deployStorageNode(node);
This can be key in dynamically adding storage nodes as demands on the infrastructure increase. Nodes can be installed in advance and then hot-deployed and removed as necessary.