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3.9.2. JMX - Threading Service


Table 3.1995. Overview

Description: Information on threading in the VM
Singleton: yes
Plugin: JMX

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.1996. 

Name Description Required Internal Name
Object Name yes objectName
Name Template yes nameTemplate


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1997. Metrics

Name Type Description Internal Name
Thread Count measurement Number of active threads in the system ThreadCount
Peak Thread Count measurement Peak count of active threads in the system PeakThreadCount
Total Started Thread Count measurement Count of threads started since system start TotalStartedThreadCount
Daemon Thread Count measurement Count of threads marked as daemons in the system DaemonThreadCount
Suspended Thread Count measurement Count of suspended threads SuspendedThreadCount
Deadlocked Thread Count measurement Count of threads that are deadlocked waiting to acquire object monitors. This is a CPU-time consuming metric. DeadLockedThreadCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 3.1998. 

Name Description Required Internal Name
Thread Contention Monitoring Enabled yes ThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled
Thread Cpu Time Enabled yes ThreadCpuTimeEnabled


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 3.1999. Metrics

Name Description
Reset Peak Thread Metrics Reset the peak number of threads
Find Monitor Deadlocked Threads Finds cycles of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors
Thread Dump Returns a summary of all live threads, including both daemon and non-daemon threads

Package Types
