Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

3.3.28. JBoss AS 7 and EAP 6 - Remoting Service


Table 3.730. Overview

Singleton: yes
Plugin: JBossAS7

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties

Table 3.731. 

Name Description Required Internal Name
Path yes path


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Configuration Properties

Table 3.732. 

Name Description Required Internal Name
Worker Read Threads The number of read threads to create for the remoting worker. The default value is 1. no worker-read-threads
Worker Task Core Threads The number of core threads for the remoting worker task thread pool. The default value is 4. no worker-task-core-threads
Worker Task Keepalive The number of milliseconds to keep non-core remoting worker task threads alive. The default value is 60. no worker-task-keepalive
Worker Task Limit The maximum number of remoting worker tasks to allow before rejecting. The default value is 16384. no worker-task-limit
Worker Task Max Threads The maximum number of threads for the remoting worker task thread pool. The default value is 16. no worker-task-max-threads
Worker Write Threads The number of write threads to create for the remoting worker. The default value is 1. no worker-write-threads


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types
