Red Hat Training

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5.3.5. Installing a Server Silently

Some options in the file tell the installation process to load the server configuration from the file rather than the from the web-based installer.
# Auto-Install Pre-Configuration Settings


The autoinstaller options are only evaluated once, when the JBoss ON server is first installed. After that initial configuration, the autoinstaller is disabled. These properties are ignored once the server is set up and cannot be used to initiate a re-install of an existing instance.
To re-install the server, first delete the server installation directory, then unzip the original JBoss ON server archive and install the server as if it were new.

Table 12. Parameters for Silent Installation

Parameter Description
rhq.autoinstall.enabled Tells the installation process whether to load the configuration from the file (true) or from the web-based installer (false).
rhq.autoinstall.database Tells the install process how to load or add database schema. There are three options:
  • auto creates a new schema for new installation or upgrades existing schema without overwriting the data.
  • overwrite overwrites the database and creates a new, empty schema.
  • skip skips the entire database process so no database is created or updated.
rhq.autoinstall.public-endpoint-address Sets the IP address or hostname to use for the server. If no value is given, then the server detects and sets its own value when it starts.