Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

Development: Remote and Domain APIs

JBoss Operations Network 3.1

javadoc for the JBoss Operations Network remote API

Edition 3.1

June 12, 2012


This is the javadoc of the JBoss Operations Network remote API, with a list of changes between releases of the API.

Chapter 1. Javadocs

Chapter 2. Changes from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0

2.1. Changed Class: AvailabilityManagerRemote

2.1.1. Deprecated Methods

PageList<Availability> findAvailabilityForResource( 
        Subject subject, 
        int resourceId, 
        PageControl pc);

2.1.2. New Methods

PageList<Availability> findAvailabilityByCriteria( 
		Subject subject,
		AvailabilityCriteria criteria);

2.2. Changed Class: ResourceManagerRemote

2.2.1. Changed Methods

Instead of the returning a null value for the UNKNOWN state, the ResourceManagerRemote.getLiveResourceAvailability() method now returns AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN.

2.2.2. New Methods

ResourceAvailabilitySummary getAvailabilitySummary( 
		Subject subject, 
		int resourceId);
List<Integer> disableResources( 
		Subject subject, 
		int[] resourceIds);
List<Integer> enableResources( 
		Subject subject, 
		int[] resourceIds);

Chapter 3. Changes from 3.0 to 3.0.1

3.1. Changed Class: ContentManagerRemote

3.1.1. Deprecated Methods

void deployPackages(
	Subject subject, 
	int[] resourceIds, 
	int[] packageVersionIds);

3.1.2. New Associated Methods

PackageVersion createPackageVersionWithDisplayVersion( 
	Subject subject, 
	String packageName, 
	int packageTypeId, 
	String version, 
	String displayVersion, 
	Integer architectureId,
	byte[] packageBytes);
void deployPackagesWithNote(
	Subject subject, 
	int[] resourceIds,
	int[] packageVersionIds,
	String requestNotes);

Chapter 4. Changes from 2.4 to 3.0

4.1. New Class: SynchronizationManagerRemote

4.1.1. New Associated Methods

ExportReport exportAllSubsystems(Subject subject);
void validate(Subject subject, byte[] exportFile) throws ValidationException;
ImportConfigurationDefinition getImportConfigurationDefinition(String synchronizerClass);
List<ImportConfigurationDefinition> getImportConfigurationDefinitionOfAllSynchronizers();
ImportReport importAllSubsystems(Subject subject, byte[] exportFile, List<ImportConfiguration> importerConfigurations) throws ValidationException, ImportException;

4.2. New Class: DriftManagerRemote

4.2.1. New Associated Methods

void deleteDriftDefinition(Subject subject, EntityContext entityContext, String driftDefName);
PageList<DriftDefinition> findDriftDefinitionsByCriteria(Subject subject, DriftDefinitionCriteria criteria);
PageList<? extends DriftChangeSet<?>> findDriftChangeSetsByCriteria(Subject subject, DriftChangeSetCriteria criteria) throws Exception;
PageList<? extends Drift<?, ?>> findDriftsByCriteria(Subject subject, DriftCriteria criteria) throws Exception;
FileDiffReport generateUnifiedDiff(Subject subject, Drift<?, ?> drift);
FileDiffReport generateUnifiedDiff(Subject subject, Drift<?, ?> drift1, Drift<?, ?> drift2);
FileDiffReport generateUnifiedDiffByIds(Subject subject, String driftId1, String driftId2);
String getDriftFileBits(Subject subject, String hash);
DriftSnapshot getSnapshot(Subject subject, DriftSnapshotRequest request);
void pinSnapshot(Subject subject, int driftDefId, int snapshotVersion);
void updateDriftDefinition(Subject subject, EntityContext entityContext, DriftDefinition driftConfig);

4.3. New Class: DriftTemplateManagerRemote

4.3.1. New Associated Methods

PageList<DriftDefinitionTemplate> findTemplatesByCriteria(Subject subject, DriftDefinitionTemplateCriteria criteria);
DriftDefinitionTemplate createTemplate(Subject subject, int resourceTypeId, boolean isUserDefined, DriftDefinition definition);
void pinTemplate(Subject subject, int templateId, int snapshotDriftDefId, int snapshotVersion);
void updateTemplate(Subject subject, DriftDefinitionTemplate template);
void deleteTemplate(Subject subject, int templateId);

4.4. New Class: ClusterManagerRemote

4.4.1. New Associated Methods

ResourceGroup createAutoClusterBackingGroup(Subject subject, ClusterKey clusterKey, boolean addResources);
ResourceGroup getAutoClusterBackingGroup(Subject subject, ClusterKey clusterKey);
List<Resource> getAutoClusterResources(Subject subject, ClusterKey clusterKey);
ClusterFlyweight getClusterTree(Subject subject, int groupId);

4.5. New Class: DashboardManagerRemote

4.5.1. New Associated Methods

public PageList<Dashboard> findDashboardsByCriteria(Subject subject, DashboardCriteria criteria);
public Dashboard storeDashboard(Subject subject, Dashboard dashboard);
public void removeDashboard(Subject subject, int dashboardId);

4.6. Changed Class: AlertDefinitionManagerRemote

4.6.1. New Associated Methods

int enableAlertDefinitions(Subject subject, int[] alertDefinitionIds);
int disableAlertDefinitions(Subject subject, int[] alertDefinitionIds);
int removeAlertDefinitions(Subject subject, int[] alertDefinitionIds);
String[] getAlertNotificationConfigurationPreview(Subject subject, AlertNotification[] notifications);

4.7. Changed Class: AlertManagerRemote

4.7.1. New Associated Methods

int deleteAlerts(Subject subject, int[] alertIds);
int deleteAlertsByContext(Subject subject, EntityContext context);
int acknowledgeAlerts(Subject subject, int[] alertIds);
int acknowledgeAlertsByContext(Subject subject, EntityContext context);

4.8. Changed Class: RoleManagerRemote

4.8.1. Changed Methods

Old method
Changed method
void deleteRoles(Subject subject, Integer[] roleIds);
void deleteRoles(Subject subject, int[] roleIds);

4.8.2. New Associated Methods

void setAssignedSubjectRoles(Subject subject, int subjectId, int[] roleIds)

4.9. Changed Class: BundleManagerRemote

4.9.1. Changed Methods

Old method
Changed method
BundleDestination createBundleDestination(Subject subject, int bundleId, String name, String description, String deployDir, Integer groupId) throws Exception;
BundleDestination createBundleDestination(Subject subject, int bundleId, String name, String description, String destBaseDirName, String deployDir, Integer groupId) throws Exception;

4.9.2. New Associated Methods

ResourceTypeBundleConfiguration getResourceTypeBundleConfiguration(Subject subject, int compatGroupId) throws Exception;
BundleVersion createBundleVersionViaByteArray(Subject subject, byte[] fileBytes) throws Exception;
void deleteBundles(Subject subject, int[] bundleIds) throws Exception;
void purgeBundleDestination(Subject subject, int bundleDestinationId) throws Exception;

4.10. Changed Class: ContentManagerRemote

4.10.1. New Associated Methods

public void deletePackageVersion(Subject subject, int resourceId);
PackageType findPackageType(Subject subject, Integer resourceTypeId, String packageTypeName);
PackageTypeAndVersionFormatComposite findPackageTypeWithVersionFormat (Subject subject, Integer resourceTypeId, String packageTypeName);
PageList<Package> findPackagesByCriteria(Subject subject,PackageCriteria criteria);
PageList<PackageAndLatestVersionComposite> findPackagesWithLatestVersion(Subject subject, PackageCriteria criteria);

4.11. Changed Class: RepoManagerRemote

4.11.1. Changed Methods

Old method
Changed method
int synchronizeRepos(Subject subject, Integer[] repoIds) throws Exception;
int synchronizeRepos(Subject subject, int[] repoIds) throws Exception;

4.11.2. New Associated Methods

PackageVersion getLatestPackageVersion(Subject subject, int packageId, int repoId);
boolean deletePackageVersionsFromRepo(Subject subject, int repoId, int[] packageVersionId);

4.12. Changed Class: DiscoveryBossRemote

4.12.1. Changed Methods

Old method
Changed method
void importResources(Subject subject, Integer[] resourceIds);
void importResources(Subject subject, int[] resourceIds);
void ignoreResources(Subject subject,Integer[] resourceIds);
void ignoreResources(Subject subject, int[] resourceIds);
void unignoreResources(Subject subject, Integer[] resourceIds);
void unignoreResources(Subject subject, int[] resourceIds);

4.13. Changed Class: MeasurementDataManagerRemote

4.13.1. New Associated Methods

PageList<MeasurementDataTrait> findTraitsByCriteria(Subject subject, MeasurementDataTraitCriteria criteria);

4.14. Changed Class: ResourceFactoryManagerRemote

4.14.1. Changed Methods

Old method
New method
void createResource( Subject subject, int parentResourceId, int resourceTypeId, String resourceName, Configuration pluginConfiguration, Configuration resourceConfiguration);
CreateResourceHistory createResource( Subject subject, int parentResourceId, int resourceTypeId, String resourceName, Configuration pluginConfiguration, Configuration resourceConfiguration, Integer timeout);
void createPackageBackedResource(Subject subject, int parentResourceId, int newResourceTypeId, String newResourceName, Configuration pluginConfiguration, String packageName, String packageVersion, Integer architectureId, Configuration deploymentTimeConfiguration, byte[] packageBits);
CreateResourceHistory createPackageBackedResource(Subject subject, int parentResourceId, int newResourceTypeId, String newResourceName, Configuration pluginConfiguration, String packageName, String packageVersion, Integer architectureId, Configuration deploymentTimeConfiguration, byte[] packageBits, Integer timeout);
void deleteResource( Subject subject, int resourceId);
DeleteResourceHistory deleteResource(Subject subject, int resourceId);

4.14.2. New Associated Methods

public CreateResourceHistory createPackageBackedResourceViaPackageVersion(Subject subject, int parentResourceId, int newResourceTypeId, String newResourceName, Configuration pluginConfiguration, Configuration deploymentTimeConfiguration, int packageVersionId, Integer timeout);
List<DeleteResourceHistory> deleteResources(Subject subject, int[] resourceIds);
PageList<CreateResourceHistory> findCreateChildResourceHistory(Subject subject, int parentResourceId, Long beginDate, Long endDate, PageControl pageControl);
PageList<DeleteResourceHistory> findDeleteChildResourceHistory(Subject subject, int parentResourceId, Long beginDate, Long endDate, PageControl pageControl);

4.15. Changed Class: ResourceManagerRemote

4.15.1. New Associated Methods

Resource updateResource(Subject subject, Resource resource);
Map<Integer, String> getResourcesAncestry(Subject subject, Integer[] resourceIds, ResourceAncestryFormat format);

4.15.2. Removed Methods

PageList<ResourceComposite> findResourceComposites(Subject subject, ResourceCategory category, String typeName, int parentResourceId, String searchString, PageControl pageControl);

4.16. Changed Class: ResourceGroupManagerRemote

4.16.1. New Associated Methods

void deleteResourceGroups(Subject subject, int[] groupIds) throws ResourceGroupNotFoundException, ResourceGroupDeleteException;

4.17. Changed Class: SavedSearchManagerRemote

4.17.1. Changed Methods

Old Method
New Method
public void updateSavedSearch(Subject subject, SavedSearch savedSearch);
public boolean updateSavedSearch(Subject subject, SavedSearch savedSearch);

4.18. Changed Class: SystemManagerRemote

4.18.1. Removed Methods

ServerVersion getServerVersion(Subject subject) throws Exception;

4.18.2. New Associated Methods

ProductInfo getProductInfo(Subject subject);
ServerDetails getServerDetails(Subject subject);
Properties getSystemConfiguration(Subject subject);
SystemSettings getSystemSettings(Subject subject);
void setSystemConfiguration(Subject subject, Properties properties, boolean skipValidation) throws Exception;
void setSystemSettings(Subject subject, SystemSettings settings) throws Exception;

4.18.3. New Associated Methods

Properties getSystemConfiguration(Subject subject);
void setSystemConfiguration(Subject subject, Properties properties, boolean skipValidation) throws Exception;

Appendix A. Document History

Revision History
Revision 3.1-2.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 3.1-2August 9, 2012Ella Deon Lackey
Updating build for new site.

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