Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Operations Network

4.3. Running the JBoss ON Server as a Service

4.3.1. Configuring the JBoss ON Server as a Service on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The script can be managed by the init process so that the server starts automatically when the system boots. This also allows the server process to be managed by services like service and chkconfig.
  1. Copy the script into the /etc/init.d/ directory.
    cp serverRoot/bin/ /etc/init.d/
  2. Edit the /etc/init.d/ script to set the RHQ_SERVER_HOME variable to the JBoss ON server install directory and the RHQ_SERVER_JAVA_HOME variable to the appropriate directory for the JVM. For example:
  3. Edit the /etc/init.d/ script, and add the following lines to the top of the file, directly under #!/bin/sh.
    #chkconfig: 2345 95 20   
    #description: JBoss Operations Network Server
    The last two numbers in the #chkconfig: 2345 95 20 line specify the start and stop priority, respectively, for the JBoss ON server.
  4. Add the service to the chkconfig service management command, and verify that it was added properly.
    chkconfig --add
    chkconfig --list
  5. Set the service to run at run level 5.
    chkconfig --level 5 on

4.3.2. Configuring JBoss ON as a Windows Service

The rhq-server.bat script has an installation option that installs the script as a Windows service.
  1. Set the environment variable to run the Windows service as.
    Every Windows service has to run as some system user. There are two environment variables in the rhq-server.bat script that set the user to use:
    • RHQ_SERVER_RUN_AS sets any Windows user to be the JBoss ON server user. The username given here must be in the standard Windows format, DOMAIN\user, such as EXAMPLEDOMAIN\jsmith.
    • RHQ_SERVER_RUN_AS_ME sets the server to run as whoever the current user is. This overrides the RHQ_SERVER_RUN_AS, if both as set.
    If neither environment variable is set, then the JBoss ON server runs as the system account.
  2. Run the rhq-server.bat script with the install option to set up the service. This prompts for the password of whatever user account is used for the JBoss ON service.
    serverRoot\bin\rhq-server.bat install