Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 6. Reference

6.1. Glossary

Repository for data. Query languages enable users to retrieve and manipulate data stored in these repositories.

A module is a logical grouping of classes used for class loading and dependency management. Modules are defined in the EAP_HOME/modules/ directory of the application server. Each module exists as a subdirectory, for example EAP_HOME/modules/org/apache/. Each module directory then contains a slot subdirectory, which defaults to main and contains the module.xml configuration file and any required JAR files.

See the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Configuration Guide for more information on modules and module structure.


Deployable Java EE component that provides communication between a Java EE application and an Enterprise Information System (EIS) using the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) specification. A resource adapter is often provided by EIS vendors to allow easy integration of their products with Java EE applications.

An EIS can be any other software system within an organization. Examples include: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, db systems, email servers, and proprietary messaging systems.

A resource adapter is packaged in a RAR (Resource Adapter Archive) file which can be deployed to JBoss EAP. A RAR file may also be included in an EAR (Enterprise Archive) deployment.

Provides an abstraction layer between the query engine and the physical data source. This layer converts query commands into source specific commands and executes them using a resource adapter. The translator also converts the result data that comes from the physical source into the form that the query engine requires

A VDB is a container for components that integrate data from multiple disparate data sources, allowing applications to access and query the data as though it is a single database, using a single uniform API.

A VDB is composed of various data models and configuration information that describes which, and how, data sources are to be integrated. In particular, 'source models' are used to represent the structure and characteristics of the incorporated physical data sources, and 'view models' represent the structure and characteristics of the integrated data that is exposed to applications.

6.2. Artifact Repository Mirrors

A repository in Maven holds build artifacts and dependencies of various types (all the project jars, library jar, plugins or any other project specific artifacts). It also specifies locations from where to download artifacts from, while performing the S2I build. Besides using central repositories, it is a common practice for organizations to deploy a local custom repository (mirror).

Benefits of using a mirror are:

  • Availability of a synchronized mirror, which is geographically closer and faster.
  • Ability to have greater control over the repository content.
  • Possibility to share artifacts across different teams (developers, CI), without the need to rely on public servers and repositories.
  • Improved build times.

Often, a repository manager can serve as local cache to a mirror. Assuming that the repository manager is already deployed and reachable externally at, the S2I build can then use this manager by supplying the MAVEN_MIRROR_URL environment variable to the build configuration of the application as follows:

  1. Identify the name of the build configuration to apply MAVEN_MIRROR_URL variable against:

    oc get bc -o name
  2. Update build configuration of jdv with a MAVEN_MIRROR_URL environment variable

    oc env bc/jdv MAVEN_MIRROR_URL=""
    buildconfig "jdv" updated
  3. Verify the setting

    oc env bc/jdv --list
    # buildconfigs jdv
  4. Schedule new build of the application

During application build, you will notice that Maven dependencies are pulled from the repository manager, instead of the default public repositories. Also, after the build is finished, you will see that the mirror is filled with all the dependencies that were retrieved and used during the build.