Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Fuse

Chapter 4. Installing Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works

4.1. Installing JBoss Fuse Service Works by GUI



The set of online remote repositories is a technology preview source of components. As such, it is not in scope of patching and is supported only for use in development environment. Using the set of online repositories in production environment is a potential source of security vulnerabilities and is therefore not a supported use case. For more information see


If you have multiple versions of Java installed on your server, Red Hat recommends setting PATH, JAVA_HOME, and JBOSS_HOME to ensure the correct version of Java is used at runtime:
  • Set JAVA_HOME to the version of Java. For example, /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-1.7.0.VERSION/.
  • Set PATH to include the same version of Java.
  • Set JBOSS_HOME to your jboss-eap-6.1 directory.

Procedure 4.1. Install JBoss Fuse Service Works

  1. Open a new terminal and navigate to the folder where you have downloaded the JBoss Fuse Service Works installer file.
  2. Run the following command, replacing 6.0.0.GA-redhat-4 for the version you downloaded if required:
    java -jar jboss-fsw-installer-6.0.0.GA-redhat-4.jar
  3. You are presented with the End User License Agreement. If you agree with the terms, select I accept the terms of this license agreement and then select Next to continue.
  4. You are prompted for the location in which you want to install JBoss Fuse Service Works. Specify a location and select Next. You will be notified that an instance of JBoss EAP will be placed in the chosen location. Select OK to proceed.


    A warning message is displayed if the directory already exists. Red Hat does not recommend installing over the top of an existing installation. However, if you wish to proceed, select Yes to continue.
  5. You are prompted for the installation packs to install. Select Next to continue with the default options.


    Depending on your deployment, you can select packs other than the default options. For example, if you do not wish to install every pack, you could select SwitchYard and Run-Time Governance Client only, for a basic installation.
  6. You are prompted to create an administrative user. Once created, this user will be added to the ManagementRealm and can be used to access the Management Console and other applications secured using ManagementRealm. Enter the new username and password in the appropriate fields and select Next.
  7. You are prompted to create a governance user. It will give you access to S-RAMP, DTGov and RTGov consoles along with the S-RAMP Command Line Interface. Enter a username and password and select Next.
  8. You are then prompted to setup your Maven repository. This will enable you to build the quickstarts provided. Specify the location of an existing or new location for your Maven settings file (typically ~/.m2/settings.xml). If you do not currently have a settings file, a new settings.xml file will be created for you in the location you provide. Select Next.


    If you choose to skip the maven repository setup, you will be asked to confirm this decision. Select Yes to continue.
  9. You are prompted to configure the SAML keystore. It is used by a Java KeyStore to sign authentication tokens. Enter the SAML keystore password and select Next.
  10. You are then prompted to enable the Java Security Manager. It enforces access rules at the JVM runtime based on one or more security polices. Select Next when you are ready to proceed.


    Enabling the Java Security Manager may reduce server performance.
  11. At this point you are asked to choose between the default or advanced configuration. Select the default configuration for a basic configuration, and select Next to continue.
  12. You are prompted to configure the password vault. Enter the Vault keystore password in the appropriate fields and select Next.
  13. You are presented with a screen specifying default database settings. The installer creates a database that is used to hold data for various components of FSW, including BPEL, jBPM and S-RAMP.
    Change the username and password to something secure and select Next to continue.


    The default database is an H2 database. Red Hat recommends configuring an alternative database for production systems, using the advanced configuration options.
  14. You are presented with a list of packages that will be installed. Select Next to proceed.
  15. The installation will commence. A status bar for each component will display its progress. Once this is complete, select Next.
  16. Additional processing of tasks will commence. When the status bar indicates this has been completed, select Next.
  17. The console displays a message to let you know that the application has been successfully installed. Also, it offers you a list of URLs for accessing the Administration and BPEL Consoles, S-RAMP and DTGov User Interfaces and Gadget Server.
    If you want to repeat the same installation on other machines, select Generate installation script and properties file and choose a location and filename for the script.
  18. Select Done.

The basic installation is complete.


When running the installer on Windows, you may be prompted to provide administrator credentials during installation. To prevent this from happening, add the izpack.mode=privileged option to the installation command:
java -Dizpack.mode=privileged -jar jboss-fsw-installer-6.0.0.GA-redhat-4.jar