Red Hat Training

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12.14. Using @Initialize and @Uninitialize


In this example, assume we have a component that opens multiple connections to a database on initialization and then needs to release all those database resources when we close the Smooks instance.

public class MultiDataSourceAccessor 
    private File dataSourceConfig;

    Map<String, Datasource> datasources = new HashMap<String, Datasource>();

    public void createDataSources() 
        // Add DS creation code here....
        // Read the dataSourceConfig property to read the DS configs...

    public void releaseDataSources() 
        // Add DS release code here....

    // etc...
When using the @Initialize and @Uninitialize annotations above, the following should be noted:
  • The @Initialize and @Uninitialize methods must be public, zero-arg methods.
  • The @ConfigParam properties are all initialized before the first @Initialize method is called. Therefore, you can use the @ConfigParam component properties as input to the initialization process.
  • The @Uninitialize methods are all called in response to a call to the Smooks.close method.