Red Hat Training

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4.42. Java Binding Example

This Order message example shows how to bind it into a corresponding Java Object model.
The message input:
<order xmlns="http://x">
        <y:date xmlns:y="http://y">Wed Nov 15 13:45:28 EST 2006</y:date>
        <customer number="123123">Joe</customer>
The Java Model (not including getters/setters):
public class Order {
    private Header header;
    private List<OrderItem> orderItems;
public class Header {
    private Long customerNumber;
    private String customerName;
public class OrderItem {
    private long productId;
    private Integer quantity;
    private double price;
The configuration code:
Smooks smooks = new Smooks();
Bean orderBean = new Bean(Order.class, "order", "/order");
    orderBean.newBean(Header.class, "/order")
        .bindTo("customerNumber", "header/customer/@number")
        .bindTo("customerName", "header/customer")
    orderBean.newBean(ArrayList.class, "/order")
        .bindTo(orderBean.newBean(OrderItem.class, "order-item")
            .bindTo("productId", "order-item/product")
            .bindTo("quantity", "order-item/quantity")
            .bindTo("price", "order-item/price"))
The execution code:
 JavaResult result = new JavaResult();
smooks.filterSource(new StreamSource(orderMessageStream), result);
Order order = (Order) result.getBean("order");
Here is an example where an anonymous Factory class is defined and used:
Bean orderBean = new Bean(Order.class, "order", "/order", new Factory<Order>() {
 public Order create(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
  return new Order();