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shell:sort, sort — writes a sorted concatenation of the specified files to standard output


shell:sort [ --help ] [[ -t ] | [ --field-separator ] sep] [[ -b ] | [ --ignore-leading-blanks ]] [[ -f ] | [ --ignore-case ]] [[ -r ] | [ --reverse ]] [[ -k ] | [ --key ] keys] [[ -n ] | [ --numeric-sort ]] [[ -u ] | [ --unique ]] { file ...}


Table 2.17, “shell:sort Arguments” describes the command's arguments.

Table 2.17. shell:sort Arguments

--help Displays the online help for this command
-t, --field-separator Specifies a character to use as a field separator. The default is whitespace.
-b, --igonore-leading-blanks Igonores leading blanks.
-f, --ignore-case Ignores case when sorting.
-r, --reverse Reverses the result of the sort.
-k, --key Specifies a space delimited list of fields to use for sorting.
-n, --numeric-set Compares according to string numerical value.
-u, --unique Outputs only the first of an equal run.
files Specifies a space delimited list of files to sort.