Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Fuse

Using Java Business Integration

Red Hat JBoss Fuse

Using an alternative packaging standard

Version 6.0
13 Oct 2017


Provides an overview of JBI, introducing the JBI framework and management structure; describes how to deploy JBI artifacts into the Red Hat JBoss Fuse runtime; and how to use the JBI console commands.

Part I. Overview of Java Business Integration

The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.

Chapter 1. Introduction to JBI


Java Business Integration (JBI) defines an architecture for integrating systems through components that interoperate by exchanging normalized messages through a router.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.
The Java Business Integration (JBI) specification defines an integration architecture based on service-oriented concepts. Applications are divided into decoupled functional units. The functional units are deployed into JBI components that are hosted within the JBI environment. The JBI environment provides message normalization and message mediation among the JBI components.
The JBI environment is made up of the following parts, as shown in Figure 1.1, “The JBI architecture”.

Figure 1.1. The JBI architecture

JBI Environment
  • The JBI component framework hosts and manages the JBI components. For more information see Chapter 2, The Component Framework.
  • The normalized message router provides message mediation among the JBI components. For more information see Chapter 3, The Normalized Message Router.
  • The management structure controls the life-cycle of the JBI components and the functional units deployed into the JBI components. It also provides mechanisms for monitoring the artifacts that are deployed into the JBI environment. For more information see Chapter 4, Management Structure.

Chapter 2. The Component Framework


The JBI component framework is the structure into which JBI components plug into the ESB.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.


The JBI component framework provides a pluggable interface between the functional units installed into the JBI environment and the infrastructure services offered by the JBI environment. The framework divides JBI components into two types based on their functionality. The framework also defines a packaging mechanism for deploying functional units into JBI components.

Component types

JBI defines two types of components:
  • Service Engine — Component that provides some of the logic required to provide services inside of the JBI environment. For example:
    • message transformation
    • orchestration
    • advanced message routing
    A service engine can communicate only with other components inside of the JBI environment. Service engines act as containers for the functional units deployed into the Red Hat JBoss Fuse.
  • Binding Component — Provides access to services outside the JBI environment using a particular protocol. Binding components implement the logic required to connect to a transport, and consume the messages received over that transport. Binding components are also responsible for the normalization of messages as they enter the JBI environment.
The distinction between the two types of components is a matter of convention, and this distinction makes the decoupling of business logic and integration logic more explicit.


JBI defines a common packaging model for all of the artifacts that can be deployed into the JBI environment. Each type of package is a ZIP archive that includes a JBI descriptor in the file META-INF/jbi.xml. The packages differ based on the root element of the JBI descriptor and the contents of the package. The JBI environment uses four types of packaging to install and deploy functionality. The two most common types used by an application developer are:
  • Service Assembly — A collection of service units. The root element of the JBI descriptor is a service-assembly element. The contents of the package is a collection of ZIP archives containing service units. The JBI descriptor specifies the target JBI component for each of the bundled service units.
  • Service Unit — A package that contains functionality to be deployed into a JBI component. For example, a service unit intended for a routing service engine contains the definition for one or more routes. Note that service units are packaged as a ZIP file. The root element of the JBI descriptor is a service-unit element. The contents of the package are specific to the service engine for which the service unit is intended.
    Service units cannot be installed without being bundled into a service assembly.

Component roles

Once configured by one or more service units, a JBI component implements the functionality described in the service unit. The JBI component then takes on one of the following roles:
  • Service Provider — Receives request messages and returns response messages, when required.
  • Service Consumer — Initiates message exchanges by sending requests to a service provider.
Depending on both the number and the type of service units deployed into a JBI component, a single component can play one or both roles. For example, the HTTP binding component could host a service unit that acts as a proxy to consumers running outside of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse. In this instance, the HTTP component is playing the role of a service provider because it is receiving requests from the external consumer, and passing the responses back to the external consumer. If the service unit also configures the HTTP component to forward the requests to another process running inside of the JBI environment, then the HTTP component also plays the role of a service consumer because it is making requests on another service unit.

Chapter 3. The Normalized Message Router


The normalized message router is a bus that shuttles messages between the endpoints deployed on the ESB.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.


The normalized message router(NMR) is the part of the JBI environment that is responsible for mediating messages between JBI components. The JBI components never send messages directly to each other; instead, they pass messages to the NMR, which is responsible for delivering the messages to the correct JBI endpoints. This allows the JBI components, and the functionality they expose, to be location independent. It also frees the application developer from concerns about the connection details between the different parts of an application.

Message exchange patterns

The NMR uses a WSDL-based messaging model to mediate the message exchanges between JBI components. Using a WSDL-based model provides the necessary level of abstraction to ensure that the JBI components are fully decoupled. The WSDL-based model defines operations as a message exchange between a service provider and a service consumer. The message exchanges are defined from the point of view of the service provider and fit into one of four message exchange patterns:
A consumer sends a request message to a provider, which then responds to the request with a response message. The provider might also respond with a fault message if an error occured during processing.
A consumer sends a request message to a provider. The provider might send a response message back to the consumer, but the consumer does not require a response. The provider might also respond with a fault message if an error occurred during processing. The consumer can also send a fault message to the provider.
A consumer sends a message to a provider, but the provider does not send a response, and, if an error occurs, the provider does not send fault messages back to the consumer.
A consumer sends a message to a provider. The provider does not respond to the consumer except to send a fault message back to the consumer to signal an error condition.

Normalized messages

To completely decouple the entities involved in message exchanges, JBI uses normalized messages. A normalized message is a genericized format used to represent all of the message data passed through the NMR and consists of the following three parts:
meta-data, properties
Holds information about the message. This information can include transaction contexts, security information, or other QoS information. The meta-data can also hold transport headers.
An XML document that conforms to the XML Schema definition in the WSDL document that defines the message exchange. The XML document holds the substance of the message.
Hold any binary data associated with the message. For example, an attachment can be an image file sent as an attachment to a SOAP message.
security Subject
Holds security information associated with the message, such as authentication credentials. For more information about the security Sublect, see Sun's API documentation.
JBI binding components are responsible for normalizing all of the messages placed into the NMR. Binding components normalize messages received from external sources before passing them to the NMR. The binding component also denormalizes the message so that it is in the appropriate format for the external source.

Chapter 4. Management Structure


The JBI specification mandates that most parts of the environment are managed through JMX.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.


The JBI environment is managed using JMX (Java Management Extensions). The internal components of the JBI environment provide a set of MBeans that facilitate the management of the JBI environment and the deployed components. The JBI environment also supplies a number of Apache Ant tasks to manage the JBI environment.
The management of the JBI environment largely consists of:
In addition to the JMX interface, all JBI environments provide a number of Ant tasks, which make it possible to automate many of the common management tasks.


Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a standard technology for monitoring and managing Java applications. The foundations for using JMX are provided as part of the standard Java 5 JVM, and can be used by any Java application. JMX provides a lightweight way of providing monitoring and management capabilities to any Java application that implements the MBean interface.
JBI implementations provide MBeans that can be used to manage the components installed into the container and the service units deployed into the components. In addition, application developers can add MBeans to their service units to add additional management touch points.
The MBeans can be accessed using any management console that uses JMX. JConsole, the JMX console provided with the Java 5 JRE, is an easy to use, free tool for managing a JBI environment. JBoss ON (JON), available through the Red Hat Customer Portal at, provides a more robust management console.

Installing and uninstalling artifacts into the JBI Environment

There are four basic types of artifacts that can be installed into a JBI environment:
  • JBI components
  • Shared libraries
  • Service assemblies
  • Service units
JBI components and shared libraries are installed using the InstallationService MBean that is exposed through the JMX console. In addition, the following Ant tasks are provided for installing and uninstalling JBI components and shared libraries:
  • InstallComponentTask
  • UninstallComponentTask
  • InstallSharedLibraryTask
  • UninstallSharedLibraryTask
When a service assembly is installed into a JBI environment, all service units contained within the assembly are deployed to their respective JBI components. Service assemblies and service units are installed using the DeploymentService MBean that is exposed through the JMX console. In addition to the MBean, the following Ant tasks are provided for installing service assemblies and service units:
  • DeployServiceAssemblyTask
  • UndeployServiceAssemblyTask

Managing JBI components

Figure 4.1 shows the life-cycle of a JBI component.

Figure 4.1. JBI component life-cycle

JBI component life-cycle
Components begin life in an empty state. The component and the JBI environment have no knowledge of each other. Once the component is installed into the JBI environment, the component enters the shutdown state. In this state, the JBI environment initializes any resources required by the component. From the shutdown state a component can be initialized and moved into the stopped state. In the stopped state, a component is fully initialized and all of its resources are loaded into the JBI environment. When a component is ready to process messages, it is moved into the started state. In this state the component, and any service units deployed into the component, can participate in message exchanges.
Components can be moved back and forth through the shutdown, stopped, and started states without being uninstalled. You can manage the lifecycle of an installed JBI component using the InstallationService MBean and the component's ComponentLifeCycle MBean. In addition, you can manage a component's lifecycle using the following Ant tasks:
  • StartComponentTask
  • StopComponentTask
  • ShutDownComponentTask

Managing service units

Figure 4.2 shows the life-cycle of a service unit.

Figure 4.2. Service unit life-cycle

Service Unit Life-Cycle
Service units must first be deployed into the appropriate JBI component. The JBI component is the container that will provide the runtime resources necessary to implement the functionality defined by the service unit. When a service unit is in the shutdown state, the JBI component has not provisioned any resources for the service unit. When a service unit is moved into the stopped state, the JBI component has provisioned the resources for the service unit but the service unit cannot use any of the provisioned resources. When a service unit is in the started state, it is using the resources provisioned for it by the JBI container. In the started state, the functionality defined by the service unit is accessible.
A service can be moved through the different states while deployed. You manage the lifecycle of a service unit using the JBI environment's DeploymentService MBean. In addition, you can manage service units using the following Ant tasks:
  • DeployServiceAssemblyTask
  • UndeployServiceAssemblyTask
  • StartServiceAssemblyTask
  • StopServiceAssemblyTask
  • ShutDownServiceAssemblyTask
  • ListServiceAssembliesTask

Part II. Deploying JBI Artifacts into the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Runtime


The Red Hat JBoss Fuse runtime is a container into which you deploy services. You must also deploy components to the container to support those services. Red Hat JBoss Fuse supports the JBI packaging and deployment model for deploying functionality into the runtime.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.

Chapter 5. Clustering JBI Endpoints

The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.


Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides a clustering engine that enables you to use Apache ActiveMQ, or any other JMS broker, to specify the endpoints to cluster in a JBI application. The Red Hat JBoss Fuse clustering engine works in conjunction with the normalized message router (NMR), and uses Apache ActiveMQ and specifically configured JBI endpoints to build clusters.
A cluster is defined as two or more JBI containers networked together. Implementing clustering between JBI containers gives you access to features including load balancing and high availability, rollback and redelivery, and remote container awareness.


Clustering provides the following features that can be implemented in your applications:
  • Connect JBI containers to form a network, and dynamically add and remove the containers from the network.
  • Enable rollback and redelivery when a JBI exchange fails.
  • Implement load balancing among JBI containers capable of handling a given exchange. For example:
    • Install the same component in multiple JBI containers to provide increased capacity and high availability (if one container fails, the same component in another container can service the request).
    • Partition the workload among multiple JBI container instances to enable different containers to handle different tasks, spreading the workload across multiple containers.
  • Remote component awareness means each clustered JBI container is aware of the components in its peer containers. Networked containers listen for remote component registration/deregistration events and can route requests to those components.

Steps to set up clustering

Complete the following steps to set up JBI endpoint clustering:
  1. Install the jbi-cluster feature included in Red Hat JBoss Fuse. See the section called “Installing the clustering feature”.
  2. Optionally, configure the clustering engine with a JMS broker other than the Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. See the section called “Changing the JMS broker”.
  3. Optionally, change the default clustering engine configuration to specify different cluster and destination names. See the section called “Changing the default configuration”.
  4. Add endpoints and register the endpoint definition in the Spring configuration. See the section called “Using clustering in an application”.
See the following sections for additional information:

Installing the clustering feature

To install the jbi-cluster feature, use the install command from the command console:
  1. Start Red Hat JBoss Fuse.
  2. At the JBossFuse:karaf@root> prompt, type:
    features:install jbi-cluster
  3. Type featuresL:list to list the existing features and their installation state. Verify that the jbi-cluster feature is installed.
The cluster configuration bundle is automatically installed when you install the jbi-cluster feature.

Default clustering engine configuration

Red Hat JBoss Fuse has a pre-installed clustering engine that is configured to use the included Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. The default configuration for the Red Hat JBoss Fuse cluster engine is defined in the jbi-cluster.xml file in the org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.config bundle. This bundle is located in the installation directory in \system\org\apache\servicemix\jbi\cluster.
The default cluster engine configuration, shown in Example 5.1, is designed to meet most basic requirements.

Example 5.1. Default cluster engine configuration

<bean id="clusterEngine" class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.engine.ClusterEngine">
  <property name="pool">
    <bean class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.requestor.ActiveMQJmsRequestorPool">
     <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
     <property name="destinationName" value="${destinationName}" />
  <property name="name" value="${clusterName}" />
<osgi:list id="clusterRegistrations"
  <osgi:listener ref="clusterEngine" bind-method="register" unbind-method="unregister" />
<osgi:reference id="connectionFactory" interface="javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" />       
<osgi:service ref="clusterEngine">
    <entry key="NAME" value="${clusterName}" />
<osgix:cm-properties id="clusterProps" 
  <prop key="clusterName">${}</prop>
  <prop key="destinationName">org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster</prop>
<ctx:property-placeholder properties-ref="clusterProps" />
Red Hat JBoss Fuse has a preconfigured Red Hat JBoss A-MQ instance that automatically starts when the container is started. This means you do not have to start a broker instance for the clustering engine to work.

Changing the default configuration

You can alter the default configuration by adding a configuration file to the bundle org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.config. This added configuration file enables you to change both the clusterName and the destinationName.

Changing the JMS broker

You can configure the cluster engine with another JMS broker by adding a Spring XML file containing the full configuration to the InstallDir\deploy directory.

Using clustering in an application

When using an OSGi packaged JBI service assembly, you can include the clustered endpoints definitions directly in the Spring configuration. In addition to the endpoint definition, you must add a bean that registers the endpoint with the clustering engine.
Example 5.2 shows an OSGi packaged HTTP consumer endpoint that is part of a cluster.

Example 5.2. OSGi packaged JBI endpoint

<http:consumer id="myHttpConsumer" service="test:myService" endpoint="myEndpoint" />
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.engine.OsgiSimpleClusterRegistration">
  <property name="endpoint" ref="myHttpConsumer" />
When using a JBI packaged service assembly, you must create a Spring application to register the endpoint as a clustered endpoint. This configuration requires that you provide additional information about the endpoint.
Example 5.3 shows a JBI packaged HTTP consumer endpoint that is part of a cluster.

Example 5.3. JBI packaged endpoint

<http:consumer id="myHttpConsumer" service="test:myService" endpoint="myEndpoint" />
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cluster.engine.OsgiSimpleClusterRegistration">
  <property name="serviceName" value="test:myService" />
  <property name="endpointName" value="myEndpoint" />

Establishing network connections between containers

To create a network of JBI containers, you must establish network connections between each of the containers in the network, and then establish a network connection between the active containers. You can configure these network connections as either static or multicast connections.
  • Static network connections — Configure each networkConnector in the cluster in the broker configuration file install_dir/conf/activemq.xml.
    Example 5.4 shows an example of a static networkConnector discovery configuration.

    Example 5.4. Static configuration

    <!-- Set the brokerName to be unique for this container -->
    <amq:broker id="broker" brokerName="host1_broker1" depends-on="jmxServer">
                <networkConnector name="host1_to_host2" uri="static://(tcp://host2:61616)"/>
        <!-- A three container network would look like this -->
        <!-- (Note it is not necessary to list the hostname in the uri list) -->
        <!-- networkConnector name="host1_to_host2_host3"
              uri="static://(tcp://host2:61616,tcp://host3:61616)"/ -->
  • Multicast network connections — Enable multicast on your network and configure multicast in the broker configuration file installation_directory/conf/activemq.xml for each container in the network. When the containers start they detect each other and transparently connect to one another.
    Example 5.5 shows an example of a multicast networkConnector discovery configuration.

    Example 5.5. Multicast configuration

      <!-- by default just auto discover the other brokers -->
                <networkConnector name="default-nc" uri="multicast://default"/>
When a network connection is established, each container discovers the other containers' remote components and can route to them.

High availability

You can cluster JBI containers to implement high availability by configuring two distinct Red Hat JBoss Fuse container instances in a master-slave configuration. In all cases, the master is in ACTIVE mode and the slave is in STANDBY mode waiting for a failover event to trigger the slave to take over.
You can configure the master and the slave one of the following ways:
  • Shared file system master-slave — In a shared database master-slave configuration, two containers use the same physical data store for the container state. You should ensure that the file system supports file level locking, as this is the mechanism used to elect the master. If the master process exits, the database lock is released and the slave acquires it. The slave then becomes the master.
  • JDBC master-slave — In a JDBC master-slave configuration, the master locks a table in the backend database. The failover event in this case is that the lock is released from the database.
  • Pure master-slave — A pure master-slave configuration can use either a shared database or a shared file system. The master replicates all state changes to the slave so additional overhead is incurred. The failover trigger in a pure master-slave configuration is that the slave loses its network connection to its master. Because of the additional overhead and maintenance involved, this option is less desirable than the other two options.

Cluster configuration conventions

The following conventions apply to configuring clustering:
  • Don't use static and multicast networkConnectors at the same time. If you enable static networkConnectors, then you should disable any multicast networkConnectors, and vice versa.
  • When configuring a network of containers in installation_directory/conf/activemq.xml, ensure that the brokerName attribute is unique for each node in the cluster. This will enable the instances in the network to uniquely identify each other.
  • When configuring a network of containers you must ensure that you have unique persistent stores for each ACTIVE instance. If you have a JDBC data source, you must use a separate database for each ACTIVE instance. For example:
    <property name="url"
  • You can setup a network of containers on the same host. To do this, you must change the JMS ports and transportConnector ports to avoid any port conflicts. Edit the installation_directory/conf/activemq.xml file, changing the rmi.port and activemq.port as appropriate. For example:
    rmi.port = 1098       = localhost
    jmx.url        = service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://${}:${rmi.port}/jmxrmi
    activemq.port = 61616  = localhost
    activemq.url   = tcp://${}:${activemq.port}

Chapter 6. Using the JBI Ant Tasks

The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.
The JBI specification defines a number of Ant tasks that can be used to manage JBI components. These tasks allow you to install, start, stop, and uninstall components in the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container. You can use the JBI Ant tasks as either command line commands or as part of an Ant build file.

6.1. Using the tasks as commands


This is the basic usage statement for the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Ant tasks when used from the command line:

ant -f InstallDir/ant/servicemix-ant-tasks.xml [ -Doption=value ...] task

The task argument is the name of the Ant task you are calling. Each task supports a number of options that are specified using the -Doption=value flag.

Installing a component

The Ant task used to install a component to the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container is install-component. Its options are described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1. Options for installing a JBI component with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
sm.install.file yesSpecifies the name of the installer file for the component
Example 6.1 shows an example of using install-component to install the Camel component to a container listening on port 1000.

Example 6.1. Installing a component using an Ant command

>ant -f ant/servicemix-ant-task.xml -Dsm.port=1000 install-component
Buildfile: ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml install-component: [echo] install-component [echo] Installing a service engine or binding component. [echo] host=localhost [echo] port=1000 [echo] file=hotdeploy\ BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7 seconds

Removing a component

The Ant task used to remove a component from the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container is uninstall-component. Its options are described in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2. Options for removing a JBI component with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099 yesSpecifies the name of the JBI component
Example 6.2 shows an example of using uninstall-component to remove the drools component from a container listening on port 1000.

Example 6.2. Removing a component using an Ant command

>ant -f ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml -Dsm.port=1000 uninstall-component
Buildfile: ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml uninstall-component: [echo] uninstall-component [echo] Uninstalling a Service Engine or Binding Component. [echo] host=localhost [echo] port=1000 [echo] name=servicemix-drools BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second

Starting a component

The Ant task used to start a component is start-component. Its options are described in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3. Options for starting a JBI component with an Ant command

sm.username  Specifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container. noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099 yesSpecifies the name of the JBI component
Example 6.3 shows an example of using start-component to start the cxf-se component in a container listening on port 1000.

Example 6.3. Starting a component using an Ant command

>ant -f ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml -Dsm.port=1000 start-component
Buildfile: ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml start-component: [echo] start-component [echo] starts a particular component (service engine or binding component) in Servicemix [echo] host=localhost [echo] port=1000 [echo] name=servicemix-cxf-se BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second

Stopping a component

The Ant task used to stop a component is stop-component. Its options are described in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4. Options for stopping a JBI component with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099 yesSpecifies the name of the JBI component
Example 6.4 shows an example of using stop-component to stop the cxf-se component in a container listening on port 1000.

Example 6.4. Stopping a component using an Ant command

>ant -f ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml -Dsm.port=1000 stop-component
                Buildfile: ant\servicemix-ant-task.xml stop-component: [echo] stop-component [echo] stops a particular component (service engine or binding component) in Servicemix [echo] host=localhost [echo] port=1000 [echo] name=servicemix-cxf-se BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second

Shutting down a component

The Ant task used to shutdown a component is shutdown-component. Its options are described in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5. Options for shutting down a JBI component with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099 yesSpecifies the name of the JBI component

Installing a shared library

The Ant task used to install a shared library to the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container is install-shared-library. Its options are described in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6. Options for installing a shared library with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
sm.install.file yesSpecifies the name of the library's installer file

Removing a shared library

The Ant task used to remove a shared library from the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container is uninstall-shared-library. Its options are described in Table 6.7.

Table 6.7. Options for removing a shared library with an Ant command

sm.username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container
sm.password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
sm.port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099 yesSpecifies the name of the shared library

6.2. Using the tasks in build files

Adding the JBI tasks to build an Ant file

Before you can use the JBI tasks in an Ant build file, you must add the tasks using a taskdef element, as shown in Example 6.5.

Example 6.5. Adding the JBI tasks to an Ant build file

<property name="fuseesb.install_dir" value="/home/fuse_esb"/> 1

<taskdef file="${fuseesb.install_dir}/ant/"> 2
  <classpath id="fuseesb.classpath"> 3
    <fileset dir="${fuseesb.install_dir}">
       <include name="*.jar"/>
     <fileset dir="${fuseesb.install_dir}/lib">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
The build file fragment in Example 6.5 does the following:
Sets a property, fuseesb.install_dir, the installation directory for Red Hat JBoss Fuse
Loads the tasks using the ant/
Sets the classpath to make all of the required jars from the Red Hat JBoss Fuse installation available

Installing a component

The Ant task used to install a JBI component is jbi-install-component. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.8.

Table 6.8. Attributes for installing a JBI component using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
file yesSpecifies the name of the installer file for the component
Example 6.6 shows an Ant target that installs the drools component.

Example 6.6. Ant target that installs a JBI component

<target name="installDrools" description="Installs the drools engine.">
  <jbi-install-component port="1099" 
                         file="" />

Removing a component

The Ant task used to remove a JBI component is jbi-uninstall-component. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.9.

Table 6.9. Attributes for removing a JBI component using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
name yesSpecifies the component's name
Example 6.7 shows an Ant target that removes the drools component.

Example 6.7. Ant target that removes a JBI component

<target name="removeDrools" description="Removes the drools engine.">
  <jbi-uninstall-component port="1099" 
                           name="servicemix-drools" />

Starting a component

The Ant task used to start a JBI component is jbi-start-component. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.10.

Table 6.10. Attributes for starting a JBI component using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099.
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
name yesSpecifies the component's name
Example 6.8 shows an Ant target that starts the drools component.

Example 6.8. Ant target that starts a JBI component

<target name="startDrools" description="Starts the drools engine.">
  <jbi-start-component port="1099" name="servicemix-drools" />

Stopping a component

The Ant task used to stop a JBI component is jbi-start-component. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.11.

Table 6.11. Attributes for stopping a JBI component using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
name yesSpecifies the component's name
Example 6.9 shows an Ant target that stops the drools component.

Example 6.9. Ant target that stops a JBI component

<target name="stopDrools" description="Stops the drools engine.">
  <jbi-stop-component port="1099" name="servicemix-drools" />

Shutting down a component

The Ant task used to shut down a JBI component is jbi-shut-down-component. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.12.

Table 6.12. Attributes for shutting down a JBI component using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
name yesSpecifies the component's name
Example 6.10 shows an Ant target that shuts down the drools component.

Example 6.10. Ant target that shuts down a JBI component

<target name="shutdownDrools" description="Stops the drools engine.">
  <jbi-shut-down-component port="1099" name="servicemix-drools" />

Installing a shared library

The Ant task used to install a shared library is jbi-install-shared-library. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.13.

Table 6.13. Attributes for installing a shared library using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
file yesSpecifies the name of the installer file for the library

Removing a shared library

The Ant task used to remove a shared library is jbi-uninstall-shared-library. Its attributes are listed in Table 6.14.

Table 6.14. Attributes for removing a shared library using an Ant task

host noSpecifies the host name where the container is running; the default value is localhost
port noSpecifies the port where the container's RMI registry is listening; the default value is 1099
username noSpecifies the username used to access the management features of the container
password noSpecifies the password used to access the management features of the container
failOnError noSpecifies if an error will cause the entire build to fail
name yesSpecifies the name of the library

Chapter 7. Building JBI Components Using Maven

The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.


Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides Maven tooling that simplifies the creation and deployment of JBI artifacts. Among the tools provided are:
  • Plug-ins for packaging JBI components
  • A plug-in for packaging shared libraries
  • Archetypes that create starting point projects for JBI artifacts
The Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tools also include plug-ins for creating service units and service assemblies. However, those plug-ins are not described in this book.

Setting up the Maven tools

In order to use the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tools, you add the elements shown in Example 7.1 to your POM file.

Example 7.1. POM elements for using Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tools

    <name>JBoss Fuse Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
    <name>JBoss Fuse Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
    <name>JBoss Fuse Open Source Community Snapshot Repository</name>
These elements point Maven to the correct repositories to download the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tools and to load the plug-in that implements the tools.

Creating a JBI Maven project

The Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tools provide a number of archetypes that can be used to seed a JBI project. The archetype generates the proper file structure for the project along with a POM file that contains the metadata required for the specified project type.
Example 7.2 shows the command for using the JBI archetypes.

Example 7.2. Command for JBI maven archetypes

mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling -DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-archetype-name -DarchetypeVersion=fuse- [ -DgroupId=org.apache.servicemix.samples.embedded ] [ -DartifactId=servicemix-embedded-example ]

The value passed to the -DarchetypeArtifactId argument specifies the type of project you are creating.

JBI components

As shown in Example 7.3, you specify a value of jbi-component for the project's packaging element, which informs the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tooling that the project is for a JBI component.

Example 7.3. Specifying that a maven project results in a JBI component

<project ...>
The plugin element responsible for packaging the JBI component is shown in Example 7.4. The groupId element, the artifactId element, the version element, and the extensions element are common to all instances of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven plug-in. If you use the Maven archetypes to generate the project, you should not have to change them.

Example 7.4. Plug-in specification for packaging a JBI component

The configuration element, along with its children, provides the Red Hat JBoss Fuse tooling with the metadata necessary to construct the jbi.xml file required by the component.
Specifies the type of JBI component the project is building. Valid values are:
  • service-engine for creating a service engine
  • binding-component for creating a binding component
Specifies the name of the class that implements the JBI Bootstrap interface for the component.
You can omit this element if you intend to use the default Bootstrap implementation provided with Red Hat JBoss Fuse.
Specifies the name of the class that implements the JBI Component interface for that component.
Once the project is properly configured, you can build the JBI component by using the mvn install command. The Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tooling will generate a standard jar containing both the component and an installable JBI package for the component.

Shared libraries

As shown in Example 7.5, to instruct the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tooling that the project is for a shared library you specify a value of jbi-shared-library for the project's packaging element.

Example 7.5. Specifying that a maven project results in a JBI shared library

<project ...>
You build the shared library using the mvn install command. The Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tooling generates a standard jar containing the shared library and an installable JBI package for the shared library.

Chapter 8. Deploying JBI Endpoints Using Maven


Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides a Maven plug-in and a number of Maven archetypes that make developing, packaging, and deploying applications easier.
The Java Business Integration components of Red Hat JBoss Fuse are considered deprecated. You should consider migrating any JBI applications to OSGi.
The tooling provides you with a number of benefits, including:
  • Automatic generation of JBI descriptors
  • Dependency checking
  • Service assembly deployment
Because Red Hat JBoss Fuse only allows you to deploy service assemblies, you must do the following when using Maven tooling:
  1. Set up a top-level project to build all of the service units and the final service assembly (see Section 8.1, “Setting up a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project”).
  2. Create a project for each of your service units (see Section 8.2, “A service unit project”).
  3. Create a project for the service assembly (see Section 8.3, “A service assembly project”).

8.1. Setting up a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project


When working with the Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI Maven tooling, you create a top-level project that can build all of the service units and then package them into a service assembly. Using a top-level project for this purpose has several advantages:
  • It allows you to control the dependencies for all of the parts of an application in a central location.
  • It limits the number of times you need to specify the proper repositories to load.
  • It provides you a central location from which to build and deploy the application.
The top-level project is responsible for assembling the application. It uses the Maven assembly plug-in and lists your service units and the service assembly as modules of the project.

Directory structure

Your top-level project contains the following directories:
  • A source directory containing the information required for the Maven assembly plug-in
  • A directory to store the service assembly project
  • At least one directory containing a service unit project
    You will need a project folder for each service unit that is to be included in the generated service assembly.

Setting up the Maven tools

To use the JBoss Fuse JBI Maven tooling, add the elements shown in Example 8.1 to your top-level POM file.

Example 8.1. POM elements for using Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven tooling

    <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
    <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
    <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Snapshot Repository</name>
These elements point Maven to the correct repositories to download the JBoss Fuse Maven tooling and to load the plug-in that implements the tooling.

Listing the sub-projects

The top-level POM lists all of the service units and the service assembly that is generated as modules. The modules are contained in a modules element. The modules element contains one module element for each service unit in the assembly. You also need a module element for the service assembly.
The modules are listed in the order in which they are built. This means that the service assembly module is listed after all of the service unit modules.

Example JBI project pOM

Example 8.2 shows a top-level POM for a project that contains a single service unit.

Example 8.2. Top-level POM for a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project

<project xmlns=""


  <name>CXF WSDL Fisrt Demo</name>
  <pluginRepositories> 1
      <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
      <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Release Repository</name>
      <name>FuseSource Open Source Community Snapshot Repository</name>
  <modules> 2
      <plugin> 3
           <plugin> 4
The top-level POM shown in Example 8.2, “Top-level POM for a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project” does the following:
Configures Maven to use the FuseSource repositories for loading the JBoss Fuse plug-ins.
Lists the sub-projects used for this application. The wsdl-first-cxfse-su module is the module for the service unit. The wsdl-first-cxf-sa module is the module for the service assembly
Configures the Maven assembly plug-in.
Loads the JBoss Fuse JBI plug-in.

8.2. A service unit project


Each service unit in the service assembly must be its own project. These projects are placed at the same level as the service assembly project. The contents of a service unit's project depends on the component at which the service unit is targeted. At the minimum, a service unit project contains a POM and an XML configuration file.

Seeding a project using a Maven artifact

Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides Maven artifacts for a number of service unit types. They can be used to seed a project with the smx-arch command. As shown in Example 8.3, the smx-arch command takes three arguments. The groupId value and the artifactId values correspond to the project's group ID and artifact ID.

Example 8.3. Maven archetype command for service units

smx-arch su suArchetypeName [ "" ] [ "" ]

The double quotes(") are required when using the -DgroupId argument and the -DartifactId argument.
The suArchetypeName specifies the type of service unit to seed. Table 8.1 lists the possible values and describes what type of project is seeded.

Table 8.1. Service unit archetypes

camelCreates a project for using the Apache Camel service engine
cxf-seCreates a project for developing a Java-first service using the Apache CXF service engine
cxf-se-wsdl-firstCreates a project for developing a WSDL-first service using the Apache CXF service engine
cxf-bcCreates an endpoint project targeted at the Apache CXF binding component
http-consumerCreates a consumer endpoint project targeted at the HTTP binding component
http-providerCreates a provider endpoint project targeted at the HTTP binding component
jms-consumerCreates a consumer endpoint project targeted at the JMS binding component (see "Using the JMS Binding Component")
jms-providerCreates a provider endpoint project targeted at the JMS binding component (see "Using the JMS Binding Component")
file-pollerCreates a polling (consumer) endpoint project targeted at the file binding component (see chapter "Using Poller Endpoints" in "Using the File Binding Component")
file-senderCreates a sender (provider) endpoint project targeted at the file binding component (see chapter "Using Sender Endpoints" in "Using the File Binding Component")
ftp-pollerCreates a polling (consumer) endpoint project targeted at the FTP binding component
ftp-senderCreates a sender (provider) endpoint project targeted at the FTP binding component
jsr181-annotatedCreates a project for developing an annotated Java service to be run by the JSR181 service engine [a]
jsr181-wsdl-firstCreates a project for developing a WSDL generated Java service to be run by the JSR181 service engine [a]
saxon-xqueryCreates a project for executing xquery statements using the Saxon service engine
saxon-xsltCreates a project for executing XSLT scripts using the Saxon service engine
eipCreates a project for using the EIP service engine. [b]
lwcontainerCreates a project for deploying functionality into the lightweight container [c]
beanCreates a project for deploying a POJO to be executed by the bean service engine
odeCreate a project for deploying a BPEL process into the ODE service engine
[a] The JSR181 has been deprecated. The Apache CXF service engine has superseded it.
[b] The EIP service engine has been deprecated. The Apache Camel service engine has superseded it.
[c] The lightweight container has been deprecated.

Contents of a project

The contents of your service unit project change from service unit to service unit. Different components require different configuration. Some components, such as the Apache CXF service engine, require that you include Java classes.
At a minimum, a service unit project will contain two things:
  • a POM file that configures the JBI plug-in to create a service unit
  • an XML configuration file stored in src/main/resources
    For many of the components, the XML configuration file is called xbean.xml. The Apache Camel component uses a file called camel-context.xml.

Configuring the Maven plug-in

You configure the Maven plug-in to package the results of the project build as a service unit by changing the value of the project's packaging element to jbi-service-unit as shown in Example 8.4.

Example 8.4. Configuring the maven plug-in to build a service unit

<project ...>

  <name>CXF WSDL Fisrt Demo :: SE Service Unit</name>

Specifying the target components

To correctly fill in the metadata required for packaging a service unit, the Maven plug-in must be told what component (or components) the service unit is targeting. If your service unit only has a single component dependency, you can specify it in one of two ways:
  • List the targeted component as a dependency
  • Add a componentName property specifying the targeted component
If your service unit has more than one component dependency, you must configure the project as follows:
  1. Add a componentName property specifying the targeted component.
  2. Add the remaining components to the list dependencies.
Example 8.5 shows the configuration for a service unit targeting the Apache CXF binding component.

Example 8.5. Specifying the target components for a service unit

The advantage of using the Maven dependency mechanism is that it allows Maven to verify if the targeted component is deployed in the container. If one of the components is not deployed, Red Hat JBoss Fuse will not hold off deploying the service unit until all of the required components are deployed.
Typically, a message identifying the missing component(s) is written to the log.
If your service unit's targeted component is not available as a Maven artifact, you can specify the targeted component using the componentName element. This element is added to the standard Maven properties block and it specifies the name of a targeted component, as specified in Example 8.6.

Example 8.6. Specifying a target component for a service unit

When you use the componentName element, Maven does not check to see if the component is installed, nor does it download the required component.


Example 8.7 shows the POM file for a project that is building a service unit targeted to the Apache CXF binding component.

Example 8.7. POM file for a service unit project

<project xmlns=""


    <parent> 1

  <name>CXF WSDL Fisrt Demo :: SE Service Unit</name>
  <packaging>jbi-service-unit</packaging> 2

  <dependencies> 3

      <plugin> 4
The POM file in Example 8.7, “POM file for a service unit project” does the following:
Specifies that it is a part of the top-level project shown in Example 8.2, “Top-level POM for a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project”
Specifies that this project builds a service unit
Specifies that the service unit targets the Apache CXF binding component
Specifies to use the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Maven plug-in

[1] You replace this with the version of Apache CXF you are using.

8.3. A service assembly project


Red Hat JBoss Fuse requires that all service units are bundled into a service assembly before they can be deployed to a container. The JBoss Fuse Maven plug-in collects all of the service units to be bundled and the metadata necessary for packaging. It will then build a service assembly containing the service units.

Seeding a project using a Maven artifact

Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides a Maven artifact for seeding a service assembly project. You can seed a project with the smx-arch command. As shown in Example 8.8, the smx-arch command takes two arguments: the groupId value and the artifactId values, which correspond to the project's group ID and artifact ID.

Example 8.8. Maven archetype command for service assemblies

smx-arch sa [ "" ] [ "" ]

The double quotes(") are required when using the -DgroupId argument and the -DartifactId argument.

Contents of a project

A service assembly project typically only contains the POM file used by Maven.

Configuring the Maven plug-in

T configure the Maven plug-in to package the results of the project build as a service assembly, change the value of the project's packaging element to jbi-service-assembly, as shown in Example 8.9.

Example 8.9. Configuring the Maven plug-in to build a service assembly

<project ...>

  <name>CXF WSDL Fisrt Demo :: Service Assembly</name>

Specifying the target components

The Maven plug-in must know what service units are being bundled into the service assembly. This is done by specifying the service units as dependencies, using the standard Maven dependencies element. Add a dependency child element for each service unit. Example 8.10 shows the configuration for a service assembly that bundles two service units.

Example 8.10. Specifying the target components for a service unit



Example 8.11 shows a POM file for a project that is building a service assembly.

Example 8.11. POM for a service assembly project

<project xmlns=""


    <parent> 1

  <name>CXF WSDL Fisrt Demo ::  Service Assemby</name>
  <packaging>jbi-service-assembly</packaging> 2

  <dependencies> 3

      <plugin> 4
Specifies that it is a part of the top-level project shown in Example 8.2, “Top-level POM for a Red Hat JBoss Fuse JBI project”
Specifies that this project builds a service assembly
Specifies the service units being bundled by the service assembly
Specifies to use the JBoss Fuse Maven plug-in

Appendix A. Using the JBI Console Commands

Accessing the JBI commands

The jbi commands allow you to manage JBI artifacts that are deployed in the Red Hat JBoss Fuse runtime.
Type jbi: then press Tab at the JBossFuse:karaf@root> prompt to view the available commands.


Table A.1 describes the jbi commands available . For detailed information about the console commands in Red Hat JBoss Fuse, see the "Console Reference".

Table A.1. JBI Commands

jbi:listLists all of the JBI artifacts deployed into the Red Hat JBoss Fuse container. The list is separated into JBI components and JBI service assemblies. It displays the name of the artifact and its life-cycle state.
jbi:shutdown artifactMoves the specified artifact from the stopped state to the shutdown state.
jbi:stop artifactMoves the specified artifact into the stopped state.
jbi:start artifactMoves the specified artifact into the started state.



Ant task
install-component, Installing a component
install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
installing components, Installing a component, Installing a component
installing shared libraries, Installing a shared library, Installing a shared library
jbi-install-component, Installing a component
jbi-install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
jbi-shut-down-component, Shutting down a component
jbi-start-component, Starting a component
jbi-stop-component, Stopping a component
jbi-uninstall-component, Removing a component
jbi-uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
removing components, Removing a component, Removing a shared library, Removing a component
removing shared libraries, Removing a shared library
shutdown-component, Shutting down a component
shutting down components, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component
start-component, Starting a component
starting components, Starting a component, Starting a component
stop-component, Stopping a component
stopping components, Stopping a component, Stopping a component
uninstall-component, Removing a component
uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
uninstalling components, Removing a component, Removing a shared library, Removing a component


binding component, Component types


clustering JBI endpoints, Overview
component life-cycle, Managing JBI components
componentName, Specifying the target components
consumer, Component roles


Java Management Extenstions, JMX
JBI clustering, Overview
jbi-install-component, Installing a component
failOnError, Installing a component
file, Installing a component
host, Installing a component
password, Installing a component
port, Installing a component
username, Installing a component
jbi-install-shared-library, Installing a shared library
failOnError, Installing a shared library
file, Installing a shared library
host, Installing a shared library
password, Installing a shared library
port, Installing a shared library
username, Installing a shared library
jbi-shut-down-component, Shutting down a component
failOnError, Shutting down a component
host, Shutting down a component
name, Shutting down a component
password, Shutting down a component
port, Shutting down a component
username, Shutting down a component
jbi-start-component, Starting a component
failOnError, Starting a component
host, Starting a component
name, Starting a component
password, Starting a component
port, Starting a component
username, Starting a component
jbi-stop-component, Stopping a component
failOnError, Stopping a component
host, Stopping a component
name, Stopping a component
password, Stopping a component
port, Stopping a component
username, Stopping a component
jbi-uninstall-component, Removing a component
failOnError, Removing a component
host, Removing a component
name, Removing a component
password, Removing a component
port, Removing a component
username, Removing a component
jbi-uninstall-shared-library, Removing a shared library
failOnError, Removing a shared library
host, Removing a shared library
name, Removing a shared library
password, Removing a shared library
port, Removing a shared library
username, Removing a shared library


Maven tooling
binding component, JBI components
component bootstrap class, JBI components
component implementation class, JBI components
component type, JBI components
JBI component, JBI components
project creation, Creating a JBI Maven project
service engine, JBI components
set up, Setting up the Maven tools, Setting up the Maven tools
shared libraries, Shared libraries
message exchange patterns, Message exchange patterns
in-only, Message exchange patterns
in-optional-out, Message exchange patterns
in-out, Message exchange patterns
robust-in-only, Message exchange patterns


provider, Component roles


service assembly, Packaging
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the service units, Specifying the target components
service consumer, Component roles
service engine, Component types
service provider, Component roles
service unit, Packaging
seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
specifying the target component, Specifying the target components
service unit life-cycle, Managing service units
shutdown-component, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component, Shutting down a component
sm.password, Shutting down a component
sm.port, Shutting down a component
sm.username, Shutting down a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.install.file, Installing a component, Installing a shared library
sm.password, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.port, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library, Removing a shared library
sm.username, Installing a component, Removing a component, Starting a component, Stopping a component, Shutting down a component, Installing a shared library, Removing a shared library
smx-arch, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
start-component, Starting a component, Starting a component, Starting a component
sm.password, Starting a component
sm.port, Starting a component
sm.username, Starting a component
stop-component, Stopping a component, Stopping a component, Stopping a component
sm.password, Stopping a component
sm.port, Stopping a component
sm.username, Stopping a component

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The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version.
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Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, JBoss, MetaMatrix, Fedora, the Infinity Logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
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Legal Notice

Third Party Acknowledgements

One or more products in the Red Hat JBoss Fuse release includes third party components covered by licenses that require that the following documentation notices be provided:
  • JLine ( jline:jline:jar:1.0
    License: BSD (LICENSE.txt) - Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Marc Prud'hommeaux
    All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    • Neither the name of JLine nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  • Stax2 API ( org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:jar:3.1.1
    Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER> All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • jibx-run - JiBX runtime ( org.jibx:jibx-run:bundle:1.2.3
    License: BSD ( Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Dennis M. Sosnoski.
    All rights reserved.
    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
    • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    • Neither the name of JiBX nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
  • JavaAssist ( org.jboss.javassist:com.springsource.javassist:jar:3.9.0.GA:compile
  • HAPI-OSGI-Base Module ( ca.uhn.hapi:hapi-osgi-base:bundle:1.2
    License: Mozilla Public License 1.1 (