Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

Appendix A. Reference Material

A.1. Server Runtime Arguments

The application server startup script accepts arguments and switches at runtime. This allows the server to start under alternative configurations to those defined in the standalone.xml, domain.xml, and host.xml configuration files.

Alternative configurations might include starting the server with an alternative socket bindings set or a secondary configuration.

The available parameters list can be accessed by passing the help switch -h or --help at startup.

Table A.1. Runtime Switches and Arguments

Argument or SwitchOperating ModeDescription



Set the server’s running type to ADMIN_ONLY. This will cause it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests, but not start other runtime services or accept end user requests.



Set the host controller’s running type to ADMIN_ONLY causing it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start servers or, if this host controller is the master for the domain, accept incoming connections from slave host controllers.

-b=<value>, -b <value>

Standalone, Domain

Set system property jboss.bind.address, which is used in configuring the bind address for the public interface. This defaults to if no value is specified. See the -b<interface>=<value> entry for setting the bind address for other interfaces.


Standalone, Domain

Set system property jboss.bind.address.<interface> to the given value. For example, -bmanagement=IP_ADDRESS



Keep a copy of the persistent domain configuration even if this host is not the domain controller.

-c=<config>, -c <config>


Name of the server configuration file to use. The default is standalone.xml.

-c=<config>, -c <config>


Name of the server configuration file to use. The default is domain.xml.



If the host is not the domain controller and cannot contact the domain controller at boot, boot using a locally cached copy of the domain configuration.

--debug [<port>]


Activate debug mode with an optional argument to specify the port. Only works if the launch script supports it.


Standalone, Domain

Set a system property.



Name of the server configuration file to use. The default is domain.xml.

-h, --help

Standalone, Domain

Display the help message and exit.



Name of the host configuration file to use. The default is host.xml.



Address on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller.



Port on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller.



Set system property jboss.domain.master.address to the given value. In a default slave host controller config, this is used to configure the address of the master host controller.



Set system property jboss.domain.master.port to the given value. In a default slave host controller config, this is used to configure the port used for native management communication by the master host controller.



Name of the server configuration file to use. This differs from --server-config and -c in that the original file is never overwritten.



Name of the domain configuration file to use. This differs from --domain-config and -c in that the initial file is never overwritten.



Name of the host configuration file to use. This differs from --host-config in that the initial file is never overwritten.

-P=<url>, -P <url>, --properties=<url>

Standalone, Domain

Load system properties from the given URL.



Address on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls.



Port on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls.



Set a security property.


Standalone, Domain

Runs the server with a security manager installed.



Name of the server configuration file to use. The default is standalone.xml.

-u=<value>, -u <value>

Standalone, Domain

Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address, which is used in configuring the multicast address in the socket-binding elements in the configuration files. This defaults to if no value is specified.

-v, -V, --version

Standalone, Domain

Display the application server version and exit.


The configuration files that ship with JBoss EAP are set up to handle the behavior of the switches, for example, -b and -u. If you change your configuration files to no longer use the system property controlled by the switch, then adding it to the launch command will have no effect.

A.2. Add-User Utility Arguments

The following table describes the arguments available for the or add-user.bat script, which is a utility for adding new users to the properties file for out-of-the-box authentication.

Table A.2. Add-User Command Arguments

Command Line ArgumentDescription


Create a user in the application realm. If omitted, the default is to create a user in the management realm.

-dc <value>

The domain configuration directory that will contain the properties files. If it is omitted, the default directory is EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/.

-sc <value>

An alternative standalone server configuration directory that will contain the properties files. If omitted, the default directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/.

-up, --user-properties <value>

The name of the alternative user properties file. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternative configuration directory.

-g, --group <value>

A comma-separated list of groups to assign to this user.

-gp, --group-properties <value>

The name of the alternative group properties file. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternative configuration directory.

-p, --password <value>

The password of the user.

-u, --user <value>

The name of the user. Only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols are valid: ,./=@\.

-r, --realm <value>

The name of the realm used to secure the management interfaces. If omitted, the default is ManagementRealm.

-s, --silent

Run the add-user script with no output to the console.

-e, --enable

Enable the user.

-d, --disable

Disable the user.

-cw, --confirm-warning

Automatically confirm warning in interactive mode.

-h, --help

Display usage information for the add-user script.

A.3. Interface Attributes

Table A.3. Interface Attributes and Values

Interface ElementDescription


Element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be that it meets at least one, but not necessarily all, of the nested set of criteria.


Empty element indicating that sockets using this interface should be bound to a wildcard address. The IPv6 wildcard address (::) will be used unless the system property is set to true, in which case the IPv4 wildcard address ( will be used. If a socket is bound to an IPv6 anylocal address on a dual-stack machine, it can accept both IPv6 and IPv4 traffic; if it is bound to an IPv4 (IPv4-mapped) anylocal address, it can only accept IPv4 traffic.


Either an IP address in IPv6 or IPv4 dotted decimal notation, or a host name that can be resolved to an IP address.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not an address associated with it is link-local.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it is a loopback interface.


A loopback address that may not actually be configured on the machine’s loopback interface. Differs from inet-address type in that the given value will be used even if no NIC can be found that has the IP address associated with it.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it supports multicast.


The name of a network interface (e.g. eth0, eth1, lo).


A regular expression against which the names of the network interfaces available on the machine can be matched to find an acceptable interface.


Element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be that it does not meet any of the nested set of criteria.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it is a point-to-point interface.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it has a publicly routable address.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not an address associated with it is site-local.


A network IP address and the number of bits in the address' network prefix, written in slash notation (e.g.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it is currently up.


Empty element indicating that part of the selection criteria for an interface should be whether or not it is a virtual interface.

A.4. Socket Binding Attributes

Table A.4. Socket Binding Attributes



Specifies the client mappings for this socket binding. A client connecting to this socket should use the destination address specified in the mapping that matches its desired outbound interface. This allows for advanced network topologies that use either network address translation, or have bindings on multiple network interfaces to function. Each mapping should be evaluated in declared order, with the first successful match used to determine the destination.


Whether the port value should remain fixed even if numeric offsets are applied to the other sockets in the socket group.


Name of the interface to which the socket should be bound, or, for multicast sockets, the interface on which it should listen. This should be one of the declared interfaces. If not defined, the value of the default-interface attribute from the enclosing socket binding group will be used.


Multicast address on which the socket should receive multicast traffic. If unspecified, the socket will not be configured to receive multicast.


Port on which the socket should receive multicast traffic. Must be configured if 'multicast-address' is configured.


The name of the socket. Services needing to access the socket configuration information will find it using this name. This attribute is required.


Number of the port to which the socket should be bound. Note that this value can be overridden if servers apply a port-offset to increment or decrement all port values.

A.5. Default Socket Bindings

Table A.5. Default Socket Bindings

NamePortMulticast PortDescriptionSocket Binding Groups




Apache JServ Protocol. Used for HTTP clustering and load balancing.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




The default port for deployed web applications.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




SSL-encrypted connection between deployed web applications and clients.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




CORBA services for JTS transactions and other ORB-dependent services.

full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




SSL-encrypted CORBA services.

full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Multicast. Used to discover initial membership in a HA cluster.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Unicast peer discovery in HA clusters using TCP.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Used for HA failure detection over TCP.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Multicast peer discovery in HA clusters using UDP.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Used for HA failure detection over UDP.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Used for HTTP communication with the management layer.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Used for HTTPS communication with the management layer.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




Multicast port for communication between JBoss EAP and the HTTP load balancer.

ha-sockets, full-ha-sockets




The JTA transaction recovery manager.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets




The JTA / JTS transaction manager.

standard-sockets, ha-sockets, full-sockets, full-ha-sockets

Revised on 2018-02-08 10:16:39 EST