Red Hat Training

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4.2. User Creation

4.2.1. Add the User for the Management Interfaces

The following procedure documents how to create the initial administrative user, in the event such a user is not created by the chosen installation method. This initial administrative user can use the web-based Management Console and remote instances of the Management CLI to configure and administer JBoss EAP 6 from remote systems.

Procedure 4.1. Create the Initial Administrative User for the Remote Management Interfaces

  1. Run the or add-user.bat script.

    Change to the EAP_HOME/bin/ directory. Invoke the appropriate script for your operating system.
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    [user@host bin]$ ./
    Microsoft Windows Server
    C:\bin>  add-user.bat
  2. Choose to add a Management user.

    Press ENTER to select the default option a to add a Management user.
    This user is added to the ManagementRealm and is authorized to perform management operations using the web-based Management Console or command-line based Management CLI. The other choice, b, adds a user to the ApplicationRealm, and provides no particular permissions. That realm is provided for use with applications.
  3. Enter the desired username and password.

    When prompted, enter the username and password. You will be prompted to confirm the password.
  4. Enter group information.

    Add the group or groups to which the user belongs. If the user belongs to multiple groups, enter a comma-separated list. Leave it blank if you do not want the user to belong to any groups.
  5. Review the information and confirm.

    You are prompted to confirm the information. If you are satisfied, type yes.
  6. Choose whether the user represents a remote JBoss EAP 6 server instance.

    Besides administrators, the other type of user which occasionally needs to be added to JBoss EAP 6 in the ManagementRealm is a user representing another instance of JBoss EAP 6, which must be able to authenticate to join a cluster as a member. The next prompt allows you to designate your added user for this purpose. If you select yes, you will be given a hashed secret value, representing the user's password, which would need to be added to a different configuration file. For the purposes of this task, answer no to this question.
  7. Enter additional users.

    You can enter additional users if desired, by repeating the procedure. You can also add them at any time on a running system. Instead of choosing the default security realm, you can add users to other realms to fine-tune their authorizations.
  8. Create users non-interactively.

    You can create users non-interactively, by passing in each parameter at the command line. This approach is not recommended on shared systems, because the passwords will be visible in log and history files. The syntax for the command, using the management realm, is:
    [user@host bin]$ ./ username password
    To use the application realm, use the -a parameter.
    [user@host bin]$ ./ -a username password
  9. You can suppress the normal output of the add-user script by passing the --silent parameter. This applies only if the minimum parameters username and password have been specified. Error messages will still be shown.

Any users you add are activated within the security realms you have specified. Users active within the ManagementRealm realm are able to manage JBoss EAP 6 from remote systems.

4.2.2. Pass Arguments to the User Management add-user Script

You can run the or add-user.bat command interactively or you can pass the arguments on the command line. This section describes the options available when passing command line arguments to the add-user script.
For a comprehensive list of the command line arguments available for the or add-user.bat command. see Section 4.2.3, “Add-user Command Arguments” .
For information on how to specify an alternate properties file and location, see Section 4.2.4, “Specify Alternate Properties Files for User Management Information” .

4.2.3. Add-user Command Arguments

The following table describes the arguments available for the or add-user.bat command.

Table 4.1. Add-user Command Arguments

Command Line Argument Argument Value Description
This argument specifies to create a user in the application realm. If omitted, the default is to create a user in the management realm.
This argument specifies the domain configuration directory that will contain the properties files. If it is omitted, the default directory is EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/.
This argument specifies an alternate standalone server configuration directory that will contain the properties files. If it is omitted, the default directory is EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/.
This argument specifies the name of the alternate user properties file. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternate configuration directory.
A comma-separated list of groups to assign to this user.
This argument specifies the name of the alternate group properties file. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternate configuration directory.
The password of the user. The password must satisfy the following requirements:
  • It must contain at least 8 characters.
  • It must contain at least one alphabetic character.
  • It must contain at least one digit.
  • It must contain at least one non-alphanumeric symbol
The name of the user. Only alphanumeric characters and the following symbols are valid: ,./=@\.
The name of the realm used to secure the management interfaces. If omitted, the default is ManagementRealm.
Run the add-user script with no output to the console.
Display usage information for the add-user script.

4.2.4. Specify Alternate Properties Files for User Management Information


By default, user and role information created using the or add-user.bat script are stored in properties files located in the server configuration directory. The server configuration information is stored in the EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/ directory and the domain configuration information is stored in the EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/ directory. This topic describes how to override the default file names and locations.

Specify Alternate Properties Files

  • To specify an alternate directory for the server configuration, use the -sc argument. This argument specifies an alternate directory that will contain the server configuration properties files.
  • To specify an alternate directory for the domain configuration, use the -dc argument. This argument specifies an alternate directory that will contain the domain configuration properties files.
  • To specify an alternate user configuration properties file, use the -up or --user-properties argument. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternate configuration directory.
  • To specify an alternate group configuration properties file, use the -gp or --group-properties argument. It can be an absolute path or it can be a file name used in conjunction with the -sc or -dc argument that specifies the alternate configuration directory.


The add-user command is intended to operate on existing properties files. Any alternate properties files specified in command line arguments must exist or you will see the following error:
JBAS015234: No files found
For more information about command arguments, see Section 4.2.3, “Add-user Command Arguments” .