Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

14.6. Create a VDB Source Model

Procedure 14.3. Create a VDB Source Model

  1. Deploy your VDB.
  2. Launch the JDBC Import Wizard by clicking Import - Teiid Designer - JDBC Database Source Model.
  3. On the first page of the wizard select a valid connection profile for your deployed VDB.
    The wizard will detect that the connection profile is a Teiid VDB connection and a section will be displayed on the wizard page titled Teiid VDB Source Options.


    If Import as VDB source model is NOT checked, then the wizard will continue importing as a normal JDBC import
  4. On the Select Database Objects page, select a single schema to use in order to create as VDB source model.
  5. The final page shows the name of the resulting VDB source model. The name is NOT editable.


    All other options are disabled


    The target Into Folder must NOT contain a model with the same name or the Finish button will be disabled.


    You can use your VDB source model like any other source model in your project. VDB source model tables can be used in your transformation queries and the view models will contain model imports to your VDB source models. However, when your view model is added to a VDB, any referenced VDB source models do NOT get added to your VDB. Instead, an import-vdb element reference is added in its place.
    If VDB imports exist for a VDB, the Show Import VDBs button will be enabled and allow viewing the names of the imported VDBs as shown below.