Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 4. Get Started

4.1. Using the JDV for OpenShift Image Streams and Application Templates

Red Hat JBoss Middleware for OpenShift images are pulled on demand from the Red Hat Registry:

4.2. Preparing JDV Project Artifacts

The EAP for OpenShift image, on which the JDV for OpenShift image is built, extends database support in OpenShift using various artifacts. These artifacts are included in the built image through different mechanisms:
- S2I artifacts that are injected into the image during the S2I process, and
- Runtime artifacts from environment files provided through the OpenShift Secret mechanism.

Build Extensions Process

4.2.1. S2I Artifacts

The S2I artifacts include the virtual databases files, modules, drivers, translators, and additional generic deployments that provide the necessary configuration infrastructure required for the JDV for OpenShift deployment. This configuration is built into the image during the S2I process so that only the datasources and associated resource adapters need to be added at runtime.

Refer to the Artifact Repository Mirrors section for additional guidance on how to instruct the S2I process to utilize the custom Maven artifacts repository mirror. Virtual Databases (VDB)

VDBs contain aggregated data from multiple disparate datasources. This allows applications to access and query the data as though it is in a single database, using a single uniform API.


*.vdb and *-vdb.xml files can be included in a Git repository, or in the source for a Binary-type build.

The JDV for OpenShift image uses the file deployment method for deploying virtual databases. Create an empty marker file in the same directory and with the same name as the VDB with the additional extension .dodeploy. For example, if the VDB file is database.vdb, the marker file must be called database.vdb.dodeploy.

For more information on the file deployment method, see the Deploy a VDB via File Deployment section in the Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Administration and Configuration Guide. Modules, Drivers, Translators, and Generic Deployments

There are three options for including these S2I artifacts in the JDV for OpenShift image:

  1. Include the artifact in the application source deployment directory. The artifact is downloaded during the build and injected into the image. This is similar to deploying an application on the EAP for OpenShift image.
  2. Include the CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES environment variable, a list of comma-separated list of directories used for installation and configuration of artifacts for the image during the S2I process. There are two methods for including this information in the S2I:
    2a) An script in the nominated installation directory. The install script will be executed during the S2I process and will operate with impunity. script example:

    source /usr/local/s2i/
    install_deployments ${injected_dir}/injected-deployments.war
    install_modules ${injected_dir}/modules
    configure_drivers ${injected_dir}/drivers.env
    source /usr/local/s2i/
    configure_translators ${injected_dir}/translators.env

    The script is responsible for customizing the base JDV for OpenShift image using APIs provided by the, which is contained in the underlying base EAP for OpenShift image, and, which is contained in the base JDV for OpenShift image. It allows for the greatest amount of flexibility for configuring the JDV for OpenShift image. These shell scripts contain functions that are used by the script to install and configure the modules, drivers, translators, and generic deployments.

    Shell scriptFunctions contained within script




    A module is a logical grouping of classes used for class loading and dependency management. Modules are defined in the EAP_HOME/modules/ directory of the application server. Each module exists as a subdirectory, for example EAP_HOME/modules/org/apache/. Each module directory then contains a slot subdirectory, which defaults to main and contains the module.xml configuration file and any required JAR files.

    module.xml example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.apache.derby">
            <resource-root path="derby-"/>
            <resource-root path="derbyclient-"/>
            <module name="javax.api"/>
            <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

    Drivers and translators are installed as modules. The install_modules function in the copies the respective JAR files to the modules directory in EAP, along with the module.xml.
    The configure_drivers and configure_translators functions of the add additional information to the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone-openshift.xml configuration file.


    Drivers are installed as modules. The install_modules function in the copies the respective JAR files to the modules directory in EAP. The driver is then configured in the by the configure_drivers function, the configuration properties for which are defined in a runtime artifact environment file.

    drivers.env example:

    DERBY_DRIVER_MODULE=org.apache.derby DERBY_DRIVER_CLASS=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver


    Translators are installed as modules. The install_modules function in the copies the JAR files for the translator. The translator is then configured in the by the configure_translators function, the configuration properties for which are in a runtime artifact environment file.

    translators.env example:


    Generic Deployments

    Deployable archive files, such as JARs, WARs, RARs, or EARs, can be deployed from an injected image using the install_deployments function supplied by the API in the contained in the EAP for OpenShift image.

    2b) If the CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES environment variable has been declared but no scripts are found in the custom installation directories, the following artifact directories will be copied to their respective destinations in the built image:
    - modules/* copied to $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/openshift
    - configuration/* copied to $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration
    - deployments/* copied to $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments
    This is a basic configuration approach compared to the alternative, and requires the artifacts to be structured appropriately.

4.2.2. Runtime Artifacts Datasources

There are three types of datasources:
1. Default internal datasources. These are PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. These datasources are available on OpenShift by default through the Red Hat Registry and do not require additional environment files to be configured. Set the DB_SERVICE_PREFIX_MAPPING to the name of the OpenShift service for the database to be discovered and used as a datasource. 2. Other internal datasources. These are datasources not available by default through the Red Hat Registry but run on OpenShift. Configuration of these datasources is provided by environment files added to OpenShift Secrets. 3. External datasources that are not run on OpenShift. Configuration of external datasources is provided by environment files added to OpenShift Secrets.

Datasource environment file example:

# derby datasource

# Connection info for xa datasource

# _HOST and _PORT are required, but not used

The DATASOURCES property is a comma-separated list of datasource property prefixes. These prefixes are then appended to all properties for that datasource. Multiple datasources can then be included in a single environment file. Alternatively, each datasource can be provided in separate environment files.

Datasources contain two types of properties: connection pool-specific properties and data driver-specific properties. Data-driver specific properties use the generic XA_CONNECTION_PROPERTY, as the driver itself is configured as a driver S2I artifact. The suffix of the driver property is specific to the particular driver for the datasource.
In the above example, ACCOUNTS is the datasource prefix, XA_CONNECTION_PROPERTY is the generic driver property, and DatabaseName is the property specific to the driver.

The datasources environment files are added to the OpenShift Secret for the project. These environment files are then called within the JDV template using the ENV_FILES environment property, the value of which is a comma-separated list of fully qualified environment files.

For example:

    “Name”: “ENV_FILES”,
    “Value”: “/etc/jdv-extensions/datasources1.env,/etc/jdv-extensions/datasources2.env”
} Resource Adapters

Configuration of resource adapters is provided by environment files added to OpenShift Secrets.

Resource adapter environment file example:



The RESOURCE_ADAPTERS property is a comma-separated list of resource adapter property prefixes. These prefixes are then appended to all properties for that resource adapter. Multiple resource adapter can then be included in a single environment file. Alternatively, each resource adapter can be provided in separate environment files.

The resource adapter environment files are added to the OpenShift Secret for the project namespace. These environment files are then called within the JDV template using the ENV_FILES environment property, the value of which is a comma-separated list of fully qualified environment files.

For example:

    “Name”: “ENV_FILES”,
    “Value”: “/etc/jdv-extensions/resourceadapter1.env,/etc/jdv-extensions/resourceadapter2.env”

4.3. Preparing and Deploying the JDV for OpenShift Application Templates

4.3.1. Configuring Keystores

The JDV for OpenShift image requires two keystores:
- An SSL keystore to provide private and public keys for https traffic encryption.
- A JGroups keystore to provide private and public keys for network traffic encryption between nodes in the cluster.

These keystores are expected by the JDV for OpenShift image, even if the application uses only http on a single-node OpenShift instance. Self-signed certificates do not provide secure communication and are intended for internal testing purposes.


For production environments Red Hat recommends that you use your own SSL certificate purchased from a verified Certificate Authority (CA) for SSL-encrypted connections (HTTPS).

See the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Security Guide for more information on how to create a keystore with self-signed or purchased SSL certificates.

4.3.2. Generating the Keystore Secret

OpenShift uses objects called Secrets to hold sensitive information, such as passwords or keystores. See the Secrets chapter in the OpenShift documentation for more information.

The JDV for OpenShift image requires a secret that holds the two keystores described earlier. This provides the necessary authorization to applications in the project.

Use the SSL and JGroups keystore files to create a secret for the project:

$ oc secret new <jdv-secret-name> <ssl.jks> <jgroups.jceks>

After the secret has been generated, it can be associated with a service account.

4.3.3. Generating the Artifact Secrets

Files for runtime artifacts are passed to the JDV for OpenShift image using the OpenShift secret mechanism. This includes the environment files for the data sources and resource adapters, as well as any additional data files. These files need to be present locally so as to create secrets for them.

$ oc secrets new <datavirt-app-config> <datasource.env> <resourceadapter.env> <additional/data/files/>

The Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization for OpenShift application template uses datavirt-app-config as a default value for the CONFIGURATION_NAME environment variable. This value is also used to configure a storage volume for the project. If a different secret name is used, the value of the CONFIGURATION_NAME environment variable must be updated.

If the project does not require any runtime artifacts, the secret must still be present in the OpenShift project or the deployment will fail. An empty secret can be generated and supplied:

$ touch <empty.env>
$ oc secrets new <datavirt-app-config> <empty.env>

4.3.4. Creating the Service Account

Service accounts are API objects that exist within each project and allow users to associate certain secrets and roles with applications in a project namespace. This provides the application with the necessary authorization to run with all required privileges.

The service account that you create must be configured with the correct permissions to view pods in Kubernetes. This is required in order for clustering with the JDV for OpenShift image to work. You can view the top of the log files to see whether the correct service account permissions have been configured.

The JDV for OpenShift templates have a default SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME variable of datavirt-service-account. If a different service account name is used, this variable must be configured with the appropriate service account name.

  1. Create a service account to be used for the JDV deployment:

    $ oc create serviceaccount <service-account-name>
  2. Add the view role to the service account. This enables the service account to view all the resources in the application namespace in OpenShift, which is necessary for managing the cluster.

    $ oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:<project-name>:<service-account-name> -n <project-name>
  3. Add the secrets created for the project to the service account:

    $ oc secret link <service-account-name> <jdv-secret-name> <jdv-datasource-secret> <jdv-resourceadapter-secret> <jdv-datafiles-secret>

4.3.5. Configuring Red Hat Single-Sign On Authentication

JDV for OpenShift can be configured to use Red Hat Single-Sign On (SSO) for authentication. The datavirt63-secure-s2i application template includes SSO environment variables for automatic SSO client registration.

See the Automatic and Manual SSO Client Registration Methods for more information on automatic SSO client registration.

Once configured, the SSO user and the SSO realm token can be used to authenticate the specified endpoints in the JDV for OpenShift project.

4.3.6. Using the OpenShift Web Console

Log in to the OpenShift web console:

  1. Click Add to project to list all of the default image streams and templates.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword search bar to limit the list to those that match datavirt. You may need to click See all to show the desired application template.
  3. Select an application template and configure the deployment parameters as required.
  4. Click Create to deploy the application template.

4.4. Using JBoss Datagrid for OpenShift with JDV for OpenShift

The JBoss Datagrid for OpenShift image can be configured so that it integrates with a JDV for OpenShift deployment. There are two use cases for this integration:

  • Using JDG as a datasource for JDV.
  • Using JDG as an external materialization target for JDV and one or more databases. When deployed as a materialization target, JDG for OpenShift uses in-memory caching to store common queries to other remote databases, increasing performance. For more information on external materialization, see the External Materialization and Red Hat JBoss Data Grid chapter in the Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Caching Guide.

In both of these use cases, both the JDG for OpenShift and JDV for OpenShift deployments need to be configured. This includes:

  • Specifying the cache names in the JDG for OpenShift application template.

    • Specifying the cache names to be used for the JDG for OpenShift deployment with the appropriate environment variable.
  • Including JDG-specific properties in a resource adapter environment file.
  • If protocol buffers are specified in a resource adapter, the relevant .proto files need to be included in the project. If protocol buffers are not specified, JDV for OpenShift will use standard Java serialization mechanism to interact with JDG for OpenShift.

The JDV for OpenShift templates automatically include the client dependencies necessary for communicating with the JDG for Openshift image during the s2i build process. These modules are mounted on the JDV for OpenShift at:


Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, and the JDG for OpenShift image, support multiple protocols; however, when deployed with JDV for OpenShift, only the Hot Rod protocol is supported for JDG for OpenShift.

The Hot Rod protocol is not encrypted.

For more information on the Hot Rod protocol, see the Remote Querying chapter of the Red Hat JBoss DataGrid Infinispan Query Guide.

4.4.1. Using the JDG for OpenShift Application Templates

Whether using JDG for OpenShift as a datasource or materialization target, the cache names need to be specified in the application template so that they can be used with JDV for OpenShift. The environment variable to specify these cache names is different depending on whether JDG for OpenShift is to be used as a datasource or a materialization:

Using JDG for OpenShift as a datasource:

Comma-separated list of the cache names to be used for the JDG for OpenShift datasource.
Must be set with value replicated. Alternate cache methods are not supported.

Using JDG for OpenShift as a materialization target:

Comma-separated list of the cache names to be used for the JDG for OpenShift materialization target. When the image is built, three caches will be created per cache name provided: {cachename}, {cachename}_staging, and {cachename}_alias. These three caches enable JBoss Data Grid to simultaneously maintain and refresh materialization caches.

4.4.2. JDG for OpenShift Authentication Environment Variables

To use JDG for OpenShift as an authenticated datasource, additional environment variables must be provided in the JDG for OpenShift application template. These environment variables provide authentication details for the Hot Rod protocol, which will be provided to JDV for OpenShift in the resource adapter, and authorization details for the caches in the JDG for OpenShift deployment.

For more information on these environment variables, see the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid for OpenShift Guide.

JDG for OpenShift Authentication Environment Variables

Environment VariableDescriptionExample value


Username for the JDG user



Password for the JDG user



Enable Hot Rod authentication



Role mapper for the Hot Rod protocol



Security roles and permissions attributed to the role mapper


JDG for OpenShift Cache Authorization Environment Variables

Resource Adapter PropertyDescriptionExample value


Enables authorization checks for this cache



Sets the valid roles required to access this cache


4.4.3. JDG for OpenShift Resource Adapter Properties

To use JDG for OpenShift with JDV for OpenShift, properties specific to JDG are required within a resource adapter. As with all resource adapters, these can be included as a separate resource adapter environment file or along with other resource adapters in a larger environment file and supplied to the build as an OpenShift secret.

The properties in the table below are in addition to the standard properties required by JDV for OpenShift to configure a resource adapter:

Additional Properties for the JDG Resource Adapter

Resource Adapter PropertyDescriptionRequired


Cache Type Map(cacheName:className[;pkFieldName[:cacheKeyJavaType]])



Class Path to the Google Protobuf Definition file that’s packaged in a jar

True if using protocol buffers


Class names for the message marshallers, (marshaller,[marshaller,..]), that are to be registered for serialization

True if using protocol buffers


Protobuf message descriptor class name for the root object in cache



Module defining the protobuf classes (module_slot,[module_id,..])



Server List (host:port[;host:port…​]) to connect to



HotRod Client properties file for configuring connection to remote cache



JNDI Name to find CacheContainer



Child pojo classes, with annotations, that are accessible from the root class [className[;className];])


Additional Resource Adapter for using JDG for OpenShift as a Datasource

Resource Adapter PropertyDescriptionRequired


Authentication username for the JDG user

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Authentication password for the JDG user

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Authorized application realm for the JDG user

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Name of the JDG server

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Encryption type used for authentication

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Username for the JDG admin user

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource


Password for the JDG user

True if using JDG as an authenticated datasource

The following is an example of a JDV for OpenShift resource adapter for integrating with JDG for OpenShift. This example is taken from the quickstart used in Example Workflow: Deploying the JDG for OpenShift as a Materialization Target Quickstart Tutorials:

Resource Adapter for Using JDG for OpenShift as Materialization Cache Example


# Additionally, the following are required when using JDG to materialize views

In the above example, a line break separates the standard JDV for OpenShift resource adapter configuration from the additional properties required for JDG for OpenShift, which carry a PROPERTY suffix appended to the MAT_CACHE resource adapter prefix.

In the above example:

  • PROPERTY_CacheTypeMap carries the cache name (addressbook), the class name (Person), and the field name (id) relative to the protocol buffer.
  • PROPERTY_ProtobufDefinitionFile provides the relative filepath to the addressbook.proto protocol buffer file.
  • PROPERTY_MessageMarshallers provides two marshallers: Person and PhoneType.
  • PROPERTY_StagingCacheName and PROPERTY_AliasCacheName provide the staging and alias cache names respectively, which are necessary to maintain and refresh the addressbook materialization cache.

The following is an example of a JDV for OpenShift resource adapter for using JDG for OpenShift as a datasource.

Resource Adapter for Using JDG for OpenShift as an Authenticated Datasource Example





In the above example, line breaks separate the standard JDV for OpenShift resource adapter configuration, the additional properties required for JDG for Openshift, and the authentication properties for the JDG datasource. The PROPERTY_AuthUserName and PROPERTY_AdminUserName and associated passwords correspond to the values provided to the JDG for OpenShift application template in JDG for OpenShift Authentication Environment Variables section.

4.4.4. Protocol Buffers

Protocol buffers provide a mechanism for serializing structured data. Protocol buffers are supported in Hot Rod as an alternative to standard Java serialization mechanism.
For more information on Protocol Buffers, see link:

The following is an example of a .proto file taken from the dynamicvdb-datafederation quickstart used in Example Workflow: Deploying the JDG for OpenShift as a Materialization Target Quickstart.

Example addressbook.proto file:

package quickstart;

/* @Indexed */
message Person {

   /* @IndexedField */
   required string name = 1;
   /* @IndexedField(index=true, store=false) */
   required int32 id = 2;
   optional string email = 3;
   enum PhoneType {
      MOBILE = 0;
      HOME = 1;
      WORK = 2;

   /* @Indexed */
   message PhoneNumber {
      /* @IndexedField */
      required string number = 1;
      /* @IndexedField(index=false, store=false) */
      optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];
   /* @IndexedField(index=true, store=false) */
   repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

The above addressbook.proto example contains the object Person, which is made up of three primitive fields - name, id, and email - and an embedded object PhoneNUmber, which itself contains two primitive fields - number and PhoneType - and a repeatable field named phone.