Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 8. Built-in Node Types

The JCR 2.0 specification requires that repositories have a number of node types immediately available for use by client applications. The hierarchical database defines a number of additional node types that are installed into every repository. None of these node types can be changed or modified.

8.1. Standard Node Types

The following is the CND representation of the standard JCR built-in node types:

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                             Pre-defined Node Types
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[nt:base] abstract
  - jcr:primaryType (name) mandatory autocreated
      protected compute
  - jcr:mixinTypes (name) protected multiple compute

  - * (undefined) multiple
  - * (undefined)
  + * (nt:base) = nt:unstructured sns version

[mix:created] mixin
  - jcr:created (date) protected
  - jcr:createdBy (string) protected

[nt:hierarchyNode] > mix:created abstract

[nt:file] > nt:hierarchyNode
  + jcr:content (nt:base) primary mandatory

[nt:linkedFile] > nt:hierarchyNode
  - jcr:content (reference) primary mandatory

[nt:folder] > nt:hierarchyNode
  + * (nt:hierarchyNode) version

[mix:referenceable] mixin
  - jcr:uuid (string) mandatory autocreated protected initialize

[mix:mimeType] mixin
  - jcr:mimeType (string)
  - jcr:encoding (string)

[mix:lastModified] mixin
  - jcr:lastModified (date)
  - jcr:lastModifiedBy (string)

[nt:resource] > mix:mimeType, mix:lastModified
  - jcr:data (binary) primary mandatory

  - jcr:nodeTypeName (name) mandatory protected copy
  - jcr:supertypes (name) multiple protected copy
  - jcr:isAbstract (boolean) mandatory protected copy
  - jcr:isMixin (boolean) mandatory protected copy
  - jcr:isQueryable (boolean) mandatory protected copy
  - jcr:hasOrderableChildNodes (boolean) mandatory protected copy
  - jcr:primaryItemName (name) protected copy
  + jcr:propertyDefinition (nt:propertyDefinition)  = nt:propertyDefinition sns protected copy
  + jcr:childNodeDefinition (nt:childNodeDefinition) = nt:childNodeDefinition sns protected copy

  - jcr:name (name) protected
  - jcr:autoCreated (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:mandatory (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:isFullTextSearchable (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:isQueryOrderable (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:onParentVersion (string) mandatory protected
        'IGNORE', 'ABORT'
  - jcr:protected (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:requiredType (string) mandatory protected
  - jcr:valueConstraints (string) multiple protected
  - jcr:availableQueryOperators (name) mandatory multiple protected
  - jcr:defaultValues (undefined) multiple protected
  - jcr:multiple (boolean) mandatory protected

  - jcr:name (name) protected
  - jcr:autoCreated (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:mandatory (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:onParentVersion (string) mandatory protected
        'IGNORE', 'ABORT'
  - jcr:protected (boolean) mandatory protected
  - jcr:requiredPrimaryTypes (name) = 'nt:base' mandatory protected multiple
  - jcr:defaultPrimaryType (name) protected
  - jcr:sameNameSiblings (boolean) mandatory protected

[nt:versionHistory] > mix:referenceable
  - jcr:versionableUuid (string) mandatory autocreated protected abort
  - jcr:copiedFrom (weakreference) protected abort < 'nt:version'
  + jcr:rootVersion (nt:version) = nt:version mandatory autocreated protected abort
  + jcr:versionLabels (nt:versionLabels) = nt:versionLabels mandatory autocreated protected abort
  + * (nt:version) = nt:version protected abort

  - * (reference) protected abort < 'nt:version'

[nt:version] > mix:referenceable
  - jcr:created (date) mandatory autocreated protected abort
  - jcr:predecessors (reference) protected multiple abort < 'nt:version'
  - jcr:successors (reference) protected multiple abort < 'nt:version'
  - jcr:activity (reference) protected abort < 'nt:activity'
  + jcr:frozenNode (nt:frozenNode) protected abort

[nt:frozenNode] > mix:referenceable
  - jcr:frozenPrimaryType (name) mandatory autocreated protected abort
  - jcr:frozenMixinTypes (name) protected multiple abort
  - jcr:frozenUuid (string) mandatory autocreated protected abort
  - * (undefined) protected abort
  - * (undefined) protected multiple abort
  + * (nt:base) protected sns abort

  - jcr:childVersionHistory (reference) mandatory autocreated protected abort < 'nt:versionHistory'

  - jcr:statement (string)
  - jcr:language (string)

[nt:activity] > mix:referenceable
  - jcr:activityTitle (string) mandatory autocreated protected

[mix:simpleVersionable] mixin
  - jcr:isCheckedOut (boolean) = 'true' mandatory autocreated protected ignore

[mix:versionable] > mix:simpleVersionable, mix:referenceable mixin
  - jcr:versionHistory (reference) mandatory protected ignore < 'nt:versionHistory'
  - jcr:baseVersion (reference) mandatory protected ignore < 'nt:version'
  - jcr:predecessors (reference) mandatory protected multiple ignore < 'nt:version'
  - jcr:mergeFailed (reference) protected multiple abort
  - jcr:activity (reference) protected < 'nt:version'
  - jcr:configuration (reference) protected ignore < 'nt:configuration'

[nt:configuration] > mix:versionable
  - jcr:root (reference) mandatory autocreated protected

  - jcr:protocol (string)
  - jcr:host (string)
  - jcr:port (string)
  - jcr:repository (string)
  - jcr:workspace (string)
  - jcr:path (path)
  - jcr:id (weakreference)

  - jcr:text (string)
  - jcr:messageId (string)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                             Pre-defined Mixins
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[mix:etag] mixin
  - jcr:etag (string) protected autocreated

[mix:lockable] mixin
  - jcr:lockOwner (string) protected ignore
  - jcr:lockIsDeep (boolean) protected ignore

[mix:lifecycle] mixin
  - jcr:lifecyclePolicy (reference) protected initialize
  - jcr:currentLifecycleState (string) protected initialize

[mix:managedRetention] > mix:referenceable mixin
  - jcr:hold (string) protected multiple
  - jcr:isDeep (boolean) protected multiple
  - jcr:retentionPolicy (reference) protected

[mix:shareable] > mix:referenceable mixin

[mix:title] mixin
  - jcr:title (string)
  - jcr:description (string)

[mix:language] mixin
  - jcr:language (string)