Administration and Configuration Guide

Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.4

The Administration and Configuration Guide for Red Hat JBoss BRMS

Red Hat Customer Content Services

Emily Murphy

Gemma Sheldon

Michele Haglund

Mikhail Ramendik

Stetson Robinson

Vidya Iyengar


A guide for administrators and advanced users dealing with Red Hat JBoss BRMS setup, configuration, and advanced usage.

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. Asset Repository

Business Rules and other assets and resources created in Business Central are stored in asset repository, which is otherwise known as the Knowledge Store.

The Knowledge Store is a centralized repository for your business knowledge. The Knowledge Store connects to the Git repository to store various knowledge assets and artifacts at a single location. Business Central provides a web front-end that allows you to view and update the stored content. You can access the content by using the Project Explorer from the unified environment of Red Hat JBoss BRMS.

All business assets are stored in repositories. These repositories are then saved in directories called organizational units. By default, the Knowledge Store in Business Central does not contain any organizational unit. Therefore, to be able to create your own business assets, you need to create an organizational unit and a repository first.

1.1. Creating an Organizational Unit

It is possible to create an organizational unit either in the Administration perspective of Business Central, using the kie-config-cli tool, or the REST API calls.

Creating an Organizational Unit in Business Central

Note that only users with the admin role in Business Central can create organizational units.

Procedure: Using Business Central to Create an Organizational Unit

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. On the perspective menu, click Organizational UnitsManage Organizational Units.
  3. In the Organization Unit Manager view, click Add.

    The Add New Organizational Unit dialog window opens.

    Figure 1.1. Add New Organizational Unit_Dialog Window

    A screenshot of the Add New Organizational Unit dialog window.
  4. Enter the two mandatory parameters (name and default group ID) and click Ok.
Creating an Organizational Unit Using the kie-config-cli Tool

Organizational units can be created using the kie-config-cli tool as well. To do so, run the create-org-unit command. The tool then guides you through the entire process of creating an organizational unit by asking for other required parameters. Type help for a list of all commands.

For more information about the kie-config-cli tool, see Chapter 6, Command Line Configuration.

⁠⁠Creating an Organizational Unit Using the REST API

Note that only users with the rest-all role can create organizational units.

To create an organizational unit in Knowledge Store, issue the POST REST API call. Details of the organizational unit are defined by the JSON entity.

Input parameter of the call is a OrganizationalUnit instance. Call returns a CreateOrganizationalUnitRequest instance.

Example 1.1. Creating an Organizational Unit Using the Curl Utility

Example JSON entity containing details of an organizational unit to be created:

  "name"         : "helloWorldUnit",
  "owner"        : "tester",
  "description"  :  null,
  "repositories" :  []

Execute the following command:

curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/business-central/rest/organizationalunits/' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"helloWorldUnit","owner":"tester","description":null,"repositories":[]}'

For further information, refer to chapter Knowledge Store REST API, section Organizational Unit Calls of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

1.2. Creating a Repository

There are three ways to create a repository: through the Administration perspective of Business Central, the kie-config-cli tool, or using the REST API calls.

⁠Creating a Repository in Business Central

Note that only users with the admin role in Business Central can create repositories.

Procedure: Using Business Central to Create a Repository

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. On the perspective menu, click RepositoriesNew repository.

    The New Repository pop-up window is displayed.

    Figure 1.2. New Repository Dialog Window

    A screenshot of the New Repository dialog window.
  3. Specify the two mandatory parameters:

    • Repository name

    Make sure that the repository name is a valid file name. Avoid using a space or any special character that might lead to an invalid name.

    • Organizational unit: Specifies the location of the newly created repository.
  4. Click Finish.

You can view the newly created repository either in the File Explorer or the Project Explorer.

⁠Creating Repository Using kie-config-cli Tool

To create a new Git repository using the kie-config-cli tool, run the create-repo command. The tool then guides you through the entire process of creating a repository by asking for other required parameters. Type help for a list of all commands.

For more information about the kie-config-cli tool, see Chapter 6, Command Line Configuration.

⁠⁠Creating Repository Using REST API

Note that only users with the rest-all role can create repositories.

To create a repository in the Knowledge Store, issue the POST REST API call. Details of the repository are defined by the JSON entity. Make sure you established an authenticated HTTP session before executing this call.

Input parameter of the call is a RepositoryRequest instance. Call returns a CreateOrCloneRepositoryRequest instance.

Example 1.2. Creating Repository Using Curl Utility

Example JSON entity containing details of a repository to be created:

  "name"                   : "newRepository",
  "description"            :  null,
  "gitURL"                 :  null,
  "requestType"            : "new",
  "organizationalUnitName" : "helloWorldUnit"

Execute the following command:

curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories/' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"newRepository","description":null,"requestType":"new","gitURL":null,"organizationalUnitName":"helloWorldUnit"}'

For further information, refer to chapter Knowledge Store REST API, section Repository Calls of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

1.3. Cloning a Repository

It is possible to clone a repository either in Business Central or using the REST API calls. The kie-config-cli tool cannot be used to clone arbitrary repositories. Run git clone, or use one of the following options instead:

Cloning a Repository in Business Central

Note that only users with the admin role in Business Central can clone repositories.

Procedure: Using Business Central to Clone a Repository

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. On the perspective menu, choose RepositoriesClone repository.

    The Clone Repository pop-up window is displayed.

    Figure 1.3. Clone Repository Dialog Window

    A screenshot of the Clone Repository dialog window.
  3. In the Clone Repository dialog window, enter the repository details:

    1. Enter the Repository Name to be used as the repository identifier in the Asset repository and select the Organizational Unit it should be added to.
    2. Enter the URL of the Git repository:

      • For a local repository, use file:///PATH_TO_REPOSITORY/REPOSITORY_NAME.
      • For a remote or preexisting repository, use or git://HOST_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME.


        It is important to use the HTTPS or Git protocol instead of a SCP-style SSH URL. Business Central does not support the basic SSH URL and fails with Invalid URL format.


      The file protocol is only supported for READ operations. WRITE operations are not supported.

    3. If applicable, enter the User Name and Password of your Git account to be used for authentication.
  4. Click Clone.

    A confirmation prompt with the notification that the repository was created successfully is displayed.

  5. Click Ok.

    The repository is now being indexed. Some workbench features may be unavailable until the indexing has completed.

You can view the cloned repository either in the File Explorer or the Project Explorer.


If you are deploying Business Central on WebLogic server, set the following Java system property in the file (for Linux) or setDomainEnv.cmd file (for Windows):

JAVA_OPTIONS="%JAVA_OPTIONS% -DUseSunHttpHandler=true"

This enables the WebLogic server to use the HTTP handlers.

Cloning a Repository Using the REST API

To clone a repository, issue the POST REST API call. This call creates or clones (according to the value of the requestType parameter) the repository defined by the JSON entity.

The input parameter of the call is a RepositoryRequest instance. The Call returns a CreateOrCloneRepositoryRequest instance.


Note that, only users with the rest-all role can clone repositories.

Example 1.3. Cloning a Repository Using the Curl Utility

Example JSON entity containing details of a repository to be cloned:

  "name"                   : "clonedRepository",
  "description"            :  null,
  "requestType"            : "clone",
  "gitURL"                 : "git://localhost:9418/newRepository",
  "organizationalUnitName" : "helloWorldUnit"

Execute the following command:

curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories/' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name":"clonedRepository","description":null,"requestType":"clone","gitURL":"git://localhost:9418/newRepository","organizationalUnitName":"helloWorldUnit"}'

For further information, refer to chapter Knowledge Store REST API, section Repository Calls of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

1.4. Removing a Repository

Repositories can be removed using any of the following procedures.

Removing a Repository in Business Central

The simplest way to remove a repository is using the RepositoryEditor in Business Central.

Procedure: Using Business Central to Remove a Repository

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. Select Repositories from the tree menu on the left.
  3. In the RepositoryEditor on the right side of the page, locate the repository you want to delete from the list of available repositories.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select masterDelete.

    The following message will appear:

    Are you sure you want to remove Repository "REPOSITORY_NAME"? Some editors may become inoperable if their content is inaccessible.
  5. Press OK to delete the repository.

Removing a Repository Using the kie-config-cli Tool

Repositories can be removed using the kie-config-cli tool as well. To do so, run the remove-repo command.

For further information about the kie-config-cli tool, see Chapter 6, Command Line Configuration.

Removing a Repository Using the REST API


Note that only users with the rest-all role can remove repositories.

To remove a repository from the Knowledge Store, issue the DELETE REST API call. Make sure you established an authenticated HTTP session before executing this call.

The call returns a RemoveRepositoryRequest instance.

Example 1.4. Removing a Repository Using the Curl Utility

Execute the following command:

curl -X DELETE 'localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories/REPOSITORY_NAME' -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

For further information, refer to chapter Knowledge Store REST API, section Repository Calls of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

1.5. Managing Assets


To activate and use the feature described below, login to Business Central with a user that has the kiemgmt role assigned.

To make management of projects easier, Red Hat JBoss BRMS now provides a way to manage multiple projects based on standards. This allows you to create repository structures using industry standard best practices for maintenance, versioning and distribution of your projects.

To start with, repositories can now be managed or unmanaged.

Managed and Unmanaged Repositories

Unmanaged Repositories are the repository structures that you are used to. They can contain multiple unrelated projects.

Managed Repositories, on the other hand, provide version control at the project level and project branches for managing the release cycle. Further, Managed Repositories can be restricted to just a single project or encompass multiple projects. When you create a Managed Repository, the asset management configuration process is automatically launched in order to create the repository branches. Corresponding project structure is created as well.


Multi-project repositories must be managed.

Procedure: Creating an Unmanaged Repository

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. Click RepositoriesNew Repository.

    The New Repository window is displayed.

  3. Enter the repository name and select an organizational unit the repository belongs to.
  4. Click Finish.

Procedure: Creating a Managed Repository

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. Click RepositoriesNew Repository.

    The New Repository window is displayed.

  3. Enter the repository name and select an organizational unit the repository belongs to.
  4. Select the Managed Repository check box and click Next to enter additional details of the Managed Repository.

  5. Choose either the Single-project Repository or the Multi-project Repository radio button.

    If the project you are creating is simple and self-contained, select the Single-project Repository radio button. Note that you will not be able to add more projects to this repository later.

    For more complex projects, where there is likely to be a parent project that encompasses smaller ones, select the Multi-project Repository radio button.

  6. Enter the details of the managed project along with the GAV (Group, Artifact, Version) details.

    Note that all projects created in a Multi-project Repository will be managed together, with their version numbers being incremented together as well. Details of the parent project will be inherited by all future projects that you create in this Managed Repository.

  7. Click Finish .

If you create an unmanaged repository and add a pom.xml file (a parent Project Object Model (POM) file) directly under the repository directory, Red Hat JBoss BRMS converts the repository to a managed repository. For instructions about changing the repository status back to unmanaged, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase article An Unmanaged Repository Unexpectedly Turned Into "Managed" in BRMS / BPM Suite.

Managed Branches

With Managed Repositories comes the added advantage of Managed Branches. As in Git, you can choose to work on different branches of your project (for example: master, dev and release). This process of branching can also be automated for you, by selecting the checkbox while creating a new Managed Repository (for both single and multi-projects).

You can switch between branches by selecting the desired branch while working in the Project Explorer.

Repository Structure

If you do not select automatic branch management while creating a repository, you can create branches manually afterwards. For Managed Repositories, you can do so by using the Configure button. This button, along with Promote and Release buttons, is provided in the Repository Structure view. You can access this view, by clicking on RepositoryRepository Structure in the Project Explorer perspective menu.

Clicking on the Configure button allows you to create branches or edit automatically created ones.


You can promote assets from the master branch to other branches using the Promote button. Similarly, you can Release branches and deploy them on the server using the Release button.

Both these functions are controlled internally by the use of pre-defined processes that are deployed on your instance. For example, when you click on Promote button after having done work on your development branch, a Promote Changes process is started in the background. A user, with the role of kiemgmt will have a user task appear in this task list to review the assets being promoted. This user can claim this task, and decide to promote all, some or none of the assets. The underlying process will cherry-pick the commits selected by the user to a release branch. This user can also request another review of these assets and this process can be repeated multiple times till all the assets are ready for release. The flow for this process is shown below:


Similarly, when you click on the Release button, a release process flow is initiated. This process flow builds the project and updates all the Maven artifacts to the next version, and deploys the project to the runtime, if runtime deployment details are supplied.


Project branches to be released must start with the keyword release.


Do not use Deploy To Runtime with Red Hat JBoss BRMS as it causes deploy failure. This function can only be used with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

1.6. Maven Repository

Maven is a software project management tool which uses a project object model (POM) file to manage:

  • Builds
  • Documentation
  • Reporting
  • Dependencies
  • Releases
  • SCMs
  • Distribution

A Maven repository is used to hold or store the build artifacts and project dependencies and is generally of two types:

Refers to a local repository where all the project dependencies are stored and is located with the current installation in the default folder as "m2". It is a cache of the remote downloads, and also contains the temporary build artifacts which have not yet been released.
Refers to any other type of repository that can be accessed by a variety of protocols such as file:// or http://. These repositories can be at a remote location set up by a third-party for downloading of artifacts or an internal repository set up on a file or HTTP server, used to share private artifacts between the development teams for managing internal releases.

1.7. Configuring Deployment to a Remote Nexus Repository

Nexus is a repository manager frequently used in organizations to centralize storage and management of software development artifacts. It is possible to configure your project so that artifacts produced by every build are automatically deployed to a repository on a remote Nexus server.

To configure your project to deploy artifacts to a remote Nexus repository, add a distributionManagement element to your project’s pom.xml file as demonstrated in the code example below.

    <name>Internal Releases</name>
    <name>Internal Releases</name>

Replace the URLs in the example with real URLs of your Nexus repositories. The repository specified in the snapshotRepository element is used when the -SNAPSHOT qualifier is appended to the project’s current version number. In other cases the repository specified in the repository element is used.

If your Nexus server requires authentication, you will also need to modify your projects Maven settings to add your credentials in the settings-security.xml file, using a master password. By default, this file is in the $M2_HOME/conf folder, unless you have changed its location by modifying the kie.maven.settings.custom system property. It is also possible to create new user-specific settings.xml and settings-security.xml files in the ~/.m2 folder. In that case, these files will override the original ones.

See the following example of the settings-security.xml:


Note that keeping your server authentication credentials (for example the passwords) as a plain text in the settings.xml file is not recommended. All the information should be hashed with a master password in the settings-security.xml file.

For further information about password encryption and creating a master password, see the Apache Maven documentation, article Password Encryption.

With this configuration in place, clicking the Build & Deploy button in Business Central executes a Maven build and deploys the built artifacts both to the local repository and to one of the Nexus repositories specified in the pom.xml file.

Chapter 2. Business Central Configuration

All Business Central configuration settings are loaded from the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/web.xml file. If you deploy Business Central on Red Hat JBoss EAP server, files jboss-web.xml and jboss-deployment-structure.xml contain configuration settings as well.


Business Central can be run on different platforms. For more information, see Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation and Configuration Guide.

2.1. Access Control

Workbench Configuration

Within Red Hat JBoss BRMS, users may set up roles using LDAP to modify existing roles. Users may modify the roles in the workbench configuration to ensure the unique LDAP based roles conform to enterprise standards by editing the deployments directory located at JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/workbench-policy.propeties.

If authenticating user via LDAP over Git, administrators must set system property org.uberfire.domain to the name of login module it should use to authenticate users via the Git service. This must be set in the standalone.xmlfile in EAP.


You can further customize Business Central with parameters no_build or no_search. The parameters disable the build and search functionality. Include one or both parameters in the Business Central URL, for example http://SERVER:PORT/business-central/kie-wb.jsp?no_build&no_search.

2.2. Branding Business Central Application

The Business Central web application can be customized by overriding some of its default styles. The personalized Business Central branding allows you to get a consistent appearance across all your applications, while it is also possible to create a different user interfaces for each team within your company. The customizable elements are built by using HTML files and images, which enables an easy and flexible customization of the application without having to recompile the code.

The following Business Central application elements can be customized:

  • In the login screen, the foreground corner images, company logo, and project logo can be changed.
  • The upper application banner displayed after logging in can be personalized.
  • In help pop-up windows, the label text and splash help images can be customized.

2.2.1. Customizing Business Central Login Page

Procedure: Changing Foreground Corner Images

  1. Start the EAP server and open Business Central in a web browser.
  2. To change the upper right corner foreground image, copy the substitute PNG file named bg-login.png to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/img/ directory in your Red Hat JBoss BRMS installation.
  3. To change the lower right corner foreground image, copy the substitute PNG file named bg-login-2.png to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/img/ directory in your Red Hat JBoss BRMS installation.
  4. Force a full reload of the login page, bypassing the cache, to view the changes. For example, in most Linux and Windows web browsers, press Ctrl+F5.

Procedure: Changing Company Logo and Project Logo

  1. Start the EAP server and open Business Central in a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/img/ directory in your Red Hat JBoss BRMS installation.
  3. To change the company logo that appears at the upper right hand corner of the login page, replace the default image login-screen-logo.png with a new image in the PNG format.
  4. To change the project logo that appears above the login text fields, replace the default image RH_JBoss_BRMS_Logo.svg with a new SVG file.
  5. Force a full reload of the login page, bypassing the cache, to view the changes.

2.2.2. Customizing Business Central Application Header

  1. Start the EAP server, open Business Central in a web browser, and log in with your user credentials.
  2. Copy your new application header image in the SVG format to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/banner/ directory in your Red Hat JBoss BRMS installation.
  3. Open EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/banner/banner.html file in a text editor.
  4. In the banner.html file, edit the following <img> tag to provide the name of your new header image:

    <img src="banner/logo.svg"/>
  5. Force a full reload of the page, bypassing the cache, to view the changes.

2.2.3. Customizing Business Central Splash Help Windows

Each splash page and its corresponding HTML file are located in the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/plugins/ directory. The files contain information about the images and the text to be displayed. For example, the authoring_perspective.splash.js splash page points to the authoring_perspective.splash.html file, which contains the names, captions, and location of all the image files that appear in the splash help pop-up windows of the Business Central Authoring perspective.

Procedure: Changing Splash Help Images and Captions

  1. Start the EAP server, open Business Central in a web browser, and log in with your user credentials.
  2. Copy the new splash help images to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/images/ directory in your Red Hat JBoss BRMS installation.
  3. Open the corresponding HTML file from the plugins directory in a text editor.
  4. Edit the HTML file to point to your new splash help image. For example, to change the first image that appears in the Authoring perspective splash help, edit the following <img> tag in the authoring_perspective.splash.html file to add your new image:

    <img src="images/authoring_perspective1.png" alt="">
  5. To change the image caption that appears on the splash help, edit the <h4> and <p> tag contents in the <div> tag below the correspoding <img> tag:

    <div class="carousel-caption">
      <p>Modularized and customizable workbench</p>
  6. Force a full reload, bypassing the cache, and access the splash help pop-up windows to view the changes.

2.3. Extending Business Central

Starting with version 6.1 of Red Hat JBoss BRMS, Business Central can be configured to add new screens, menus, editors, splashscreens and perspectives by the Administrator. These elements can extend functionality of Business Central and can be accessed through the ExtensionsPlugin Management.

You can now define your own Javascript and HTML based plugins to extend Business Central and add them without having to worry about copying files in the underlying filesystem. Let us add a new screen in the system to show you the basics of this functionality.

2.3.1. Plugin Management

You access the Plugin Management screen by clicking on ExtensionsPlugin Management. This brings up the Plugin Explorer screen that lists all the existing plugins under their respective categories:

  • Perspective Plugin
  • Screen Plugin
  • Editor Plugin
  • Splashscreen Plugin
  • and Dynamic Menu

Open any of these, and you will see the existing plugins in each category, including the uneditable system generated ones.

Let us create a new plugin that echoes "Hello World" when users visit the screen for that plugin. In general, the steps to creating a new plugin are:

  1. Create a new screen
  2. Create a new perspective (and add the new screen to it)
  3. Create a new menu (and add the new perspective to it)
  4. Apps (optional)
Adding a New Screen

Click the 6576 button and select New Screen. You will be prompted to enter the name of this new screen. Enter "HelloWorldJS" and press the OK button. The Screen plugin editor will open, divided into 4 sections: Template, CSS, JavaScript and Media.


All manually created elements go into their respective categories in case you want to edit them later. In this case, to open the Screen plugin editor again if you close it, open the Screen Plugin category and scroll past the system generated screens to your manually created plugin and click on it to open the Screen plugin editor again.

Template is where your HTML goes, CSS is for styling, JavaScript is for your functions and Media is for uploading and managing images.

Since we are making a simple Hello World plugin, enter the following code in the Template section: <div>My Hello World Screen</div>. This can be any HTML code, and you can use the supplied Angular and Knockout frameworks. For the purposes of this example, we are not using any of those frameworks, but you can choose to by selecting them from the drop down in the Template section.

Enter your JavaScript code in the JavaScript section. Some common methods and properties are defined for you, including main, on_close and on_open. For this demo, select the on_open and enter the following: function () { alert('Hello World'); }

Click the Save button to finish creating the screen. After you save the screen, refresh business central so that the Screen Plugin is listed in the Screen Component of Perspective plugin.

Adding New Perspective

Once a screen has been created, you need to create a perspective on which this screen will reside. Perspectives can also be created similar to the way a screen is created by clicking on the New button and then selecting New Perspective. You can now provide a name for this perspective, say HelloWorldPerspective. This will open the Perspective plugin editor, similar to the Screen plugin editor.

The Perspective Editor is like a drag and drop grid builder for screens and HTML components. Remove any existing grids and then drag a 6×6 grid on the right hand side to the left hand side.

Next, open the Components category and drag a Screen Component on the right hand side to the left hand side (in any grid). This will open the Edit Component dialog box that allows you to select the screen created in the previous step (HelloWorldJS). Click the OK button and then click Save to save this perspective. To tag your perspective, enter Home in the tag name field and click Tags. Click OK and save the changes.

You can open this perspective again from the Perspective plugins listed on the left hand side.

Adding New Menu

The final step in creating our plugin is to add a dynamic menu from where the new screen/perspective can be called up. To do so, go to ExtensionsPlugin Management and then click on the New button to select New Dynamic Menu. Give this dynamic menu a name (HelloWorldMenu) and then click the OK button. The dynamic menu editor opens up.

Enter the perspective name (HelloWorldPerspective) as the Activity Id and the name for the drop down menu (HelloWorldMenuDropDown). Click OK and then Save.

This new menu will be added to your workbench the next time you refresh Business Central. Refresh it now to see HelloWorldMenu added to your top level menu. Click on it to reveal HelloWorldMenuDropDown, which when clicked will open your perspective/screen with the message Hello World.

You have created your first Plugin!

Working with Apps (Optional)

If you create multiple plugins, you can use the Apps directory feature to organize your own components and plugins, instead of having to rely on just the top menu entries.

When you save a new perspective, you can add labels (tags) for them and these labels (tags) are used to associate a perspective with an App directory. You can open the App directories by clicking on ExtensionsApps.

The Apps directory provides an alternate way to open your perspective. When you created your HelloWorldPerspective, you entered the tag Home. The Apps directory by default contains a single directory called Home with which you associated your perspective. This is where you will find it when you open the Apps directory. You can click on it to run the perspective now.

You can create multiple directories and associate perspectives with those directories depending on functional and vertical business requirements. For example, you could create an HR directory and then associate all HR related perspectives with that directory to better manage Apps.

You can create a new directory by clicking the 6418 button.

2.3.2. The JavaScript (JS) API for Extensions

The extensibility of Business Central is achieved by an underlying JavaScript (JS) API which is automatically loaded if it is placed in the plugins folder of the Business Central webapp (typically: INSTALL_DIR/business-central.war/plugins/), or it can be loaded via regular JavaScript calls.

This API is divided into multiple sets depending on the functionality it performs.

Register Perspective API

Allows for the dynamic creation of perspectives. The example below creates a panel using the registerPerspective method:

    id: "Home",
    is_default: true,
    panel_type: "org.uberfire.client.workbench.panels.impl.MultiListWorkbenchPanelPresenter",
    view: {
        parts: [
                place: "welcome",
                min_height: 100,
                parameters: {}
        panels: [
                width: 250,
                min_width: 200,
                position: "west",
                panel_type: "org.uberfire.client.workbench.panels.impl.MultiListWorkbenchPanelPresenter",
                parts: [
                        place: "YouTubeVideos",
                        parameters: {}
                position: "east",
                panel_type: "org.uberfire.client.workbench.panels.impl.MultiListWorkbenchPanelPresenter",
                parts: [
                        place: "TodoListScreen",
                        parameters: {}
                height: 400,
                position: "south",
                panel_type: "org.uberfire.client.workbench.panels.impl.MultiTabWorkbenchPanelPresenter",
                parts: [
                        place: "YouTubeScreen",
                        parameters: {}
Editor API

Allows you to dynamically create editors and associate them with a file type. The example below creates a sample editor and associates it with filename file type.

    "id": "sample editor",
    "type": "editor",
    "templateUrl": "editor.html",
    "resourceType": "org.uberfire.client.workbench.type.AnyResourceType",
        alert('on_concurrent_update callback')
        $vfs_readAllString(document.getElementById('filename').innerHTML, function(a) {
            document.getElementById('editor').value= a;
    "on_startup": function (uri) {
        $vfs_readAllString(uri, function(a) {
            alert('sample on_startup callback')
        $vfs_readAllString(uri, function(a) {
        document.getElementById('filename').innerHTML = uri;

In addition to on_startup and on_open methods seen in the previous example, the API exposes the following callback events for managing the editor’s lifecycle:

  • on_concurrent_update;
  • on_concurrent_delete;
  • on_concurrent_rename;
  • on_concurrent_copy;
  • on_rename;
  • on_delete;
  • on_copy;
  • on_update;
  • on_open;
  • on_close;
  • on_focus;
  • on_lost_focus;
  • on_may_close;
  • on_startup;
  • on_shutdown;

You can display this editor via an HTML template:

<div id="sampleEditor">
    <p>Sample JS editor (generated by editor-sample.js)</p>
    <textarea id="editor"></textarea>

    <p>Current file:</p><span id="filename"></span>
    <button id="save" type="button" onclick="$vfs_write(document.getElementById('filename').innerHTML, document.getElementById('editor').value,  function(a) {});">Save</button>

    <p>This button change the file content, and uberfire send a callback to the editor:</p>
    <button id="reset" type="button" onclick="$vfs_write(document.getElementById('filename').innerHTML, 'Something else',  function(a) {});">Reset File</button>
PlaceManager API
The methods of this API allow you to request that the Business Central display a particular component associated with a target: $goToPlace("componentIdentifier");
Register plugin API

The methods of this API allow you to create dynamic plugins (that will be transformed in Business Central screens) via the JS API.

$registerPlugin( {
    id: "my_angular_js",
    type: "angularjs",
    templateUrl: "angular.sample.html",
    title: function () {
        return "angular " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
    on_close: function () {
        alert("this is a pure JS alert!");

The plugin references the angular.sample.html template:

<div ng-controller="TodoCtrl">
    <span>{{remaining()}} of {{todos.length}} remaining</span>
    [ <a href="" ng-click="archive()">archive</a> ]
    <ul class="unstyled">
        <li ng-repeat="todo in todos">
            <input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done">
            <span class="done-{{todo.done}}">{{todo.text}}</span>
    <form ng-submit="addTodo()">
        <input type="text" ng-model="todoText" size="30" placeholder="add new todo here">
        <input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="add">
    <form ng-submit="goto()">
        <input type="text" ng-model="placeText" size="30" placeholder="place to go">
        <input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="goTo">

A plugin can be hooked to Business Central events via a series of JavaScript callbacks:

  • on_concurrent_update;
  • on_concurrent_delete;
  • on_concurrent_rename;
  • on_concurrent_copy;
  • on_rename;
  • on_delete;
  • on_copy;
  • on_update;
  • on_open;
  • on_close;
  • on_focus;
  • on_lost_focus;
  • on_may_close;
  • on_startup;
  • on_shutdown;
Register splash screens API

use the methods in this API to create splash screens.

    id: "home.splash",
    templateUrl: "home.splash.html",
    body_height: 325,
    title: function () {
        return "Cool Home Splash " + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
    display_next_time: true,
    interception_points: ["Home"]
Virtual File System (VFS) API

with this API, you can read and write a file saved in the file system using an asynchronous call.

$vfs_readAllString(uri,  function(a) {
  //callback logic

$vfs_write(uri,content,  function(a) {
  //callback logic

2.4. Configuring Table Columns

Business Central allows you to configure views that contain lists of items in the form of tables. You can resize columns, move columns, add or remove the default list of columns and sort the columns. This functionality is provided for all views that contain tables.

Once you make changes to the columns of a table view, these changes are persisted for the current logged in user.

Adding and Removing Columns

Tables that allow columns to be configured have the 6435 button in the top right corner. Clicking on this button opens up the list of columns that can added or removed to the current table with a check box next to each column:


Resizing Columns

To resize columns, place your cursor between the edges of the column header and move in the direction that you want:


Moving Columns

To re-order and drag and drop a column in a different position, hover your mouse over the rightmost area of the column header:


You can now grab the column and move it:


Drop it over the column header that you want to move it to.

Sorting Columns

To sort columns, click on the desired column’s header. To reverse-sort, click on the header again.

Chapter 3. Realtime Decision Server

The Realtime Decision Server is a standalone, built-in component that can be used to instantiate and execute rules through interfaces available for REST, JMS, or a Java client side application. Created as a web deployable WAR file, this server can be deployed on any web container. The current version of the Realtime Decision Server is included with default extensions for both Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

This server has a low footprint with minimal memory consumption and therefore can be deployed easily on a cloud instance. Each instance of this server can open and instantiate multiple KIE containers which allows you to execute multiple rule services in parallel.

You can provision the Realtime Decision Server instances through Business Central. In this chapter, the steps required to set up the Realtime Decision Server, provision and connect to the server through Business Central, control what artifacts go in each instance, and go through its lifecycle are provided.


For more information, see the Intelligent Process Server and Realtime Decision Server chapter of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

3.1. Deploying Realtime Decision Server

The Realtime Decision Server is distributed as a web application archive (WAR) file kie-server.war. When you install Red Hat JBoss BRMS, the WAR file is installed and deployed in your web container by default.

You can copy the WAR file and deploy it in any other web container, such as Red Hat JBoss Web Server or another Red Hat JBoss EAP install. Note that the WAR file must be compatible with the container.

  1. Once you have deployed the WAR file, create a user with the role kie-server in the web container.

You can change the kie-server user role in the web.xml file or in Keycloak.

  1. Verify that you can access the decision engine: open http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/ in a web browser and enter the user name and the password specified in the previous step.
  2. Once authenticated, an XML response in the form of engine status opens:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <response type="SUCCESS" msg="Kie Server info">

3.2. Installing Realtime Decision Server in Other Containers

3.2.1. Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.X/3.X, Tomcat 8.X/9.X

Use the following procedure to install the Realtime Decision Server in a Tomcat container.

  1. Follow the steps described in section Installing Red Hat JBoss BRMS on Red Hat JBoss Web Server of Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation Guide to download and extract the generic deployable archive containing kie-server.war.
  2. Configure users and roles. Make sure that the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml file contains the following role and user definition. The user name and password should be unique, however, the role must be defined as kie-server:

    <role rolename="kie-server"/>
    <user username="serveruser" password="my.s3cr3t.pass" roles="kie-server"/>
  3. Start the server: run TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ or in a Windows system TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.bat. To make sure that the application was deployed successfully, see Tomcat logs in the TOMCAT_HOME/logs directory. See Section 3.3.1, “Bootstrap Switches” for the list of bootstrap switches that can be used to properly configure the instance. For example:

    $ ./ -Dorg.kie.server.location=http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server
  4. To verify that the server is running, open http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/ in a web browser and enter the user name and the password specified before. You should see a simple XML message with basic information about the server.

It is not possible to use the JMS interface if the Realtime Decision Server was installed on Tomcat or any other web container. The web container version of the WAR file contains only the REST interface.

3.3. Realtime Decision Server Setup

3.3.1. Bootstrap Switches

The Realtime Decision Server accepts a number of bootstrap switches (system properties) to configure the behavior of the server.

Table 3.1. Bootstrap Switches for Disabling Realtime Decision Server Extensions



true, false


If set to true, disables the BRM support (for example rules support).


true, false


If set to true, disables the BPM support (for example processes support).


true, false


If set to true, disables the BRP support (for example planner support).


true, false


If set to true, disables the Realtime Decision Server UI extension.


true, false


Disables the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor.


Some controller properties listed below are marked as required. Set these properties when you handle Realtime Decision Server container creation and removal in Business Central. If you use the Realtime Decision Server separately without any interaction with Business Central, the properties do not have to be set.

Table 3.2. Bootstrap Switches Required for Using a Controller




An arbitrary ID to be assigned to the server. If a remote controller is configured, this is the ID under which the server will connect to the controller to fetch the KIE container configurations. If not provided, the ID is automatically generated.




The user name used to connect with the Realtime Decision Server from the controller, required when running in managed mode. Set this property in Business Central system properties. Setting this property is required when using a controller.




The password used to connect with the Realtime Decision Server from the controller, required when running in managed mode. Set this property in Business Central system properties. Setting this property is required when using a controller.




This property enables you to use a token-based authentication between the controller and the Realtime Decision Server instead of the basic user name/password authentication. The controller sends the token as a parameter in the request header. Note that long-lived access tokens are required as the tokens are not refreshed.




The URL of the Realtime Decision Server instance used by the controller to call back on this server, for example: http://localhost:8230/kie-server/services/rest/server. Setting this property is required when using a controller.


Comma-separated list


A comma-separated list of URLs to the controller REST endpoints, for example http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/controller. Setting this property is required when using a controller.




The user name to connect to the controller REST API. Setting this property is required when using a controller.




The password to connect to the controller REST API. Setting this property is required when using a controller.




This property enables you to use a token-based authentication between the Realtime Decision Server and the controller instead of the basic user name/password authentication. The server sends the token as a parameter in the request header. Note that long-lived access tokens are required as the tokens are not refreshed.




The waiting time in milliseconds between repeated attempts to connect the Realtime Decision Server to the controller when the server starts.


Make sure the new data source for the Realtime Decision Server points to a different database schema than the data source used by Business Central by modifying the org.kie.server.persistence.ds property in order to avoid conflicts.

Table 3.3. Bootstrap Switches for Executor Properties





The time between the moment the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor finishes a job and the moment it starts a new one, in a time unit specified in the org.kie.executor.timeunit property.


java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit constant


The time unit in which the org.kie.executor.interval property is specified.




The number of threads used by the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor.




The number of retries the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor attempts on a failed job.

Table 3.4. Other Bootstrap Switches





The location of a custom settings.xml file for Maven configuration.




The response queue JNDI name for JMS.


true, false


When set to true, the Drools Realtime Decision Server extension accepts custom classes annotated by the XmlRootElement or Remotable annotations only.




The JAAS LoginContext domain used to authenticate users when using JMS.




The location where Realtime Decision Server state files will be stored.


true, false


Instructs the Realtime Decision Server to hold the deployment until the controller provides the containers deployment configuration. This property affects only the servers running in managed mode. The options are as follows:

  • false; the connection to the controller is asynchronous. The application starts, connects to the controller, and once successful, deploys the containers. The application accepts requests even before the containers are available.
  • true; the deployment of the server application joins the controller connection thread with the main deployment and awaits its completion. This option can lead to a potential deadlock in case more applications are on the same server instance. It is strongly recommended to use only one application (the server) on one server instance.

3.3.2. Managed Realtime Decision Server

A managed instance requires an available controller to start the Realtime Decision Server.

A controller manages the Realtime Decision Server configuration in a centralized way. Each controller can manage multiple configurations at once, and there can be multiple controllers in the environment. Managed Realtime Decision Server can be configured with a list of controllers, but will only connect to one at a time.


Controllers should be synchronized to ensure that the same set of configuration is provided to the server, regardless of the controller to which it connects.

When the Realtime Decision Server is configured with a list of controllers, it will attempt to connect to each of them at startup until a connection is successfully established with one of them. If a connection cannot be established, the server will not start, even if there is a local storage available with configuration. This ensures consistence and prevents the server from running with redundant configuration.


To run the Realtime Decision Server in standalone mode without connecting to controllers, see Section 3.3.3, “Unmanaged Realtime Decision Server”.

Configuring Realtime Decision Server Managed by Business Central


This section provides a sample setup that you can use for testing purposes. Some of the values are unsuitable for a production environment, and are marked as such.

Configure the Business Central to manage a Realtime Decision Server instance by performing the following steps:

Configuring Realtime Decision Server Managed by Business Central

  1. Make sure users with the following roles exist:

    • In Business Central, a user with the role rest-all.
    • On the Realtime Decision Server, a user with the role kie-server.

    In production environments, use two distinct users, each with one role. In this sample situation, we use only one user named controllerUser that has both the rest-all and the kie-server roles.

    If such users do not exist, create them.

    • On Red Hat JBoss EAP, go to EAP_HOME/bin/ and execute:

      $ ./ -a --user controllerUser --password controllerUser1234; --role kie-server,rest-all

      Plain-text passwords are not secure. For production environments, use a password vault. For more information, see the Password Vault chapter of the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.4 How To Configure Server Security guide.

    • On Red Hat JBoss Web Server, see Section 3.2.1, “Red Hat JBoss Web Server 2.X/3.X, Tomcat 8.X/9.X.
    • On IBM WebSphere Application Server, see the Creating Users and Groups section of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS IBM WebSphere Installation and Configuration Guide.
    • On Oracle WebLogic Server, see the Configuring Security Settings section of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS Oracle Weblogic Installation and Configuration Guide.
  2. Set the following JVM properties. The location of Business Central and the Realtime Decision Server may be different. In such case, ensure you set the properties on the correct server instances.

    Table 3.5. JVM Properties for Managed Realtime Decision Server Instance



    The Realtime Decision Server ID.



    The location of Business Central.



    The user name with the role rest-all as mentioned in the previous step.



    The password of the user mentioned in the previous step.



    The location of the Realtime Decision Server.

    Table 3.6. JVM Properties for Business Central Instance




    The user name with the role kie-server as mentioned in the previous step.



    The password of the user mentioned in the previous step.

  3. Verify the successful start of the Realtime Decision Server by sending a GET request to http://SERVER:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server/. Once authenticated, you get an XML response similar to this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <response type="SUCCESS" msg="Kie Server info">
                <content>Server KieServerInfo{serverId='local-server-123', version='6.4.0.Final-redhat-3', location='http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server'}started successfully at Fri Jun 03 13:48:44 CEST 2016</content>
  4. Verify successful registration by logging into Business Central and selecting DeployExecution Servers. If successful, you can see the registered server ID.

3.3.3. Unmanaged Realtime Decision Server

An unmanaged Realtime Decision Server is a standalone instance, and therefore must be configured individually using REST/JMS API from the Realtime Decision Server itself. There is no controller involved. The configuration is automatically persisted by the server into a file and that is used as the internal server state, in case of restarts.

The configuration is updated during the following operations:

  • Deploy KIE Container
  • Undeploy KIE Container
  • Start KIE Container
  • Stop KIE Container

If the Realtime Decision Server is restarted, it will attempt to re-establish the same state that was persisted before shutdown. Therefore, KIE Containers that were running will be started, but the ones that were stopped will not.

3.4. Creating Containers

Once the Realtime Decision Server is registered, you can start adding containers. Containers are self-contained environments that have been provisioned to hold instances of your packaged and deployed rule instances.

To create a container:

  1. Log in to Business Central.
  2. In the main menu on the top, click DeployExecution Servers.
  3. Select your server from the SERVER TEMPLATES section on the left side of the page.
  4. Click Add Container in the KIE CONTAINERS section.

    The New Container dialog window opens.

  5. Enter a name of your container and search for the project you want to deploy in the container. Click Select next to the project to automatically enter the project’s details.

    Alternatively, you can enter Group Name, Artifact Id, and Version manually.


    When entering the container’s version number, do not use the LATEST or RELEASE keywords. This feature has been deprecated and can cause deployment issues.

  6. Click Next to configure the runtime strategy, KieBase, KieSession, and merge mode for your container. You can skip this step.
  7. Click Finish.

After the container is successfully created, click Start at the upper right hand corner to start it.

Figure 3.1. Container in Started Mode

Container in Started Mode

To verify that the container is running, send a [GET] request to the endpoint.

Example 3.1. Server Response

<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Info for container myContainer">
  <kie-container container-id="myContainer" status="STARTED">
      <content>Container myContainer successfully created with module org.jbpm:CustomersRelationship:1.0.</content>
    <scanner status="DISPOSED"/>

3.5. Managing Containers

Containers within the Realtime Decision Server can be started, stopped, and updated from Business Central.

3.5.1. Starting, Stopping, and Deleting Containers

A container is stopped by default. To start the container:

  1. Log in to Business Central.
  2. In the main menu on the top, click DeployExecution Servers.
  3. Select your server from the SERVER TEMPLATES section on the left side of the page.
  4. Find the container you want to start under the KIE CONTAINERS section on the left.
  5. Click Start at the upper right hand corner.

    Alternatively, click Stop to stop a running container. Once a container is stopped, you can click Remove to remove it.

3.5.2. Upgrading Containers

It is possible to update deployed containers without restarting the Realtime Decision Server, which can be used in cases where business rule changes cause new versions of packages to be provisioned. You can have multiple versions of the same package provisioned and deployed.

To upgrade a container:

  1. Log in to Business Central.
  2. In the main menu on the top, click DeployExecution Servers.
  3. Select your server from the SERVER TEMPLATES section on the left side of the page.
  4. Find the container you want to upgrade under the KIE CONTAINERS section on the left.
  5. Click on the Version Configuration tab at the top.
  6. Enter a new version and click Upgrade.

    Optionally, if you want a deployed container to always have the latest version of your deployment without manually editing it, set the Version value to LATEST and click Scan Now. If a newer version of a container deployment is found in the repository during the scanning, the container is automatically upgraded to this newer version. To start the scanner in the background, click Start Scanner and specify a scan interval in milliseconds.

    The Version value can be set to LATEST if you are creating a deployment for the first time.

3.5.3. Managing Multiple Containers

The Realtime Decision Server allows you to create and provision multiple containers.

Select your server under the REMOTE SERVERS section to view all containers and their statuses.

Figure 3.2. Managing Multiple Containers

Managing Multiple Containers

Chapter 4. Logging

4.1. Logback Functionality

Red Hat JBoss BRMS provides logback functionality for logging configuration.

Accordingly, everything configured is logged to the Simple Logging Facade for Java SLF4J, which delegates any log to Logback, Apache Commons Logging, Log4j or java.util.logging. Add a dependency to the logging adaptor for your logging framework of choice. If you are not using any logging framework yet, you can use Logback by adding this Maven dependency:


slf4j-nop and slf4j-simple are ideal for a light environment.

4.2. Configuring Logging

To configure the logging level of the packages, create a logback.xml file in business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml. To set the logging level of the org.drools package to "debug" for verbose logging, you would need to add the following line to the file:

  <logger name="org.drools" level="debug"/>


Similarly, you can configure logging for packages such as the following:

  • org.guvnor
  • org.jbpm
  • org.kie
  • org.slf4j
  • org.dashbuilder
  • org.uberfire
  • org.errai
  • etc…​

If configuring with log4j, the log4j.xml can be located at business-central.war/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml and can be configured in the following way:

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="">

  <category name="org.drools">
    <priority value="debug" />



Additional logging can be configured in the individual container. To configure logging for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, please refer to the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Administration and Configuration Guide.

Chapter 5. Repository Hooks

In Business Central, it is possible to trigger a chosen action every time a particular event happens. For this purpose, you can configure the repository to use scripts called hooks.

5.1. Configuring Git Hooks

Business Central can automatically push changes to a remote repository using the Git hooks. Git hooks support has been introduced with the release of Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.2.0.


Please note that currently only the post-commit hook is supported. Post-commit hooks are triggered after finishing the entire commit process.

The following procedure shows how to configure the post-commit hook to automatically push your changes to the remote repository.

  1. In Business Central, go to AuthoringAdministration.
  2. Below the main menu, click RepositoriesClone repository.
  3. In the displayed Clone repository dialog box, fill in the repository information:

    • Repository Name
    • Organizational Unit
    • Git URL: For example


      It is important to use the HTTPS or Git protocol instead of a SCP-style SSH URL. Business Central does not support the basic SSH URL and fails with Invalid URL format.

      Figure 5.1. An invalid SCP-style SSH URL.

      An invalid SCP-style SSH URL.
    • User Name: your Git user name
    • Password: your Git password
  4. Change to the created repository:

    cd JBOSS_HOME/bin/.niogit/REPOSITORY_NAME.git
  5. Change the remote URL:

    git remote set-url origin

    Make sure that you can access the remote repository through command line using SSH. For example, the private SSH key for the repository should exist under the ~/.ssh/ directory.

    If you created a new repository, you may encounter the following error:

    fatal: No such remote 'origin'

    To resolve it, add the remote origin URL:

    git remote add origin
  6. Verify that the remote repository was successfully added:

    git remote -v

    The command should list the following:

    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
  7. Create a file named post-commit with the permissions set to rwxr--r-- under JBOSS_HOME/bin/.niogit/REPOSITORY_NAME.git/hooks with the following content:

    git push origin master
  8. Make sure that the configuration was successful by creating a new guided rule in Business Central:

    1. Go to AuthoringProject AuthoringNew ItemGuided Rule.
    2. Fill in the required information in the displayed Create new Guided Rule window.
    3. Click Ok.

All of the changes should be pushed automatically.

For further information about remote Git repositories, see How to configure the BxMS 6 server to use a remote Git repository for storing assets?.

It is also possible to specify the system property org.uberfire.nio.git.hooks. Its value determines a directory with default hook files, which will be copied to the newly created Git repositories. See the example of a standalone.xml file with this setting below:

  <property name="org.uberfire.nio.git.hooks" value="/opt/jboss-as/git-hooks">

Chapter 6. Command Line Configuration

The kie-config-cli tool is a command line configuration tool that provides capabilities to manage the system repository from the command line and can be used in an online or offline mode.

Online mode (default and recommended)
On startup, the tool connects to a Git repository using a Git server provided by kie-wb. All changes are made locally and published to upstream only after explicitly executing the push-changes command. Use the exit command to publish local changes. To discard local changes on exit, use the discard command.
Offline mode (installer style)
Creates and manipulates the system repository directly on the server (there is no discard option).

The tool is available on the Red Hat Customer Portal. To download the kie-config-cli tool, do the following:

  1. Go to the Red Hat Customer Portal and log in.
  2. Click DOWNLOADS at the top of the page.
  3. In the Product Downloads page that opens, click Red Hat JBoss BRMS.

    1. From the Version drop-down menu, select 6.4.0.
    2. In the displayed table, navigate to the Supplementary Tools row and then click Download.

Extract the zip package for supplementary tools you downloaded from the Red Hat Customer Portal. It contains the directory kie-config-cli-6.MINOR_VERSION-redhat-x-dist with file

6.1. Starting the kie-config-cli Tool in Online Mode

  1. To start the kie-config-cli tool in online mode, navigate to the kie-config-cli-6.MINOR_VERSION-redhat-x-dist directory where you installed the tool and then execute the following command.
  2. In a Unix environment run:


    In a Windows environment run:


By default, the tool starts in online mode and asks for user credentials and a Git URL to connect to (the default value is git://localhost/system). To connect to a remote server, replace the host and port with appropriate values.

Example: git://kie-wb-host:9148/system

6.2. Starting the kie-config-cli Tool in Offline Mode

To operate in offline mode, append the offline parameter to the command as below.

  1. Navigate to the kie-config-cli-6.MINOR_VERSION-redhat-x-dist directory where you installed the tool.
  2. In a Unix environment, run:

    ./ offline

    In a Windows environment, run:

    ./kie-config-cli.bat offline

Executing this command changes the tool’s behaviour and displays a request to specify the folder where the system repository (.niogit) is located. If .niogit does not yet exist, the folder value can be left empty and a brand new setup is created.

6.3. Commands Available for the kie-config-cli Tool

The following commands are available for managing the Git repository using the kie-config-cli tool:

  • add-deployment: Adds a new deployment unit
  • add-repo-org-unit: Adds a repository to the organizational unit
  • add-role-org-unit: Adds role(s) to an organizational unit
  • add-role-project: Adds role(s) to a project
  • add-role-repo: Adds role(s) to a repository
  • create-org-unit: Creates new organizational unit
  • create-repo: Creates a new git repository
  • discard: Does not publish local changes, cleans up temporary directories and closes the tool
  • exit: Publishes work, cleans up temporary directories and closes the tool
  • fetch-changes: Fetches changes from upstream repository
  • help: Prints available commands with descriptions
  • list-deployment: Lists available deployments
  • list-org-units: Lists available organizational units
  • list-repo: Lists available repositories
  • push-changes: Pushes changes to upstream repository (in online mode only)
  • remove-deployment: Removes existing deployment
  • remove-org-unit: Removes existing organizational unit
  • remove-repo: Removes an existing repository from config only
  • remove-repo-org-unit: Removes a repository from the organizational unit
  • remove-role-org-unit: Removes role(s) from an organizational unit
  • remove-role-project: Removes role(s) from a project
  • remove-role-repo: Removes role(s) from a repository

Chapter 7. Migration

Migrating your projects from Red Hat JBoss BRMS 5 to Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 requires careful planning and step by step evaluation of the various issues. You can plan for migration either manually, or by using automatic processes. Most real world migration will require a combination of these two processes.

Because Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 uses Git for storing assets, artifacts and code repositories including processes and rules, you should start by creating an empty project in Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 as the basis for your migration with dummy files as placeholders for the various assets and artifacts. Running a Git clone of this empty project into your favorite IDE will initiate the migration process.

Based on the placeholder files in your cloned project, you can start adding assets at the correct locations. The Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 system is smart enough to pick these changes and apply them correctly. Ensure that when you are importing old rule files that they are imported with the right package name structure.

Since Maven is used for building projects, the projects assets like the rules, processes and models are accessible as a simple JAR file.

This section lists the generally accepted step by step ways to migrate your project. These are just guidelines though, and actual migration may vary a lot from this.

In general, you should:

  1. Migrate the data first: These are your business assets.
  2. Next, migrate your runtime processes.
  3. Finally, convert old API calls to new ones one by one.

Let us look at these steps in more detail in the next few sections:

7.1. Data Migration

To migrate data from Red Hat JBoss BRMS 5, do the following:

  1. Download the migration tool by logging in at the Red Hat Customer Portal and then navigating to Red Hat JBoss BRMS Software Downloads section. Click on Red Hat JBoss BRMS Migration Tool to download the zip archive.
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip archive in a directory of your choice and navigate to this directory in a command prompt. This directory contains four folders:

    • bin - contains the launch scripts.
    • jcr-exporter-libs - contains the libs specific to the export-from-JCR part of the migration.
    • vfs-importer-libs - contains the libs specific to the import-into-Git part of the migration.
    • conf - contains global migration tool configuration.
  3. For production databases, copy the JDBC driver for the database that is used by the JCR repository into the jcr-exporter-libs directory of the migration tool.
  4. Execute the following command:

    ./bin/ -i <source-path> -o <destination-path> -r <repository-name>


    • <source-path> is a path to a source JCR repository.
    • <desintation-path> is a path to a destination Git VFS. This folder must not exist already.
    • <repository-name> an arbitrary name for the new repository.

The repository is migrated at the specified destination.

Besides the -i command, you can also use -h to print out a help message and -f which forces an overwrite of the output directory, thus eliminating the need for manual deletion of this directory.

Importing the Repository in Business Central

The repository can be imported in business central by cloning it. In the Administration perspective, click on the RepositoriesClone Repository menu to start the process.


Assets can also be migrated manually as they are all just text files. The BPMN2 specification and the DRL syntax did not change between the different versions.

Importing the Repository in JBDS

To import the repository in JBoss Developer Studio, do the following

  1. Start JBoss Developer Studio.
  2. Start the Red Hat JBoss BRMS server (if not already running) by selecting the server from the server tab and click the start icon.
  3. Select FileImport…​ and navigate to the Git folder. Open the Git folder to select Projects from Git and click next.
  4. Select the repository source as Existing local repository and click next.
  5. Select the repository that is to be configured from the list of available repositories.
  6. Import the project as a general project in the next window and click next. Name this project and click Finish.

7.2. API and Backwards Compatibility

Migrating to Version 6.1

In version 6.1, 5.X APIs are no longer officially supported.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS no longer provides backward compatibility with the rule, event, and process application programming interface (API) from Red Hat JBoss BRMS 5. The content of the knowledge-api JAR file is no longer supported in version 6.1 and is replaced by APIs contained in the kie-api JAR file that were introduced in Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.0.

If you used the legacy 5.x API (located in knowledge-api.jar), please migrate (rewrite) the API calls to the new KIE API. Please be aware that several other APIs have changed between Red Hat JBoss BRMS 5.x and Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.x, namely the task service API and the REST API.

Migrating to Version 6.0

The Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6 system provides backward compatibility with the rule, event and process interactions from JBoss BRMS 5. You should eventually migrate (rewrite) these interactions to the all new revamped core API because this backward compatibility is likely to be deprecated.

If you cannot migrate your code to use the new API, then you can use the API provided by the purpose built knowledge-api JAR for backwards compatible code. This API is the public interface for working with JBoss BPM Suite and JBoss BRMS and is backwards compatible.

If you are instead using the REST API in Red Hat JBoss BRMS 5, note that this has changed as well and there is no mechanism in it for backwards compatibility.

Part II. Integration

Chapter 8. Integrating Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Red Hat JBoss Fuse

Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration allows users of Red Hat JBoss Fuse to complement their integration solution with additional features provided by Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS integration is provided by two features.xml files:

  • drools-karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml

    This file provides core Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS features, which defines the OSGi features that can be deployed into Red Hat JBoss Fuse. This file is a part of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS product. OSGi users can install features from this file in order to install Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine or Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite engine into Red Hat JBoss Fuse and use it in their applications.

  • karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml

    This file provides additional features used for integrating Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Apache Camel, primarily in Red Hat JBoss Fuse. This file is part of the Integration Pack and it defines OSGi features that enable integration with Apache Camel and SwitchYard. In addition to the karaf-features XML file, the Integration Pack also contains a features.xml file for quick starts.

  • drools-karaf-features-VERSION-features-fuse-6_3.xml

    This file is used for integration of Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3.0.

For further information about integration of Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Red Hat JBoss Fuse, see the Install Integration Pack chapter of the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Integration Guide.

8.1. Core Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS Features

Core Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS features are provided by one of the following files:

  • For integration with Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.2.1, use the drools-karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml file.
  • For integration with Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3.0, use the drools-karaf-features-VERSION-features-fuse-6_3.xml file

    VERSION is the version of Red Hat JBoss BRMS you are using, for example 6.5.0.Final-redhat-9. See the Supported Component Versions chapter of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation Guide.

The files are present in the product Maven repository (org/drools/drools-karaf-features) or the file. These files provide the following features:

  • drools-common
  • drools-module
  • drools-templates
  • drools-decisiontable
  • drools-jpa
  • kie
  • kie-ci
  • kie-spring
  • kie-aries-blueprint
  • jbpm-commons
  • jbpm-human-task
  • jbpm
  • droolsjbpm-hibernate
  • h2

The following table provides example of use cases for some of the features listed above.

Table 8.1. Features and Use Case Examples

FeatureUse Case


Use the Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine for rules evaluation, without requiring persistence, processes, or decision tables.


Use the Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine for rules evaluation with persistence and transactions, but without requiring processes or decision tables. The drools-jpa feature already includes drools-module, however you may also need to install the droolsjbpm-hibernate feature, or ensure there is a compatible hibernate bundle installed.


Use the Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine with decision tables.


Use the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (or Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine with processes). The jbpm feature already includes drools-module and drools-jpa. You may also need to install the droolsjbpm-hibernate feature, or ensure that there is a compatible hibernate bundle installed.

jbpm and jbpm-human-task

Use the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (or Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine with processes) with Human Task.

core engine JARs and kie-ci

Use Red Hat JBoss BRMS or Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite with KieScanner (KIE-CI) to download kJARs from a Maven repository.


Use KIE-Spring integration. See the section called “kie-spring Feature Further Information” for more information.

kie-spring and kie-aries-blueprint

Use KIE-Aries-Blueprint integration.

kie-spring Feature Further Information

  • Use org.drools.osgi.spring.OsgiKModuleBeanFactoryPostProcessor instead of org.kie.spring.KModuleBeanFactoryPostProcessor to postprocess KIE elements in an OSGi environment.
  • Do not install the drools-module feature before the kie-spring feature. Otherwise, the drools-compiler bundle does not detect packages exported by kie-spring.

    Run osgi:refresh drools-compiler_bundle_ID if you have installed the features in the incorrect order to force drools-compiler to rebuild its Import-Package metadata.

8.2. Additional Features for SwitchYard and Apache Camel Integration

The following additional features for integration with SwitchYard and Apache Camel on Red Hat JBoss Fuse are provided by the integration pack:

  • fuse-bxms-switchyard-common-knowledge
  • fuse-bxms-switchyard-rules
  • fuse-bxms-switchyard-bpm
  • kie-camel
  • jbpm-workitems-camel

The integration pack features are defined in the karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml file. This file (and supporting repositories) is located in, which is already configured for use on Red Hat JBoss Fuse out of the box in INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg.

The file can also be downloaded from either the Red Hat JBoss Fuse product page or Red Hat JBoss BRMS product page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

8.3. Installing and Updating Core Integration Features


This section refers to features in the drools-karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml file. For additional integration features, see Section 8.4, “Installing Additional Integration Features”.

If you have already installed an older version of the core Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS features (for example, drools-karaf-features-6.2.0.Final-redhat-6-features.xml), you need to remove them and all associated files before installing the most recent features.xml file.

Procedure: Removing Existing drools-karaf-features Installation

  1. Start the Red Hat JBoss Fuse console using:

  2. Unistall old features or applications that used the previous features.xml file. For example:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:uninstall drools-module
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:uninstall jbpm
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:uninstall kie-ci
  3. Search for references of bundles using drools, kie, or jbpm, and remove them:

    karaf@root> list -t 0 -s | grep drools
    karaf@root> list -t 0 -s | grep kie
    karaf@root> list -t 0 -s | grep jbpm

    To remove the bundles:

    karaf@root> osgi:uninstall BUNDLE_ID
  4. Remove the old drools-karaf-features URL:

    karaf@root> features:removeurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/6.2.0.Final-redhat-VERSION/xml/features
  5. Restart Red Hat JBoss Fuse.

To install the drools-karaf-features:

Procedure: Installing Core Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and Red Hat JBoss BRMS Features

  1. Configure required repositories:

    • Edit the INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg file in your Red Hat JBoss Fuse installation and add the following entry to the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories variable (note that entries are separated by , \):

  2. Start Red Hat JBoss Fuse:

  3. Add a reference to the core features file by running the following console command:

    For Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.2.1, use:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/VERSION/xml/features

    For Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3.0, use:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/VERSION/xml/features-fuse-6_3

    For example:

    features:addurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/6.4.0.Final-redhat-10/xml/features-fuse-6_3

    To see the current drools-karaf-features version, see the Supported Component Versions chapter of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation Guide.

  4. You can now install the features provided by this file by running, for example, the following console command:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install drools-module

8.4. Installing Additional Integration Features

Use the following procedure for additional integration with SwitchYard and Apache Camel.

Procedure: SwitchYard and Apache Camel Integration

  1. Download the fuse-integration package that is aligned with your version of Red Hat JBoss Fuse.


    For instance, if you want to use the 6.2.0.redhat-117 version of Red Hat JBoss Fuse, you need to install the fuse-6.2.0.redhat-117 Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration features.

  2. Add the remote Maven repository that contains the fuse dependencies to your karaf instance:

    • Edit FUSE_HOME/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg
  3. Update the Drools features URL:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.switchyard.karaf/mvn:org.switchyard.karaf/switchyard/SWITCHYARD_VERSION/xml/core-features
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.jboss.integration.fuse/karaf-features/1.0.0.redhat-VERSION/xml/features

    Additionally, update the drools-karaf-features URL. For Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.2.1, use:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/VERSION/xml/features

    For Red Hat JBoss Fuse 6.3.0, use:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.drools/drools-karaf-features/VERSION/xml/features-fuse-6_3

    To see the current drools-karaf-features version, see the Supported Component Versions chapter of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation Guide.

  4. You can now install the features provided for SwitchYard and Apache Camel integration by running, for example, the following console command:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install fuse-bxms-switchyard-rules
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install kie-camel
    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install jbpm-workitems-camel

8.5. Configuring Dependencies

When you configure KIE, Red Hat JBoss BRMS, or Red Hat Jboss BPM Suite in your application, you can follow one of the following approaches to build your OSGi application bundles:

  • Bundle required dependencies into your application bundle. In this approach, you declare all required artifacts as runtime dependencies in your pom.xml. Hence, you need not import the packages that provide these artifacts that you have already added as dependencies.
  • Import the required dependencies into the application bundle. This is a preferred approach for building OSGi bundles as it adheres to the principles of OSGi framework. In this approach, you declare only the API JARs (such as org.kie:kie-api) as dependencies in your application bundle. You will need to install the required Red Hat JBoss BRMS and Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite bundles and then import them in your application.

The MVELUserGroupCallback class fails to initialize in an OSGi environment. Do not use or include MVELUserGroupCallback as it is not designed for production purposes.

8.6. Installing Red Hat JBoss Fuse Integration Quick Start Applications

The following features for Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration quick start applications are provided by org/jboss/integration/fuse/quickstarts/karaf-features/VERSION/karaf-features-VERSION-features.xml:

  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-bpm-service
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-rules-camel-cbr
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-rules-interview
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-rules-interview-container
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-rules-interview-dtable
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-library
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-helpdesk
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-camel-blueprint-drools-decision-table
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-camel-spring-drools-decision-table
  • fuse-bxms-quickstart-camel-jbpm-workitems
  • fuse-bxms-spring-jbpm-osgi-example

This file (and supporting repositories) is located in, which is already configured for use on Red Hat JBoss Fuse out of the box in INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg.

Procedure: Installing Quick Start Applications

  1. Add a reference to the features file by running the following console command:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.jboss.integration.fuse.quickstarts/karaf-features/1.0.0.redhat-VERSION/xml/features
  2. You can now install the quick start applications provided by this features file by running, for example, the following console command:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-bpm-service

Procedure: Downloading and Installing Quick Start ZIP Files

  1. Download the quick start application ZIP file.
  2. Unpack the contents of the quick starts directory into your existing INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/quickstarts directory.
  3. Unpack the contents of the system directory into your existing INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/system directory.

8.6.1. Testing Your First Quick Start Application

Procedure: Testing Quick Start Application

  1. Start Red Hat JBoss Fuse:

  2. Install and start the switchyard-bpm-service by running the following console command:

    JBossFuse:karaf@root> features:install fuse-bxms-quickstart-switchyard-bpm-service

    Any dependent features specified by the application’s features file will be installed automatically.

  3. Submit a web service request to invoke the SOAP gateway.

    1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the associated quick start directory that was unpacked from the quick start application ZIP file (in this case, switchyard-bpm-service).
    2. Run the following command:

      $ mvn clean install

      You will need the following repositories configured in your settings.xml file:

    3. Run the following command:

      $ mvn exec:java -Pkaraf
  4. You will receive the following response:

    SOAP Reply:
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""/>
        <ns2:submitOrderResponse xmlns:ns2="urn:switchyard-quickstart:bpm-service:1.0">
          <status>Thanks for your order, it has been shipped!</status>

Chapter 9. Integrating Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Red Hat Single Sign-On

Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) is a Single Sign-On solution that you can use for securing your browser applications and your REST web services. This chapter describes how you can integrate RH-SSO with Red Hat JBoss BRMS and leverage its features.

Integrating with RH-SSO brings an integrated SSO and IDM (Identity Management) environment for Red Hat JBoss BRMS. The session management feature of RH-SSO allows you to use different Red Hat JBoss BRMS environments on the web by authenticating only once.

For more information on RH-SSO, see the RH-SSO documentation.

Red Hat Single Sign On Integration Points

You can integrate RH-SSO with Realtime Decision Servers using the following integration points:

  • Business Central authentication through an RH-SSO server

    Authenticating Red Hat JBoss BRMS Business Central through RH-SSO involves securing both the Business Central web client and remote services through RH-SSO. This integration enables you to connect to Business Central using either web interface or a remote service consumer through RH-SSO.

  • Realtime Decision Server authentication through an RH-SSO server

    Authenticating Red Hat JBoss BRMS Realtime Decision Server through RH-SSO involves securing the remote services provided by the Realtime Decision Server as it does not provide a web interface for server authentication. This enables any remote Red Hat JBoss BRMS service consumer (user or a service) to authenticate through RH-SSO.

  • Third-party client authentication through an RH-SSO server

    Authenticating a third-party client through an RH-SSO server involves third-party clients to authenticate themselves using RH-SSO to consume the remote service endpoints provided by Business Central and Realtime Decision Server, such as the REST API or remote file system services.

The following sections describe how to achieve RH-SSO integration through these integration points:

9.1. Business Central Authentication through RH-SSO

To authenticate Business Central through RH-SSO:

  1. Set up and run an RH-SSO server with a realm client for Business Central.
  2. Install and set up the RH-SSO client adapter for EAP.
  3. Secure Business Central Remote Service using RH-SSO.

9.1.1. Setting Up RH-SSO with Realm Client for Business Central

Security realms are used to restrict access for the different applications resources. It is advised to create a new realm whether your RH-SSO instance is private or shared amongst other products. You can keep the master realm as a place for super administrators to create and manage the realms in your system. If you are integrating with an RH-SSO instance that is shared with other product installations to achieve Single Sign-On with those applications, all those applications must use the same realm.

Here is how you can install an RH-SSO server and create a security realm for Business Central:

Procedure: Setting Up RH-SSO with Realm Client

  1. Download RH-SSO from the DOWNLOADS section of the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Install and configure a basic RH-SSO standalone server. To do this, follow the instructions in chapter Install and Boot of the Red Hat Single Sign On Getting Started Guide. For production environment settings, consult the Red Hat Single Sign On Server Administration Guide.


    If you want to run both RH-SSO and Red Hat JBoss BRMS servers on the same machine, ensure that you avoid port conflicts. To do so, do one of the following:

    • Update the RHSSO_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file and set a port offset to 100. For example:

      <socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.binding.port-offset:100}">
    • Use an environment variable to run the server:

      bin/ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
  3. Start the RH-SSO server using the following command from RHSSO_HOME/bin:


    Once the RH-SSO server starts, open http://localhost:8180/auth/admin in a web browser and log in using your admin credentials that you created while installing RH-SSO. When you login for the first time, you can set up the initial user using the new user registration form.

  4. In the RH-SSO Admin Console, click the Realm Settings left menu item.
  5. On the Realm Settings page, click Add Realm.

    The Add realm page opens.

  6. On the Add realm page, provide a name for the realm and click Create.
  7. Click the Clients left menu item and click Create.

    The Add Client page opens.

  8. On the Add Client page, provide the required information to create a new client for your realm. For example:

    • Client ID: kie
    • Client protocol: openid-connect
    • Root URL: http://localhost:8080/business-central
  9. Click Save to save your changes.

    Once you create a new client, its Access Type is set to public by default. Change it to confidential.

    At this point, the RH-SSO server is configured with a realm with a client for Red Hat JBoss BRMS applications (Business Central, in this example) and running and listening for HTTP connections at localhost:8180. This realm provides different users, roles, and sessions for the Red Hat JBoss BRMS applications.

9.1.2. Setting Up RH-SSO Client Adapter for EAP

To set up the RH-SSO client adapter for EAP:

  1. Install the RH-SSO adapter for EAP.
  2. Configure the Red Hat JBoss BRMS application and the RH-SSO client adapter.

Procedure: Installing the RH-SSO Adapter for Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 and 7

  1. Install Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.4.X or 7.0.

    For version 6, see chapter Installation Instructions from the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Installation Guide.

    For version 7, see chapter Installing JBoss EAP from the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Installation Guide.

  2. Install Red Hat JBoss BRMS in the freshly installed JBoss EAP.

    If you configure RH-SSO adapter by making changes in standalone.xml, and then unzip Red Hat JBoss BRMS, you may overwrite and lose the RH-SSO adapter configuration.

  3. Download the EAP adapter from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  4. Unzip and install the adapter. For installation instructions, see section JBoss EAP Adapter from the Red Hat Single Sign On Securing Applications and Services Guide.
  5. For version 7, go to EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration and open the standalone.xml and standalone-full.xml files. Delete the <single-sign-on/> element from both of them.

    You do not need to perform this step for Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.

Procedure: Configuring the RH-SSO Adapter

  1. Navigate to EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration in your EAP installation and edit standalone.xml to add the RH-SSO subsystem configuration. For example:

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:keycloak:1.1">
     <secure-deployment name="business-central.war">
       <credential name="secret">759514d0-dbb1-46ba-b7e7-ff76e63c6891</credential>


    • secure-deployment name: Name of your application’s WAR file.
    • realm: Name of the realm that you created for the applications to use.
    • realm-public-key: The public key of the realm you created. You can find the key in the Keys tab in the Realm settings page of the realm you created in the RH-SSO Admin Console. If you do not provide a value for realm-public-key, the server retrieves it automatically.
    • auth-server-url: The URL for the RH-SSO authentication server.
    • enable-basic-auth: The setting to enable basic authentication mechanism, so that the clients can use both token-based and basic authentication approaches to perform the requests.
    • resource: The name for the client that you created.
    • credential name: The secret key for the client you created. You can find the key in the Credentials tab on the Clients page of the RH-SSO Admin Console.
    • principal-attribute: The login name of the user. If you do not provide this value, your User Id is displayed in the application instead of your user name.


      The RH-SSO server converts the user names to lowercase. Therefore, after integration with RH-SSO, your user name will appear in lowercase in Business Central. If you have user names in upper-case letters hard coded in business processes, the application may not be able to identify the upper-case user.

  2. Navigate to EAP_HOME/bin/ and start the EAP server using the following command:


You can also configure RH-SSO adapter for EAP by updating your applications WAR file to use the RH-SSO security subsystem. However, the recommended approach is configuring the adapter through the RH-SSO subsystem. This means that you are updating EAP configuration instead of applying the configuration on each WAR file.

9.1.3. Adding a New User

To add new users and assign them a role to access Business Central:

  1. Log in to the RH-SSO Admin Console and open the realm to which you wish to add a user.
  2. Click the Users left menu item under the Manage section.

    An empty user list page called Users opens.

  3. Click the Add User button on the empty user list to start creating your new user.

    An Add user page opens.

  4. Provide user information on the Add user page and click Save.
  5. Set a new password under the Credentials tab.
  6. Assign the new user one of the roles that allow access to Business Central. For example, the admin or analyst role.

    Define the roles as realm roles in the Realm Roles tab under the Roles section.

  7. Click Role Mappings tab on the Users page to assign roles.

You can now log in to your Red Hat JBoss BRMS application (in this example, Business Central) once the server is running using the user credentials you just created.

9.1.4. Securing Business Central Remote Service Using RH-SSO

Business Central provides different remote service endpoints that can be consumed by third-party clients using remote API. To authenticate those services through RH-SSO, you must disable a security filter called BasicAuthSecurityFilter. To do this, follow these steps:

Procedure: Disabling BasicAuthSecurityFilter

  1. Open your application deployment descriptor file (WEB-INF/web.xml) and apply the following changes to it:

    • Remove the following lines to remove the servlet filter and its mapping for class

        <filter-name>HTTP Basic Auth Filter</filter-name>
          <param-value>KIE Workbench Realm</param-value>
        <filter-name>HTTP Basic Auth Filter</filter-name>
    • Add the following lines to add the security-constraint for the url-patterns that you have removed from the filter mapping:

  2. Save your changes.

9.1.5. Securing Business Central File System Services Using RH-SSO

To consume other remote services, such as file systems (for example, a remote GIT service), you need to specify a correct RH-SSO login module. First, generate a JSON configuration file:

  1. Navigate to the RH-SSO Admin Console located at http://localhost:8080/auth/admin.
  2. Click the Clients left menu item.
  3. Create a new client with the following settings:

    • Set Client ID as kie-git.
    • Set Access Type as confidential.
    • Disable the Standard Flow Enabled option.
    • Enable the Direct Access Grants Enabled option.
    kie git client settings
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Installation tab at the top of the client configuration screen and choose Keycloak OIDC JSON as a Format Option.
  6. Click Download.
  7. Move the downloaded JSON file to an accessible directory in the server’s file system or add it to the application class path.

    For more information, see chapter JAAS plugin of the Keycloak Securing Applications and Services Guide.

After you successfuly generate and download the JSON configuration file, specify the correct RH-SSO login module in the EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file. By default, the security domain in Business Central is set to other. Replace the default values of the login-module in this security domain with the ones presented in the example below:

<security-domain name="other" cache-type="default">
    <login-module code="org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.DirectAccessGrantsLoginModule" flag="required">
      <module-option name="keycloak-config-file" value="$EAP_HOME/kie-git.json"/>

The JSON file specified in the module-option element contains a client used for securing the remote services. Replace the $EAP_HOME/kie-git.json value of the module-option element with the absolute path or the class path (classpath:/EXAMPLE_PATH/kie-git.json) to this JSON configuration file.

At this point, all users authenticated through the RH-SSO server can clone internal GIT repositories. In the following command, change USER_NAME to a RH-SSO user, for example admin:

git clone ssh://USER_NAME@localhost:8001/system

9.2. Realtime Decision Server Authentication through RH-SSO

The Red Hat JBoss BRMS Realtime Decision Server provides a REST API for third-party clients. You can integrate the Realtime Decision Server with RH-SSO to delegate the third-party clients identity management to the RH-SSO server.

Once you have created a realm client for Business Central and set up the RH-SSO client adapter for EAP, you can repeat the same steps to integrate the Realtime Decision Server with RH-SSO.

9.2.1. Creating Client for Realtime Decision Server on RH-SSO

To create a new client on your already created realm on RH-SSO Admin Console:

Procedure: Creating a Client for the Realtime Decision Server

  1. In the RH-SSO Admin Console, open the security realm that you created.
  2. Click the Clients left menu item and click Create.

    The Add Client page opens.

  3. On the Add Client page, provide the required information to create a new client for your realm. For example:

    • Client ID: kie-execution-server
    • Root URL: http://localhost:8080/kie-server
    • Client protocol: openid-connect
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

    Once you create a new client, its Access Type is set to public by default. Change it to confidential and click Save again.

  5. Navigate to the Credentials tab and copy the secret key. The secret key is necessary to configure the kie-execution-server client in the next section.

9.2.2. Installing and Setting Up Realtime Decision Server with Client Adapter

To consume the Realtime Decision Server remote service endpoints, you must first create and assign the kie-server role in the RH-SSO Admin Console.


If you deployed the Realtime Decision Server to a different application server than Business Central, install and configure RH-SSO on your second server as well.

Procedure: Setting Up the Realtime Decision Server

  1. Navigate to EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration in your EAP installation and edit standalone.xml to add the RH-SSO subsystem configuration. For example:

    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:keycloak:1.1">
      <secure-deployment name="kie-server.war">
         <credential name="secret">03c2b267-7f64-4647-8566-572be673f5fa</credential>
      <property name="org.kie.server.sync.deploy" value="false"/>


    • secure-deployment name: Name of your application WAR file.
    • realm: Name of the realm that you created for the applications to use.
    • realm-public-key: The public key of the realm you created. You can find the key in the Keys tab in the Realm settings page of the realm you created in the RH-SSO Admin Console. If you do not provide a value for this public key, the server retrieves it automatically.
    • auth-server-url: The URL for the RH-SSO authentication server.
    • resource: The name for the server client that you created.
    • enable-basic-auth: The setting to enable basic authentication mechanism, so that the clients can use both token-based and basic authentication approaches to perform the requests.
    • credential name: The secret key of the server client you created. You can find the key in the Credentials tab on the Clients page of the RH-SSO Admin Console.
    • principal-attribute: The login name of the user. If you do not provide this value, your User Id is displayed in the application instead of your user name.
  2. Save your configuration changes in standalone.xml.
  3. Use the following command to restart the EAP server and run the Realtime Decision Server.

    EXEC_SERVER_HOME/bin/<ID> -Dorg.kie.server.user=<USER> -Dorg.kie.server.pwd=<PWD> -Dorg.kie.server.location=<LOCATION_URL> -Dorg.kie.server.controller=<CONTROLLER_URL> -Dorg.kie.server.controller.user=<CONTROLLER_USER> -Dorg.kie.server.controller.pwd=<CONTOLLER_PASSWORD>

    Here is an example:

    EXEC_SERVER_HOME/bin/ -Dorg.kie.server.user=kieserver -Dorg.kie.server.pwd=password -Dorg.kie.server.location=http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server -Dorg.kie.server.controller=http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/controller -Dorg.kie.server.controller.user=kiecontroller -Dorg.kie.server.controller.pwd=password
  4. Once the Realtime Decision Server is running, you can check the server status. In the following command, kieserver is a user name with the kie-server role and password password:

    curl http://kieserver:password@localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/

Token-based authorization is also supported for communication between Business Central and the Realtime Decision Server. You can use the complete token as a system property of your application server, instead of the user name and password, for your applications. However, you must ensure that the token does not expire for the period of interaction between the applications, as it is not automatically refreshed. To get the token, see Section 9.3.2, “Token-Based Authentication”.

For the Business Central to manage the Realtime Decision Server using the tokens:

  • Set the org.kie.server.token property.

    In such case, do not set the org.kie.server.user and org.kie.server.pwd properties. The Business Central will then use the Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN authentication method.

If you want to use the REST API using the token-based authentication:

  • Set the org.kie.server.controller.token property.

    In such case, do not set the org.kie.server.controller.user and org.kie.server.controller.pwd properties.


As the Realtime Decision Server is unable to refresh the token, use a high-lifespan token. A token’s lifespan must not exceed January 19 2038. Check with your security best practices to see whether this is a suitable solution for your environment.

9.3. Third-Party Client Authentication through RH-SSO

To use the different remote services provided by Business Central or by the Realtime Decision Server, your client, such as curl, wget, web browser, or a custom REST client, must authenticate through the RH-SSO server and have a valid token to perform the requests. To use the remote services, the authenticated user must have assigned the following roles:

  • rest-all: For using the Business Central remote services.
  • kie-server: For using the Realtime Decision Server remote services.

Use the RH-SSO Admin Console to create these roles and assign them to the users that will consume the remote services.

Your client can authenticate through RH-SSO using one of these options:

  • Basic authentication, if it is supported by the client.
  • Token-based authentication.

9.3.1. Basic Authentication

If you have enabled the basic authentication in the RH-SSO client adapter configuration for both Business Central and Realtime Decision Server, you can avoid the token grant/refresh calls and call the services as shown in the examples below:

  • For web based remote repositories endpoint:

     curl http://admin:password@localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories
  • For the Realtime Decision Server:

    curl http://admin:password@localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server/

9.3.2. Token-Based Authentication

If you want to opt for a more secure option of authentication, you can consume the remote services from both Business Central and Realtime Decision Server using a granted token provided by RH-SSO.

Procedure: Obtaining and Using Token for Authorizing Remote Calls

  1. In the RH-SSO Admin Console, click the Clients left menu item and click Create to create a new client.

    The Add Client page opens.

  2. On the Add Client page, provide the required information to create a new client for your realm. For example:

    • Client ID: kie-remote
    • Client protocol: openid-connect
  3. Click Save to save your changes.
  4. Change the token settings in Realm Settings:

    1. In the RH-SSO Admin Console, click the Realm Settings left menu item.
    2. Click the Tokens tab.
    3. Change the value for Access Token Lifespan to 15 minutes.

      This gives you enough time to get a token and invoke the service before it expires.

    4. Click Save to save your changes.
  5. Once a public client for your remote clients is created, you can now obtain the token by making an HTTP request to the RH-SSO server’s token endpoint using:

    RESULT=`curl --data "grant_type=password&client_id=kie-remote&username=admin&password=password" http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token`

    The user used in the command above is an RH-SSO user. For further information, see Section 9.1.3, “Adding a New User”.

  6. To view the token obtained from the RH-SSO server, use the following command:

    TOKEN=`echo $RESULT | sed 's/.*access_token":"//g' | sed 's/".*//g'`

You can now use this token to authorize the remote calls. For example, if you want to check the internal Red Hat JBoss BRMS repositories, use the token as shown below:

curl -H "Authorization: bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/repositories

Chapter 10. Integration with Spring

10.1. Configuring Red Hat JBoss BRMS with Spring

The file contains the Spring module, which is called kie-spring-VERSION-redhat-MINOR_VERSION.jar.

You can configure the Spring modules:

As a Self Managed Process Engine
If you require a single runtime manager instance, use the RuntimeManager API. The RuntimeManager API synchronizes the process engine and task service internally.
As a Shared Task Service
If you require multiple runtime manager instances, use the jBPM services.

Do not use the shared task service if you use Spring and your process is instantiated using the per process or per request runtime strategy.

10.1.1. Integrating Spring with Runtime Manager API

To integrate Spring with the Runtime Manager API, include the following factory beans:

  • org.kie.spring.factorybeans.RuntimeEnvironmentFactoryBean
  • org.kie.spring.factorybeans.RuntimeManagerFactoryBean
  • org.kie.spring.factorybeans.TaskServiceFactoryBean

TaskServiceFactoryBean is required only for shared task service.


RuntimeEnvironmentFactoryBean produces RuntimeEnvironment instances consumed by RuntimeManager.

You can create the following types of RuntimeEnvironment instances:

  • DEFAULT: The default type.
  • EMPTY: An empty environment.
  • DEFAULT_IN_MEMORY: Same as DEFAULT with no persistence of the runtime engine.
  • DEFAULT_KJAR: Same as DEFAULT with knowledge assets taken from kJAR and identified by releaseID or GAV (Group, Artifact, Version).
  • DEFAULT_KJAR_CL: Built from class path that consists of a kmodule.xml descriptor.

Knowledge information is required for all the RuntimeEnvironment types. Provide one or more of the following:

  • knowledgeBase
  • assets
  • releaseId
  • groupId, artifactId, version

For the DEFAULT, DEFAULT_KJAR, DEFAULT_KJAR_CL types, configure persistence using entity manager factory or transaction manager.


RuntimeManagerFactoryBean creates RuntimeManager instances based on runtimeEnvironment. You can create the following runtimeEnvironment instances:

  • SINGLETON (default)

Every RuntimeManager instance must have a unique ID. You can dispose of any RuntimeManager instance created by RuntimeManagerFactoryBean by calling the close() method.


TaskServiceFactoryBean creates TaskService instance based on the given properties. Creates a single instance only.

Properties required:

  • entity manager factory
  • transaction manager

When using the TaskServiceFactoryBean, provide the Spring transaction manager. When using a shared entity manager from Spring, you can also provide EntityManager instance instead of entity manager factory.

Optional properties:

  • userGroupCallback: MVELUserGroupCallbackImpl by default.
  • userInfo: DefaultUserInfo by default.
  • listener: List of TaskLifeCycleEventListener instances.
Sample RuntimeManager Configuration with Spring

To create a single runtime manager Spring configuration:

  1. Configure the entity manager factory and the transaction manager, for example:

    <bean id="jbpmEMF" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
      <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="org.jbpm.persistence.spring.jta"/>
    <bean id="btmConfig" factory-method="getConfiguration" class=""></bean>
    <bean id="BitronixTransactionManager" factory-method="getTransactionManager"
          class="" depends-on="btmConfig" destroy-method="shutdown" />
    <bean id="jbpmTxManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager">
      <property name="transactionManager" ref="BitronixTransactionManager" />
      <property name="userTransaction" ref="BitronixTransactionManager" />

    This configuration provides:

    • JTA transaction manager, backed by Bitronix for unit tests or servlet containers.
    • The org.jbpm.persistence.spring.jta entity manager factory for persistence unit.
  2. Configure resources you use, for example a business process:

    <bean id="process" factory-method="newclass pathResource" class="">

    The sample.bpmn process is included from the class path.

  3. Configure RuntimeEnvironment using your entity manager, transaction manager, and resources:

    <bean id="runtimeEnvironment" class="org.kie.spring.factorybeans.RuntimeEnvironmentFactoryBean">
      <property name="type" value="DEFAULT"/>
      <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="jbpmEMF"/>
      <property name="transactionManager" ref="jbpmTxManager"/>
      <property name="assets">
          <entry key-ref="process"><util:constant static-field=""/></entry>
  4. Create RuntimeManager:

    <bean id="runtimeManager" class="org.kie.spring.factorybeans.RuntimeManagerFactoryBean" destroy-method="close">
      <property name="identifier" value="spring-rm"/>
      <property name="runtimeEnvironment" ref="runtimeEnvironment"/>

An example of complete configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

  <import resource="classpath:jbpm/configuration-template/assets.xml" />

  <bean id="jbpmEMF" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
    <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="org.jbpm.persistence.spring.jta"/>
    <property name="persistenceXmlLocation" value="classpath:jbpm/persistence-jta.xml"/>

  <bean id="btmConfig" factory-method="getConfiguration" class=""/>

  <bean id="BitronixTransactionManager" factory-method="getTransactionManager"
        class="" depends-on="btmConfig" destroy-method="shutdown" />

  <bean id="jbpmTxManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager">
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="BitronixTransactionManager" />
    <property name="userTransaction" ref="BitronixTransactionManager" />

  <bean id="runtimeEnvironment" class="org.kie.spring.factorybeans.RuntimeEnvironmentFactoryBean">
    <property name="type" value="DEFAULT"/>
    <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="jbpmEMF"/>
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jbpmTxManager"/>
    <property name="assets" ref="assets"/>

  <bean id="logService" class="org.jbpm.process.audit.JPAAuditLogService" depends-on="runtimeEnvironment">
    <constructor-arg value="#{runtimeEnvironment.environment}" />
    <constructor-arg value="STANDALONE_JTA" />

10.1.2. Spring and jBPM Services

If you require multiple runtime managers, you can use jBPM services directly in your application. Due to the dynamic nature of jBPM services, processes and other assets can be added and removed without restarting your application.

To configure jBPM services:

  1. Add the kie-spring Maven dependency into your pom.xml:


    For the current Maven artifact version, see chapter Supported Component Versions of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS Installation Guide.


Depending on your implementation, other dependencies may be necessary, for example spring-security.

  1. Implement the IdentityProvider interface:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.kie.internal.identity.IdentityProvider;
    public class SpringSecurityIdentityProvider implements IdentityProvider {
    	public String getName() {
    		Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    		if (auth != null && auth.isAuthenticated()) {
    			return auth.getName();
    		return "system";
    	public List<String> getRoles() {
    		Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    		if (auth != null && auth.isAuthenticated()) {
    			List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
    			for (GrantedAuthority ga : auth.getAuthorities()) {
    			return roles;
    		return Collections.emptyList();
    	public boolean hasRole(String role) {
    		return false;

To configure jBPM services in a Spring application:

  1. Configure the transaction manager:

    <context:annotation-config />
    <tx:annotation-driven />
    <tx:jta-transaction-manager />
    <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager" />
  2. Configure JPA and persistence:

    <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean" depends-on="transactionManager">
       <property name="persistenceXmlLocation" value="classpath:/META-INF/jbpm-persistence.xml" />
  3. Configure security providers:

    <util:properties id="roleProperties" location="classpath:/" />
    <bean id="userGroupCallback" class="">
      <constructor-arg name="userGroups" ref="roleProperties"></constructor-arg>
    <bean id="identityProvider" class="org.jbpm.spring.SpringSecurityIdentityProvider"/>
  4. Configure the runtime manager factory:

    <bean id="runtimeManagerFactory" class="org.kie.spring.manager.SpringRuntimeManagerFactoryImpl">
      <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/>
      <property name="userGroupCallback" ref="userGroupCallback"/>
    <bean id="transactionCmdService" class="">
      <constructor-arg name="emf" ref="entityManagerFactory"></constructor-arg>
    <bean id="taskService" class="org.kie.spring.factorybeans.TaskServiceFactoryBean" destroy-method="close">
      <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory"/>
      <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager"/>
      <property name="userGroupCallback" ref="userGroupCallback"/>
      <property name="listeners">
          <bean class="">
            <constructor-arg value="true"/>

    The runtime manager factory is Spring context aware and can interact with Spring containers.

  5. Configure jBPM services as Spring beans:

    <!-- definition service -->
    <bean id="definitionService" class=""/>
    <!-- runtime data service -->
    <bean id="runtimeDataService" class="">
      <property name="commandService" ref="transactionCmdService"/>
      <property name="identityProvider" ref="identityProvider"/>
      <property name="taskService" ref="taskService"/>
    <!-- -- deployment service -->
    <bean id="deploymentService" class="" depends-on="entityManagerFactory" init-method="onInit">
      <property name="bpmn2Service" ref="definitionService"/>
      <property name="emf" ref="entityManagerFactory"/>
      <property name="managerFactory" ref="runtimeManagerFactory"/>
      <property name="identityProvider" ref="identityProvider"/>
      <property name="runtimeDataService" ref="runtimeDataService"/>
    <!-- process service -->
    <bean id="processService" class="" depends-on="deploymentService">
      <property name="dataService" ref="runtimeDataService"/>
      <property name="deploymentService" ref="deploymentService"/>
    <!-- user task service -->
    <bean id="userTaskService" class="" depends-on="deploymentService">
      <property name="dataService" ref="runtimeDataService"/>
      <property name="deploymentService" ref="deploymentService"/>
    <!-- register runtime data service as listener on deployment service so it can receive notification about deployed and undeployed units -->
    <bean id="data" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean" depends-on="deploymentService">
      <property name="targetObject" ref="deploymentService"></property>
      <property name="targetMethod"><value>addListener</value></property>
      <property name="arguments">
          <ref bean="runtimeDataService"/>

Chapter 11. Integration with Aries Blueprint

This chapter explains the integration elements of Red Hat JBoss BRMS specific to Apache Aries Blueprint.

11.1. KIE Namespace


The <kie:kmodule> element defines a collection of a KieBase and its associated KieSessions.



The name to which other beans refer. Blueprint ID semantics applies. This attribute is required.

Possible children:

  • kie:kbase


The <kie:kbase> element has the following attributes:



The name of the KieBase. This attribute is required.


A comma-separated list of the resource packages to be included in the KieBase.


KieBase names to be included. All resources from the corresponding KieBases are included in the parent KieBase.


A Boolean. Sets the kbase as default. Set to false by default.


Possible values: prototype or singleton. Set to singleton by default.


Event Processing Mode. Possible values: STREAM or CLOUD.


Possible values: IDENTITY or EQUALITY.

Possible children:

  • kie:ksession

The kmodule element can contain multiple kbase elements.

Example 11.1. kbase Definition Example

<kie:kmodule id="sample_module">
   <kie:kbase name="kbase1" packages="org.drools.blueprint.sample">

When you define a kbase or a ksession, you can set the bean scope:

  • Set scope to prototype to instantiate a new bean instance every time the bean is called.
  • Set scope to singleton to use the same bean instance every time the bean is called.


The <kie:ksession> element defines both stateful and stateless KieSessions. It has the following parameters:



The name of the KieSession. This attribute is required.


Possible values: stateful or stateless. Set to stateful by default.


A Boolean. Sets the ksession as default. Set to false by default.


Possible values: prototype or singleton. Set to singleton by default.


Possible values: REALTIME or PSEUDO.


Specifies the reference to the event listeners group. For more information, see the section called “Defining a Group of Listeners”.

Example 11.2. ksession definition example

<kie:kmodule id="sample-kmodule">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample3" packages="drl_kiesample3">
    <kie:ksession name="ksession1" type="stateless"/>
    <kie:ksession name="ksession2"/>


The kie:releaseId element represents Maven GAV (Group ID, Artifact ID, and Version). kie:releaseId requires the following properties:



The name to which other beans refer. Blueprint ID semantics applies.


Maven groupId.


Maven artifactId.


Maven version.

Example 11.3. releaseId Definition Example

<kie:releaseId id="beanId" groupId="org.kie.blueprint"
            artifactId="named-artifactId" version="1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"/>


Red Hat JBoss BRMS now supports kie-aries-blueprint importing KIE objects from KJARs. The kie:import element supports the following attributes:



Reference to a bean ID. Standard Blueprint ID semantics applies.


Enable Scanner. This attribute is used only if releaseId is specified.


Scanning Interval in milliseconds. This attribute is used only if releaseId is specified.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS supports two modes of importing KIE objects:

Global Import

The kie:import element uses the KieServices.getKieClasspathContainer() method to import KIE objects. For further information about KIE methods, see the KIE Api section of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.

Global Import

<kie:import />

Specific Import - ReleaseId

When using the releaseId-ref attribute on the import tag, only KIE objects identified by the referenced releaseId element are initialized and imported into the Blueprint context.

KIE Objects Import Using releaseId

<kie:import releaseId-ref="namedKieSession"/>
<kie:releaseId id="namedKieSession" groupId="org.drools"
            artifactId="named-kiesession" version="{revnumber}"/>

You can enable the KIE scanning feature, enableScanner, for KieBases imported with a specific releaseId. This feature is currently not available for global imports.

Import KIE Objects using a releaseId - Enable Scanner

<kie:import releaseId-ref="namedKieSession"
            enableScanner="true" scannerInterval="1000"/>

<kie:releaseId id="namedKieSession" groupId="org.drools"
            artifactId="named-kiesession" version="{revnumber}"/>

If you define and enable a scanner, a KieScanner object is created with default values and inserted into the Blueprint container. You can get the KieScanner object from the Blueprint container using the -scanner suffix.

Retriving the KieScanner from a Blueprint Container

// the implicit name would be releaseId-scanner
KieScanner releaseIdScanner = (KieScanner)container.getComponentInstance("namedKieSession-scanner");


kie-ci must be available on the classpath for the releaseId importing feature to work.

11.2. Event Listeners

Red Hat JBoss BRMS supports adding 3 types of listeners to KieSessions:

  • AgendaListener
  • WorkingMemoryListener
  • ProcessEventListener

The kie-aries-blueprint module allows you to configure the listeners for KIE sessions using XML tags. The tags have identical names to the listener interfaces:

  • <kie:agendaEventListener>
  • <kie:ruleRuntimeEventListener>
  • <kie:processEventListener>

The kie-aries-blueprint module allows you to define listeners as standalone listeners or as a group.

Defining Standalone Listeners

Standalone listeners support the following parameters:



A reference to a bean.

Example 11.4. Listener Configuration Using bean:ref

<bean id="mock-agenda-listener" class="mocks.MockAgendaEventListener"/>
<bean id="mock-rr-listener" class="mocks.MockRuleRuntimeEventListener"/>
<bean id="mock-process-listener" class="mocks.MockProcessEventListener"/>

<kie:kmodule id="listeners_kmodule">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="ksession2">
      <kie:agendaEventListener ref="mock-agenda-listener"/>
      <kie:processEventListener ref="mock-process-listener"/>
      <kie:ruleRuntimeEventListener ref="mock-rr-listener"/>

Defining Multiple Listeners of One Type

You can also define multiple listeners of one type for a KIE session.

Example 11.5. Listener Configuration: Multiple Listeners of One Type.

<bean id="mock-agenda-listener1" class="mocks.MockAgendaEventListener"/>
<bean id="mock-agenda-listener2" class="mocks.MockAgendaEventListener"/>

<kie:kmodule id="listeners_module">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="ksession1">
      <kie:agendaEventListener ref="mock-agenda-listener1"/>
      <kie:agendaEventListener ref="mock-agenda-listener2"/>

Defining a Group of Listeners

The kie-aries-blueprint module allows you to group listeners. This is useful when you define a set of listeners that you want to attach to multiple sessions, or when switching from testing to production use. The following attribute is required:



Unique identifier

Possible children:

  • kie:agendaEventListener
  • kie:ruleRuntimeEventListener
  • kie:processEventListener

The declaration order does not matter. Only one declaration of each type is allowed in a group.

Example 11.6. Group of Listeners

<bean id="mock-agenda-listener" class="mocks.MockAgendaEventListener"/>
<bean id="mock-rr-listener" class="mocks.MockRuleRuntimeEventListener"/>
<bean id="mock-process-listener" class="mocks.MockProcessEventListener"/>

<kie:kmodule id="listeners_module">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="statelessWithGroupedListeners" type="stateless"

  <kie:eventListeners id="debugListeners">
  <kie:agendaEventListener ref="mock-agenda-listener"/>
  <kie:processEventListener ref="mock-process-listener"/>
  <kie:ruleRuntimeEventListener ref="mock-rr-listener"/>

11.3. Loggers

Red Hat JBoss BRMS supports the following loggers:

  • ConsoleLogger
  • FileLogger

The kie-aries-blueprint module allows you to configure the loggers using XML tags with identical names:

  • <kie:consoleLogger>
  • <kie:fileLogger>

Defining a Console Logger

The <kie:consoleLogger/> element has no attributes and must be present directly under a <kie:ksession> element.

Example 11.7. Defining a Console Logger

<kie:kmodule id="loggers_module">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="ConsoleLogger-statefulSession" type="stateful">

Defining a File Logger

The <kie:fileLogger/> element supports the following attributes:



Unique identifier. This attribute is required.


Path to the log file on the disk. This attribute is required.


Possible values: true or false. Set to false by default.


An Integer. Specifies the interval for flushing the contents from memory to the disk.

Example 11.8. Defining a File Logger

<kie:kmodule id="loggers_module">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="ConsoleLogger-statefulSession" type="stateful">
      <kie:fileLogger id="fl_logger" file="#{ systemProperties[''] }/log1"/>
      <kie:fileLogger id="tfl_logger" file="#{ systemProperties[''] }/log2"
                          threaded="true" interval="5"/>

Closing a FileLogger

It is recommended to close the <kie:fileLogger> logger to prevent memory leaks:

LoggerAdaptor adaptor = (LoggerAdaptor) container.getComponentInstance("fl_logger");

Defining Batch Commands

The <kie:batch> element allows you to define a set of batch commands for a given KIE session. The <kie:batch> element has no attributes and must be placed under a <kie:ksession> element.

Supported Parameters for Initialization Batch Commands

  • insert-object

    • ref: String. This parameter is optional.
    • Anonymous bean.
  • set-global

    • identifier: String. This parameter is required.
    • reg: String. This parameter is optional.
    • Anonymous bean.
  • fire-all-rules

    • max: Integer.
  • fire-until-halt
  • start-process

    • identifier: String. This parameter is required.
    • ref: String. This parameter is optional.
    • Anonymous bean.
  • signal-event

    • ref: String. This parameter is optional.
    • event-type: String. This parameter is required.
    • process-instance-id: Integer. This parameter is optional.

Example 11.9. Batch Commands Example

<kie:kmodule id="batch_commands_module">
  <kie:kbase name="drl_kiesample" packages="drl_kiesample">
    <kie:ksession name="ksessionForCommands" type="stateful">
        <kie:insert-object ref="person2"/>
        <kie:set-global identifier="persons" ref="personsList"/>
        <kie:fire-all-rules max="10"/>

Chapter 12. Localization and Customization

12.1. Available Languages

The Red Hat JBoss BRMS web user interface can be viewed in multiple languages:

  • United States English (en_US)
  • Spanish (es_ES)
  • Japanese (ja_JP)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)
  • Traditional Chinese (zh_TW)
  • Portuguese (pt_BR)
  • French (fr_CA)
  • German (de_DE)

If a language is not specified, US English is used by default.

12.2. Changing Language Settings

Changing the User Interface Language in Business Central

By default, Business Central uses the system locale. If you need to change it, then append the required locale code at the end of the Business Central URL. For example, the following URL will set the locale to Portuguese (pt_BR).


12.3. Running the JVM with UTF-8 Encoding

Red Hat JBoss BRMS is designed to work with UTF-8 encoding. If a different encoding system is being used by the JVM, unexpected errors might occur.

To ensure UTF-8 is used by the JVM, use the JVM option -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8.

Chapter 13. Monitoring

13.1. JBoss Operations Network

A JBoss Operations Network plug-in can be used to monitor rules sessions for Red Hat JBoss BRMS.

Due to a limitation of passing the JVM monitoring arguments via the Maven command line, all* parameters must be passed to the Red Hat JBoss BRMS application via the pom.xml configuration file.

See the Installation Guide of Red Hat JBoss Operations Network for installation instructions on the Red Hat JBoss ON server.

13.2. Supported services with JBoss Operations Network

The services supported by JBoss Operations Network are listed in the rhq-plugin.xml file in the relevant JBoss Operations Network plug-in or distribution. For example, in the JBoss BRMS plug-in pack jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA, you can view all supported services and corresponding operations and metrics in drools-rhq-plugin-6.5.0.Final-redhat-2.jar/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml:

Example rhq-plugin.xml file for the JBoss BRMS plug-in with supported services


<service name="Kie Containers"
        description="The Kie Container monitoring service."

             <parent-resource-type name="JMX Server" plugin="JMX"/>

             <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true" default="org.kie:kcontainerId=%kcontainerId%"/>
             <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" readOnly="true" default="KieContainer {kcontainerId}"/>
             <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" readOnly="true" default="A JMX bean for Kie Container {kcontainerId}"/>
             <c:simple-property name="kcontainerId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Container Id"/>

        <metric property="ConfiguredReleaseIdStr"
                description="The RelaseId configured while creating the KieContainer"
                displayName="Configured ReleaseId"
                displayType="summary" />

        <metric property="ResolvedReleaseIdStr"
                description="The actual resolved ReleaseId"
                displayName="Resolved ReleaseId"
                displayType="summary" />

       <service name="Kie Bases"
                description="The Kie Base monitoring service."

             <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true" default="org.kie:kcontainerId={kcontainerId},kbaseId=%kbaseId%"/>
             <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" readOnly="true" default="KieBase {kbaseId}"/>
             <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" readOnly="true" default="A JMX bean for Kie Base {kbaseId}"/>
             <c:simple-property name="kbaseId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Base Id"/>

          <operation name="startInternalMBeans"
                     displayName="Start Internal MBeans"
                     description="Starts all the internal dependent MBeans.">

          <operation name="stopInternalMBeans"
                     displayName="Stop Internal MBeans"
                     description="Stops all the internal dependent MBeans.">

           <service name="Kie Sessions"
                    description="The Kie Session monitoring service."

                 <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true" default="org.kie:kcontainerId={kcId},kbaseId={kbaseId},ksessionType=Stateful,ksessionName=%sessionId%"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" readOnly="true" default="KieSession {sessionId}"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" readOnly="true" default="A JMX bean for Kie Base {kbaseId}, Kie session {sessionId}"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="kbaseId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Base Id"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="sessionId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Session Id"/>

              <operation name="reset" displayName="Reset Metrics" description="Reset all metric counters."/>

              <operation name="getStatsForRule"
                         displayName="Get statistics for rule"
                         description="Get and return the statistics for a specific rule.">
                      <c:simple-property name="ruleName" displayName="Rule Name" required="true"/>
                      <c:simple-property name="stats"/>

              <operation name="getStatsForProcess"
                         displayName="Get statistics for process"
                         description="Get and return the statistics for a specific process.">
                      <c:simple-property name="processId" displayName="Process ID" required="true"/>
                      <c:simple-property name="stats"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Fact Count" property="TotalFactCount"
                      description="The total number of facts in memory"
                      category="utilization" displayType="summary" measurementType="dynamic"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Created" property="TotalMatchesCreated"
                      description="The total number of matches created since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Fired" property="TotalMatchesFired"
                      description="The total number of matches fired since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Cancelled" property="TotalMatchesCancelled"
                      description="The total number of matches cancelled since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Firing Time" property="TotalFiringTime" units="milliseconds"
                      description="The total time spent firing rules since reset"
                      category="performance" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Process Instances Started" property="TotalProcessInstancesStarted"
                      description="The total number of process instances started since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Process Instances Completed" property="TotalProcessInstancesCompleted"
                      description="The total number of process instances completed since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric property="LastReset"
                      description="The timestamp of the last reset operation"
                      displayName="Last Reset"
                      displayType="summary" />

           </service>  <!-- /Kie Sessions -->

           <service name="Stateless Kie Sessions"
                    description="The stateless Kie Session monitoring service."

                 <c:simple-property name="objectName" readOnly="true" default="org.kie:kcontainerId={kcId},kbaseId={kbaseId},ksessionType=Stateless,ksessionName=%sessionId%"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="nameTemplate" readOnly="true" default="KieSession {sessionId}"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="descriptionTemplate" readOnly="true" default="A JMX bean for Kie Base {kbaseId}, Kie session {sessionId}"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="kbaseId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Base Id"/>
                 <c:simple-property name="sessionId" type="string" readOnly="true" description="The Kie Session Id"/>

              <operation name="reset" displayName="Reset Metrics" description="Reset all metric counters."/>

              <operation name="getStatsForRule"
                         displayName="Get statistics for rule"
                         description="Get and return the statistics for a specific rule.">
                      <c:simple-property name="ruleName" displayName="Rule Name" required="true"/>
                      <c:simple-property name="stats"/>

              <operation name="getStatsForProcess"
                         displayName="Get statistics for process"
                         description="Get and return the statistics for a specific process.">
                      <c:simple-property name="processId" displayName="Process ID" required="true"/>
                      <c:simple-property name="stats"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Objects Inserted" property="TotalObjectsInserted"
                      description="The total number of objects inserted on all sessions"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>
              <metric displayName="Total Objects Deleted" property="TotalObjectsDeleted"
                      description="The total number of objects deleted on all sessions"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Created" property="TotalMatchesCreated"
                      description="The total number of matches created since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Fired" property="TotalMatchesFired"
                      description="The total number of matches fired since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Matches Cancelled" property="TotalMatchesCancelled"
                      description="The total number of matches cancelled since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Firing Time" property="TotalFiringTime" units="milliseconds"
                      description="The total time spent firing rules since reset"
                      category="performance" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Process Instances Started" property="TotalProcessInstancesStarted"
                      description="The total number of process instances started since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric displayName="Total Process Instances Completed" property="TotalProcessInstancesCompleted"
                      description="The total number of process instances completed since reset"
                      category="throughput" displayType="summary" measurementType="trendsup"/>

              <metric property="LastReset"
                      description="The timestamp of the last reset operation"
                      displayName="Last Reset"
                      displayType="summary" />

           </service>  <!-- /Stateless Kie Sessions -->

       </service>  <!-- /Kie Bases -->

     </service>  <!-- /Kie Containers -->

This example rhq-plugin.xml file for the JBoss BRMS plug-in contains the following services:

  • Kie Containers
  • Kie Bases
  • Kie Sessions
  • Stateless Kie Sessions

Each service contains operations and metrics that can be monitored as part of the service. For example, the Kie Sessions service supports the operations reset, getStatsForRule, and getStatsForProcess, and supports metrics such as Total Fact Count, Total Matches Created, and Total Matches Fired.

The specific services supported depend on the JBoss Operations Network plug-in or distribution that you use.

13.3. Downloading Red Hat JBoss BRMS for JBoss EAP

  1. Go to the Red Hat Customer Portal and log in.
  2. At the top of the page, click DOWNLOADS.
  3. In the Product Downloads page that opens, click Red Hat JBoss BRMS.
  4. From the Version drop-down menu, select version 6.4.0.
  5. Select Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.4.0 Deployable for EAP 6 and then click Download.

13.4. Installing the JBoss BRMS Plug-in into JBoss ON

Red Hat JBoss BRMS plug-in for JBoss Operations Network can be installed by either copying the plug-in JAR files to the JBoss Operations Network plug-in directory or through the JBoss Operations Network GUI.

To copy the plug-in JAR files to the JBoss Operations Network plug-in directory, follow the following procedure:

Procedure: Copying the JBoss BRMS plug-in JAR files

  1. Extract the JBoss BRMS plug-in pack archive to a temporary location. This creates a subdirectory with the name jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA. For example:

    [root@server rhq-agent]# unzip -d /tmp
  2. Copy the extracted JBoss BRMS plug-in JAR files from the jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA/ directory to the JBoss ON server plug-in directory. For example:

    [root@server rhq-agent]# cp /tmp/jon-plugin-pack-brms-bpms-3.3.0.GA/*.jar /opt/jon/jon-server-3.3.0.GA/plugins
  3. Start the JBoss Operations Network server to update the JBoss BRMS plug-in.

To upload the JBoss BRMS plug-in through the JBoss Operations Network GUI, follow this procedure:

Procedure: Uploading the JBoss BRMS plug-in through GUI

  1. Start the JBoss Operations Network Server and Log in to access the GUI.
  2. In the top navigation of the GUI, open the Administration menu.
  3. In the Configuration area on the left, select the Agent Plugins link.
  4. At the bottom of the list of loaded agent plug-ins, click the Upload a plugin button and choose the BRMS plugin.
  5. The JBoss BRMS plug-in for JBoss Operations Network is now uploaded.

13.5. Monitoring Kie Bases and Kie Sessions

In order for JBoss Operations Network to monitor KieBases and KieSessions, MBeans must be enabled.

MBeans can be enabled either by passing the parameter -kie.mbeans = enabled or via the API:

KieBaseConfiguration kbconf = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieBaseConfiguration();

Kie Services have been implemented for JBoss BRMS 6; for JBoss BRMS 5, Drools Services was the naming convention used and it had different measurements on sessions. For example, activationmatch renaming occurred in the updated version.

Please refer to the Resource Monitoring and Operations Reference guide of the Red Hat JBoss Operations Network for information on importing Kie Sessions into the Inventory View for monitoring purposes.

Appendix A. Configuration Properties

This chapter contains all public system properties and KIE environment entries that you can use to configure your deployment of Red Hat JBoss BRMS.

A.1. System Properties

System properties configure the entire JVM Red Hat JBoss BRMS runs on. You can either provide them at runtime, or set them in the configuration XML file for your deployment.

A.1.1. Runtime Configuration

To set a particular property at runtime, add a flag -D with the property’s name and value when starting the server. You can list multiple such properties at the same time.

Configuring System Properties at Runtime (Standalone deployments)

  1. Navigate to SERVER_HOME/bin.
  2. Run the server with the desired flags:

    ./ -Dorg.uberfire.switch=false

    On Windows, run standalone.bat instead of

A.1.2. XML Configuration

To set a property in Red Hat JBoss BRMS configuration, add an entry under the <system-properties> section in the standalone.xml file:

  <property name="" value="random_value"/>
  <property name="org.uberfire.switch" value="false"/>

When running Red Hat JBoss BRMS in domain mode, add the entries in the <system-properties> element of the appropriate node in the host.xml file.

A.1.3. List of System Properties

This section contains the alphabetically sorted list of all recognized system properties in Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.4.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS System Properties


Root directory for Bitronix Transaction Manager. The discovery of configuration and other files starts in this location.





Sets property reactivity behavior of the Red Hat JBoss BRMS engine. Options are following:

  • DISABLED: Property reactivity turned off.
  • ALLOWED: Property reactivity allowed.
  • ALWAYS: Property reactivity always on.




Specifies which algorithm the Red Hat JBoss BRMS rule engine should use.


phreak or reteoo



Enables sequential mode for stateless sessions.


true or false



Selects static or dynamic agenda with sequential mode.


static or dynamic

static for standard mode, dynamic for sequential mode

A node name unique in a Red Hat JBoss BRMS cluster.





The location of a custom settings.xml file for Maven configuration.





The JNDI name of response queue for JMS.





When set to true, disables the BRM support (for example rules support).


true or false



When set to true, the Drools Realtime Decision Server extension accepts custom classes annotated by XmlRootElement or Remotable annotations only.


true or false



When set to true, this system property disables the Inbox feature and the Inbox mechanism of tracking changes to files is turned off. Doing this enables faster response to file system operations.


true or false



The location where Maven artifacts are stored. When you build and deploy a project, it is stored in this directory. Change the setting, for example, to allow easier backup of your maven repository.





Disables a duplicate GroupId, ArtifactId, and Version (GAV) detection. When you build and deploy a project, Business Central scans the Maven repository for an artifact with the same GAV values. If set to true, Business Central silently overrides any previous project. If set to false, the user is required to confirm overriding the old project.


true or false


When enabled, issuing a Build & Deploy operation in Business Central always deploys to runtime.


true or false


Disables automatic build of the selected project in Project Explorer.


true or false



Enables external cloning of a demo application from GitHub. This System Property takes precedence over org.kie.example.


true or false



When set to true, creates an example organization unit and repository. This system property allows you to create projects and assets without creating your custom organization unit and repository. It is useful, for example, to simplify the getting started experience.


true or false



Sets the path to the directory containing example repositories. If you set this system property, repositories in the specified directory are automatically cloned into Business Central during startup. This property overrides org.kie.example and org.kie.demo.


You must download the example repositories from the Customer Portal and extract them to this directory before setting this system property.





Disables the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor.


true or false



The initial delay before the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor starts a job, in milliseconds.


Number (Integer)



The time between the moment the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor finishes a job and the moment it starts a new one, in a time unit specified in org.kie.executor.timeunit.


Number (Integer)



The number of threads used by the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor.


Number (Integer)



The number of retries the Red Hat JBoss BRMS executor attempts on a failed job.


Number (Integer)



The time unit in which the org.kie.executor.interval is specified.


A java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit constant



When enabled, Red Hat JBoss BRMS uses a Git repository for storing deployments instead of a database.


true or false



The JNDI name of the mail session as registered in the application server, for use by EmailWorkItemHandler.





A comma-separated list of URLs to controller REST endpoints, for example http://localhost:8080/business-central/rest/controller. This property is required when using a controller.


Comma-separated list



The waiting time between repeated attempts to connect Realtime Decision Server to the controller when Realtime Decision Server starts up, in milliseconds.


Number (Long)



The password to connect to the controller REST API. This property is required when using a controller.





This property allows you to use a token-based authentication between the KIE server and the controller instead of the basic user name/password authentication. The KIE server sends the token as a parameter in the request header. Note that long-lived access tokens are required as the tokens are not refreshed.





The user name to connect to the controller REST API. This property is required when using a controller.





The JAAS LoginContext domain used to authenticate users when using JMS.




An arbitrary ID to be assigned to this server. If a remote controller is configured, this is the ID under which the server will connect to the controller to fetch the KIE container configurations. If not provided, the ID is automatically generated.





The URL of the Realtime Decision Server instance used by the controller to call back on this server, for example: http://localhost:8230/kie-server/services/rest/server. This property is required when using a controller.





The password used to connect with the KIE server from the controller, required when running in managed mode. You must set this property in Business Central system properties, and it is required when using a controller.





The location where Realtime Decision Server state files will be stored.





Instructs the KIE server to hold the deployment until the controller provides the containers deployment configuration. This property affects only the KIE servers running in managed mode. The options are as follows:

  • false; the connection to the controller is asynchronous. The application starts, connects to the controller and once successful, deploys the containers. The application accepts requests even before the containers are available.
  • true; the deployment of the KIE server application joins the controller connection thread with the main deployment and awaits its completion.

    This option can lead to a potential deadlock in case more applications are on the same server instance. It is strongly recommended to use only one application (the KIE server) on one server instance.


true or false



This property allows you to use a token-based authentication between the controller and the KIE server instead of the basic user name/password authentication. The controller sends the token as a parameter in the request header. Note that long-lived access tokens are required as the tokens are not refreshed.





The user name used to connect with the KIE server from the controller, required when running in managed mode. This property need to be set in Business Central system properties and is required when using a controller.





Disables Business Central’s decision table verification and validation feature.


true or false



When set to true, disables the BRP support (for example planner support).


true or false



Delays VFS clustering until the application is fully initialized to avoid conflicts when all cluster members create local clones.


true or false


The name of the Helix cluster, for example: kie-cluster. You must set this property to the same value as defined in the Helix Controller.




The unique ID of the Helix cluster node. Note that ':' is replaced with '_', for example node1_12345.





The name of the resource defined on the Helix cluster, for example: kie-vfs.





The location of the Zookeeper servers.


String of the form host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3,…​



The security domain name for Business Central. For more information about security domains, see chapter Use a Security Domain in Your Application of the Red Hat JBoss EAP Security Guide.





The location of the .index directory, which Apache Lucene uses when indexing and searching.



Current working directory


Enables the Git daemon.


true or false


If the Git daemon is enabled, it uses this property as the localhost identifier.





If the Git daemon is enabled, it uses this property as the port number.


Port number



The location of the directory .niogit. Change the value for example for backup purposes.



Current working directory


The location where default Git hook files are stored. These files will be copied to newly created Git repositories.





The location of the directory .security. Local certificates are stored here.



Current working directory


Enables the SSH daemon.


true or false


If the SSH daemon is enabled, it uses this property as the localhost identifier.





The passphrase to access your operating system’s public keystore when cloning Git repositories with scp-style URLs, for example





If the SSH daemon is enabled, it uses this property as the port number.


Port number


The crypto algorithm used by password encryption.




A secret password used by password encryption.





Disables the configuration monitor.


Do not use unless you are certain what you are doing.


true or false


A.2. Environment Properties

As opposed to system properties, environment properties are passed to an individual KieSession, allowing you to control its behaviour independently on the rest of the deployment.

The properties available to you are the constants of the class org.kie.api.runtime.EnvironmentName.

A.2.1. Configuration

To set the environment properties on a KieSession, you can create a new session with an instance of the Environment or RuntimeEnvironment interface:

Setting Environment Property using Environment interface

Environment env = EnvironmentFactory.newEnvironment();
env.set(EnvironmentName.SAMPLE_PROPERTY, true);
kbase.newKieSession(null, env);

Setting Environment Property using RuntimeEnvironment interface

RuntimeEnvironment environment = RuntimeEnvironmentBuilder.Factory.get()

environment.getEnvironment().set(EnvironmentName.SAMPLE_PROPERTY, true);
singletonManager = RuntimeManagerFactory.Factory.get().newSingletonRuntimeManager(environment);

A.2.2. List of Environment Properties

This section contains the alphabetically sorted list of all recognized environment properties in Red Hat JBoss BRMS 6.4.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS Environment Properties

This property is not used.
This property is not used.

Any object declared in DRL or BPMN



Enable use of pluggable variable persistence strategies. Allows storing variables in different data stores.


An instance of org.kie.api.marshalling.ObjectMarshallingStrategy

Dependent on the engine configuration. If no other strategy is available, org.drools.core.marshalling.impl.SerializablePlaceholderResolvingStrategy is used.


The ProcessPersistenceContextManager instance used for process persistence.


An instance of org.jbpm.persistence.ProcessPersistenceContextManager

An instance of org.jbpm.persistence.JpaProcessPersistenceContextManager


Optional property if UserTransaction can not be obtained using JNDI lookup.


An instance of UserTransaction



Get the TransactionManager instance from the environment or context. For example:

info = context.get(EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION_MANAGER)

An instance of TransactionManager

Depends on your configuration


Allows access to and control of the active transaction. Used by Red Hat JBoss BRMS to efficiently manage persistence.


An instance of TransactionSynchronizationRegistry

Taken from the environment—​usually JNDI lookup in JTA environments

Appendix B. Versioning information

Documentation last updated on: Monday, May 13, 2019.

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