Chapter 5. Updating Processes

Each image is built from a snapshot of a specific Maven repository. When a new process is added, or an existing process modified, a new image must be created and deployed for the modifications to take effect.

Updating the Application
The KIE_CONTAINER_DEVELOPMENT_OVERRIDE variable can be used to explicitly override the KIE_CONTAINER_DEPLOYMENT variable set in the original deployment.
When an application has been modified and is ready to be deployed, include the updated version details for the KIE_CONTAINER_DEPLOYMENT_OVERRIDE variable in the .s2i/environment file. This can then be pushed to your repository to be built as an image.
Alternatively, start a binary build from the local repo:

$ oc start-build <RulesTest> --from-repo=</repository/filepath>

This sends the contents of the Git repository directly to OpenShift. If Incremental Builds has been configured, the new build pulls the image previously used, extracts the Maven repository for the new pod, and downloads the missing content.

5.1. Recreate Update Strategy

Use the Recreate Update Strategy for the Intelligent Process Server deployment. This update strategy automatically scales down the old deployment to 0 and deploys the new version. After the new version is validated, the new deployment is automatically scaled up to the replica size of the old deployment.

The Recreate update strategy supports Lifecycle Hooks and is set as the default update strategy in the Intelligent Process Server application templates.


The Intelligent Process Server will be inactive during the Recreate update process, until the new deployment has been validated and scaled. During this period, REST clients may return 503 service unavailable errors and A-MQ clients may experience timeouts.


The Rolling Update Strategy is not supported for Intelligent Process Server for OpenShift. Although multiple concurrent versions of an application are supported in a deployment, a cluster can only support valid routing to pods of the same version.