Chapter 7. Data Management

7.1. Data Backups

When applying a backup mechanism to Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, ensure you back up the following resources:

  • Any customized deployment descriptors (such as, web.xml, jboss-web.xml, jboss.xml).
  • Any customized properties files.


    Consider backing up the entire business-central.war and dashbuilder.war files.

  • The JBOSS-HOME/bin/.niogit folder. This directory contains Git repositories that Business Central manages internally to store project and configuration data.


    The location of the .niogit directory may be different based on your configuration. See the org.uberfire.nio.git.dir system property.

7.2. Setup Indexes

Setup Foreign Key Indexes

Some databases, for instance Oracle and PostgreSQL, do not automatically create an index for each foreign key. This can result in deadlocks occurring. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to create an index on all foreign keys, especially in the Oracle database.

Setup Indexes for Process and Task Dashboard

Process and Task Dashboard in 6.1 has been refactored in order to cope with high volume of task and process instances. In order to get good response times while querying the database the following JBoss BPM Suite tables need to be indexed: processinstancelog and bamtasksummary.

Note that ALL the columns in these two tables need to be indexed and not just the primary and foreign keys.

7.3. Setting up and Editing the Database

For information on how to change the database for Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, see Persistence Setups of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Installation Guide.

7.4. DDL Scripts

DDL scripts for database tables for Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite are available for download on the Customer Portal. These scripts allow you to study the tables and use them to create the tables and indexes manually or in databases that are not directly supported.

To download these scripts:

  1. Login to the Customer Portal.
  2. Click on Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite and select the version of the product for your requirements.
  3. Click on Download in the row Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6.4.0 Supplementary Tools to download the supplementary tools.

Unzip the file on your machine. The DDL scripts are located in the ddl-scripts directory. Database scripts are provided for DB2, H2, MySQL5, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer.

The complete Entity Relationship diagram can be viewed in this Red Hat Solution.