16.4. Using an HTTP Proxy with a Git Cluster

Using fabric's built-in Git cluster, all nodes communicate directly with each other over HTTP. If you need to secure this communication, you can configure an HTTP proxy by configuring the GitProxyService.
  1. Start up JBoss Fuse, and create a fabric. For details, see the section called “Steps to create the fabric”.
  2. At the JBossFuse:karaf@root> command line, type:
    profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.git.proxy/proxyHost=serverName default                          
    profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.git.proxy/proxyPort=portNumber default
    These commands specify the hostname and port to use, and the default profile is updated with the new configuration.
    For example:
    profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.git.proxy/proxyHost= default                          
    profile-edit --pid io.fabric8.git.proxy/proxyPort=3128 default
    All changes made to the fabric configuration will now be redirected to the Git HTTP proxy on host's port 3128.