7.23. fabric:container-stop


Shuts down the specified container


fabric:container-stop [ --help ] [ --user user ] [ --password password ] [ -f, --force ] { GlobList }


Table 7.23, “fabric:container-stop Arguments” describes the command's arguments.

Table 7.23. fabric:container-stop Arguments

--help Displays the online help for this command
--user Specifies the username of the user performing this action.
--password Specifies the password of the user performing this action.
-f, --force Forces execution of the command, regardless of the known state of the container.
GlobList(Required) Specifies the list of containers to stop, separated by spaces. Globbing is supported as follows: ?, matches zero or one characters; *, matches zero or more characters.

Using alternative credentials

Each time a container is created Fabric stores the credentials used to create the container and will reuse them for all life cycle operations (start, stop, delete). If the credentials have changed, the updated credentials need to be specified as options. Each container type (child, ssh, jclouds) uses different kind of credentials, as follows:
  • Child containers: Use the JMX credentials of the parent container.
  • SSH containers: Use the SSH credentials of the target host.
  • JClouds containers: Use the ssh credentials of the instance.
For example:
fabric:container-stop --user NewJmxUserOfParent --password NewJmxPasswordOfParent child1
fabric:container-stop --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost ssh1
fabric:container-stop --password NewSshPasswordOfTargetHost cloud1