Chapter 3. OpenWire over HTTP(S)

URI syntax

An HTTP URI has the syntax shown in Example 3.1, “Syntax for an HTTP Connection”.

Example 3.1. Syntax for an HTTP Connection

An HTTPS URI has the syntax shown in Example 3.2, “Syntax for an HTTPS Connection”.

Example 3.2. Syntax for an HTTPS Connection



To use the HTTP(S) transport requires that the following JARs from the lib/optional folder are included on the classpath:
  • activemq-http-x.x.x.jar
  • xstream-x.x.x.jar
  • commons-logging-x.x.x.jar
  • commons-codec-x.x.x.jar
  • httpcore-x.x.x.jar
  • httpclient-x.x.x.jar