Chapter 6. Monitoring Camel K integrations

Red Hat Integration - Camel K monitoring is based on the Prometheus monitoring system: This chapter explains how to use the available options for monitoring Red Hat Integration - Camel K integrations at runtime. You can use the Prometheus Operator that is already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring to monitor your own applications.

6.1. Enabling user workload monitoring in OpenShift

OpenShift 4.3 or higher includes an embedded Prometheus Operator already deployed as part of OpenShift Monitoring. This section explains how to enable monitoring of your own application services in OpenShift Monitoring. This option avoids the additional overhead of installing and managing a separate Prometheus instance.


Monitoring of Camel K integrations using a separate Prometheus Operator is not included in the Technology Preview.



  1. Enter the following command to check if the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap object exists in the openshift-monitoring project:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring get configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  2. Create the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap if this does not already exist:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring create configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  3. Edit the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap:

    $ oc -n openshift-monitoring edit configmap cluster-monitoring-config
  4. Under data:config.yaml:, set enableUserWorkload to true:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: cluster-monitoring-config
      namespace: openshift-monitoring
      config.yaml: |
        enableUserWorkload: true

6.2. Configuring Camel K integration metrics

You can configure monitoring of Camel K integrations automatically using the Camel K Prometheus trait at runtime. This automates the configuration of dependencies and integration Pods to expose a metrics endpoint, which is then discovered and displayed by Prometheus. The Camel Quarkus MicroProfile Metrics extension automatically collects and exposes the default Camel K metrics in the OpenMetrics format.



  1. Enter the following command to run your Camel K integration with the Prometheus trait enabled:

    $ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true

    Alternatively, you can enable the Prometheus trait globally once, by updating the integration platform as follows:

    $ oc patch ip camel-k --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"traits":{"prometheus":{"configuration":{"enabled":"true"}}}}}'
  2. View monitoring of Camel K integration metrics in Prometheus. For example, for embedded Prometheus, select Monitoring > Metrics in the OpenShift administrator or developer web console.
  3. Enter the Camel K metric that you want to view. For example, in the Administrator console, under Insert Metric at Cursor, enter application_camel_context_uptime_seconds, and click Run Queries.
  4. Click Add Query to view additional metrics.

6.3. Adding custom Camel K integration metrics

You can add custom metrics to your Camel K integrations by using Camel MicroProfile Metrics component and annotations in your Java code. These custom metrics will then be automatically discovered and displayed by Prometheus.

This section shows examples of adding Camel MicroProfile Metrics annotations to Camel K integration and service implementation code.



  1. Register the custom metrics in your Camel integration code using Camel MicroProfile Metrics component annotations. The following example shows a integration:

    // camel-k: language=java trait=prometheus.enabled=true 1
    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
    import org.apache.camel.LoggingLevel;
    import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
    import org.apache.camel.component.microprofile.metrics.MicroProfileMetricsConstants;
    import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
    public class Metrics extends RouteBuilder {
       public void configure() {
                .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "Failed processing ${body}")
                // Register the 'redelivery' meter
                // Register the 'error' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:error"); 2
                .setBody(header(Exchange.TIMER_COUNTER).prepend("event #"))
                .log("Processing ${body}...")
                // Register the 'generated' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:generated") 3
                // Register the 'attempt' meter via @Metered in
                .bean("service") 4
                    .log(LoggingLevel.WARN, "Processed ${body} after ${header.CamelRedeliveryCounter} retries")
                    .setHeader(MicroProfileMetricsConstants.HEADER_METER_MARK, header(Exchange.REDELIVERY_COUNTER))
                    // Register the 'redelivery' meter
                    .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:redelivery") 5
                .log("Successfully processed ${body}")
                // Register the 'success' meter
                .to("microprofile-metrics:meter:success"); 6
    Uses the Camel K modeline to automatically configure the Prometheus trait and Maven dependencies
    error: Metric for the number of errors corresponding to the number of events that have not been processed
    generated: Metric for the number of events to be processed
    attempt: Metric for the number of calls made to the service bean to process incoming events
    redelivery: Metric for the number of retries made to process the event
    success: Metric for the number of events successfully processed
  2. Add Camel MicroProfile Metrics annotations to any implementation files as needed. The following example shows the service bean called by the Camel K integration, which generates random failures:

    package com.redhat.integration;
    import java.util.Random;
    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
    import org.apache.camel.RuntimeExchangeException;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation.Metered;
    import org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation.Metric;
    import javax.inject.Named;
    import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
    public class Service {
       //Register the attempt meter
       @Metered(absolute = true)
       public void attempt(Exchange exchange) { 1
          Random rand = new Random();
             if (rand.nextDouble() < 0.5) {
                 throw new RuntimeExchangeException("Random failure", exchange); 2
    The @Metered MicroProfile Metrics annotation declares the meter and the name is automatically generated based on the metrics method name, in this case, attempt.
    This example fails randomly to help generate errors for metrics.
  3. Follow the steps in Section 6.2, “Configuring Camel K integration metrics” to run the integration and view the custom Camel K metrics in Prometheus.

    In this case, the example already uses the Camel K modeline in to automatically configure Prometheus and the required Maven dependencies for