Appendix C. Understanding the archive_config_inventory.yml file

The archive_config_inventory.yml file is an example Ansible inventory file that you can use to backup and restore the configurations of Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster.

You can find this file at /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/archive_config_inventory.yml on any hyperconverged host.

There are 2 playbooks archive_config.yml and backup.yml. The archive_config.yml is a wrapper playbook, that in turn imports tasks/backup.yml.

C.1. Configuration parameters for backup and restore in archive_config_inventory.yml

The backend FQDN of each host in the cluster that you want to back up.
The directory in which to store backup files.
Upgrade does not support setting of NBDE, set to false.
Set to true.

For example:

    backup_dir: /archive
    nbde_setup: false
    upgrade: true

C.2. Creating the archive_config.yml playbook file

Create the archive_config.yml playbook file only if it is not available at the location /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment

Add the following content to archive_config.yml file:

- import_playbook: tasks/backup.yml
  tags: backupfiles

C.3. Creating the tasks/backup.yml playbook file

Create the tasks/backup.yml playbook file only if it is not available at the location /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment

Add the following content to the backup.yml file:

- hosts: all
  - name: Check if backup dir is already available
      path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
    register: result

  - fail:
      msg: Backup directory "{{backup_dir}}" exists, remove it and retry
    when: result.stat.isdir is defined

  - name: Create temporary backup directory
      path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
      state: directory

  - name: Get the hostname
    shell: uname -n
    register: hostname

  - name: Add hostname details to archive
    shell: echo {{ hostname.stdout }} > {{ backup_dir }}/hostname

  - name: Dump the IP configuration details
    shell: ip addr show > {{ backup_dir }}/ipconfig

  - name: Dump the IPv4 routing information
    shell: ip route > {{ backup_dir }}/ip4route

  - name: Dump the IPv6 routing information
    shell: ip -6 route > {{ backup_dir }}/ip6route

  - name: Get the disk layout information
    shell: lsblk > {{ backup_dir }}/lsblk

  - name: Get the mount information for reference
    shell: df -Th > {{ backup_dir }}/mount

  - name: Check for VDO configuration
      path: /etc/vdoconf.yml
    register: vdoconfstat

  - name: Copy VDO configuration, if available
    shell: cp -a /etc/vdoconf.yml "{{backup_dir}}"
    when: vdoconfstat.stat.isreg is defined

  - name: Backup fstab
    shell: cp -a /etc/fstab "{{backup_dir}}"

  - name: Backup glusterd config directory
    shell: cp -a /var/lib/glusterd "{{backup_dir}}"

  - name: Backup /etc/crypttab, if NBDE is enabled
    shell: cp -a /etc/crypttab "{{ backup_dir }}"
    when: nbde_setup is defined and nbde_setup

  - name: Backup keyfiles used for LUKS decryption
    shell: cp -a /etc/sd*keyfile "{{ backup_dir }}"
    when: nbde_setup is defined and nbde_setup

  - name: Check for the inventory file generated from cockpit
      path: /etc/ansible/hc_wizard_inventory.yml
    register: inventory

  - name: Copy the host inventory file generated from cockpit
    shell: cp /etc/ansible/hc_wizard_inventory.yml {{ backup_dir }}
    when: inventory.stat.isreg is defined

  - name: Create a tar.gz with all the contents
      path: "{{ backup_dir }}/*"
      dest: /root/rhvh-node-{{ hostname.stdout }}-backup.tar.gz