Replacing failed hosts

Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization 1.8

How to replace a failed host and restore data and configuration


This document explains how to replace a failed host and restore data and configuration in a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Overview

In the event of a hardware issue or some other serious problem, you may need to replace a failed host.

Minimize restore time by backing up disk configuration: Chapter 2, Backing up important files. This is not required to restore brick contents, but it does make the process faster.

The process differs depending on the following factors:

  • Is data on the disks intact?
  • Have you backed up or can you safely back up host configuration details?
  • Is the failed host a primary volfile server (the server whose FQDN is used to mount gluster volumes, usually the first host in the cluster)?

Follow the process that best fits your situation:

Chapter 2. Backing up important files

Backing up important configuration files, inventory files, and modified playbooks makes it easy to restore or redeploy your cluster.

Red Hat recommends backing up your configuration after initial deployment, and after confirming the success of any major changes in your cluster. You can also take backups after a node has failed if necessary.


  • Example playbooks and inventory files are stored in the /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment directory. If you have manually created or modified inventory and playbook files and you are not storing them in this directory, ensure that you know the path to their location.


  1. Log in to a hyperconverged host as the root user.
  2. Change into the hc-ansible-deployment directory and back up the default archive_config_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the archive_config_inventory.yml file with details of the cluster you want to back up.

    The backend FQDN of each host in the cluster that you want to back up.
    The directory in which to store backup files.
    If you use Network-Bound Disk Encryption, set this to true. Otherwise, set to false.
    Set to false.

    For example:

        backup_dir: /rhhi-backup
        nbde_setup: true
        upgrade: false
  4. Run the archive_config.yml playbook using your updated inventory file with the backupfiles tag.

    # ansible-playbook -i archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config.yml --tags=backupfiles

    This creates an archive in the /root directory specific to each host FQDN in the hosts section of the inventory, for example, /root/

  5. Transfer the backup archives to a different machine.

    # scp /root/

Part I. Using the same host FQDN

Chapter 3. Reusing bricks and restoring configuration from backups

3.1. Host replacement prerequisites

  • Determine which node to use as the Ansible controller node (the node from which all Ansible playbooks are executed). Red Hat recommends using a healthy node in the same cluster as the failed node as the Ansible controller node.
  • If possible, locate a recent backup or create a new backup of the important files (disk configuration or inventory files). See Backing up important files for details.
  • Stop brick processes and unmount file systems on the failed host, to avoid file system inconsistency issues.

    # pkill glusterfsd
    # umount /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  • Check which operating system is running on your hyperconverged hosts by running the following command:

    $ nodectl info
  • Reinstall the same operating system on the failed hyperconverged host.

3.2. Preparing the cluster for host replacement

  1. Verify host state in the Administrator Portal.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.

      The host is listed as NonResponsive in the Administrator Portal. Virtual machines that previously ran on this host are in the Unknown state.

    2. Click ComputeHosts and click the Action menu (⋮).
    3. Click Confirm host has been rebooted and confirm the operation.
    4. Verify that the virtual machines are now listed with a state of Down.
  2. Update the SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

    1. Log in to the Ansible controller node as the root user.
    2. Remove the existing SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    3. Copy the public key from the Ansible controller node to the freshly installed node.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id
    4. Verify that you can log in to all hosts in the cluster, including the Ansible controller node, using key-based SSH authentication without a password. Test access using all network addresses. The following example assumes that the Ansible controller node is host1.

      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh

      Use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to any host you cannot log into without a password using this method.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id

3.3. Restoring disk configuration from backups


  • This procedure assumes you have already performed the backup process in Chapter 2, Backing up important files and know the location of your backup files and the address of the backup host.


  1. If the new host does not have multipath configuration, blacklist the devices.

    1. Create an inventory file for the new host that defines the devices to blacklist.


              - sda
              - sdb
              - sdc
              - sdd
    2. Run the gluster_deployment.yml playbook on this inventory file using the blacklistdevices tag.

      # ansible-playbook -i blacklist-inventory.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/tasks/gluster_deployment.yml --tags=blacklistdevices
  2. Copy backed up configuration details to the new host.

    # mkdir /rhhi-backup
    # scp /rhhi-backup
    # tar -xvf /rhhi-backup/ -C /rhhi-backup
  3. Create an inventory file for host restoration.

    1. Change into the hc-ansible-deployment directory and back up the default archive_config_inventory.yml file.

      # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
      # cp archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config_inventory.yml.bk
    2. Edit the archive_config_inventory.yml file with details of the cluster you want to back up.

      The backend FQDN of the host that you want to restore (this host).
      The directory in which to store extracted backup files.
      If you use Network-Bound Disk Encryption, set this to true. Otherwise, set to false.
      Set to false.

      For example:


          backup_dir: /rhhi-backup
          nbde_setup: true
          upgrade: false
  4. Execute the archive_config.yml playbook.

    Run the archive_config.yml playbook using your updated inventory file with the restorefiles tag.

    # ansible-playbook -i archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config.yml --tags=restorefiles
  5. (Optional) Configure Network-Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE) on the root disk.

    1. Create an inventory file for the new host that defines devices to encrypt.


              - sda
              - sdb
              - sdc
            rootpassphrase: stronGpa55
            rootdevice: /dev/sda2
            networkinterface: eth1
        ip_version: IPv4
        ip_config_method: dhcp
          - url:

      See Understanding the luks_tang_inventory.yml file for more information about these parameters.

    2. Run the luks_tang_setup.yml playbook using your inventory file and the bindtang tag.

      # ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/tasks/luks_tang_setup.yml --tags=bindtang

3.4. Creating the node_replace_inventory.yml file

Define your cluster hosts by creating a node_replacement_inventory.yml file.


  1. Back up the node_replace_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_replace_inventory.yml node_replace_inventory.yml.bk
  2. Edit the node_replace_inventory.yml file to define your cluster.

    See Appendix C, Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

3.5. Executing the replace_node.yml playbook file

The replace_node.yml playbook reconfigures a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster to use a new node after an existing cluster node has failed.


  1. Execute the playbook.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
    # ansible-playbook -i node_replace_inventory.yml tasks/replace_node.yml --tags=restorepeer

3.6. Finalizing host replacement

After you have replaced a failed host with a new host, follow these steps to ensure that the cluster is connected to the new host and properly activated.


  1. Activate the host.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.
    2. Click ComputeHosts and observe that the replacement host is listed with a state of Maintenance.
    3. Select the host and click ManagementActivate.
    4. Wait for the host to reach the Up state.
  2. Attach the gluster network to the host.

    1. Click ComputeHosts and select the host.
    2. Click Network InterfacesSetup Host Networks.
    3. Drag and drop the newly created network to the correct interface.
    4. Ensure that the Verify connectivity between Host and Engine checkbox is checked.
    5. Ensure that the Save network configuration checkbox is checked.
    6. Click OK to save.
    7. Verify the health of the network.

      Click the Network Interfaces tab and check the state of the host’s network.

      If the network interface enters an "Out of sync" state or does not have an IP Address, click ManagementRefresh Capabilities.

3.7. Verifying healing in progress

After replacing a failed host with a new host, verify that your storage is healing as expected.


  • Verify that healing is in progress.

    Run the following command on any hyperconverged host:

    # for vol in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $vol info summary; done

    The output shows a summary of healing activity on each brick in each volume, for example:

    Brick brick1
    Status: Connected
    Total Number of entries: 3
    Number of entries in heal pending: 2
    Number of entries in split-brain: 1
    Number of entries possibly healing: 0

    Depending on brick size, volumes can take a long time to heal. You can still run and migrate virtual machines using this node while the underlying storage heals.

Chapter 4. Reusing bricks and reconstructing existing brick configuration

4.1. Host replacement prerequisites

  • Determine which node to use as the Ansible controller node (the node from which all Ansible playbooks are executed). Red Hat recommends using a healthy node in the same cluster as the failed node as the Ansible controller node.
  • If the failed host used Network-Bound Disk Encryption, ensure that you know the passphrase used for the existing disks.
  • Take note of the disks that comprise the gluster volumes hosted by the server you are replacing.
  • If possible, locate a recent backup or create a new backup of the important files (disk configuration or inventory files). See Backing up important files for details.
  • Stop brick processes and unmount file systems on the failed host, to avoid file system inconsistency issues.

    # pkill glusterfsd
    # umount /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  • Check which operating system is running on your hyperconverged hosts by running the following command:

    $ nodectl info
  • Reinstall the same operating system on the failed hyperconverged host.

4.2. Preparing the cluster for host replacement

  1. Verify host state in the Administrator Portal.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.

      The host is listed as NonResponsive in the Administrator Portal. Virtual machines that previously ran on this host are in the Unknown state.

    2. Click ComputeHosts and click the Action menu (⋮).
    3. Click Confirm host has been rebooted and confirm the operation.
    4. Verify that the virtual machines are now listed with a state of Down.
  2. Update the SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

    1. Log in to the Ansible controller node as the root user.
    2. Remove the existing SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    3. Copy the public key from the Ansible controller node to the freshly installed node.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id
    4. Verify that you can log in to all hosts in the cluster, including the Ansible controller node, using key-based SSH authentication without a password. Test access using all network addresses. The following example assumes that the Ansible controller node is host1.

      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh

      Use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to any host you cannot log into without a password using this method.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id

4.3. Recreating disk configuration without backups

If you do not have backup configuration files available for your cluster, you can recreate configuration using the following sections to ensure you are still able to use existing bricks and their data.

4.3.1. Reconfiguring encryption during host replacement

If the failed host used encryption, but you do not have backup encryption configuration available, you need to recreate your encryption configuration when you replace a failed host. Follow these steps to create encryption configuration files on the replacement host to match the other hosts in your existing cluster.


  1. Set new keys and key files.

    1. Store the passphrase for the LUKS encrypted disk in a temporary file in the /root directory.

      # echo passphrase /root/key

      If each disk has a separate passphrase, save them separately.

      # echo passphraseA /root/sda_key
      # echo passphraseB /root/sdb_key
      # echo passphraseC /root/sdc_key
      # echo passphraseD /root/sdd_key
    2. Generate new key files.

      1. Generate a random key file for each disk.

        # for disk in sda sdb sdc sdd; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/${disk}_keyfile bs=1024 count=8192
      2. Set appropriate permissions on the new keyfiles.

        # chown 400 /etc/*_keyfile
    3. Set the new key for each disk.

      # cryptsetup luksAddKey /etc/sda_keyfile --key-file /root/sda_key
      # cryptsetup luksAddKey /etc/sdb_keyfile --key-file /root/sdb_key
      # cryptsetup luksAddKey /etc/sdc_keyfile --key-file /root/sdc_key
      # cryptsetup luksAddKey /etc/sdd_keyfile --key-file /root/sdd_key
  2. Verify each device can be opened with its key file.

    1. Determine the LUKS UUID for each device.

      # cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sdX
    2. Open each device using its key file and UUID.

      # cryptsetup luksOpen UUID=sdX-UUID luks_sdX -d /etc/sdX_keyfile

      For example:

      # cryptsetup luksOpen UUID=a28a19c7-6028-44df-b0b8-e5245944710c luks_sda -d /etc/sda_keyfile
  3. Configure automatic decryption at boot time.

    Add a line for each device to the /etc/crypttab file using the following format.

    # echo luks_sdX UUID=sdX-UUID /etc/sdX_keyfile >> /etc/crypttab

    For example:

    # echo luks_sda UUID=a28a19c7-6028-44df-b0b8-e5245944710c /etc/sda_keyfile >> /etc/crypttab
  4. Set up Network-Bound Disk Encryption on the root disk.

    1. Change into the hc-ansible-deployment directory:

      # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    2. Create the inventory file.

      1. Make a copy of the luks_tang_inventory.yml file for future reference.

        cp luks_tang_inventory.yml luks_tang_inventory.yml.backup
      2. Define your configuration in the luks_tang_inventory.yml file.

        Use the example luks_tang_inventory.yml file to define the details of disk encryption on each host. A complete outline of this file is available in Understanding the luks_tang_inventory.yml file.

    3. Encrypt the luks_tang_inventory.yml file and specify a password using ansible-vault.

      The required variables in luks_tang_inventory.yml include password values, so it is important to encrypt the file to protect the password values.

      # ansible-vault encrypt luks_tang_inventory.yml

      Enter and confirm a new vault password when prompted.

    4. Execute the luks_tang_setup.yml playbook with the bindtang tag.

      # ansible-playbook -i luks_tang_inventory.yml tasks/luks_tang_setup.yml --tags=bindtang --ask-vault-pass

      Enter the vault password for this file when prompted to start disk encryption configuration.

4.3.2. Reconfiguring deduplication and compression during host replacement

If the failed host used deduplication and compression (VDO), but you do not have backup configuration information available, you need to recreate the deduplication and compression configuration when you replace a failed host. Follow these steps to create deduplication and compression configuration files on the replacement host to match the other hosts in your existing cluster.


  1. Copy the /etc/vdoconf.yml file from a healthy node to the replacement node.

    # scp /etc/vdoconf.yml
  2. Edit the indicated values in the /etc/vdoconf.yml file to provide the correct values for your replacement node.


    Be careful when editing this file. Editing this file by hand is supported only when reconstructing deduplication and compression configuration without a backup file.

    Change this parameter to match the name of your VDO device.
    Specify the VDO device using its by-id path. For normal volumes, this is something like /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-xxx. For encrypted volumes, this is something like /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-CRYPT-LUKS2-xxxxx.

    For example:

    # cat /etc/vdoconf.yml
    config: !Configuration
        vdo_sdc: !VDOService
          device: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-360030480197f830125618adb17bac04c
          logicalSize: 180T
          physicalSize: 18625G
  3. Restart the VDO service.

    # systemctl restart vdo.service

4.3.3. Restoring disk mount configuration

If you do not have backup disk mount configuration, you need to recreate your configuration when you replace a host. Follow these steps to reconstruct disk mount configuration.


  1. Scan existing physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes.

    # pvscan
    # vgscan
    # lvscan
  2. Determine the UUID of each gluster brick.

    # blkid lv_name
  3. Add a line to the /etc/fstab file for each gluster brick, using the UUID.

    # echo "UUID=64dfd1b1-4333-4ef6-8835-1053c6904d93 /gluster_bricks/engine xfs inode64,noatime,nodiratime,_netdev,x-systemd.device-timeout=0 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

    Volumes that use deduplication and compression need additional mount options, as shown:

    # echo "UUID=64dfd1b1-4333-4ef6-8835-1053c6904d93 /gluster_bricks/vmstore xfs inode64,noatime,nodiratime,_netdev,x-systemd.device-timeout=0,x-systemd.requires=vdo.service 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
  4. Create mount directories based on information from volumes.

    # mkdir -p /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  5. Mount all bricks.

    # mount -a
  6. Set the required SELinux labels on all brick mount points.

    # semanage fcontext -a -t glusterd_brick_t /gluster_bricks/engine
    # semanage fcontext -a -t glusterd_brick_t /gluster_bricks/vmstore
    # semanage fcontext -a -t glusterd_brick_t /gluster_bricks/data
    # restorecon -Rv /gluster_bricks/engine
    # restorecon -Rv /gluster_bricks/vmstore
    # restorecon -Rv /gluster_bricks/data

4.4. Creating the node_prep_inventory.yml file

Define the replacement node in the node_prep_inventory.yml file.


  1. Familiarize yourself with your Gluster configuration.

    The configuration that you define in your inventory file must match the existing Gluster volume configuration. Use gluster volume info to check where your bricks should be mounted for each Gluster volume, for example:

    # gluster volume info engine | grep -i brick
    Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
  2. Back up the node_prep_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_prep_inventory.yml node_prep_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the node_prep_inventory.yml file to define your node preparation.

    See Appendix B, Understanding the node_prep_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

4.5. Creating the node_replace_inventory.yml file

Define your cluster hosts by creating a node_replacement_inventory.yml file.


  1. Back up the node_replace_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_replace_inventory.yml node_replace_inventory.yml.bk
  2. Edit the node_replace_inventory.yml file to define your cluster.

    See Appendix C, Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

4.6. Executing the replace_node.yml playbook file

The replace_node.yml playbook reconfigures a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster to use a new node after an existing cluster node has failed.


  1. Execute the playbook.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
    # ansible-playbook -i node_prep_inventory.yml -i node_replace_inventory.yml tasks/replace_node.yml

4.7. Finalizing host replacement

After you have replaced a failed host with a new host, follow these steps to ensure that the cluster is connected to the new host and properly activated.


  1. Activate the host.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.
    2. Click ComputeHosts and observe that the replacement host is listed with a state of Maintenance.
    3. Select the host and click ManagementActivate.
    4. Wait for the host to reach the Up state.
  2. Attach the gluster network to the host.

    1. Click ComputeHosts and select the host.
    2. Click Network InterfacesSetup Host Networks.
    3. Drag and drop the newly created network to the correct interface.
    4. Ensure that the Verify connectivity between Host and Engine checkbox is checked.
    5. Ensure that the Save network configuration checkbox is checked.
    6. Click OK to save.
    7. Verify the health of the network.

      Click the Network Interfaces tab and check the state of the host’s network.

      If the network interface enters an "Out of sync" state or does not have an IP Address, click ManagementRefresh Capabilities.

4.8. Verifying healing in progress

After replacing a failed host with a new host, verify that your storage is healing as expected.


  • Verify that healing is in progress.

    Run the following command on any hyperconverged host:

    # for vol in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $vol info summary; done

    The output shows a summary of healing activity on each brick in each volume, for example:

    Brick brick1
    Status: Connected
    Total Number of entries: 3
    Number of entries in heal pending: 2
    Number of entries in split-brain: 1
    Number of entries possibly healing: 0

    Depending on brick size, volumes can take a long time to heal. You can still run and migrate virtual machines using this node while the underlying storage heals.

Chapter 5. Creating new bricks and configuration

5.1. Host replacement prerequisites

  • Determine which node to use as the Ansible controller node (the node from which all Ansible playbooks are executed). Red Hat recommends using a healthy node in the same cluster as the failed node as the Ansible controller node.
  • Stop brick processes and unmount file systems on the failed host, to avoid file system inconsistency issues.

    # pkill glusterfsd
    # umount /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  • Check which operating system is running on your hyperconverged hosts by running the following command:

    $ nodectl info
  • Reinstall the same operating system on the failed hyperconverged host.

5.2. Preparing the cluster for host replacement

  1. Verify host state in the Administrator Portal.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.

      The host is listed as NonResponsive in the Administrator Portal. Virtual machines that previously ran on this host are in the Unknown state.

    2. Click ComputeHosts and click the Action menu (⋮).
    3. Click Confirm host has been rebooted and confirm the operation.
    4. Verify that the virtual machines are now listed with a state of Down.
  2. Update the SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

    1. Log in to the Ansible controller node as the root user.
    2. Remove the existing SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    3. Copy the public key from the Ansible controller node to the freshly installed node.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id
    4. Verify that you can log in to all hosts in the cluster, including the Ansible controller node, using key-based SSH authentication without a password. Test access using all network addresses. The following example assumes that the Ansible controller node is host1.

      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh

      Use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to any host you cannot log into without a password using this method.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id

5.3. Creating the node_prep_inventory.yml file

Define the replacement node in the node_prep_inventory.yml file.


  1. Familiarize yourself with your Gluster configuration.

    The configuration that you define in your inventory file must match the existing Gluster volume configuration. Use gluster volume info to check where your bricks should be mounted for each Gluster volume, for example:

    # gluster volume info engine | grep -i brick
    Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
  2. Back up the node_prep_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_prep_inventory.yml node_prep_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the node_prep_inventory.yml file to define your node preparation.

    See Appendix B, Understanding the node_prep_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

5.4. Creating the node_replace_inventory.yml file

Define your cluster hosts by creating a node_replacement_inventory.yml file.


  1. Back up the node_replace_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_replace_inventory.yml node_replace_inventory.yml.bk
  2. Edit the node_replace_inventory.yml file to define your cluster.

    See Appendix C, Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

5.5. Executing the replace_node.yml playbook file

The replace_node.yml playbook reconfigures a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster to use a new node after an existing cluster node has failed.


  1. Execute the playbook.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
    # ansible-playbook -i node_prep_inventory.yml -i node_replace_inventory.yml tasks/replace_node.yml

5.6. Finalizing host replacement

After you have replaced a failed host with a new host, follow these steps to ensure that the cluster is connected to the new host and properly activated.


  1. Activate the host.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.
    2. Click ComputeHosts and observe that the replacement host is listed with a state of Maintenance.
    3. Select the host and click ManagementActivate.
    4. Wait for the host to reach the Up state.
  2. Attach the gluster network to the host.

    1. Click ComputeHosts and select the host.
    2. Click Network InterfacesSetup Host Networks.
    3. Drag and drop the newly created network to the correct interface.
    4. Ensure that the Verify connectivity between Host and Engine checkbox is checked.
    5. Ensure that the Save network configuration checkbox is checked.
    6. Click OK to save.
    7. Verify the health of the network.

      Click the Network Interfaces tab and check the state of the host’s network.

      If the network interface enters an "Out of sync" state or does not have an IP Address, click ManagementRefresh Capabilities.

5.7. Verifying healing in progress

After replacing a failed host with a new host, verify that your storage is healing as expected.


  • Verify that healing is in progress.

    Run the following command on any hyperconverged host:

    # for vol in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $vol info summary; done

    The output shows a summary of healing activity on each brick in each volume, for example:

    Brick brick1
    Status: Connected
    Total Number of entries: 3
    Number of entries in heal pending: 2
    Number of entries in split-brain: 1
    Number of entries possibly healing: 0

    Depending on brick size, volumes can take a long time to heal. You can still run and migrate virtual machines using this node while the underlying storage heals.

Part II. Using a different host FQDN

Chapter 6. Replacing a primary host using new bricks

6.1. Host replacement prerequisites

  • Determine which node to use as the Ansible controller node (the node from which all Ansible playbooks are executed). Red Hat recommends using a healthy node in the same cluster as the failed node as the Ansible controller node.
  • Power off all virtual machines in the cluster.
  • Stop brick processes and unmount file systems on the failed host, to avoid file system inconsistency issues.

    # pkill glusterfsd
    # umount /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  • Check which operating system is running on your hyperconverged hosts by running the following command:

    $ nodectl info
  • Install the same operating system on a replacement host.

6.2. Preparing the cluster for host replacement

  1. Verify host state in the Administrator Portal.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.

      The host is listed as NonResponsive in the Administrator Portal. Virtual machines that previously ran on this host are in the Unknown state.

    2. Click ComputeHosts and click the Action menu (⋮).
    3. Click Confirm host has been rebooted and confirm the operation.
    4. Verify that the virtual machines are now listed with a state of Down.
  2. Update the SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

    1. Log in to the Ansible controller node as the root user.
    2. Remove the existing SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    3. Copy the public key from the Ansible controller node to the freshly installed node.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id
    4. Verify that you can log in to all hosts in the cluster, including the Ansible controller node, using key-based SSH authentication without a password. Test access using all network addresses. The following example assumes that the Ansible controller node is host1.

      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh

      Use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to any host you cannot log into without a password using this method.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id

6.3. Creating the node_prep_inventory.yml file

Define the replacement node in the node_prep_inventory.yml file.


  1. Familiarize yourself with your Gluster configuration.

    The configuration that you define in your inventory file must match the existing Gluster volume configuration. Use gluster volume info to check where your bricks should be mounted for each Gluster volume, for example:

    # gluster volume info engine | grep -i brick
    Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
  2. Back up the node_prep_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_prep_inventory.yml node_prep_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the node_prep_inventory.yml file to define your node preparation.

    See Appendix B, Understanding the node_prep_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

6.4. Creating the node_replace_inventory.yml file

Define your cluster hosts by creating a node_replacement_inventory.yml file.


  1. Back up the node_replace_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_replace_inventory.yml node_replace_inventory.yml.bk
  2. Edit the node_replace_inventory.yml file to define your cluster.

    See Appendix C, Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

6.5. Executing the replace_node.yml playbook file

The replace_node.yml playbook reconfigures a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster to use a new node after an existing cluster node has failed.


  1. Execute the playbook.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
    # ansible-playbook -i node_prep_inventory.yml -i node_replace_inventory.yml tasks/replace_node.yml

6.6. Updating the cluster for a new primary host

When you replace a failed host using a different FQDN, you need to update configuration in the cluster to use the replacement host.


  1. Change into the hc-ansible-deployment directory.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
  2. Make a copy of the reconfigure_storage_inventory.yml file.

    # cp reconfigure_storage_inventory.yml reconfigure_storage_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the reconfigure_storage_inventory.yml file to identify the following:

    Two active hosts in the cluster that have been configured to host the Hosted Engine virtual machine.
    The backend network FQDN of the failed node.
    The backend network FQDN of the replacement node.
    The FQDN of the Hosted Engine virtual machine.

    For example:

  4. Execute the reconfigure_he_storage.yml playbook with your updated inventory file.

    # ansible-playbook -i reconfigure_he_storage_inventory.yml tasks/reconfigure_he_storage.yml

6.7. Removing a failed host from the cluster

When a replacement host is ready, remove the existing failed host from the cluster.


  1. Remove the failed host.

    1. Log in into the Administrator Portal.
    2. Click ComputeHosts.

      The failed host is in the NonResponsive state. Virtual machines running on the failed host are in the Unknown state.

    3. Select the failed host.
    4. Click the main Action menu (⋮) for the Hosts page and select Confirm host has been rebooted.
    5. Click OK to confirm the operation.

      Virtual machines move to the Down state.

    6. Select the failed host and click ManagementMaintenance.
    7. Click the Action menu (⋮) beside the failed host and click Remove.
  2. Update the storage domains.

    For each storage domain:

    1. Click StorageDomains.
    2. Click the storage domain name, then click Data CenterMaintenance and confirm the operation.
    3. Click Manage Domain.

      1. Edit the Path field to match the new FQDN.
      2. Click OK.


        A dialog box with an Operation Cancelled error appears as a result of Bug 1853995, but the path is updated as expected.

    4. Click the Action menu (⋮) beside the storage domain and click Activate.
  3. Add the replacement host to the cluster.
  4. Attach the gluster logical network to the replacement host.
  5. Restart all virtual machines.

    1. For highly available virtual machines, disable and re-enable high-availability.

      1. Click ComputeVirtual Machines and select a virtual machine.
      2. Click EditHigh Availability → uncheck the High Availability check box and click OK.
      3. Click EditHigh Availability → check the High Availability check box and click OK.
    2. Start all the virtual machines.

      1. Click ComputeVirtual Machines and select a virtual machine.
      2. Click the Action menu (⋮)Start.

6.8. Verifying healing in progress

After replacing a failed host with a new host, verify that your storage is healing as expected.


  • Verify that healing is in progress.

    Run the following command on any hyperconverged host:

    # for vol in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $vol info summary; done

    The output shows a summary of healing activity on each brick in each volume, for example:

    Brick brick1
    Status: Connected
    Total Number of entries: 3
    Number of entries in heal pending: 2
    Number of entries in split-brain: 1
    Number of entries possibly healing: 0

    Depending on brick size, volumes can take a long time to heal. You can still run and migrate virtual machines using this node while the underlying storage heals.

Chapter 7. Replacing a non-primary host using new bricks

7.1. Host replacement prerequisites

  • Determine which node to use as the Ansible controller node (the node from which all Ansible playbooks are executed). Red Hat recommends using a healthy node in the same cluster as the failed node as the Ansible controller node.
  • Stop brick processes and unmount file systems on the failed host, to avoid file system inconsistency issues.

    # pkill glusterfsd
    # umount /gluster_bricks/{engine,vmstore,data}
  • Check which operating system is running on your hyperconverged hosts by running the following command:

    $ nodectl info
  • Install the same operating system on a replacement host.

7.2. Preparing the cluster for host replacement

  1. Verify host state in the Administrator Portal.

    1. Log in to the Red Hat Virtualization Administrator Portal.

      The host is listed as NonResponsive in the Administrator Portal. Virtual machines that previously ran on this host are in the Unknown state.

    2. Click ComputeHosts and click the Action menu (⋮).
    3. Click Confirm host has been rebooted and confirm the operation.
    4. Verify that the virtual machines are now listed with a state of Down.
  2. Update the SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

    1. Log in to the Ansible controller node as the root user.
    2. Remove the existing SSH fingerprint for the failed node.

      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
      # sed -i `/` /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    3. Copy the public key from the Ansible controller node to the freshly installed node.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id
    4. Verify that you can log in to all hosts in the cluster, including the Ansible controller node, using key-based SSH authentication without a password. Test access using all network addresses. The following example assumes that the Ansible controller node is host1.

      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh
      # ssh

      Use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to any host you cannot log into without a password using this method.

      # ssh-copy-id
      # ssh-copy-id

7.3. Creating the node_prep_inventory.yml file

Define the replacement node in the node_prep_inventory.yml file.


  1. Familiarize yourself with your Gluster configuration.

    The configuration that you define in your inventory file must match the existing Gluster volume configuration. Use gluster volume info to check where your bricks should be mounted for each Gluster volume, for example:

    # gluster volume info engine | grep -i brick
    Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
  2. Back up the node_prep_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_prep_inventory.yml node_prep_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the node_prep_inventory.yml file to define your node preparation.

    See Appendix B, Understanding the node_prep_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

7.4. Creating the node_replace_inventory.yml file

Define your cluster hosts by creating a node_replacement_inventory.yml file.


  1. Back up the node_replace_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp node_replace_inventory.yml node_replace_inventory.yml.bk
  2. Edit the node_replace_inventory.yml file to define your cluster.

    See Appendix C, Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file for more information about this inventory file and its parameters.

7.5. Executing the replace_node.yml playbook file

The replace_node.yml playbook reconfigures a Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster to use a new node after an existing cluster node has failed.


  1. Execute the playbook.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/
    # ansible-playbook -i node_prep_inventory.yml -i node_replace_inventory.yml tasks/replace_node.yml

7.6. Removing a failed host from the cluster

When a replacement host is ready, remove the existing failed host from the cluster.


  1. Remove the failed host.

    1. Log in to the Administrator Portal.
    2. Click ComputeHosts.

      The replacement host is in the NonResponsive state. Virtual machines running on that host are in the Unknown state.

    3. Select the replacement host.
    4. Click the main Action menu (⋮) for the Hosts page and select Confirm host has been rebooted.
    5. Click OK to confirm.
    6. Click the Action menu (⋮) beside the failed host and click Remove.
  2. Clean stale Hosted Engine metadata.

    1. Determine the identifier of the failed node.

      # hosted-engine --vm-status | grep
      --== Host (id: 1) status ==--
      Hostname                           :
    2. Remove the metadata associated with that host identifier.

      # hosted-engine --clean-metadata --host-id=1 --force

7.7. Verifying healing in progress

After replacing a failed host with a new host, verify that your storage is healing as expected.


  • Verify that healing is in progress.

    Run the following command on any hyperconverged host:

    # for vol in `gluster volume list`; do gluster volume heal $vol info summary; done

    The output shows a summary of healing activity on each brick in each volume, for example:

    Brick brick1
    Status: Connected
    Total Number of entries: 3
    Number of entries in heal pending: 2
    Number of entries in split-brain: 1
    Number of entries possibly healing: 0

    Depending on brick size, volumes can take a long time to heal. You can still run and migrate virtual machines using this node while the underlying storage heals.

Part III. Reference material

Appendix A. Understanding the luks_tang_inventory.yml file

A.1. Configuration parameters for disk encryption

hc_nodes (required)

A list of hyperconverged hosts that uses the back-end FQDN of the host, and the configuration details of those hosts. Configuration that is specific to a host is defined under that host’s back-end FQDN. Configuration that is common to all hosts is defined in the vars: section.

      [configuration specific to this host]
    [configuration common to all hosts]
blacklist_mpath_devices (optional)

By default, Red Hat Virtualization Host enables multipath configuration, which provides unique multipath names and worldwide identifiers for all disks, even when disks do not have underlying multipath configuration. Include this section if you do not have multipath configuration so that the multipath device names are not used for listed devices. Disks that are not listed here are assumed to have multipath configuration available, and require the path format /dev/mapper/<WWID> instead of /dev/sdx when defined in subsequent sections of the inventory file.

On a server with four devices (sda, sdb, sdc and sdd), the following configuration blacklists only two devices. The path format /dev/mapper/<WWID> is expected for devices not in this list.

        - sdb
        - sdc
gluster_infra_luks_devices (required)

A list of devices to encrypt and the encryption passphrase to use for each device.

        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: Str0ngPa55#
The name of the device in the format /dev/sdx.
The password to use for this device when configuring encryption. After disk encryption with Network-Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE) is configured, a new random key is generated, providing greater security.
rootpassphrase (required)

The password that you used when you selected Encrypt my data during operating system installation on this host.

      rootpassphrase: h1-Str0ngPa55#
rootdevice (required)

The root device that was encrypted when you selected Encrypt my data during operating system installation on this host.

      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
networkinterface (required)

The network interface this host uses to reach the NBDE key server.

      networkinterface: ens3s0f0
ip_version (required)

Whether to use IPv4 or IPv6 networking. Valid values are IPv4 and IPv6. There is no default value. Mixed networks are not supported.

    ip_version: IPv4
ip_config_method (required)

Whether to use DHCP or static networking. Valid values are dhcp and static. There is no default value.

    ip_config_method: dhcp

The other valid value for this option is static, which requires the following additional parameters and is defined individually for each host:

      ip_config_method: static
      host_ip_prefix: 24
      ip_config_method: static
      host_ip_prefix: 24
      ip_config_method: static
      host_ip_prefix: 24

The address of your NBDE key server or servers, including http://. If your servers use a port other than the default (80), specify a port by appending :_port_ to the end of the URL.

      - url:
      - url:

A.2. Example luks_tang_inventory.yml

Dynamically allocated IP addresses

        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host1-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host2-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host3-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
    ip_version: IPv4
    ip_config_method: dhcp
      - url:
      - url:

Static IP addresses

        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host1-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
      host_ip_addr: host1-static-ip
      host_ip_prefix: network-prefix
      host_net_gateway: default-network-gateway
        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host2-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
      host_ip_addr: host1-static-ip
      host_ip_prefix: network-prefix
      host_net_gateway: default-network-gateway
        - sda
        - sdb
        - sdc
        - devicename: /dev/sdb
          passphrase: dev-sdb-encrypt-passphrase
        - devicename: /dev/sdc
          passphrase: dev-sdc-encrypt-passphrase
      rootpassphrase: host3-root-passphrase
      rootdevice: /dev/sda2
      networkinterface: eth0
      host_ip_addr: host1-static-ip
      host_ip_prefix: network-prefix
      host_net_gateway: default-network-gateway
    ip_version: IPv4
    ip_config_method: static
      - url:
      - url:

Appendix B. Understanding the node_prep_inventory.yml file

The node_prep_inventory.yml file is an example Ansible inventory file that you can use to prepare a replacement host for your Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster.

You can find this file at /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/node_prep_inventory.yml on any hyperconverged host.

B.1. Configuration parameters for preparing a replacement node

B.1.1. Hosts to configure


A list of hyperconverged hosts that uses the back-end FQDN of the host, and the configuration details of those hosts. Configuration that is specific to a host is defined under that host’s back-end FQDN. Configuration that is common to all hosts is defined in the vars: section.

      [configuration specific to this host]
    [configuration common to all hosts]

B.1.2. Multipath devices

blacklist_mpath_devices (optional)

By default, Red Hat Virtualization Host enables multipath configuration, which provides unique multipath names and worldwide identifiers for all disks, even when disks do not have underlying multipath configuration. Include this section if you do not have multipath configuration so that the multipath device names are not used for listed devices. Disks that are not listed here are assumed to have multipath configuration available, and require the path format /dev/mapper/<WWID> instead of /dev/sdx when defined in subsequent sections of the inventory file.

On a server with four devices (sda, sdb, sdc and sdd), the following configuration blacklists only two devices. The path format /dev/mapper/<WWID> is expected for devices not in this list.

        - sdb
        - sdc

Do not list encrypted devices (luks_* devices) in blacklist_mpath_devices, as they require multipath configuration to work.

B.1.3. Deduplication and compression

gluster_infra_vdo (optional)

Include this section to define a list of devices to use deduplication and compression. These devices require the /dev/mapper/<name> path format when you define them as volume groups in gluster_infra_volume_groups. Each device listed must have the following information:

A short name for the VDO device, for example vdo_sdc.
The device to use, for example, /dev/sdc.
The logical size of the VDO volume. Set this to ten times the size of the physical disk, for example, if you have a 500 GB disk, set logicalsize: '5000G'.
If you use devices with a 4 KB block size, set this to on.
If the logical size of the volume is 1000 GB or larger, set this to 32G. If the logical size is smaller than 1000 GB, set this to 2G.
Set this to 128M.
Set this to auto.

For example:

      - { name: 'vdo_sdc', device: '/dev/sdc', logicalsize: '5000G',
        emulate512: 'off', slabsize: '32G', blockmapcachesize: '128M',
        writepolicy: 'auto' }
      - { name: 'vdo_sdd', device: '/dev/sdd', logicalsize: '500G',
        emulate512: 'off', slabsize: '2G', blockmapcachesize: '128M',
        writepolicy: 'auto' }

B.1.4. Storage infrastructure

gluster_infra_volume_groups (required)

This section creates the volume groups that contain the logical volumes.

        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          pvname: /dev/sdb
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdc
          pvname: /dev/mapper/vdo_sdc
gluster_infra_mount_devices (required)

This section creates the logical volumes that form Gluster bricks.

        - path: /gluster_bricks/engine
          lvname: gluster_lv_engine
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
        - path: /gluster_bricks/data
          lvname: gluster_lv_data
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdc
        - path: /gluster_bricks/vmstore
          lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdd
gluster_infra_thinpools (optional)

This section defines logical thin pools for use by thinly provisioned volumes. Thin pools are not suitable for the engine volume, but can be used for the vmstore and data volume bricks.

The name of the volume group that contains this thin pool.
A name for the thin pool, for example, gluster_thinpool_sdc.
The sum of the sizes of all logical volumes to be created in this volume group.
Set to 16G; this is the recommended size for supported deployments.
        - {vgname: 'gluster_vg_sdc', thinpoolname: 'gluster_thinpool_sdc', thinpoolsize: '500G', poolmetadatasize: '16G'}
        - {vgname: 'gluster_vg_sdd', thinpoolname: 'gluster_thinpool_sdd', thinpoolsize: '500G', poolmetadatasize: '16G'}
gluster_infra_cache_vars (optional)

This section defines cache logical volumes to improve performance for slow devices. A fast cache device is attached to a thin pool, and requires gluster_infra_thinpool to be defined.

The name of a volume group with a slow device that requires a fast external cache.
The paths of the slow and fast devices, separated with a comma, for example, to use a cache device sde with the slow device sdb, specify /dev/sdb,/dev/sde.
A name for this cache logical volume.
The thin pool to which the fast cache volume is attached.
The size of the cache logical volume. Around 0.01% of this size is used for cache metadata.
The cache mode. Valid values are writethrough and writeback.
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          cachedisk: /dev/sdb,/dev/sde
          cachelvname: cachelv_thinpool_sdb
          cachethinpoolname: gluster_thinpool_sdb
          cachelvsize: '250G'
          cachemode: writethrough
gluster_infra_thick_lvs (required)

The thickly provisioned logical volumes that are used to create bricks. Bricks for the engine volume must be thickly provisioned.

The name of the volume group that contains the logical volume.
The name of the logical volume.
The size of the logical volume. The engine logical volume requires 100G.
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          lvname: gluster_lv_engine
          size: 100G
gluster_infra_lv_logicalvols (required)

The thinly provisioned logical volumes that are used to create bricks.

The name of the volume group that contains the logical volume.
The thin pool that contains the logical volume, if this volume is thinly provisioned.
The name of the logical volume.
The size of the logical volume. The engine logical volume requires 100G.
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdc
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_sdc
          lvname: gluster_lv_data
          lvsize: 200G
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdd
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_sdd
          lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore
          lvsize: 200G
gluster_infra_disktype (required)

Specifies the underlying hardware configuration of the disks. Set this to the value that matches your hardware: RAID6, RAID5, or JBOD.

    gluster_infra_disktype: RAID6
gluster_infra_diskcount (required)

Specifies the number of data disks in the RAID set. For a JBOD disk type, set this to 1.

    gluster_infra_diskcount: 10
gluster_infra_stripe_unit_size (required)

The stripe size of the RAID set in megabytes.

    gluster_infra_stripe_unit_size: 256
gluster_features_force_varlogsizecheck (required)

Set this to true if you want to verify that your /var/log partition has sufficient free space during the deployment process. It is important to have sufficient space for logs, but it is not required to verify space requirements at deployment time if you plan to monitor space requirements carefully.

    gluster_features_force_varlogsizecheck: false
gluster_set_selinux_labels (required)

Ensures that volumes can be accessed when SELinux is enabled. Set this to true if SELinux is enabled on this host.

    gluster_set_selinux_labels: true

B.1.5. Firewall and network infrastructure

gluster_infra_fw_ports (required)

A list of ports to open between all nodes, in the format <port>/<protocol>.

       - 2049/tcp
       - 54321/tcp
       - 5900-6923/tcp
       - 16514/tcp
       - 5666/tcp
       - 16514/tcp
gluster_infra_fw_permanent (required)

Ensures the ports listed in gluster_infra_fw_ports are open after nodes are rebooted. Set this to true for production use cases.

  gluster_infra_fw_permanent: true
gluster_infra_fw_state (required)

Enables the firewall. Set this to enabled for production use cases.

    gluster_infra_fw_state: enabled
gluster_infra_fw_zone (required)

Specifies the firewall zone to which these gluster_infra_fw_\* parameters are applied.

    gluster_infra_fw_zone: public
gluster_infra_fw_services (required)

A list of services to allow through the firewall. Ensure glusterfs is defined here.

     - glusterfs

B.2. Example node_prep_inventory.yml

# Section for Host Preparation Phase
     # Host - The node which need to be prepared for replacement

      # Blacklist multipath devices which are used for gluster bricks
      # If you omit blacklist_mpath_devices it means all device will be whitelisted.
      # If the disks are not blacklisted, and then its taken that multipath configuration
      # exists in the server and one should provide /dev/mapper/<WWID> instead of /dev/sdx
        - sdb
        - sdc

      # Enable this section gluster_infra_vdo, if dedupe & compression is
      # required on that storage volume.
      # The variables refers to:
      # name        - VDO volume name to be used
      # device      - Disk name on which VDO volume to created
      # logicalsize - Logical size of the VDO volume.This value is 10 times
      #               the size of the physical disk
      # emulate512  - VDO device is made as 4KB block sized storage volume(4KN)
      # slabsize    - VDO slab size. If VDO logical size >= 1000G then
      #               slabsize is 32G else slabsize is 2G
      # Following VDO values are as per recommendation and treated as constants:
      # blockmapcachesize - 128M
      # writepolicy       - auto
      # gluster_infra_vdo:
      #   - { name: vdo_sdc, device: /dev/sdc, logicalsize: 5000G, emulate512: off, slabsize: 32G,
      #       blockmapcachesize:  128M, writepolicy: auto }
      #   - { name: vdo_sdd, device: /dev/sdd, logicalsize: 3000G, emulate512: off, slabsize: 32G,
      #       blockmapcachesize:  128M, writepolicy: auto }

      # When dedupe and compression is enabled on the device,
      # use pvname for that device as /dev/mapper/<vdo_device_name> # # The variables refers to: # vgname - VG to be created on the disk # pvname - Physical disk (/dev/sdc) or VDO volume (/dev/mapper/vdo_sdc) gluster_infra_volume_groups: - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb pvname: /dev/sdb - vgname: gluster_vg_sdc pvname: /dev/mapper/vdo_sdc - vgname: gluster_vg_sdd pvname: /dev/mapper/vdo_sdd gluster_infra_mount_devices: - path: /gluster_bricks/engine lvname: gluster_lv_engine vgname: gluster_vg_sdb - path: /gluster_bricks/data lvname: gluster_lv_data vgname: gluster_vg_sdc - path: /gluster_bricks/vmstore lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore vgname: gluster_vg_sdd # 'thinpoolsize is the sum of sizes of all LVs to be created on that VG
      # In the case of VDO enabled, thinpoolsize is 10 times the sum of sizes
      # of all LVs to be created on that VG. Recommended values for
      # poolmetadatasize is 16GB and that should be considered exclusive of
      # thinpoolsize
        - {vgname: gluster_vg_sdc, thinpoolname: gluster_thinpool_sdc, thinpoolsize: 500G, poolmetadatasize: 16G}
        - {vgname: gluster_vg_sdd, thinpoolname: gluster_thinpool_sdd, thinpoolsize: 500G, poolmetadatasize: 16G}

      # Enable the following section if LVM cache is to enabled
      # Following are the variables:
      # vgname            - VG with the slow HDD device that needs caching
      # cachedisk         - Comma separated value of slow HDD and fast SSD
      #                     In this example, /dev/sdb is the slow HDD, /dev/sde is fast SSD
      # cachelvname       - LV cache name
      # cachethinpoolname - Thinpool to which the fast SSD to be attached
      # cachelvsize       - Size of cache data LV. This is the SSD_size - (1/1000) of SSD_size
      #                     1/1000th of SSD space will be used by cache LV meta
      # cachemode         - writethrough or writeback
      # gluster_infra_cache_vars:
      #  - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
      #    cachedisk: /dev/sdb,/dev/sde
      #    cachelvname: cachelv_thinpool_sdb
      #    cachethinpoolname: gluster_thinpool_sdb
      #    cachelvsize: 250G
      #    cachemode: writethrough

      # Only the engine brick needs to be thickly provisioned
      # Engine brick requires 100GB of disk space
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          lvname: gluster_lv_engine
          size: 100G

        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdc
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_sdc
          lvname: gluster_lv_data
          lvsize: 200G
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdd
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_sdd
          lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore
          lvsize: 200G

  # Common configurations
    # In case of IPv6 based deployment "gluster_features_enable_ipv6" needs to be enabled,below line needs to be uncommented, like:
    # gluster_features_enable_ipv6: true

    # Firewall setup
       - 2049/tcp
       - 54321/tcp
       - 5900-6923/tcp
       - 16514/tcp
       - 5666/tcp
       - 16514/tcp
    gluster_infra_fw_permanent: true
    gluster_infra_fw_state: enabled
    gluster_infra_fw_zone: public
       - glusterfs
    # Allowed values for gluster_infra_disktype - RAID6, RAID5, JBOD
    gluster_infra_disktype: RAID6

    # gluster_infra_diskcount is the number of data disks in the RAID set.
    #  Note for JBOD its 1
    gluster_infra_diskcount: 10

    gluster_infra_stripe_unit_size: 256
    gluster_features_force_varlogsizecheck: false
    gluster_set_selinux_labels: true

Appendix C. Understanding the node_replace_inventory.yml file

The node_replace_inventory.yml file is an example Ansible inventory file that you can use to prepare a replacement host for your Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization cluster.

You can find this file at /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment/node_replace_inventory.yml on any hyperconverged host.

C.1. Configuration parameters for node replacement

hosts (required)

Defines one active host in the cluster using the back-end FQDN.

    [common host configuration]
gluster_maintenance_old_node (required)

Defines the backend FQDN of the node being replaced.

gluster_maintenance_new_node (required)

Defines the backend FQDN of the replacement node.

gluster_maintenance_cluster_node (required)

An active node in the cluster. Cannot be the same as gluster_maintenance_cluster_node_2.

gluster_maintenance_cluster_node_2 (required)

An active node in the cluster. Cannot be the same as gluster_maintenance_cluster_node.


C.2. Example node_replace_inventory.yml



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