Chapter 5. Configure Public Key based SSH Authentication without a password

Configure public key based SSH authentication without a password for the root user on the first hyperconverged host to all hosts, including itself. Do this for all storage and management interfaces, and for both IP addresses and FQDNs.

5.1. Generating SSH key pairs without a password

Generating a public/private key pair lets you use key-based SSH authentication. Generating a key pair that does not use a password makes it simpler to use Ansible to automate deployment and configuration processes.


  1. Log in to the first hyperconverged host as the root user.
  2. Generate an SSH key that does not use a password.

    1. Start the key generation process.

      # ssh-keygen -t rsa
      Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    2. Enter a location for the key.

      The default location, shown in parentheses, is used if no other input is provided.

      Enter file in which to save the key (/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa): <location>/<keyname>
    3. Specify and confirm an empty passphrase by pressing Enter twice.

      Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
      Enter same passphrase again:

      The private key is saved in <location>/<keyname>. The public key is saved in <location>/<keyname>.pub.

      Your identification has been saved in <location>/<keyname>.
      Your public key has been saved in <location>/<keyname>.pub.
      The key fingerprint is SHA256:8BhZageKrLXM99z5f/AM9aPo/KAUd8ZZFPcPFWqK6+M
      The key's randomart image is:
      +---[ECDSA 256]---+
      |      . .      +=|
      | . . . =      o.o|
      |  + . * .    o...|
      | = . . *  . + +..|
      |. + . . So o * ..|
      |   . o . .+ =  ..|
      |      o oo ..=. .|
      |        ooo...+  |
      |        .E++oo   |

      Your identification in this output is your private key. Never share your private key. Possession of your private key allows someone else to impersonate you on any system that has your public key.

5.2. Copying SSH keys

To access a host using your private key, that host needs a copy of your public key.


  • Generate a public/private key pair.


  1. Log in to the first host as the root user.
  2. Copy your public key to each host that you want to access, including the host on which you execute the command, using both the front-end and the back-end FQDNs.

    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub <user>@<hostname>

    Enter the password for <user>@<hostname> when prompted.


    Make sure that you use the file that ends in .pub. Never share your private key. Possession of your private key allows someone else to impersonate you on any system that has your public key.

    For example, if you are logged in as the root user on, you would run the following commands:

    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub
    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub
    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub
    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub
    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub
    # ssh-copy-id -i <location>/<keyname>.pub