Chapter 1. Introducing the Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Cloud solution

The Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure (RHHI) for Cloud solution is part of the broader software-defined RHHI solutions. The RHHI Cloud solution unifies Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 13 and Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) 3 technologies into a single product to accomplish three goals:

  • Simplify the deployment of RHOSP and RHCS.
  • Provide a more predictable performance experience.
  • Achieve a lower cost of entry for RHOSP and RHCS by colocating their respective services on the same node.

The RHHI Cloud colocating scenarios are:

  • The RHOSP Controller and the RHCS Monitor services on the same node.
  • The RHOSP Nova Compute and the RHCS Object Storage Daemon (OSD) services on the same node.

Choosing a Deployment Workflow

You can choose to deploy the Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Cloud by using either, the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director web interface, or the command-line interface. This is the basic deployment workflow:

RHHI Cloud Deployment Guide Workflow 459706 1017 JCS