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Deployment Guide for Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage in OpenShift Enterprise

Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1

Deploying Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage in OpenShift Enterprise

Edition 1

Bhavana Mohan

Customer Content Services Red Hat

Divya Muntimadugu

Customer Content Services Red Hat


This guide describes the prerequisites and provides step-by-step instructions to deploy containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage in OpenShift Enterprise.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage

With the Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1 update 3 release, you can deploy Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage in multiple scenarios. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to deploy Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage in the following scenarios:

Chapter 2. Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift

Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift addresses the use-case where applications require both shared file storage and the flexibility of a converged infrastructure with compute and storage instances being scheduled and run from the same set of hardware.
This deployment delivers a hyper-converged solution, where the storage containers that host Red Hat Gluster Storage co-reside with the compute containers and serve out storage from the hosts that have local or direct attached storage to the compute containers. This solution integrates Red Hat Gluster Storage deployment and management with OpenShift services. As a result, persistent storage is delivered within an OpenShift pod that provides both compute and file storage.
Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift is built around three key technologies:
  • OpenShift provides the platform as a service (PaaS) infrastructure based on Kubernetes container management. Basic OpenShift architecture is built around multiple master systems where each system contains a set of nodes.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage provides the containerized distributed storage based on Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.1.3 container. Each Red Hat Gluster Storage volume is composed of a collection of bricks, where each brick is the combination of a node and an export directory.
  • Heketi provides the Red Hat Gluster Storage volume life cycle management. It creates the Red Hat Gluster Storage volumes dynamically and supports multiple Red Hat Gluster Storage clusters.
The following list provides the administrators a solution workflow. The administrators can:
  • Create multiple persistent volumes (PV) and register these volumes with OpenShift.
  • Developers then submit a persistent volume claim (PVC).
  • A PV is identified and selected from a pool of available PVs and bound to the PVC.
  • The OpenShift pod then uses the PV for persistent storage.
Architecture - Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift

Figure 2.1. Architecture - Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift

Chapter 3. Support Requirements

This chapter describes and lists the various prerequisites to set up Red Hat Gluster Storage Container converged with OpenShift .

3.1. Supported Operating Systems

The following table lists the supported versions of OpenShift Enterprise with Red Hat Gluster Storage Server.

Table 3.1. Supported Operating Systems

Red Hat Gluster StorageOpenShift Enterprise

3.2. Environment Requirements

The requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Red Hat Gluster Storage is described in this section. A Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift environment consists of Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

3.2.1. Installing Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 based OpenShift Enterprise 3.2 Cluster

This section describes the procedures to install Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 based OpenShift Enterprise 3.2 cluster. Setting up the Openshift Master as the Client

When deploying this solution on Atomic OpenShift it is necessary to deploy a client outside the cluster to install the heketi RPMs. It is optional, though an accepted best practice, to use the OpenShift Master as a client to execute the 'oc' commands across the cluster when installing OpenShift. Generally, this is setup as a non-scheduled node in the cluster. This is the default configuration when using the OpenShift installer. A user can also choose to install their client on their local machine to access the cluster remotely. For more information, see
Subscribe to the Red Hat Gluster Storage repo

This enables you to install the heketi client packages which are required to setup the client for Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift.

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
# yum install heketi-client heketi-templates Setting up the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Client for Installing Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift

To set up the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 client for installing Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift, perform the following steps:
Subscribe to the Red Hat Gluster Storage repo

This enables you to install the heketi client packages which are required to setup the client for Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift.

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
# yum install heketi-client heketi-templates
Subscribe to the OpenShift Enterprise 3.2 repo

This enables you to install the Openshift client packages

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-ose-3.2-rpms
# yum install atomic-openshift-clients
# yum install atomic-openshift

3.2.2. Installing Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host OpenShift Enterprise 3.2 Cluster

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic host does not support the installation of additional RPMs. Hence, an external client is required on Red Hat Enterprise Linux to install the required packages. To set up the client for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host based installations, refer Section, “Setting up the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Client for Installing Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift”

3.2.3. Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Requirements

The following list provides the Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise requirements:
  • The OpenShift cluster must be up and running.
  • On each of the OpenShift nodes that will host the Red Hat Gluster Storage container, add the following rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables in order to open the required ports:
    -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 24007 -j ACCEPT
    -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 24008 -j ACCEPT
    -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 2222 -j ACCEPT
    -A OS_FIREWALL_ALLOW -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 49152:49664 -j ACCEPT
    • Execute the following command to reload the iptables:
      # systemctl reload iptables
  • A cluster-admin user must be created. For more information, see Appendix A, Cluster Administrator Setup
  • At least three OpenShift nodes must be created as the storage nodes with at least one raw device each.
  • All OpenShift nodes on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems must have glusterfs-client RPM installed.
  • Ensure the nodes have the valid ports opened for communicating with Red Hat Gluster Storage. See the iptables configuration task in Step 1 of Section 4.1, “Preparing the Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Cluster” for more information.

3.2.4. Red Hat Gluster Storage Requirements

The following list provides the details regarding the Red Hat Gluster Storage requirements:
  • Installation of Heketi packages must have valid subscriptions to Red Hat Gluster Storage Server repositories.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage installations must adhere to the requirements outlined in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Installation Guide.
  • The versions of Red Hat Enterprise OpenShift and Red Hat Gluster Storage integrated must be compatible, according to the information in Supported Operating Systems section.
  • A fully-qualified domain name must be set for Red Hat Gluster Storage server node. Ensure that the correct DNS records exist, and that the fully-qualified domain name is resolvable via both forward and reverse DNS lookup.

3.2.5. Planning Guidelines

The following are the guidelines for setting up Red Hat Gluster Storage Container converged with OpenShift.
  • Ensure that the Trusted Storage Pool is not scaled beyond 100 volumes.
  • A trusted storage pool consists of a minimum of 3 nodes/peers.
  • Distributed-Three-way replication is the only supported volume type.
  • Each physical node that needs to host a Red Hat Gluster Storage peer:
    • will need a minimum of 32GB RAM.
    • is expected to have the same disk type.
    • by default the heketidb utilises 32 GB distributed replica volume.
  • Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift supports upto 14 snapshots per volume.

Chapter 4. Setting up the Environment

This chapter outlines the details for setting up the environment for Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged in OpenShift.

4.1. Preparing the Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise Cluster

Execute the following steps to prepare the Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise cluster:
  1. On the client, execute the following command to login as the cluster admin user:
    # oc login
    For example:
    # oc login
    Authentication required for (openshift)
    Username: <cluster-admin-user>
    Password: <password>
    Login successful.
    You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':
      * default (current)
      * management-infra
      * openshift
      * openshift-infra
    Using project "default".
  2. Execute the following command to create a project, which will contain all the containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage services:
    # oc new-project <project name>
    For example:
    # oc new-project storage-project
    Now using project "storage-project" on server ""
  3. Execute the following steps to set up the router:


    If a router already exists, proceed to Step 5.
    1. Execute the following command on the client that is used to deploy Red Hat Gluster Storage Container Converged with OpenShift:
      # oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z router
      # oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default
    2. Execute the following command to deploy the router:
      # oadm router storage-project-router --replicas=1
    3. Edit the subdomain name in the config.yaml file located at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml .
      For example:
      subdomain:  "”
    4. Restart the master OpenShift services by executing the following command:
      # systemctl restart atomic-openshift-master


      If the router setup fails, use the port forward method as described in Appendix B, Client Configuration using Port Forwarding
  4. After the router is running, the clients have to be setup to access the services in the OpenShift cluster. Execute the following steps to set up the DNS.
    1. On the client, edit the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file and add the following line to the file:
      where, Router_IP_Address is the IP address of one of the nodes running the router.


      Ensure you do not edit the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file until the router has started.
    2. Restart the dnsmasq service by executing the following command:
      # systemctl restart dnsmasq
    3. Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add the following line:
  5. After the project is created, execute the following command on the master node to deploy the privileged containers:
    # oadm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default


    Red Hat Gluster Storage container can only run in privileged mode.

4.2. Installing the Templates

Execute the following steps to register the Red Hat Gluster Storage and Heketi templates with OpenShift:
  1. Ensure you are in the newly created containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage project:
    # oc project
    Using project "storage-project" on server "".
  2. Execute the following command to install the templates:
    # oc create -f /usr/share/heketi/templates
    Example output:
    template "deploy-heketi" created
    template "glusterfs" created
    template "heketi" created
  3. Execute the following command to verify that the templates are installed:
    # oc get templates
    For example:
    # oc get templates
    NAME            DESCRIPTION                               PARAMETERS    OBJECTS
    deploy-heketi   Bootstrap Heketi installation             8 (7 blank)   3
    glusterfs       GlusterFS container deployment template   1 (1 blank)   1
    heketi          Heketi service deployment template        8 (7 blank)   3

4.3. Deploying the Containers

Execute the following commands to deploy the Red Hat Gluster Storage container on the nodes:
  1. List out the hostnames of the nodes on which the Red Hat Gluster Storage container has to be deployed:
    # oc get nodes
    For example:
    # oc get nodes
    NAME                    STATUS                     AGE       Ready                      12d       Ready                      12d       Ready                      12d      Ready,SchedulingDisabled   12d
  2. Deploy a Red Hat Gluster Storage container on a node by executing the following command:
    # oc process glusterfs -v GLUSTERFS_NODE=<node_hostname> | oc create -f -
    For example:
    # oc process glusterfs -v | oc create -f -
    deploymentconfig "" created
    Repeat the step of deploying the Red Hat Gluster Storage container on each node.


    This command deploys a single Red Hat Gluster Storage container on the node. This does not initialize the hardware or create trusted storage pools. That aspect will be taken care by Heketi which is explained in the further steps.
  3. Execute the following command to deploy heketi:
    # oc process deploy-heketi -v \
        HEKETI_KUBE_NAMESPACE=<Project name> \
        HEKETI_KUBE_APIHOST='<OpenShift master endpoint address>' \
        HEKETI_KUBE_USER=<user name> \
        HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=<password> | oc create -f -
    For example:
    # oc process deploy-heketi -v \
        HEKETI_KUBE_NAMESPACE=storage-project \
        HEKETI_KUBE_USER=test-admin \
        HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=admin | oc create -f -
    service "deploy-heketi" created
    route "deploy-heketi" created
    deploymentconfig "deploy-heketi" created
  4. Execute the following command to verify that the containers are running:
    # oc get pods
    For example:
    # oc get pods
    NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    storage-project-router-1-lyxog           1/1       Running   0          1d     1/1       Running   0          1m     1/1       Running   0          1m     1/1       Running   0          1m
    deploy-heketi                            1/1       Running   0          1m

4.4. Setting up the Heketi Server

After deploying the containers and installing the templates, the system is now ready to load the Heketi topology file. Heketi provides a RESTful management interface which can be used to manage the lifecycle of Red Hat Gluster Storage volumes.
A sample, formatted topology file (topology-sample.json) is installed with the ‘heketi-templates’ package in the /usr/share/heketi/ folder.
    "clusters": [
                  "nodes": [
                        "node": {
                            "hostnames": {
                                "manage": [
                                "storage": [
                             "zone": 1
                         "devices": [


Edit the topology file based on the Red Hat Gluster Storage pod hostname under the node.hostnames.manage section and section with the IP address. For simplicity, the file only sets up 3 nodes with 4 drives each.
Execute the following steps to set up the Heketi server:
  1. Execute the following command to check if the bootstrap container is running:
    # curl http://deploy-heketi-<project_name>.<sub-domain_name>/hello
    For example:
    # curl
    Hello from Heketi
  2. Execute the following command to load the topology file:
    # export  HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://deploy-heketi-<project_name>.<sub_domain_name>
    For example:
    # export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=
    # heketi-cli topology load --json=topology.json
    For example:
    # heketi-cli topology load --json=topology.json
     Creating node ... ID: 95cefa174c7210bd53072073c9c041a3
            Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdc ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdd ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sde ... OK
        Creating node ... ID: f9920995e580f0fe56fa269d3f3f8428
            Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdc ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdd ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sde ... OK
        Creating node ... ID: 73fe4aa89ba35c51de4a51ecbf52544d
            Adding device /dev/sdb ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdc ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sdd ... OK
            Adding device /dev/sde ... OK
  3. Execute the following command to verify that the topology is loaded:
    # heketi-cli topology info
  4. Execute the following command to create the Heketi storage volume which will store the database on a reliable Red Hat Gluster Storage volume:
    # heketi-cli setup-openshift-heketi-storage
    For example:
    # heketi-cli setup-openshift-heketi-storage
    Saving heketi-storage.json


    If the Trusted Storage Pool where the heketidbstorage volume is created is down, then the Heketi service will not work. Hence, you must ensure that the Trusted Storage Pool is up before running heketi-cli.
  5. Execute the following command to create a job which will copy the database from deploy-heketi bootstrap container to the volume.
    # oc create -f heketi-storage.json
    For example:
    # oc create -f heketi-storage.json
    secret "heketi-storage-secret" created
    endpoints "heketi-storage-endpoints" created
    service "heketi-storage-endpoints" created
    job "heketi-storage-copy-job" created
  6. Execute the following command to verify that the job has finished successfully:
    # oc get jobs
    For example:
    # oc get jobs
    NAME                      DESIRED   SUCCESSFUL   AGE
    heketi-storage-copy-job   1            1               2m
  7. Execute the following command to deploy the Heketi service which will be used to create persistent volumes for OpenShift:
    # oc process heketi -v \
        HEKETI_KUBE_NAMESPACE=<Project name> \
        HEKETI_KUBE_APIHOST='<OpenShift master endpoint address>' \
        HEKETI_KUBE_USER=<user name> \
        HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=<password> | oc create -f -
    For example:
    oc process heketi -v \
        HEKETI_KUBE_NAMESPACE=storage-project \
        HEKETI_KUBE_USER=test-admin \
        HEKETI_KUBE_PASSWORD=admin | oc create -f -
    service "heketi" created
    route "heketi" created
    deploymentconfig "heketi" created
  8. Execute the following command to let the client communicate with the container:
    # export  HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://heketi-<project_name>.<sub_domain_name>
    For example:
    # export  HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=
    # heketi-cli topology info
  9. Execute the following command to remove all the bootstrap containers which was used earlier to deploy Heketi
    # oc delete all,job,template,secret --selector="deploy-heketi"
    For example:
    # oc delete all,job,template,secret --selector="deploy-heketi"
    deploymentconfig "deploy-heketi" deleted
    route "deploy-heketi" deleted
    service "deploy-heketi" deleted
    pod "deploy-heketi-1-4k1fh" deleted
    job "heketi-storage-copy-job" deleted
    template "deploy-heketi" deleted

Chapter 5. Creating Persistent Volumes

OpenShift Enterprise clusters can be provisioned with persistent storage using GlusterFS.
Persistent volumes (PVs) and persistent volume claims (PVCs) can share volumes across a single project. While the GlusterFS-specific information contained in a PV definition could also be defined directly in a pod definition, doing so does not create the volume as a distinct cluster resource, making the volume more susceptible to conflicts.
To enable persistent volume support in OpenShift and Kubernetes, few endpoints and a service must be created:

The sample glusterfs-endpoints.json file (sample-gluster-endpoint.json) and the sample glusterfs-service.json file (sample-gluster-service.json) are available at /usr/share/heketi/openshift/.
  1. To specify the endpoints you want to create, update the sample-gluster-endpoint.json file with the endpoints to be created based on the environment. Each Red Hat Gluster Storage trusted storage pool requires its own endpoint with the IP of the nodes in the trusted storage pool.
      "kind": "Endpoints",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-cluster"
      "subsets": [
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
    name: is the name of the endpoint
    ip: is the ip address of the Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes.
  2. Execute the following command to create the endpoints:
    # oc create -f <name_of_endpoint_file>
    For example:
    # oc create -f sample-gluster-endpoint.json
    endpoints "glusterfs-cluster" created
  3. To verify that the endpoints are created, execute the following command:
    # oc get endpoints
    For example:
    # oc get endpoints
    NAME                       ENDPOINTS                                                     AGE
    storage-project-router      ,,   2d
    glusterfs-cluster,,         3s
    heketi                                                            2m
    heketi-storage-endpoints,,         3m
  4. Execute the following command to create a gluster service:
    # oc create -f <name_of_service_file>
    For example:
    # oc create -f sample-gluster-service.json
    service "glusterfs-cluster" created
    # cat sample-gluster-service.json
      "kind": "Service",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-cluster"
      "spec": {
        "ports": [
          {"port": 1}
  5. To verify that the service is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get service
    For example:
    # oc get service
    NAME                       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                   AGE
    storage-project-router   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP   2d
    glusterfs-cluster    <none>        1/TCP                     5s
    heketi               <none>        8080/TCP                  2m
    heketi-storage-endpoints    <none>        1/TCP                     3m


    The endpoints and the services must be created for each project that requires a persistent storage.
  6. Create a 100G persistent volume with Replica 3 from GlusterFS and output a persistent volume spec describing this volume to the file pv001.json:
    $ heketi-cli volume create --size=100 --persistent-volume-file=pv001.json
    $ cat pv001.json
    "kind": "PersistentVolume",
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-4fc22ff9",
        "creationTimestamp": null
    "spec": {
        "capacity": {
        "storage": "100Gi"
        "glusterfs": {
        "endpoints": "TYPE ENDPOINT HERE",
        "path": "vol_4fc22ff934e531dec3830cfbcad1eeae"
        "accessModes": [
        "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": "Retain"
    "status": {}
    name: The name of the volume.
    storage: The amount of storage allocated to this volume
    glusterfs: The volume type being used, in this case the glusterfs plug-in
    endpoints: The endpoints name that defines the trusted storage pool created
    path: The Red Hat Gluster Storage volume that will be accessed from the Trusted Storage Pool.
    accessModes: accessModes are used as labels to match a PV and a PVC. They currently do not define any form of access control.


    • heketi-cli also accepts the endpoint name on the command line (--persistent-volume-endpoint=”TYPE ENDPOINT HERE”). This can then be piped to oc create -f - to create the persistent volume immediately.
    • Creation of more than 100 volumes per 3 nodes per cluster is not supported.
    • If there are multiple Red Hat Gluster Storage trusted storage pools in your environment, you can check on which trusted storage pool the volume is created using the heketi-cli volume list command. This command lists the cluster name. You can then update the endpoint information in the pv001.json file accordingly.
    • When creating a Heketi volume with only two nodes with the replica count set to the default value of three (replica 3), an error "No space" is displayed by Heketi as there is no space to create a replica set of three disks on three different nodes.
    • If all the heketi-cli write operations (ex: volume create, cluster create..etc) fails and the read operations ( ex: topology info, volume info ..etc) are successful, then the possibility is that the gluster volume is operating in read-only mode.
  7. Edit the pv001.json file and enter the name of the endpoint in the endpoints section.
    # oc create -f pv001.json
    For example:
    # oc create -f pv001.json
    persistentvolume "glusterfs-4fc22ff9" created
  8. To verify that the persistent volume is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get pv
    For example:
    # oc get pv
    glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           Available                       4s
  9. Bind the persistent volume to the persistent volume claim by executing the following command:
    # oc create -f pvc.json
    For example:
    # oc create -f pvc.json
    persistentvolumeclaim "glusterfs-claim" created
    # cat pvc.json 
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-claim"
      "spec": {
        "accessModes": [
        "resources": {
          "requests": {
            "storage": "8Gi"
  10. To verify that the persistent volume and the persistent volume claim is bound, execute the following commands:
    # oc get pv
    # oc get pvc
    For example:
    # oc get pv
    NAME                 CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   STATUS    CLAIM                  REASON    AGE
    glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           Bound     storage-project/glusterfs-claim             1m
    # oc get pvc
    NAME              STATUS    VOLUME               CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   AGE
    glusterfs-claim   Bound     glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           11s
  11. The claim can now be used in the application:
    For example:
    # cat app.yml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: busybox
        - image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
          name: busybox
            - mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
              name: mypvc
        - name: mypvc
            claimName: glusterfs-claim
    # oc create -f app.yml
    pod "busybox" created
  12. To verify that the pod is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get pods
  13. To verify that the persistent volume is mounted inside the container, execute the following command:
    # oc rsh busybox
    / $ df -h
    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                          100.0G     34.1M     99.9G   0% /
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
                           99.9G     66.1M     99.9G   0% /usr/share/busybox
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /run/secrets
                           37.7G      3.8G     32.0G  11% /dev/termination-log
    tmpfs                     1.5G     12.0K      1.5G   0% /var/run/secrets/


If you encounter a permission denied error on the mount point, then refer to section Gluster Volume Security at:

Chapter 6. Operations on a Red Hat Gluster Storage Pod in an OpenShift Environment

This chapter lists out the various operations that can be performed on a Red Hat Gluster Storage pod (gluster pod):
  1. To list the pods, execute the following command :
    # oc get pods
    For example:
    # oc get pods
    NAME                                                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    storage-project-router-1-v89qc                           1/1       Running   0          1d                           1/1       Running   0          1d                           1/1       Running   1          1d                           1/1       Running   0          1d
    heketi-1-k1u14                                           1/1       Running   0          23m
    rhel1                                                    1/1       Running   0          26s
    Following are the gluster pods from the above example:                                            


    The topology.json file will provide the details of the nodes in a given Trusted Storage Pool (TSP) . In the above example all the 3 Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes are from the same TSP.
  2. To enter the gluster pod shell, execute the following command:
    # oc rsh <gluster_pod_name>
    For example:
    # oc rsh
  3. To get the peer status, execute the following command:
    # gluster peer status
    For example:
    # gluster peer status
    Number of Peers: 2
    Uuid: 9f3f84d2-ef8e-4d6e-aa2c-5e0370a99620
    State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
    Other names:
    Uuid: 38621acd-eb76-4bd8-8162-9c2374affbbd
    State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
  4. To list the gluster volumes on the Trusted Storage Pool, execute the following command:
    # gluster volume info
    For example:
    Volume Name: heketidbstorage
    Type: Distributed-Replicate
    Volume ID: 2fa53b28-121d-4842-9d2f-dce1b0458fda
    Status: Started
    Number of Bricks: 2 x 3 = 6
    Transport-type: tcp
    Options Reconfigured:
    performance.readdir-ahead: on
    Volume Name: vol_9e86c0493f6b1be648c9deee1dc226a6
    Type: Distributed-Replicate
    Volume ID: 940177c3-d866-4e5e-9aa0-fc9be94fc0f4
    Status: Started
    Number of Bricks: 2 x 3 = 6
    Transport-type: tcp
    Options Reconfigured:
    performance.readdir-ahead: on
  5. To get the volume status, execute the following command:
    # gluster volume status <volname>
    For example:
    # gluster volume status vol_9e86c0493f6b1be648c9deee1dc226a6
    Status of volume: vol_9e86c0493f6b1be648c9deee1dc226a6
    Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
    b4a5206bdd8ac70170d00f304f99a5/brick        49154     0          Y       3462
    e2422d518915241f74fd90b426a379/brick        49154     0          Y       115939
    768ba8e80863724c9ec42446ea4812/brick        49154     0          Y       116134
    13958525c6343c4a7951acec199da0/brick        49155     0          Y       115958
    42af87ad87ab4f01e8ca153abbbee9/brick        49155     0          Y       3481
    41e04ca648efaf04178e64d25dbdcb/brick        49155     0          Y       116153
    NFS Server on localhost                     2049      0          Y       116173
    Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       116181
    NFS Server on                                        2049      0          Y       3501
    Self-heal Daemon on                                  N/A       N/A        Y       3509
    NFS Server on                  2049      0          Y       115978
    Self-heal Daemon on            N/A       N/A        Y       115986
    Task Status of Volume vol_9e86c0493f6b1be648c9deee1dc226a6
    There are no active volume tasks
  6. To take the snapshot of the gluster volume, execute the following command:
    # gluster snapshot create <snapname> <volname>
    For example:
    # gluster snapshot create snap1 vol_9e86c0493f6b1be648c9deee1dc226a6
    snapshot create: success: Snap snap1_GMT-2016.07.29-13.05.46 created successfully
  7. To list the snapshots, execute the following command:
    # gluster snapshot list
    For example:
    # gluster snapshot list
  8. To delete a snapshot, execute the following command:
    # gluster snap delete <snapname>
    For example:
    # gluster snap delete snap1_GMT-2016.07.29-13.05.46
    Deleting snap will erase all the information about the snap. Do you still want to continue? (y/n) y
    snapshot delete: snap1_GMT-2016.07.29-13.05.46: snap removed successfully

Chapter 7. Uninstalling Containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage

This chapter outlines the details for uninstalling containerized Red Hat Gluster Storage.
Perform the following steps for uninstalling:
  1. Cleanup Red Hat Gluster Storage using Heketi

    1. Remove any containers using the persistent volume claim from Red Hat Gluster Storage.
    2. Remove the appropriate persistent volume claim and persistent volume:
      # oc delete pvc <pvc_name>
      # oc delete pv <pv_name>
  2. Remove all OpenShift objects

    1. Delete all project specific pods, services, routes, and deployment configurations:
      # oc delete deploymentconfig glusterfs-dc-<IP-ADDR/Hostname>
      # oc delete deploymentconfig heketi
      # oc delete service heketi heketi-storage-endpoints
      # oc delete route heketi
      # oc delete endpoints heketi-storage-endpoints
      Wait until all the pods have been terminated.
    2. Check and delete the gluster service and endpoints from the projects that required a persistent storage:
      # oc get endpoints,service
      # oc delete endpoints <glusterfs-endpoint-name>
      # oc delete service <glusterfs-service-name>
  3. Cleanup the persistent directories

    1. To cleanup the persistent directories execute the following command on each node as a root user:
      # rm -rf /var/lib/heketi \
         /etc/glusterfs \
         /var/lib/glusterd \
  4. Force cleanup the disks

    1. Execute the following command to cleanup the disks:
      # wipefs -a -f /dev/<disk-id>

Appendix A. Cluster Administrator Setup


Set up the authentication using AllowAll Authentication method.

AllowAll Authentication
Set up an authentication model which allows all passwords. Edit /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml on the OpenShift master and change the value of DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider to AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider. Then restart the OpenShift master.
  1. Now that the authentication model has been setup, login as a user, for example admin/admin:
    # oc login openshift master e.g.  --username=admin --password=admin
  2. Grant the admin user account the cluster-admin role.
      # oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin

Appendix B. Client Configuration using Port Forwarding

If a router is not available, you may be able to set up port forwarding so that heketi-cli can communicate with the Heketi service. Execute the following commands for port forwarding:
  1. Obtain the Heketi service pod name by running the following command:
    # oc get pods
  2. To forward the port on your local system to the pod, execute the following command on another terminal of your local system:
    # oc port-forward <heketi pod name> 8080:8080
  3. On the original terminal execute the following command to test the communication with the server:
    # curl http://localhost:8080/hello
    This will forward the local port 8080 to the pod port 8080.
  4. Setup the Heketi server environment variable by running the following command:
    # export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://localhost:8080
  5. Get information from Heketi by running the following command:
    # heketi-cli topology info

Appendix C. Heketi CLI Commands

This section provides a list of some of the useful heketi-cli commands:
  • heketi-cli topology info

    This command retreives information about the current Topology.

  • heketi-cli cluster list

    Lists the clusters managed by Heketi

    For example:
    # heketi-cli cluster list
  • heketi-cli cluster info <cluster_id>

    Retrieves the information about the cluster.

    For example:
    # heketi-cli cluster info 9460bbea6f6b1e4d833ae803816122c6
    Cluster id: 9460bbea6f6b1e4d833ae803816122c6
  • heketi-cli node info <node_id>

    Retrieves the information about the node.

    For example:
    # heketi-cli node info 1030f9361cff8c6bfde7b9b079327c78
    Node Id: 1030f9361cff8c6bfde7b9b079327c78
    State: online
    Cluster Id: 9460bbea6f6b1e4d833ae803816122c6
    Zone: 1
    Management Hostname:
    Storage Hostname:
    Id:69214867a4d32251aaf1dcd77cb7f359   Name:/dev/vdg            State:online    Size (GiB):4999    Used (GiB):253     Free (GiB):4746    
    Id:6cd437c304979ea004abc2c4da8bdaf4   Name:/dev/vde            State:online    Size (GiB):4999    Used (GiB):354     Free (GiB):4645    
    Id:d2e9fcd9da04999ddab11cab651e18d2   Name:/dev/vdf            State:online    Size (GiB):4999    Used (GiB):831     Free (GiB):4168
  • heketi-cli volume list

    Lists the volumes managed by Heketi

    For example:
    # heketi-cli volume list
    Id:142e0ec4a4c1d1cc082071329a0911c6    Cluster:9460bbea6f6b1e4d833ae803816122c6    Name:heketidbstorage
    Id:638d0dc6b1c85f5eaf13bd5c7ed2ee2a    Cluster:9460bbea6f6b1e4d833ae803816122c6    Name:scalevol-1
For more information, refer to the man page of the heketi-cli.
# heketi-cli --help
The command line program for Heketi.

  • heketi-cli [flags]
  • heketi-cli [command]
For example:
# export HEKETI_CLI_SERVER=http://localhost:8080
# heketi-cli volume list
The available commands are listed below:
  • cluster

    Heketi cluster management

  • device

    Heketi device management

  • setup-openshift-heketi-storage

    Setup OpenShift/Kubernetes persistent storage for Heketi

  • node

    Heketi Node Management

  • topology

    Heketi Topology Management

  • volume

    Heketi Volume Management

Appendix D. Cleaning up the Heketi Topology

  1. Delete all the volumes by executing the following command:
    heketi-cli volume delete <volume_id>
  2. Delete all the devices by executing the following command:
    # heketi-cli device delete <device_id>
  3. Delete all the nodes by executing the following command:
     # heketi-cli node delete <node_id>
  4. Delete all the clusters by executing the following command:
    # heketi-cli cluster delete <cluster_id>


  • The IDs can be retrieved by executing the heketi-cli topology info command.
  • The heketidbstorage volume cannot be deleted as it contains the heketi database.

Appendix E. Known Issues

This chapter outlines a known issue at the time of release.
glusterd service is responsible for allocating the ports for the brick processes of the volumes. Currently for the newly created volumes, glusterd service does not reutilize the ports which were used for brick processes for the volumes which are now been deleted. Hence, having a number of active volumes versus number of open ports in the system ratio does not work.
Workaround: After all the open ports been consumed by the brick process, even in case of the older volumes been deleted/stopped, you must open the fresh ports for new volumes.

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