Chapter 1. RHEA-2016:0376 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager 3.6.0

The bugs contained in this chapter are addressed by advisory RHEA-2016:0376. Further information about this advisory is available at


Previously, if an error occurred during copy of the virtual machine images during the Clone VM operation, the cleanup incorrectly deleted the source virtual machine instead of the destination one. Now, after a failed attempt to clone a virtual machine, the source virtual machine with its disks stays in the system and the incomplete destination virtual machine is deleted.
Prior to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.5, the <policy>name</policy> tag was used to define the name of the scheduling policy to select. In 3.5, the <name>name</name> tag was introduced. By accident the policy tag was removed, which should be there for backward compatibility. As a result, user REST scripts for setting scheduling policies sometimes did not work. With this release, support for the <policy/> tag has been re-added. The <policy/> tag can now be used again, but <name/> is preferred if it is also present.
Previously, mishandling of an exception to set a host for high availability prevented removing that host from a running setup. With this release, the Manager now logs the error without re-throwing it, allowing it to move the host into maintenance and remove it.
Previously, when running engine-setup with an already generated answer file that included invalid values, the setup process did not return errors but some options were missing from the GUI after the setup. This bug fix adds in error validation so appropriate options are available in the GUI after setup.
A new user role 'VmImporterExporter' is now available. The role allows users to export and import virtual machines in the Administration Portal. The 'DataCenterAdmin' permission is no longer required for performing such actions.
Previously, a user couldn't create a virtual machine in the User Portal if they only had the InstanceCreator role permissions. It showed "Not available when no Data Center is up." in the New VM dialog even if there was a data center up. Now, the error message has been changed to a more meaningful "There is no Cluster on which you can create a VM. Please check Data Center status and Cluster permissions." Permission checking has been fixed so that InstanceCreator role permissions are sufficient to create a new virtual machine.
Video memory sizes in previous Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization versions were not up to date with the common contemporary screen setups and current state of graphics drivers. As a result, the allocated video memory could be insufficient for high resolutions and/or multihead setups.  Now, video memory sizes have been updated to handle typical screen arrangements for all supported screen resolutions in 3.6 clusters.  If those settings still do not work well for special requirements, they can be adjusted by advanced users using VDSM hooks, newly including the ‘vgamem’ attribute of the <video> domain XML element.
With this release, virtual machines can be pinned to more than one host. A virtual machine that is pinned to multiple hosts cannot be live migrated, but can be made highly available between the specified hosts. The virtual machine cannot run on any other hosts in the cluster, even if all of the specified hosts are unavailable.
Previously, the Manager's JVM heap size was configured to be 1GB by default. As a result, larger setups, such as those with hundred of virtual machines or more, made the Manager run out of heap memory, and required manual configuration to increase the heap size. Now, engine-setup automatically configures the heap size to be the maximum of 1GB and 1/4 of available memory. Larger setups only need to use a machine with enough memory, as is already recommended, and heap size configuration will be done automatically, thus preventing such failures and not requiring manual configuration.
Previously, if you created a virtual machine and selected 'Other OS' for the Operating System field, the operation system type defaulted to 32 bit. As a result, when installing a 64 bit operating system not present in the list of operation systems, the virtual machine can use only up to 20 GB of RAM, which is the limit for 32 bit operation systems. With this update, the "Other OS" option now defaults to 64 bit. Any operating system installed in the virtual machine is allowed to use up to 4TB of memory if it is capable for it. 32 bit operating systems are still limited to 20 GB of RAM.
With this release, host network bonds with bond mode 0, 5, or 6 will not support adding a VM network to them. Similarly, a bond with a VM network attached will not be allowed to move into mode 0, 5, or 6.
Previously, the internal monitoring for virtual machines and hosts didn't take into account the latest running virtual machines when calculating the free memory available for running additional virtual machines. As a result, a host would not be able to run virtual machines, or would run virtual machines without having enough memory for them. With this release, the calculation of the host's maximum free memory includes the running virtual machines.
Previously, the --scope option could only be specified once per engine-backup command. If the user wanted to back up both 'files' and 'db', for example, they would have to run the command twice, once for each scope. Now, the engine-backup command accepts more than one --scope option, so a user could back up both 'files' and 'db' in a single command.
This release adds the ability to track backups and alert the administrator if a pre-configurable time has passed since the last successful backup. There is now a clear indication when a new backup is recommended, and minimal Manager downtime in the case of corruption.
Previously, the REST API interface was not aware of a forced logout after 10 hours of being logged in, and would try to access the REST API after it. This caused an authentication popup to appear in the Administration Portal. Now, the REST API interface is aware of the forced logout and stops accessing the REST API after the logout happens, so the popup no longer appears.
Previously, users without VM -> Provisioning Operations -> Create  permission were unable to live migrate virtual machines. This has now been fixed and such permission is no longer needed.
Previously, changing the host name of the Manager machine when the machine also provided a local ISO storage domain was prevented by the rename tool, to prevent the ISO storage domain losing connectivity during the renaming process. Also, changing the host name of the Manager machine when the machine also provided a local data domain could cause running virtual machines to become stuck due to the hosts losing connectivity with their virtual disks. Now, the rename tool checks both of these, and guides the user to eject/shut down/put to maintenance any required virtual machines or storage domains, and only then allows the rename process to continue. To change the host name of the Manager machine, see the product documentation:
Previously, missing handling for the Time Zone conversion of (GMT-06:00) Central Standard Time (Mexico) caused the offset used to be 0, putting the time in the guest operating system off by 6 hours. Now that the handling has been added, all selectable timezones are being handled, restoring the correct time to the guest operating system.
Previously, incorrect X.509 Subject encoding caused incorrect Unicode encoding. Unicode strings within the subject name were rejected by some applications. Now, X.509 Subject is encoded correctly so that applications accept certificates.
Previously, lc_messages was sometimes set to a non-English locale in postgresql.conf. As a result, engine-backup --mode=restore did not filter expected errors, which are in English, and failed. To fix this, engine-backup --mode=restore was changed to require lc_messages to be en_US.UTF-8, and engine-setup was changed to set lc_messages to en_US.UTF-8 on clean installs, and require that on upgrades (and abort otherwise). Now, if lc_messages is not en_US.UTF-8, engine-backup --mode=restore exits with a more helpful error message. engine-setup sets it correctly on clean installs even if the system locale is different, and aborts on upgrades if it is not set correctly.
Previously, when a user deleted the default data center, it was not possible to remove the default cluster or associated template afterwards. This has now been fixed.
Windows 10 is now supported as a guest operating system (32 and 64 bit).
Previously, when a non-administrator created a virtual machine in a virtual machine pool ownership was automatically granted. This caused the virtual machine to be designated as occupied and prevented other users from taking it. Now, the ownership of virtual machines in a virtual machine pool is not granted automatically.
Previously, when a virtual machine from a Manual Pool was shut down, its stateless snapshot was removed automatically, while the virtual machine was still assigned to the user. This issue was resolved and now for virtual machines from a Manual Pool the stateless snapshot is removed automatically only when the virtual machine is manually returned to the pool by an administrator. For virtual machines from an Automatic Pool the stateless snapshot is removed automatically on virtual machine shutdown, as usual.
Previously, incorrect handling of the virtual machine recovery file caused virtual machine shut down inside the guest. This caused the virtual machine recovery file to be leaked. This may cause incorrect detection of virtual machines, especially in the case of network failures, and cause the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to find unknown external virtual machines. Now, VDSM has been fixed to no longer leak recovery files. Recovery files are now correctly handled and this prevents the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager from incorrectly detecting virtual machines.
In the Edit Virtual Machine dialog, if an invalid name was entered, the dialog closed and a server-side error was reported. With this update, an invalid virtual machine name is handled in the standard way. The field is highlighted with a red border.
With this update, it is now possible to change the allocation policy of disks imported from an export domain as part of importing a virtual machine. This allows users to specify the format and allocation policy of each disk. Note that `collapse_snapshots` needs to be set to true and the disk IDs should be the IDs of the existing disks that the user is importing.

For example, to force one of the disks to be preallocated:

    POST /storagedomains/{storagedomain:id}/vms/{vm:id}/import
          <disk id="792f8ca8-3932-429b-9660-006ba144bc72">
A virtual machine's buffered or cached memory is now taken into account in the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process. Some applications, like the Oracle Directory Server, uses cached memory as permanent memory and never releases it. As a result, users need to take this memory into account when planning for memory requirements. The data is collected each minute, hour and day as a default and users can create ad hoc reports based on the collected data.
Previously, less than or equal to (<=) was used in monitoring storage free space. Alerts for low disk space were triggered when they shouldn't have. With this update, when monitoring the storage free space, less than (<) is now used. Alerts for low disk space are now generated appropriately.
Previously, NUMA distances were not always reported properly and this cause the engine to crash with NPE during host installation or activation. Now, the engine invents virtual NUMA distances when none are provided by the hardware so that the engine does not crash and the host can be activated.
With this update, users can now edit the name of virtual disks attached to a virtual machine in the New VM window when creating a virtual machine based on a template. This allows users to specify names that are different to those specified for the disks attached to the template.
Virtual machine and template names only need to be unique within a data center, the names can be re-used in different data centers in the environment.
This feature changes the way allocated MAC addresses are tracked. Previously, there was one global MAC address pool, from which all requests for MAC addresses were served. Now you can create several MAC address pools with different settings, and assign one of such pools to a certain data center. This allows each data center to have a different 'mac-space'. Pools can also be shared among multiple data centers.
Previously, if a storage domain has less than 1 GB disk space, the available free space was reported as [N/A] in the Administration Portal. This is now altered to display <1.
With this release, engine-setup notifies the user of the availability of the Reports and Data Warehouse components. These components are not required by all users, so are not installed by default; instead, the installer advertises their availability so that the user can choose whether or not to install them.
Previously, distinction was between the Red Hat Gluster Storage versions and the glusterfs versions. This cause versions to be displayed incorrectly. Now, the glusterfs version is always displayed so that the version displays correctly.
Previously, the resource allocation tab was not correctly handled for templates. This meant that when creating a virtual machine using a template in the GUI, the 'New Virtual Machine' window would display 'Memory Balloon Device Enabled' regardless of whether or not this was disabled in the template. Now, these template properties are handled properly and creating a virtual machine from a template in the GUI accurately reflects the configuration of the template properties.
With this release, virtual machine permissions have been adjusted to be more specific. Previously, VM_BASIC_OPERATIONS allowed a user to run, stop, shut down, pause, and hibernate the virtual machine. Now, REBOOT_VM, STOP_VM, SHUT_DOWN_VM, PAUSE_VM, HIBERNATE_VM, and RUN_VM can each be separately assigned.
With this update websocket proxy configuration values are now validated to prevent misconfigureation.
The python-websockify 0.6 dependency package contained changes that resulted in novnc and spice-html5 consoles no longer being able to open. Fixed to work with python-websockify 0.6 so that the consoles now open as intended.
When updating the Manager, any package that cannot be rolled back to a previous version is now listed in detail so the user can better evaluate whether to proceed.
Previously, users could remap the Ctrl+Alt+Del shortcut to Ctrl+Alt+End using the Console Options dialog in the Administration or the User Portal. With this enhancement, users can now use the engine-config utility with the 'RemapCtrlAltDelDefault' option to remap the shortcut keys. This global value can still be optionally overridden for each virtual machine using the Console Options dialog.
With this release, you can set the threads per core for a virtual machine from the Administration Portal. The New Virtual Machine window, the Edit Virtual Machine window, and the REST API are updated to include the threads per core option along with the number of virtual sockets and the cores per virtual sockets options. It is recommended to keep the number of threads per core set to 1 for x86 (Intel and AMD) host machines, and 1-8 for IBM POWER8 machines. The default value is 1 and can be increased to enable simultaneous multi-threading (SMT). Check the host architecture before increasing the value otherwise it can lead to overutilization of the host.
Previously, when importing an existing, clean storage domain that contains OVF_STORE disks from an old setup to an uninitialized data center, the OVF_STORE disks did not get registered after the data center was initialized and all virtual machine information was lost. With this update, when importing clean storage domains to an uninitialized data center, the OVF_STORE disks are registered correctly, and new unregistered entities are available in the Administration Portal under the Storage tab. In addition,  storage domains with dirty metadata cannot be imported to uninitialized data centers.
Previously, if a quota mode was enabled on a data center, editing an existing disk of a running virtual machine always failed. With this update, the default quota value for an existing disk is no longer set to null but set to the current value. A wrong quota change is no longer detected for an existing disk, and editing disks on a running virtual machine works as expected.
The global configuration operation has been added to the engine-config tool with the name VmGracefulShutdownTimeout. This configures the length of time, in seconds, the virtual machine will wait before it shuts down to allow for users to close running applications.
The Affinity Rules Enforcement Manager has been added to check for broken affinity and anti-affinity policies and migrate virtual machines if necessary.
When performing migrations, numbered left and right arrows now indicate incoming and outgoing migrations in the 'Hosts' tab.
Previously, the timezone Africa/Algiers was not recognized by Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager 3.5. As a result, when importing virtual machines from previous versions that used the timezone failed. This update adds Africa/Algiers to the list of supported timezones. Virtual machines that used the timezone now imports correctly.
Previously, when adding a permission via the REST API the user had to specify the role identifier and not the role name. This meant that the user needed to look up the identifier, issuing an additional call to the top level 'roles' collection. Roles have human readable names, such as UserVmManager, but the REST API did not support specifying these names. Now, the REST API supports both ways to specify a role. This is also supported by the Python SDK, the Java SDK, and the RHEVM Shell.
Previously, the script relied on the existence of the /dev/fd directory. In Linux, this is normally symbolically linked to the /proc/self/fd directory, allowing processes to access its STDIN, STDOUT, etc as named files. If the /dev/fd directory did not exist, the script failed. This includes, for example, trying to run engine-setup during installation from a kickstart file. With this update, the script was updated to use the /proc/self/fd directly. Now the script only requires that the /proc direcory is mounted, and does not fail if the /dev/fd directory does not exist.
Previously, the custom properties of a virtual machine were not saved for virtual machine pools. Now, custom properties can be set in the Edit Pool dialog, in the same way as in Edit Virtual Machine dialog, and they are correctly applied for all virtual machines in the pool
This change allows the user to create NFS v4.1 storage domains (or edit existing domains to use NFS v4.1).
This update adjusts the behavior of the Clear All action in the alerts footer tab in the Administration Portal. Previously, Clear All cleared all actions run by the user to hide alerts, and displayed all cleared alerts in the alerts panel. The Clear All action now dismisses all alerts and events in that list. This fix also adds the Display All action to show all alerts and events.

Additionally, an issue has been fixed where actions on the events footer tab affected the alerts tab, and as a result, clearing or displaying all events was simultaneously also applied to the list of alerts. This has been fixed and now operations done on the events tab affects only events.
Previously, in rare cases a virtual machine disappeared during migration in the UI and reappeared as an external virtual machine that could no longer be managed. This error has now been fixed.
With this release, users can click and drag to expand the width of columns in the Configure dialog box.
It is now possible to update the template for an existing virtual machine pool. This enables updated templates to be deployed to all virtual machines in the pool, and the next restarted virtual machine will be based on the new template version.
With this update, the default name for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization management network has changed from 'rhevm' to 'ovirtmgmt'.
With this release, the German translation has been reworked and improved.
Previously, engine processes that were not invoked directly by a logged-in user but invoked automatically either by an event or by the time scheduler had the "null@N/A" user name assigned to them in logs. This was confusing for administrators. With this update, the user name "SYSTEM" is assigned to all processes which are not invoked directly by a logged-in user so the log messages are clearer.
Previously, it was only possible to copy disks attached to a template to a different storage domain. With this release, you can now also copy virtual machine disks and floating disks to either the same or a different storage domain.
The REST API can be used now to retrieve the complete .vv file with console connection information, allowing easier scripting of connecting to virtual machine graphical consoles.
With this release, the Administration Portal's search function can filter disks by the "Wipe After Delete" property.
Previously, when trying to attach an imported storage domain that carried existing metadata to an uninitialized data center, an exception from VDSM was returned with no proper warning message. With this update, the storage domain is checked for existing metadata and an error message is provided to advise users to attach a clean storage domain first.
With this release, you can edit the alias of a disk image in the Import Image view when importing an image from Glance. Without the ability to change the alias, each import of the same image creates a disk with the same name (which is the default name for that disk). Now, an editable column named "Disk Alias" was added to the table of images which were chosen to be imported. Each image has its own default name, which has not changed and can be left as is. However, one can now edit each image alias before the import.
Fixed or removed tooltips for clickable buttons that provided the exact same text as the button text.
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization supports virtual machines with up to 240 vCPUs. The previous version supported a maximum of 160 vCPUs.
Previously, the names of virtual machines based on a given template would not be shown in the Virtual Machines subtab of the Templates tab under certain conditions. Now, the names of virtual machines based on the selected template are displayed correctly.
Previously, fence agents accepted boolean agent flags as secure or lanplus (ex: lanplus, lanplus=1, or lanplus=true). The options became unsupported, and caused hosts with those fence agents types to stop functioning. With this update, the fencing options for any existing hosts will have the new format. Any implicitly added options will also have the new format. For existing hosts, the fence agents work as normal after the package is updated. If the options field was defined as an encrypted field, redefine the options field manually to align to the new format. For new hosts, the new format (i.e <key>=<value>) should be defined in the options field.
Previously, certain form filler single sign on (SSO) solutions (such as Indeed ID) that do not execute 'change' events would not work with the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization login pages. Form filler SSO solutions that executed 'change' events worked correctly. The login forms have been enhanced to work without 'change' events. All form filler SSOs should now work.
This release introduces the Host Upgrade Manager, which notifies the user of available updates to hosts and automates the process of moving the host to maintenance mode, applying updates, and reactivating the host.
With this enhancement, users can connect to Windows 8 and Windows 2012 virtual machines using the SPICE protocol without QXL drivers. Limitations include: no multiple monitors, graphics are not accelerated, etc.
This update adds support for integration with Red Hat Satellite 6.1.x, providing the ability to receive information on errata for hosts, virtual machines, and the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager in a Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization environment.
Previously, all OpenStack external providers like Neutron and Glance used the same Keystone authentication URL stored in the KeystoneAuthUrl configuration value. Now, a URL field has been added to provider configuration so that different OpenStack providers can use different Keystone authentication URLs.
This release adds the ability to edit the connection details of ISO and Export storage domains.
Fixed a typographical error in an audit log message when adding a cluster policy.
The fence-agents package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux dropped support of boolean flags being supplied to various scripts from the command line without a value. As a result, all existing flags stored in the database have been changed to explicitly set the boolean flag value. This ensures old settings of PM definitions that have the old format now work after upgrade.
Search query filtering has been added to the REST API to match functionality of the Web Admin Portal.
The Administration Portal and the User Portal now support Mozilla Firefox 38 Extended Support Release (ESR) as the client browser.
The "DiskProfileUser" role, which was an administrator role, was assigned to the "Everyone" group by default. As a result, when users logged into the User Portal, they saw the Extended tab by default and were exposed to options that they did not have permissions to operate. With this update, the "DiskProfileUser" role is changed to an end-user type role. Users with end-user type roles now see the Basic tab by default.
It is now possible to receive notifications when a virtual machine enters a paused state. The corresponding entry was added under VM Events in the Users -> Event Notifier -> Manage Events window.
It is now possible to specify a custom name for the disk and/or template when importing a Glance disk through the REST API.
When importing a disk from a Glance storage domain via the REST API, the response will now contain the UUID of the disk created on the target storage domain.
Previously, changing the cluster of a virtual machine failed as the CPU profile from the old cluster did not match the CPU profile of the new cluster. With this update, the CPU profile gets updated automatically to match the newly selected cluster.
Hosts now support more than two power management cards through the use of sequential and concurrent card configurations.
UsbDk has been added to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization as a preferred alternative to usbclerk. UsbDk is a filter driver that allows Windows guest virtual machines access to the client USB devices through SPICE client (remote-viewer).
This release adds support for fencing policy per cluster to the REST API. Clusters retrieved from REST will now have a <fencing_policy> section.
The status of a storage domain can now be reported by an external system. The status is set using the REST API, and the internal status (as reported by the Manager) and the external status (as reported by a third party) for each storage domain are displayed when a domain is selected in the Administration Portal user interface.
With this update, you can configure quotas using the REST API. New entities such as QuotaStorageLimit and QuotaClusterLimit were added to the quotas sub-collection. QuotaStorageLimit allows you to specify a quota policy for individual or all storage domains. QuotaClusterLimit allows you to specify the Memory and CPU limit for individual or all clusters in a data center.
Running engine-setup now checks the expiration date of relevant certificates (including the internal CA certificate and those signed by it) and asks the user whether to renew any certificate that has expired, or is close to expiring. If the user selects 'Yes', those certificates are renewed; 'No' will not alter anything.
With this release, the Virtual Machines main tab has been improved to show more detailed data about CPU, memory, and network usage. Instead of a simple bar it now shows historical data and trends.
Enhanced audit log messages with additional information to enable users to easily resolve migration failure issues.
With this release, the Linux Boot Options section of the Run Once window allows users to select kernel and initrd files for Linux virtual machines. Available files are files from the ISO domain of type Unknown (i.e. not ISO, floppy, or disk).


It is now possible to use the REST API to define specific credentials to each iSCSI target per host by sending a POST request to '/api/hosts/{%host_id%}/storageconnectionextensions'.
It is now possible to add memory to a virtual machine without having to shut it down first.
It is now possible to refresh LUN sizes in existing storage domains so that resized LUNs are properly represented in the Manager.
In the User Portal, the following visual indicators have been added to indicate that the virtual machine console is in use:

1. The virtual machine background of an occupied console is grayed-out when not selected.

2. The text "console in use" is displayed in the virtual machine status description of an occupied virtual machine.
This feature introduces new REST API resources for a better way to manage networks. Network related tasks like removing unmanaged networks, attaching new networks, and creating bonds are now easier using the new 'HostSetupNetworks' and 'NetworkAttachment' entities.
A health status field has been added to host and storage domain entities, which can be set and retrieved in the UI and the REST API.
QEMU capabilities for auto-convergence and/or Xor Binary Zero Run-Length-Encoding (XBZRLE) can be used to reduce virtual machine downtime and improve convergence during migration. This is supported by hierarchical configuration in 3 levels: global (engine-config), cluster, and virtual machine.
This release adds SR-IOV enablement to the user interface. In order to connect a vNIC directly to a Virtual Function of an SR-IOV-enabled NIC, the vNIC's profile must be marked as a "passthrough" one. The properties that must be configured on the Virtual Function are taken from the vNIC's profile/network (vlan tag). Each SR-IOV-enabled host-NIC must have a defined set of networks that it is allowed to service. When starting the virtual machine, its vNIC will be directly connected to one of the free Virtual Functions on the host. Note that not all Physical Functions are equivalent: the vNIC must be connected via a host-NIC that has the vNIC's network as one of its allowed networks.
Previously, after a query was entered into the search query box the query would disappear when a user switched tabs then returned to the original tab, as there was no infrastructure to store the query. Now, the query in the search query box will be retained after switching tabs.
This release adds support for Korean to the Administration Portal and User Portal.
Virtual machines can now be imported from VMware using the Administration Portal graphical user interface. VMware providers can be added in the 'External Providers' dialog, and virtual machines imported using the 'Import' dialog.
In multiple-monitor setups, it is now possible to specify which monitors are to be used by a virtual guest, and which are to be reserved for the local machine. This is done by editing the ~/.config/virt-viewer/settings file.
Previously, when a comment was added to an object, the Administration Portal displayed a yellow paper sheet icon in the "Comment" column. This has now been changed to render the actual comment.
This feature adds the ability to define a management network at the cluster level. This allows you to create a virtual Data Center with multiple clusters that have different management networks, which in turn allows you to use the same physical network with different VLANs defined for each management network.
Previously, creating a new virtual machine would open the 'Guide Me' window, which offered a link to 'Configure Virtual Disks'. Now, this functionality is integrated in the 'New Virtual Machine' and 'Edit Virtual Machine' windows, and the 'Guide Me' window no longer opens in a virtual machine context.
With this update, Microsoft Windows 10 is now supported as a guest operating system in Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization. The required VirtIO-Win drivers for this operating system are also provided.
This feature reports RX/TX byte statistics for host NICs and virtual machine NICS. In the Administration Portal, the Network Interfaces tab of hosts and virtual machines shows statistics for Rx Rate, Tx Rate, Total Rx, Total Tx, and Drops. The REST API (api/hosts/<host id>/nics/<nic id>/statistics) returns statistics for data.current.rx, data.current.tx,,,, and The drops/errors statistics allow you to check the NIC's health and avoid errors associated with NICs experiencing network issues.
Previously, it was only possible to import NFS export domains. Now, it is possible to import Gluster and PosixFS export domains, as well as, NFS export domains.
This feature implements a command line access to a virtual machine's serial console using the SSH client. For more information, see
With this update, default options have now been added for the Drac7 fencing agent, allowing it to function without the need for prior manual configuration.
Two storage-space thresholds have been added for storage domains:
* WarningLowSpaceIndicator - configured as a percentage (0-100) of disk space. A storage domain with disk space below this threshold will display warning to the user and in the log, and
* CriticalSpaceActionBlocker - configured as an integer (in GB) between 0 and the MaxInteger, and can exceed the total space of the storage domain. A storage domain with disk space below this threshold will block all operations that consume storage space, even if the operation is temporary, and will display relevant warning to the user and in the log.

These values can be configured when creating, editing, or importing a storage domain.
With this release, the request for 'LockScreen' can be configured to be ignored by changing the 'ignore_lock_screen_request value' to True in the guest agent configuration.
When creating a template, users can now set the format of the template's disk volumes on creation. This enables users to define disks in the thin provisioning QCOW2 format.
Kernel SamePage Merging (KSM) can now be configured to obey or ignore Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) topology constraints in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. KSM can now either merge pages across the whole machine, ignoring NUMA topology, or merge pages only inside NUMA nodes while obeying the NUMA boundaries.
It is now possible to track the number of days that a user has been attached to a pooled virtual machine by inspecting the 'Creation Date' in the 'Permission' sub-tab.
It is now possible to populate the description of a new LUN disk with all, none, or part of the LUN id. The default setting uses the last four digits of the LUN id and can be configured via engine-config-manager. This value can be set to '-1' for the full LUN id to be used, or '0' for this feature to be ignored. A positive integer will populate the description with the corresponding number of characters of the LUN id.
The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager now periodically monitors the CA certificate, the Manager certificate, and host certificates, and reports via the event log when a certificate is about to expire. 

The Manager also produces an alert for hosts when their certificates have expired. A new button in the Hosts tab allows the user to enroll a certificate for the host. The same action is exposed in the REST API, by sending a POST request to '/api/hosts/{host:id}/enrollcertificate'.
Some operating systems are not supported on older CPU architectures. For example, Windows 8 does not run on Conroe-based hosts. When a cluster is set to a certain CPU model, the unsupported operating systems will no longer be available in the 'New Virtual Machine' and 'Edit Virtual Machine' windows for that cluster.
Previously, the DISK_STORAGE_MANIPULATION permission allowed users to perform live storage migration as standard. Now, a new permission, DISK_LIVE_STORAGE_MIGRATION, has been introduced to allow finer control over which users can perform live storage migration.

Upgrading to a version that includes this fix (3.6.0 or 3.5.1) will grant the new permission to all roles that included the DISK_STORAGE_MANIPULATION permission (DataCenterAdmin, StorageAdmin, ClusterAdmin, and relevant custom roles) to maintain functionality.
Host Network QoS adds the ability to configure QoS for networks on a host, enabling control of specific network traffic through the physical interfaces.
This feature provides additional guest system information such as operating system, version, architecture, and the currently configured time zone.

Additionally, it shows a warning in form of an exclamation mark with a tool tip in the Administration Portal's virtual machine overview list when the operating system does not match the configured type, or if a Windows virtual machine timezone configured as a hardware timezone offset does not match the reported value.

This feature requires the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager Guest Agent to be installed on the guest operating system.
It is now possible to directly boot a virtual machine from an ISO image directly over HTTPS without the need to have previously imported it on the ISO storage domain. This operation is performed via a VDSM hook. Please note that a stable HTTPS connection is required to avoid EIO errors.
In administration portal it is now possible to open the create virtual machine dialog from the template list populated with the selected template.
This release introduces the Host Upgrade Manager, a set of tools that notifies administrators of available updates to a host, and automates the process of putting the host into maintenance mode, updating its packages, and bringing it back to an Up state.
This release adds prefix format support. Both netmask and prefix format are now supported in the netmask field of static IP configuration.
With this update, the existing notifier filter mechanism has been extended to provide support for severities in an extra, optional field:


The parser accepts the previous format for backward compatibility.

An 'include' filter matches events with greater-or-equal severity. An 'exclude' filter matches events with lesser-or-equal severity.
A functionality has been added to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to report the SPICE client version that a user connects to a console with. Because of this, it is now possible to block older SPICE clients from connecting to virtual machine graphical consoles. To configure this, use the engine-config tool to set the RemoteViewerSupportedVersions and RemoteViewerNewerVersionUrl fields within vdc_options.
Previously, there was no way to disable the file transfer feature supported by the SPICE console. In this release, the feature can be disabled on a per virtual machine basis from the Administration Portal.
With this release, role-bearing network interfaces must have IP configuration, to ensure that they can function as is expected from their role. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager will no longer allow configuring role-bearing NICs with no means to actualize the role function.
With this release, the downtime during a virtual machine migration is reported. This is the duration of the handover time needed to transfer the execution from the source host to the destination host (the last phase of migration). 
Note: as part of this enhancement a more strict clock synchronization is enforced between the Manager and hosts. Previously, there was an alert when the host was 5 minutes off the Manager time; now it is 100 ms. The reason is that for accurate downtime reporting the source and destination hosts must have the same clock time. This may cause a lot of new alerts in environments which are not configured properly. The configuration option (used in engine-config) has changed from 'HostTimeDriftInSec' to 'HostTimeDriftInMS'.
Normally, the latest client tools are attached to a Windows virtual machine when it is started. However, if a virtual machine is running for a long period of time, updates will not be applied automatically. A notification has been added to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager to indicate the availability of new client tools for Windows virtual machines. If there are new client tools available, an exclamation mark will show beside the virtual machine status icon. The updates take effect at virtual machine reboot.
Events can now be dismissed and restored in the Administration Portal.
This feature allows users to enable multiple console clients (for example, SPICE and VNC) for a virtual machine, so that users can switch clients without restarting the virtual machine. The virtual machine can now be configured with a "SPICE + VNC" console type, which enables this behavior. The "Console Options" dialog for a virtual machine enables protocols to be switched on a per-user basis.
With this update, it is now possible to specify whether encryption is set for fence agent fields in the Power Management tab of the New Host and Edit Host windows. This enhancement addresses cases where certain fence agents require the ability to set whether a field is encrypted.
The process to create a template from a virtual machine snapshot has been simplified. Previously the user needed to create a virtual machine from a snapshot, and then create a template from the virtual machine. The new process enables the user to create the template directly from the snapshot.
It is now possible to view all active sessions through the Administration Portal. 'Guest Information' can be found under 'System' in tree mode.
With this update, a GPU can be directly assigned to a virtual machine by using a VFIO driver. As a GPU is a PCI-e device, the same constraints apply as for a generic VFIO assignment. This feature is not supported on ppc64le hosts due to qemu/host limitations. Additional steps must be taken to ensure that the hypervisor GPU driver is not bound to the device. For more information on hardware considerations for device assignment, see

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization only handles the assignment; system setup must be implemented by a system administrator. For information on supported GPUs and instructions for system setup, see

For Windows 8 or 10 virtual machines, install the virtual machine using only a SPICE or VNC console. After the installation is complete, install the correct drivers for the device and restart the virtual machine. If the GPU output is to be used, use the Windows display settings to configure the physical screen connected to the GPU as either a extension, mirror, or single screen of the operating system.
With this update the search capability of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization has been improved so that virtual machines can be searched for based upon their virtual machine cluster compatibility level, custom virtual machine emulated-machine type, and CPU model.
With this update virtual machines in the cluster level of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 run with the pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0 machine type on x86 architecture and pseries-rhel7.2.0 on ppc64 architecture by default. This means that virtual machines can use all of the capabilities provided by these new machine types.
The communication between the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager and hosts has been improved. An event-based mechanism now communicates changes in virtual machine statuses instead of polling. This significantly reduces latency and network bandwidth. The improvement is especially noticeable in large-scale environments where hosts or data centers are remote, or connected over a slow connection.
Using the remote-viewer tool to connect to an ovirt:// URI now displays a menu that allows the user to change the CD image inserted in the virtual machine. This makes it possible to change the inserted CD while the virtual machine is running, without the need to access the Administration Portal or the User Portal.
QEMU capabilities for auto-convergence and/or Xor Binary Zero Run-Length-Encoding (XBZRLE) can be used to reduce virtual machine downtime and improve convergence during migration. This is supported by hierarchical configuration in 3 levels: global (engine-config), cluster, and virtual machine.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 virtualization hosts now support Virtual Function I/O (VFIO), a new UIO-like kernel driver that allows for a cleaner PCI device assignment architecture in KVM.

Note that IOMMU support needs to be enabled manually on the host's kernel command line. For GPU passthrough, additional kernel configuration is needed: for example, in the case of nvidia, the default driver needs to be avoided in both the host and the guest (via blacklisting of the OSS driver, and by binding the PCI device to the pci-stub driver on the host).
Users can now specify custom locations for database backups using an answer file generated by engine-setup that includes the following default key/value.


Users can edit these values to specify alternate file paths, which will be used by engine-setup when the '--config-append' option is added.
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 supports virtio-blk data plane, a QEMU feature that increases performance in heavy I/O scenarios. This allows virtual machines to be configured with additional QEMU threads on the host to offload disk I/O processing from the main emulation thread. The recommended number of threads varies, but is a trade-off between additional threads overhead (increasing the load on the hypervisor in general) and offloading benefits on per-disk basis (heavy I/O virtual machines would benefit most). Note, virtio-blk data plane must be configured per virtual machine for all disks.

This feature is not supported for the virtio-scsi interface.
With this release, you can give a reason when moving a host to maintenance mode. In some cases, it can be of benefit to see why hosts are in maintenance. On the cluster level, you can set whether you want to be asked for the maintenance reason. If you set it to true (select the check box), you will see a Reason field when moving a host to maintenance.
HPE Superdome X servers support using the HPE BladeSystem power management agent. To enable power management on a Superdome X or a HPE C7000 blade, in the Administration Portal, use the add hosts or edit hosts dialog, and select 'hpblade' as the fence agent type. In the SSH Port field enter the blade bay number for a C7000 blade or, for Superdome X, the partition number you want to control. To use SSH, add secure=1 in the Options field. This is not required for telnet. Also add the command prompt to the Options field; for use with SSH the Options field would contain "secure=1,cmd_prompt=[prompt]".
With this update the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager provides a disk snapshot (volume) ID. This allows users to view the mapping of each Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization virtual machine's virtual disk to one or more data storage LUNs. This can be useful for troubleshooting storage performance issues. The disk snapshot (volume) IDs can be viewed in two places: Virtual Machines -> Snapshots -> Disks or Storage -> Disk Snapshots.
Previously, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization provided three ways to access a virtual machine graphical console from web portals: using an ActiveX/Firefox SPICE plugin,  .vv file MIME type association to remote-viewer (called Native in the user interface), and web-based clients (technology preview). In this version of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, the browser-specific plugins have been deprecated in favor of more universal generic .vv file association, which allows for more flexibility (for example, using custom VNC viewers to view the console) and does not suffer from frequent browser changes and instabilities.

As a result, the default SPICE console mode has changed in new installations, which now default to the Native setting in the user interface. For existing installations that are upgraded this value is not changed, but can be configured by the global ClientModeSpiceDefault parameter with the engine-config tool.
With this release, it is now possible to customize the system UUID of virtual machines.