20.10. AMQP 0-10 JMS Client Configuration

20.10.1. Configuration Methods and Granularity

The qpid-java client allows several configuration options to customize its behavior at different levels of granularity.
  • JVM level using JVM arguments - Affects all connections, sessions, consumers and producers created within the JVM.
    Example: The -dmax_prefetch=1000 property specifies the message credits to use.
  • Connection level using connection or broker properties - Affects the respective connection and sessions, consumers and producers created by that connection.
    Example: The amqp://guest:guest@test/test?max_prefetch='1000' &brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672' property specifies the message credits to use. This overrides any value specified via the JVM argument max_prefetch.
  • Destination level using addressing options - Affects the producer(s) and consumer(s) created using the respective destination.
    Example: my-queue; {create: always, link:{capacity: 10}} where capacity option specifies the message credits to use. This overrides any connection level configuration.