1.5.14. Queues and Exchanges

The broker allows links in both directions to be attached to queues or exchanges. The address in the source or target is resolved by checking if it matches the name of a queue or an exchange. If there is a queue and an exchange with the same name, the queue is used and a warning is logged.
If the node is an exchange, then the broker creates a temporary link-scoped queue, and binds it to the exchange. This queue is used for the outgoing link.
The incoming and outgoing links attached to the broker can be viewed via the qpid management framework (aka QMF), using the qpid-config tool:
# qpid-config list incoming
# qpid-config list outgoing
If the dynamic flag is set on the source or target, then the dynamic-node-properties are used to determine the characteristics of the node created. The properties are the same as the QMF create method properties: the 0-10 defined options durable, auto-delete, alternate-exchange, exchange-type and any qpidd specific options, such as qpid.max-count.
The AMQP 1.0 supported-dist-modes property determines whether a queue or exchange is desired (the create method uses the 'type' property). If 'move' is specified a queue is created, if 'copy' is specified an exchange is created. If this property is not set, then a queue is assumed.