21.3. QPID AMQP 1.0 JMS Client Logging

The client makes use of the SLF4J API, allowing users to select a particular logging implementation based on their needs by supplying a SLF4J 'binding', such as slf4j-log4j in order to use Log4J. More details on SLF4J are available from http://www.slf4j.org/.
The client uses Logger names residing within the org.apache.qpid.jms hierarchy, which you can use to configure a logging implementation based on your needs.
When debugging some issues, it may sometimes be useful to enable additional protocol trace logging from the Qpid Proton AMQP 1.0 library. There are two options to achieve this:
  • Set the environment variable (not Java system property) PN_TRACE_FRM to true, which will cause Proton to emit frame logging to stdout.
  • Add the option amqp.traceFrames=true to your connection URI to have the client add a protocol tracer to Proton, and configure the org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.amqp.FRAMES Logger to TRACE level to include the output in your logs.