21.2. QPID AMQP 1.0 JMS Client Connection URLs

The basic format of the qpid-jms client's Connection URI is as follows:
The client can be configured with a number of different settings using the URI while defining the ConnectionFactory, these are detailed in the following tables.
The options below apply to the behavior of the JMS objects such as Connection, Session, MessageConsumer and MessageProducer.

Table 21.2. JMS Configuration options

Option Description
User name value used to authenticate the connection
The password value used to authenticate the connection
The ClientID value that is applied to the connection.
Configures whether all Messages sent from a MessageProducer are sent asynchronously or only those Message that qualify such as Messages inside a transaction or non-persistent messages.
Override all asynchronous send conditions and always sends every Message from a MessageProducer synchronously.
Causes all Message acknowledgments to be sent asynchronously.
Controls whether MessageConsumer instances will locally filter expired Messages or deliver them. By default this value is set to true and expired messages will be filtered.
If enabled pre-fetched messages are reordered locally based on their given Message priority value. Default is false.
If message property names should be validated as valid Java identifiers. Default is true.
Optional prefix value added to the name of any Queue created from a JMS Session.
Optional prefix value added to the name of any Topic created from a JMS Session.
Timeout value that controls how long the client waits on Connection close before returning. (By default the client waits 15 seconds for a normal close completion event).
Timeout value that controls how long the client waits on Connection establishment before returning with an error. (By default the client waits 15 seconds for a connection to be established before failing).
Optional prefix value that is used for generated Client ID values when a new Connection is created for the JMS ConnectionFactory. The default prefix is ID:.
Optional prefix value that is used for generated Connection ID values when a new Connection is created for the JMS ConnectionFactory. This connection ID is used when logging some information from the JMS Connection object so a configurable prefix can make breadcrumbing the logs easier. The default prefix is ID:.
The values below control how many messages the remote peer can send to the client and be held in a pre-fetch buffer for each consumer instance.

Table 21.3. Prefetch Options

Option Description
defaults to 1000
defaults to 1000
defaults to 1000
defaults to 1000
used to set all prefetch values at once.
The RedeliveryPolicy parameter controls how redelivered messages are handled on the client.

Table 21.4. Redelivery Options

Option Description
jms.redeliveryPolicy.maxRedeliveries Controls when an incoming message is rejected based on the number of times it has been redelivered, the default value is disabled (-1). A value of zero (0) would indicate no message redeliveries are accepted, a value of five (5) would allow a message to be redelivered five times.
When connected to a remote using plain TCP these options configure the behavior of the underlying socket. These options are appended to the connection URI along with the other configuration options, for example:

Table 21.5. TCP Transport Options

Option Description
default is 64k
default is 64k
default is 0
default is 60 seconds
default is -1
default is -1
default is false
default is true
The SSL Transport extends the TCP Transport and is enabled using the amqps URI scheme. Because the SSL Transport extends the functionality of the TCP based Transport, all the TCP Transport options are valid on an SSL Transport URI.
A simple SSL based client URI is shown below:

Table 21.6. SSL Transport Options

Option Description
The default is to read from the system property javax.net.ssl.keyStore
The default is to read from the system property javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword
The default is to read from the system property javax.net.ssl.trustStore
The default is to read from the system property javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword
The type of trust store being used. Default is JKS.
The protocol argument used when getting an SSLContext. Default is TLS.
The cipher suites to enable, comma separated. No default, meaning the context default ciphers are used. Any disabled ciphers are removed from this.
The cipher suites to disable, comma separated. Ciphers listed here are removed from the enabled ciphers. No default.
The protocols to enable, comma separated. No default, meaning the context default protocols are used. Any disabled protocols are removed from this.
The protocols to disable, comma separated. Protocols listed here are removed from the enabled protocols. Default is SSLv2Hello,SSLv3.
Whether to trust the provided server certificate implicitly, regardless of any configured trust store. Defaults to false.
Whether to verify that the hostname being connected to matches with the provided server certificate. Defaults to true.
The alias to use when selecting a keypair from the keystore if required to send a client certificate to the server. No default.

Table 21.7. AMQP Options

Option Description
The idle timeout in milliseconds after which the connection will be failed if the peer sends no AMQP frames. Default is 60000.
The vhost to connect to. Used to populate the SASL and Open hostname fields. Default is the main hostname from the Connection URI.
Controls whether connections use a SASL layer or not. Default is true.
Which SASL mechanism(s) the client allows selection of, if offered by the server and usable with the configured credentials. Comma separated if specifying more than 1 mechanism. Default is to allow selection from all the clients supported mechanisms, which are currently EXTERNAL, CRAM-MD5, PLAIN, and ANONYMOUS.
The max-frame-size value in bytes that is advertised to the peer. Default is 1048576.
With failover enabled the client can reconnect to a different broker automatically when the connection to the current connection is lost for some reason. The failover URI is always initiated with the failover prefix and a list of URIs for the brokers is contained inside a set of parentheses.
The jms. options are applied to the overall failover URI, outside the parentheses, and affect the JMS Connection object for its lifetime.
The URI for failover looks something like the following:
The individual broker details within the parentheses can use the transport. or amqp. options defined earlier, with these being applied as each host is connected to:

Table 21.8. Failover Options

Option Description
The amount of time the client will wait before the first attempt to reconnect to a remote peer. The default value is zero (0), meaning the first attempt happens immediately.
Controls the delay between successive reconnection attempts, defaults to 10 milliseconds. If the backoff option is not enabled this value remains constant.
The maximum time that the client will wait before attempting a reconnect. This value is only used when the backoff feature is enabled to ensure that the delay does not grow too large. Defaults to 30 seconds as the max time between connect attempts.
Controls whether the time between reconnection attempts grows based on a configured multiplier. This option defaults to true.
The multiplier used to grow the reconnection delay value, defaults to 2.0d.
The number of reconnection attempts allowed before reporting the connection as failed to the client. The default is no limit or (-1).
For a client that has never connected to a remote peer before this option control how many attempts are made to connect before reporting the connection as failed. The default is to use the value of maxReconnectAttempts.
Controls how often the client will log a message indicating that failover reconnection is being attempted. The default is to log every 10 connection attempts.
The failover URI also supports defining 'nested' options as a means of specifying AMQP and transport option values applicable to all the individual nested broker URI's, which can be useful to avoid repetition.
This is accomplished using the same transport. and amqp. URI options outlined earlier for a non-failover broker URI but prefixed with failover.nested.. For example, to apply the same value for the amqp.vhost option to every broker connected to you might have a URI like:
The client has an optional Discovery module, which provides a customized failover layer where the broker URIs to connect to are not given in the initial URI, but discovered as the client operates via associated discovery agents. There are currently two discovery agent implementations, a file watcher that loads URIs from a file, and a multicast listener that works with ActiveMQ 5 brokers which have been configured to broadcast their broker addresses for listening clients.
The general set of failover related options when using discovery are the same as those detailed earlier, with the main prefix updated from failover. to discovery., and with the 'nested' options prefix used to supply URI options common to all the discovered broker URIs bring updated from failover.nested. to discovery.discovered. For example, without the agent URI details, a general discovery URI might look like:
To use the file watcher discovery agent, utilize an agent URI of the form:
The URI option for the file watcher discovery agent is updateInterval. It controls the frequency in milliseconds which the file is inspected for change. The default value is 30000.
To use the multicast discovery agent with an ActiveMQ 5 broker, utilize an agent URI of the form:
Note that the use of default as the host in the multicast agent URI above is a special value (that is substituted by the agent with the default You may change this to specify the actual IP and port in use with your multicast configuration.
The URI option for the multicast discovery agent is group. It controls which multicast group messages are listened for on. The default value is default.