9.12. QMF Client Connection Events

Whenever a client connects to or disconnects from the broker, a QMF Event message is generated and sent to a QMF topic.
The QMF topics for these events are:

Table 9.2. QMF Client Connection Event Topics

QMF queue Purpose
Client connections
Failed connection attempts
Client disconnections
Additional properties in the QMF Client Connection and Disconnection event messages match connections and disconnections to specific clients to enable auditing and troubleshooting:
  • client_ppid [1]
  • client_pid
  • client_process
Here is an example of a QMF client connection event message, demonstrating the client connection information:
Fetched Message(
      u'qmf.agent': u'apache.org:qpidd:a2ff61bc-19b2-4078-8a7e-9c007151c79c', 
      'x-amqp-0-10.routing-key': u'agent.ind.event.org_apache_qpid_broker.clientConnect.info.apache_org.qpidd.a2ff61bc-19b2-4078-8a7e-9c007151c79c', 
      'x-amqp-0-10.app-id': 'qmf2',
       u'qmf.content': u'_event', 
       u'qmf.opcode': u'_data_indication', 
       u'method': u'indication'}, 
          u'_schema_id': {
             u'_package_name': 'org.apache.qpid.broker', 
             u'_class_name': 'clientConnect', 
             u'_type': '_event', 
             u'_hash': UUID('476930ed-01dd-9629-7f84-f42b4b0bc410')}, 
         u'_timestamp': 1347032560197086881, 
         u'_values': {
            u'user': 'anonymous', 
            u'properties': {
               u'qpid.session_flow': 1, 
               u'qpid.client_ppid': 26139, 
               u'qpid.client_pid': 26876, 
               u'qpid.client_process': u'spout'}, 
           u'rhost': ''}, 
       u'_severity': 6}])
Fri Sep  7 15:42:40 2012 org.apache.qpid.broker:clientConnect user=anonymous properties={
   u'qpid.session_flow': 1, 
   u'qpid.client_ppid': 26139, 
   u'qpid.client_pid': 26876, 
   u'qpid.client_process': u'spout'} 

[1] Not available in the Java client