22.8. .NET Binding for the C++ Messaging API Class: Receiver

Table 22.8. .NET Binding for the C++ Messaging API Class: Receiver

.NET Binding Class: Receiver
Language Syntax
C++ class Receiver
.NET public ref class Receiver
.NET Constructed object is returned by Session.CreateReceiver
Copy constructor
C++ Receiver(const Receiver&);
.NET public Receiver(Receiver receiver);
C++ ~Receiver();
.NET ~Receiver();
C++ not applicable
.NET !Receiver()
Copy assignment operator
C++ Receiver& operator=(const Receiver&);
.NET public Receiver op_Assign(Receiver rhs);
Method: Get
C++ bool get(Message& message, Duration timeout=Duration::FOREVER);
.NET public bool Get(Message mmsgp);
.NET public bool Get(Message mmsgp, Duration durationp);
Method: Get
C++ Message get(Duration timeout=Duration::FOREVER);
.NET public Message Get();
.NET public Message Get(Duration durationp);
Method: Fetch
C++ bool fetch(Message& message, Duration timeout=Duration::FOREVER);
.NET public bool Fetch(Message mmsgp);
.NET public bool Fetch(Message mmsgp, Duration duration);
Method: Fetch
C++ Message fetch(Duration timeout=Duration::FOREVER);
.NET public Message Fetch();
.NET public Message Fetch(Duration durationp);
Property: Capacity
C++ void setCapacity(uint32_t);
C++ uint32_t getCapacity();
.NET public uint Capacity { get; set; }
Property: Available
C++ uint32_t getAvailable();
.NET public uint Available { get; }
Property: Unsettled
C++ uint32_t getUnsettled();
.NET public uint Unsettled { get; }
Method: Close
C++ void close();
.NET public void Close();
Property: IsClosed
C++ bool isClosed() const;
.NET public bool IsClosed { get; }
Property: Name
C++ const std::string& getName() const;
.NET public string Name { get; }
Property: Session
C++ Session getSession() const;
.NET public Session Session { get; }