20.4. Durable Subscription Queues in MRG 3

In MRG 3, the qpid-java client requires that durable subscription queues are named.
This means that the following command, which works in MRG 2, now reports an exception in MRG 3:
# java -cp ${CLASSPATH} org.apache.qpid.example.Drain  "amq.topic/some_subject;{ link: { durable: true } }"
javax.jms.JMSException: Error registering consumer: org.apache.qpid.AMQException: You cannot mark a subscription queue as durable without providing a name for the link.
To avoid the client exception, name the link. For example:
# java -cp ${CLASSPATH} org.apache.qpid.example.Drain  "amq.topic/some_subject;{ link: { name: some_name, durable: true } }"