8.3.9. Resource Quota Options

The maximum number of connections can be restricted with the --max-connections broker option.

Table 8.8. Resource Quota Options

Option Description Default Value
--max-connections N
Total concurrent connections to the broker.
--max-negotiate-time N
The time during which initial protocol negotiation must succeed. This prevents resource starvation by badly behaved clients or transient network issues that prevent connections from completing.


  • --max-connections is a qpid core limit and is enforced whether ACL is enabled or not.
  • --max-connections is enforced per Broker. In a cluster of N nodes where all Brokers set the maximum connections to 20 the total number of allowed connections for the cluster will be N*20.

ACL-based Quotas

To enable ACL-based quotas, an ACL file must be loaded:

Table 8.9. ACL Command-line Option

Option Description Default Value
--acl-file FILE (policy.acl)
The policy file to load from, loaded from data dir.
When an ACL file is loaded, the following ACL options can be specified at the command-line to enforce resource quotas:

Table 8.10. ACL-based Resource Quota Options

Description Default Value
--connection-limit-per-user N
The maximum number of connections allowed per user. 0 implies no limit.
--connection-limit-per-ip N
The maximum number of connections allowed per host IP address. 0 implies no limit.
--max-queues-per-user N
Total concurrent queues created by individual user


  • In a cluster system the actual number of connections may exceed the connection quota value N by one less than the number of member nodes in the cluster. For example: in a 5-node cluster, with a limit of 20 connections, the actual number of connections can reach 24 before limiting takes place.
  • Cluster connections are checked against the connection limit when they are established. The cluster connection is denied if a free connection is not available. After establishment, however, a cluster connection does not consume a connection.
  • Allowed values for N are 0..65535.
  • These limits are enforced per cluster.
  • A value of zero (0) disables that option's limit checking.
  • Per-user connections are identified by the authenticated user name.
  • Per-ip connections are identified by the <broker-ip><broker-port>-<client-ip><client-port> tuple which is also the management connection index.
    • With this scheme host systems may be identified by several names such as localhost IPv4, IPv4, or ::1 IPv6, and a separate set of connections is allowed for each name.
    • Per-IP connections are counted regardless of the user credentials provided with the connections. An individual user may be allowed 20 connections but if the client host has a 5 connection limit then that user may connect from that system only 5 times.