10.4.5. Create and Delete Exchange Routes

  1. To create and delete exchange routes, use the following syntax:
    qpid-route [OPTIONS] route add <dest-broker> <src-broker> <exchange> <routing-key> 
    qpid-route [OPTIONS] route del <dest-broker> <src-broker> <exchange> <routing-key>
    qpid-route [OPTIONS] flush [<broker>]
  2. For example, use the following command to create an exchange route that routes messages that match the binding key global.# from the amq.topic exchange on the source broker localhost:10002 to the amq.topic exchange on the destination broker localhost:10001:
    $ qpid-route route add localhost:10001 localhost:10002 amq.topic global.#
  3. In many applications, messages published to the destination exchange must also be routed to the source exchange. Create a second exchange route, reversing the roles of the two exchanges:
    $ qpid-route route add localhost:10002 localhost:10001 amq.topic global.#
  4. Specify the -d option to persist the exchange route. The exchange route will be restored if one or both of the brokers is restarted:
    $ qpid-route -d route add localhost:10001 localhost:10002 amq.fanout public
  5. The del command takes the same arguments as the add command. Use the following command to delete the first exchange route described above:
    $ qpid-route route del localhost:10001 localhost:10002 amq.topic global.#